Thursday, February 20, 2020

Three variants of dark genetic code and an objection against bio-harmony

The experiments of Montagnier et al give support for DNA remote replication. Re-consideration of the TGD based model for remote replication lead to a the model for DNA replication leads to an identification of a third exotic realization of DNA codons based for which dark codons and nucleotides defining the letters of codons are paired. The nucleotides have no valence bonds and are effectively free but actually correlated and realize genetic codon.

Three variants of dark genetic code

Consider first the three exotic variants of the genetic code.

  1. The notion of MB suggests that dark proton sequences assumed to explain Pollack effect (see this) realize dark genetic code. Dark DNA (DDNA) codon would correspond to 3-proton triplet assignable to closed flux tubes attached to a a long flux tube by U-shaped flux tube appendix giving rise to dark gene (see this). Attaching means formation of U-shaped appendices from long flux tube and DDNA codon which reconnect to a pair of flux tubes. 3-proton states define dark analogs of DNA, RNA, tRNA, and amino-acids ( DDNA, DRNA, DtRNA, DAA) (see this). The numbers of DDNAs coding for given DAA are same as for vertebrate genetic code.

  2. Second dark code is needed for communications and realizes genetic codons as dark 3-photon states - 3-chords of bio-harmony (see this). The model emerged from a model of musical harmony based on icosahedron and tetrahedron. 12-note scale is identified as a Hamiltonian cycle - a path going through all 12 vertices of icosahedron - such that going from vertex to neighbor corresponds to quint. Hamiltonian cycles have cyclic group Zn,where n=0,2,4,6 is the order of the group, as symmetries. n=0 corresponds to chaotic orbit and disharmony. Each of the 20 faces - triangles - corresponds to a chord of given harmony.

    One identifies the orbit of given face as DAA coded by faces (DDNAs) at the orbit. By combining 3 harmonies with n=6, n=4 and n=2 one obtains 20+20+20 chords and the numbers of DNA coding given AA are essentially those in vertebrate code. By gluing tetrahedron to one face one obtains 4 additional chords (DDNAs) and 1 additional note very near to one of the notes of Pythagorean scale, whose problem is that it does not quite close. The numbers for analogs of DNA codons coding for for given DAA are same as for vertebrate code.

    The chords would be represented as "music of light" as states of 3 dark photons. Music expresses and creates emotions and bio-harmony would provide a physical correlate for emotional states at molecular level (see this).

  3. Dark codes would be fundamental and chemical code would be their mimicry. One expects DDNA-DNA pairing with DDNA codons represented as dark proton triplets. DDNA codons and dark photon chords have no decomposition to letters (chinese and western languages provide an analog). This suggests that DNA replication and transcription cannot take letter-wise but but codon-wise. Amazingly, there is evidence that DNA replicates in codon-wise manner during RNA era (see this).

    Nucleotides/letters in the water environment of DNA double strand should appear as loosely bound but correlated triplets of nucleotides associated with closed flux tubes containing dark DNA codon. They would represent exotic DNA codons. This would force fixed order of nucleotides essential for the code. By absence of valence bonds between nucleotides they would be effectively free but strongly correlated. This representation of the code would be crucial for replication and transcription.

These 3 codes allow to understand replication and transcription of DNA replaced in TGD with DDNA-DNA pair. The prediction is that the replication takes place codon by codon and might kill the model.

A model of replication based on this picture generalizes to remote replication suggested by the findings of Montagnier (see this). The DDNA codons of ordinary DNA strand would be attached with a long side of closed flux tube as dark gene. In remote replication heff of dark gene would change and dark gene would be transferred to chamber B from A. After that the replication would proceed as usual.

An objection against bio-harmony

There is a serious objection against the realization of dark genetic code in terms of bio-harmony. The emission of 3 dark photons simultaneously looks extremely non-probable process.

Number theoretical physics suggests a solution of the problem. Number theoretical physics (this) is a central part of quantum TGD and quantum biology and provides physical correlates for cognition. It explains dark matter as heff=nh0 phases of ordinary matter with n identified as order of Galois group of extension of rationals and as dimension of extension. This picture predicts automatically evolution as increase of n in quantum jumps.

  1. There is analogy with color confinement. Baryons consist of 3 quarks. Color symmetry is a symmetry of strong interactions and quarks form color triplets. Free quarks do not appear in the final states, which givs rise to color confinement: only color singlets, in particular baryons consisting of 3 quarks and mesons consisting of quark and antiquark are possible.

    This suggests that also now there must be a symmetry such that dark photons have new quantum numbers, which vanish for physical states such as dark photon triplets.

  2. What these quantum numbers could be? The only candidate, which comes in mind are discrete quantum numbers related to the Galois group of extension of rationals defining number theoretic symmetry. For ordinary h= 6h0 Galois group has n=6 elements and equals to Z6=Z2× Z3 (see (see this and (see this).

    It appears as subgroup of higher Galois groups for which heff= n× h=6nh0 one would have extension of extension. Z3 confinement would require 3-photon states, which are Z3 singlets with number theoretic colors summing up to zero. One would obtain only 3-chords. Ordinary photons would be Z3 singlets.

  3. Also the 3 protons of DDNA codon could form Z3 triplet. Number theoretic color confinement would allow only 3-proton triplets. Genetic code is predicted correctly and the number letters in the codons is predicted to be 3.

This raises two interesting questions.
  1. Quantum-classical correspondence (QCC) is a exact part of TGD. Therefore I have considered the possibility that all physical symmetries could have number theoretical space-time correlates. However, at space-time level one cannot have representations of color group with non-vanishing triality t=0,+/- 1. Same applies to spin half-odd integer representations of rotation group. Could SU(2)× SU(3) representations with triality t=+/- 1 and spin half-odd integer have triplet representation of Z3 and double representation of Z2 as space-time correlates? Z6 would be the minimal Galois group allowing to realize spin and color for quarks.

  2. Number theoretical physics predicts that Galois group for any extension of rationals acts as new hidden discrete symmetry. Could number theoretical confinement implying new selection rules be true quite generally? The larger the degree n of extension (heff), the larger the scale in which confinement holds true, is. For instance, genes could be analogs of color singlet many particle states for a larger subgroup.

This is not the only option. I have already earlier considered with Peter Gariaev (see this) a proposal in which dark photons would communicate the genetic information from A to B. The problem is how the massless extremals (MEs) (see this). associated with them can be parallel and of same length: this would require that they form a quantum coherent entity. Could one consider a modification of the above proposal assuming that gene is an entity of N codons confined number theoretically? Could one can speak about dark photon genes as composites of N dark photon 3-chords? The information would be sent by dark photon gene representing entire music piece, as one might say. In chamber B energy-frequency resonance would generate a linear configuration of exotic codons, which would reduce to DDNA-DNA pair when heff is reduced.

See the article New results about dark DNA inspired by the model for remote DNA replication or the chapter Quantum Mind, Magnetic Body, and Biological Body.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

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