I have decomposed the representation of TGD in four parts.
- Basic physical ideas of TGD and new view about space-time with basic ideas of quantum TGD deduced using quantum classical correspondence.
- Quantum TGD as infinite-dimensional geometry in the world of classical worlds with classical spinor fields of this space representing the quantum states of the Universe. Reduction of quantum TGD to parton level with parton orbits identified as light-like 3-surfaces of 4-D space-time sheets. Interior dynamics of space-time sheet as classical dynamics correlated with parton dynamics by quantum classical correspondence. Chern-Simons action for induced Kähler form and corresponding modified Dirac action as fundamental variational principle giving vacuum functional as Dirac determinant, super-conformal symmetries, their breaking and relations to those of super string models, etc...
- TGD and von Neumann algebras. Clifford algebra of the world of classical worlds provides an example of hyper-finite factor of type II1 and this has extremely far reaching implications for quantum TGD. The absence of infinities in fermionic degrees of freedom, quantization of Planck constant and generalization of the notion of imbedding space are perhaps the most important implications.
- Construction of S-matrix based on the reduction of dynamics to the parton level. Zero energy ontology and the reduction of S-matrix to unitary entanglement coefficients between positive and negative energy components of quantum state (makes sense only for hyperfinite factors of type II1 are perhaps the most important implications. p-Adicization program is discussed and allows to understand how TGD S-matrix can be understood as a generalization of braiding S-matrix allowing branching of braids with vertices described by almost-topological QFT defined by Chern-Simons action. Comparison with stringy S-matrix is also included.
- TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness. The notions of quantum jump and self, new view about the relationship between experienced and geometric time, Negentropy Maximization Principle, general theory of qualia, fermionic Fock states and Boolean cognition, p-adic space-time sheets as correlates of cognition and intentionality, etc...
- TGD based view about quantum biology. Many-sheeted space-time and new view about time, possibility of negative energies and signals propagating backwards in geometric time making possible time mirror mechanism of long term memory recall and remote metabolism, many-sheeted mechanism of metabolism as dropping of particles to larger space-time sheets liberating their zero point kinetic energy as usable energy, p-adic physics as physics of cognition and intentionality, hierarchy of Planck constants and living matter as ordinary matter quantum controlled by macroscopically quantum coherent dark matter at magnetic flux sheets of astrophysical size, high Tc superconductivity as large hbar super conductivity, hierarchy of EEGs used by magnetic bodies to receive information from and quantum control biomatter, new view about genetic code involving the notions of super- and hyper genome, quantum leaps in evolution as phase transitions increasing the value of Planck constant, etc...
09 08 06
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this Matti. Now I will have a lot to read about, of particular interest are your thoughts on biology...