Daily musings, mostly about physics and consciousness, heavily biased by Topological Geometrodynamics background.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Comment to Not-Even-Wrong
The discovery that strings in a fixed flat
background could describe gravitation without any
need to make the background dynamical was really
momentous. The discovery should have raised an
obvious question: How to generalize the theory to
the physical 4-dimensional case by replacing
string orbits with 4-surfaces? Instead, the
extremely silly idea of making also imbedding
space dynamical emerged and brought back and
magnified all the problems of general relativity,
which one had hoped to get rid of.
I have tried for more than two decades to
communicate simple core ideas about an alternative
approach but have found that theoretical physicists
are too arrogant to listen to those without name or
a) The fusion of special relativity with general
relativity is achieved by assuming that
space-times are 4-surfaces in M^4xCP_2. The known
quantum numbers pop out elegantly from this
framework. The topological complexity of
space-time surfacse allows to circumvent objection
that the induced metrics are too restricted.
Light-like 3-D causal determinants allow
generalization of super-conformal invaraince by
their metric 2-dimensionality and dimension 4 for
space-time is the only possibility.
b) The maximal symmetries of H=M^4xCP_2 have an
excellent justification when quantum theory is
geometrized by identifying physical states of the
Universe as classical configuration space spinor
fields, configuration space being defined as the
space of 3-surfaces in H. The only hope of
geometrizing this infinite-dimensional space is as
union of infinite-dimensional symmetric spaces
labelled by zero modes having interpretation as
non-quantum fluctuating classical degrees of
freedom. Infinite-dimensional variant of Cartan's
problem of classifying symmetric spaces emerges as
the challenge of finding TOE. Mathematical
existence fixes physical existence. Just as in the
case of loop space, and with even better reasons,
one expects that there are very few choices of H
allowing internally consistent Kaehler geometry.
Fermion numbers and super-conformal symmetries
find an elegant geometrization and generalization
in terms of complexified gamma matrices
representing super-symmetry generators.
c) M^4xCP_2 follows also from purely number
theoretical considerations as has now become clear.
The theory can be formulated in two equivalent
*4-surfaces can be regarded as hyper-quaternionic
4-surfaces in M^8 possessing what I call
hyper-octonionic tangent space structure
(octonionic imaginary units are multiplied by
commutative sqrt(-1) to make number theoretical
norm Minkowskian).
*Space-times can be regarded also as 4-surfaces in
M^4xCP_2 identified as extrema of so called
Kaehler action in M^4xCP_2. Spontaneous
compactification has thus purely number theoretical
analog but has nothing to do with dynamics.
The surprise was that under some additional
conditions (essentially hyper-octonion
real-analyticity for the dynamical variables in M^8
picture) the theory can be coded by WZW action for
two-dimensional string like 2-surfaces in M^8.
These strings not super-strings but generalizations
of braid/ribbon diagrams allowing n-vertices in
which string orbits are glued together at their
ends like pages of book. Vertices can be formulated
in terms of octonionic multiplication. Both
classical and quantum dynamics reduce to number
theory and the dimensions of classical division
algebras reflect the dimensions of string, string
orbit, space-time surface, and imbddding space.
The conclusion is that both particle data table,
the vision about physics as free, classical
dynamics of spinor fields in the
infinite-dimensional configuration space of
3-surfaces, and physics as a generalized number
theory, lead to the same identification: space-time
can be regarded as 4-surfaces in M^4xCP_2.
In the case that someone is more interested of
learning about real progress instead of wasting
time to heated arguments at the ruins M theory,
he/she can read the chapter
summarizing part of the number theoretical vision,
and also visit my blog at
where I have summarized the most recent progress
and great ideas of TGD.
With Best Regards,
Matti Pitkanen
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