Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Quantitative model of high Tc super-conductivity and bio-super-conductivity

I have developed already earlier a rough model for high Tc super conductivity. The members of Cooper pairs are assigned with parallel flux tubes carrying fluxes which have either same or opposite directions. The essential element of the model is hierarchy of Planck constants defining a hierarchy of dark matters.

  1. In the case of ordinary high Tc super-conductivity bound states of charge carriers at parallel short flux tubes become stable as spin-spin interaction energy becomes higher than thermal energy.

    The transition to super-conductivity is known to occur in two steps: as if two competing mechanisms were at work. A possible interpretation is that at higher critical temperature Cooper pairs become stable but that the flux tubes are stable only below rather short scale: perhaps because the spin-flux interaction energy for current carriers is below thermal energy. At the lower critical temperature the stability would is achieved and supra-currents can flow in long length scales.

  2. The phase transition to super-conductivity is analogous to a percolation process in which flux tube pairs fuse by a reconnection to form longer super-conducting pairs at the lower critical temperature. This requires that flux tubes carry anti-parallel fluxes: this is in accordance with the anti-ferro-magnetic character of high Tc super conductivity. The stability of flux tubes very probably correlates with the stability of Cooper pairs: coherence length could dictate the typical length of the flux tube.

  3. A non-standard value of heff for the current carrying magnetic flux tubes is necessary since otherwise the interaction energy of spin with the magnetic field associated with the flux tube is much below the thermal energy.

There are two energies involved.
  1. The spin-spin-interaction energy should give rise to the formation of Cooper pairs with members at parallel flux tubes at higher critical temperature. Both spin triplet and spin singlet pairs are possible and also their mixture is possible.

  2. The interaction energy of spins with magnetic fluxes, which can be parallel or antiparallel contributes also to the gap energy of Cooper pair and gives rise to mixing of spin singlet and spin triplet. In TGD based model of quantum biology antiparallel fluxes are of special importance since U-shaped flux tubes serve as kind of tentacles allow magnetic bodies form pairs of antiparallel flux tubes connecting them and carrying supra-currents. The possibility of parallel fluxes suggests that also ferro-magnetic systems could allow super-conductivity.

    One can wonder whether the interaction of spins with magnetic field of flux tube could give rise to a dark magnetization and generate analogs of spin currents known to be coherent in long length scales and used for this reason in spintronics (see this). One can also ask whether the spin current carrying flux tubes could become stable at the lower critical temperature and make super-conductivity possible via the formation of Cooper pairs. This option does not seem to be realistic.

In the article Quantitative model of high Tc super-conductivity and bio-super-conductivity the earlier flux tube model for high Tc super-conductivity and bio-super-conductivity is formulated in more precise manner. The model leads to highly non-trivial and testable predictions.
  1. Also in the case of ordinary high Tc super-conductivity large value of heff=n× h is required.

  2. In the case of high Tc super-conductivity two kinds of Cooper pairs, which belong to spin triplet representation in good approximation, are predicted. The average spin of the states vanishes for antiparallel flux tubes. Also super-conductivity associated with parallel flux tubes is predicted and could mean that ferromagnetic systems could become super-conducting.

  3. One ends up to the prediction that there should be a third critical temperature not lower than T**= 2T*/3, where T* is the higher critical temperature at which Cooper pairs identifiable as mixtures of Sz=+/- 1 pairs emerge. At the lower temperature Sz=0 states, which are mixtures of spin triplet and spin singlet state emerge. At temperature Tc the flux tubes carrying the two kinds of pairs become thermally stable by a percolation type process involving re-connection of U-shaped flux tubes to longer flux tube pairs and supra-currents can run in long length scales.

  4. The model applies also in TGD inspired model of living matter. Now however the ratio of critical temperatures for the phase transition in which long flux tubes stabilize is roughly by a factor 1/50 lower than that in which stable Cooper pairs emerge and corresponds to thermal energy at physiological temperatures which corresponds also the cell membrane potential. The higher energy corresponds to the scale of bio-photon energies (visible and UV range).

For details see the article Quantitative model of high Tc super-conductivity and bio-super-conductivity.

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.

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