A proposal for what might be called TGD inspired cosmology is made. The basic ingredient of this cosmology is the TGD counter part of the cosmic string. It is found that many-sheeted space-time concept; the new view about the relationship between inertial and gravitational four-momenta; the basic properties of the cosmic strings; zero energy ontology; the hierarchy of dark matter with levels labelled by arbitrarily large values of Planck constant: the existence of the limiting temperature (as in string model, too); the assumption about the existence of the vapor phase dominated by cosmic strings; and quantum criticality imply a rather detailed picture of the cosmic evolution, which differs from that provided by the standard cosmology in several respects but has also strong resemblances with inflationary scenario.For details see the updated chapter TGD Inspired Cosmology of "Classical Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time".TGD inspired cosmology in its recent form relies on an ontology differing dramatically from that of GRT based cosmologies. Zero energy ontology states that all physical states have vanishing net quantum numbers so that all matter is creatable from vacuum. The hierarchy of dark matter identified as macroscopic quantum phases labelled by arbitrarily large values of Planck constant is second aspect of the new ontology. The values of the gravitational Planck constant assignable to space-time sheets mediating gravitational interaction are gigantic. This implies that TGD inspired late cosmology might decompose into stationary phases corresponding to stationary quantum states in cosmological scales and critical cosmologies corresponding to quantum transitions changing the value of the gravitational Planck constant and inducing an accelerated cosmic expansion.
1. Zero energy ontology
The construction of quantum theory leads naturally to zero energy ontology stating that everything is creatable from vacuum. Zero energy states decompose into positive and negative energy parts having identification as initial and final states of particle reaction in time scales of perception longer than the geometro-temporal separation T of positive and negative energy parts of the state. If the time scale of perception is smaller than T, the usual positive energy ontology applies.
In zero energy ontology inertial four-momentum is a quantity depending on the temporal time scale T used and in time scales longer than T the contribution of zero energy states with parameter T1<T to four-momentum vanishes. This scale dependence alone implies that it does not make sense to speak about conservation of inertial four-momentum in cosmological scales. Hence it would be in principle possible to identify inertial and gravitational four-momenta and achieve strong form of Equivalence Principle. It however seems that this is not the correct approach to follow.
2. Dark matter hierarchy and hierarchy of Planck constants
Dark matter revolution with levels of the hierarchy labelled by values of Planck constant forces a further generalization of the notion of imbedding space and thus of space-time. One can say, that imbedding space is a book like structure obtained by gluing together infinite number of copies of the imbedding space like pages of a book: two copies characterized by singular discrete bundle structure are glued together along 4-dimensional set of common points. These points have physical interpretation in terms of quantum criticality. Particle states belonging to different sectors (pages of the book) can interact via field bodies representing space-time sheets which have parts belonging to two pages of this book.
3. Quantum criticality
TGD Universe is quantum counterpart of a statistical system at critical temperature. As a consequence, topological condensate is expected to possess hierarchical, fractal like structure containing topologically condensed 3-surfaces with all possible sizes. Both Kähler magnetized and Kähler electric 3-surfaces ought to be important and string like objects indeed provide a good example of Kähler magnetic structures important in TGD inspired cosmology. In particular space-time is expected to be many-sheeted even at cosmological scales and ordinary cosmology must be replaced with many-sheeted cosmology. The presence of vapor phase consisting of free cosmic strings and possibly also elementary particles is second crucial aspects of TGD inspired cosmology.
Quantum criticality of TGD Universe supports the view that many-sheeted cosmology is in some sense critical. Criticality in turn suggests fractality. Phase transitions, in particular the topological phase transitions giving rise to new space-time sheets, are (quantum) critical phenomena involving no scales. If the curvature of the 3-space does not vanish, it defines scale: hence the flatness of the cosmic time=constant section of the cosmology implied by the criticality is consistent with the scale invariance of the critical phenomena. This motivates the assumption that the new space-time sheets created in topological phase transitions are in good approximation modellable as critical Robertson-Walker cosmologies for some period of time at least.
These phase transitions are between stationary quantum states having stationary cosmologies as space-time correlates: also these cosmologies are determined uniquely apart from single parameter.
4. Only sub-critical cosmologies are globally imbeddable
TGD allows global imbedding of subcritical cosmologies. A partial imbedding of one-parameter families of critical and overcritical cosmologies is possible. The infinite size of the horizon for the imbeddable critical cosmologies is in accordance with the presence of arbitrarily long range fluctuations at criticality and guarantees the average isotropy of the cosmology. Imbedding is possible for some critical duration of time. The parameter labelling these cosmologies is scale factor characterizing the duration of the critical period. These cosmologies have the same optical properties as inflationary cosmologies. Critical cosmology can be regarded as a 'Silent Whisper amplified to Bang' rather than 'Big Bang' and transformed to hyperbolic cosmology before its imbedding fails. Split strings decay to elementary particles in this transition and give rise to seeds of galaxies. In some later stage the hyperbolic cosmology can decompose to disjoint 3-surfaces. Thus each sub-cosmology is analogous to biological growth process leading eventually to death.
