Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Further Empirical Support for Many-Sheeted Space-Time

The notion of many-sheeted space-time has been continually receiving qualitative support from various anomalies. During last week I had opportunity to visit in the library of Helsinki University and read latest New Scientists. I find it fair to express my gratitude to the New Scientist as a journal which has kept alive my belief that there are still people doing real physics even in these gloomy days of M-hegemony. There were several articles telling about strange findings which could be understood using the notion of many-sheeted space-time.

First dark matter galaxy found

The New Scientist 26 February 2005, vol 185 No 2488 contained an article with title First Dark Galaxy Found. The galaxy is located at a distance of 10^7 light years. It contains 1 per cent hydrogen gas and and 99 per cent dark matter and is identified by 21 cm hydrogen line: hence the name VIRGOH21. The amount of dark matter counts as 10^8 average stars. The natural TGD inspired identification of dark matter is as matter at larger space-time sheets, possibly in macroscopic quantum state of astrophysical size with a gigantic Planck constant. For background for this and following considerations see the article Gravitational Schrödinger equation as a quantum model for the formation of astrophysical structures and dark matter? or the chapter TGD and Astrophysics. Dark galaxy would be only one example. Dark matter planets are also predicted and the two lowest Bohr orbits around Sun could correspond to dark matter flux tubes, less probably dark planets. A fascinating possibility is that even black holes would be in a more microscopic description structures consisting of dark matter inside horizon radius. Since the metric would be in the first approximation Schwartschild metric outside the horizon, these structures would look like black holes for all practical purposes. M-theorists have made a lot of hype about microscopic description of black holes: is even this victory of M-theory is illusory? Too cruel to be true?

Chemical compositions at the surface of Sun and dark matter as matter at larger space-time sheets

Physics in Action, February 2005, vol 18, No 2 contained the popular article Chemical Controversy at the Solar Surface by J. Bahcall. The article describes the problems created by results reported in the article The Solar Chemical Decomposition by M. Asplund, N. Grevesse, J. Sauval (astro-ph/0410214). The abundances of C, N, O, Ne, Ar at the solar surface are about 30-40 per cent less than predicted by the standard solar model. This is the discovery. If these abundances are feeded into the standard solar model as input the predictions change in the range .45R-.73R of distances from solar interior (R is solar radius). In particular, sound velocity is predicted incorrectly. Interestingly, these abundances are consistent with the abundances in gaseous medium in the neighborhood of our galaxy. In TGD framework a possible solution of paradox comes from already old model of solar corona and solar magnetic field (see TGD and Astrophysics). Part of matter resides as dark matter at magnetic and Z^0 magnetic flux tubes of Sun (dark energy) and enters to the solar corona along these. That also gaseous medium in the neighborhood of our galaxy contains same abundances suggests that the formation of Sun has proceeded by a transformation of part of dark matter to a visible matter by leakage to space-time sheets visible to us. This is indeed what TGD inspired model for the formation of solar system based on quantal dark matter suggests.

How to create dark matter in laboratory...

The creation of dark matter at laboratory is of course the crucial test. The hints for what to do come already from the findings of Tesla, which did not fit completely with Maxwell's electrodynamics (, which, using M-theory inspired jargon, had become "the only known classical theory of electromagnetism",) and were thus forgotten. To transform visible matter to dark matter in laboratory one might try to generate conditions in which visible matter leaks to larger space-time sheets. What one could try is to generate pulsed current of electrons. For instance, current could flow to a circuit component acting as a charge reservoir. When the circuit is opened, and current cannot leave the charge reservoir, a situation analogous to a traffic jam occurs and some electrons might leak to larger space-time sheets via join along boundaries bonds generated in the process. Di-electric breakdown along larger space-time sheet would be in question. Recoil effects and zero point kinetic energy liberated as ionizing radiation would serve as a signature of the process. The production of dark matter might occur also in the usual di-electric breakdown and lead to the appearance of electrons in much larger volume after it partially re-enters original space-time sheets. The change of zero point kinetic energy would be liberated as radiation and would cause formation of plasma. Tesla detected dramatic effects of this kind in experiments utilizing sharp pulses.

..or has it already been done?

Modanese and Podkletnov (see E. Podkletnov and G. Modanese (2002), Investigation of high voltage discharges in low pressure gases through large ceramic super-conducting electrodes, physics/0209051, have made a fascinating discovery suggesting that some new form of radiation is generated in the di-electric breakdown of a capacitor at low temperature. This radiation induces oscillatory motion of test penduli but, and this is very strange, its intensity is not reduced with distance. The TGD based explanation would be in terms of either "topological light rays" or what I call in honor of Tesla "scalar wave pulses" (much like a capacitor moving with velocity of light predicted by TGD but not allowed by Maxwell's ED). This radiation would induce the formation of join along boundaries bonds between atomic and larger space-time sheets and part of electrons from penduli would leak to larger space-time sheets and their motion would result as a recoil effect. The radiation would have only the role of control signal and this would explain why its intensity is not weakened. From the point of view of single sheeted space-time an over-unity device would be in question since the zero point kinetic energy would be transformed to kinetic energy. The transformation of visible matter to dark matter is in TGD Universe the basic mechanism of metabolism predicting universality of metabolic energy currencies and living matter in TGD Universe has developed a refined machinery to recycle the dropped charges back to the atomic space-time sheets to be used again. Combined with time mirror mechanism this makes, not a perpetuum mobile, but an extremely flexible mechanism of metabolism. Matti Pitkänen

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