5. Fractal many-sheeted cosmology
The critical cosmologies can be used as a building blocks of a fractal cosmology containing cosmologies containing ... cosmologies. p-Adic length scale hypothesis allows a quantitative formulation of the fractality. Fractal cosmology predicts cosmos to have essentially same optic properties as inflationary scenario but avoids the prediction of unknown vacuum energy density. Fractal cosmology explains the paradoxical result that the observed density of the matter is much lower than the critical density associated with the largest space-time sheet of the fractal cosmology. Also the observation that some astrophysical objects seem to be older than the Universe, finds a nice explanation.
6. Equivalence Principle in TGD framework
The failure of Equivalence Principle in TGD Universre was something which was very difficult to take seriously and this led to a long series of ad hoc constructs trying to save Equivalence Principle instead of trying to characterize the failure, to find out whether it has catastrophic consequences, and to relate it to the recent problems of cosmology, in particular the necessity to postulate somewhat mysterious dark energy characterized by cosmological constant. The irony was that all this was possible since TGD allows to define both inertial and gravitational four-momenta and generalized gravitational charges assignable to isometries of M4× CP2 precisely.
It indeed turns out that Equivalence Principle can hold true for elementary particles having so called CP2 type extremals as space-time correlates and for hadrons having string like objects as space-time correlates. This is more or less enough to have consistency with experimental facts. Equivalence Principle fails for vacuum extremals representing Robertson-Walker cosmologies and for all vacuum extremals representing solutions of Einstein's equations. The failure is very dramatic for string like objects that I have used to call cosmic strings. These failures can be however understood in zero energy ontology.
7. Cosmic strings as basic building blocks of TGD inspired cosmology
Cosmic strings are the basic building blocks of TGD inspired cosmology and all structures including large voids, galaxies, stars, and even planets can be seen as pearls in a cosmic fractal necklaces consisting of cosmic strings containing smaller cosmic strings linked around them containing... During cosmological evolution the cosmic strings are transformed to magnetic flux tubes with smaller Kähler string tension and these structures are also key players in TGD inspired quantum biology.
Cosmic strings are of form X2× Y2subset M4× CP2, where X2 corresponds to string orbit and Y2 is a complex sub-manifold of CP2. The gravitational mass of cosmic string is Mgr=(1-g)/4G, where g is the genus of Y2. For g=1 the mass vanishes. When Y2 corresponds to homologically trivial geodesic sphere of CP2 the presence of Kähler magnetic field is however expected to generate inertial mass which also gives rise to gravitational mass visible as asymptotic behavior of the metric of space-time sheet at which the cosmic string has suffered topological condensation. The corresponding string tension is in the same range that for GUT strings and explains the constant velocity spectrum of distant stars around galaxies.
For g>1 the gravitational mass is negative. This inspires a model for large voids as space-time regions containing g&gr;1 cosmic string with negative gravitational energy and repelling the galactic g=0 cosmic strings to the boundaries of the large void.
These voids would participate cosmic expansion only in average sense. During stationary periods the quantum states would be modellable using stationary cosmologies and during phase transitions increasing gravitational Planck constant and thus size of the large void they critical cosmologies would be the appropriate description. The acceleration of cosmic expansion predicted by critical cosmologies can be naturally assigned with these periods. Classically the quantum phase transition would be induced when galactic strings are driven to the boundary of the large void by the antigravity of big cosmic strings with negative gravitational energy. The large values of Planck constant are crucial for understanding of living matter so that gravitation would play fundamental role also in the evolution of life and intelligence.
Many-sheeted fractal cosmology containing both hyperbolic and critical space-time sheets based on cosmic strings suggests an explanation for several puzzles of GRT based cosmology such as dark matter problem, origin of matter antimatter asymmetry, the problem of cosmological constant and mechanism of accelerated expansion, the problem of several Hubble constants, and the existence of stars apparently older than the Universe. Under natural assumptions TGD predicts same optical properties of the large scale Universe as inflationary scenario does. The recent balloon experiments however favor TGD inspired cosmology.
Just a quick hello, Matti. Glad to see you are working so productively.
ReplyDeleteI see productivity as more or less synonymous to a continual revolution, not in the external world but in own beliefscape. Rather frustrating sometimes.