Abstract of the chapter Overall View about Quantum TGD of "Topological Geometrydynamics: an Overview".
This chapter provides a summary about quantum TGD. The discussions are based on the general vision that quantum states of the Universe correspond to the modes of classical spinor fields in the "world of the classical worlds" identified as the infinite-dimensional configuration space of 3-surfaces of H=M4×CP2 (more or less-equivalently, the corresponding 4-surfaces defining generalized Bohr orbits). The following topics are discussed on basis this vision.
1. Geometric ideas
TGD relies heavily on geometric ideas, which have gradually generalized during the years.
- The basic vision is that it is possible to reduce quantum theory to configuration space geometry and spinor structure. The geometrization of loop spaces inspires the idea that the mere existence of Riemann connection fixes configuration space Kähler geometry uniquely. Accordingly, configuration space can be regarded as a union of infinite-dimensional symmetric spaces labelled by zero modes labelling classical non-quantum fluctuating degrees of freedom. The huge symmetries of the configuration space geometry deriving from the light-likeness of 3-surfaces and from the special conformal properties of the boundary of 4-D light-cone would guarantee the maximal isometry group necessary for the symmetric space property. Quantum criticality is the fundamental hypothesis allowing to fix the Kähler function and thus dynamics of TGD uniquely. Quantum criticality leads to surprisingly strong predictions about the evolution of coupling constants.
- Configuration space spinors correspond to Fock states and anti-commutation relations for fermionic oscillator operators correspond to anti-commutation relations for the gamma matrices of the configuration space. Configuration space spinors define a von Neumann algebra known as hyper-finite factor of type II1 (HFFs). This has led to a profound understanding of quantum TGD. The outcome of this approach is that the exponents of Kähler function and Chern-Simons action are not fundamental objects but reduce to the Dirac determinant associated with the modified Dirac operator assigned to the light-like 3-surfaces.
- p-Adic mass calculations relying on p-adic length scale hypothesis led to an understanding of elementary particle masses using only super-conformal symmetries and p-adic thermodynamics. The need to fuse real physics and various p-adic physics to single coherent whole led to a generalization of the notion of number obtained by gluing together reals and p-adics together along common rationals and algebraics. The interpretation of p-adic space-time sheets is as correlates for cognition and intentionality. p-Adic and real space-time sheets intersect along common rationals and algebraics and the subset of these points defines what I call number theoretic braid in terms of which both configuration space geometry and S-matrix elements should be expressible. Thus one would obtain number theoretical discretization which involves no adhoc elements and is inherent to the physics of TGD.
- The work with HFFs combined with experimental input led to the notion of hierarchy of Planck constants interpreted in terms of dark matter. The hierarchy is realized via a generalization of the notion of imbedding space obtained by gluing infinite number of its variants along common lower-dimensional quantum critical sub-manifolds. This leads to the identification of number theoretical braids as points of partonic 2-surface which correspond to the minima of generalized eigenvalue of Dirac operator, a scalar field to which Higgs vacuum expectation is proportional to. Higgs vacuum expectation has thus a purely geometric interpretation. This leads to an explicit formula for the Dirac determinant. What is remarkable is that the construction gives also the 4-D space-time sheets associated with the light-like orbits of partonic 2-surfaces: they should correspond to preferred extremals of Kähler action. Thus hierarchy of Planck constants is now an essential part of construction of quantum TGD and of mathematical realization of the notion of quantum criticality.
- HFFs lead also to an idea about how entire TGD emerges from classical number fields, actually their complexifications. In particular, CP2 could be interpreted as a structure related to octonions. This would mean that TGD could be seen also as a generalized number theory.
2. Ideas related to the construction of S-matrix
The construction of S-matrix involves several ideas that have emerged during last years.
- Zero energy ontology motivated originally by TGD inspired cosmology means that physical states have vanishing net quantum numbers and are decomposable to positive and negative energy parts separated by a temporal distance characterizing the system as space-time sheet of finite size in time direction. The particle physics interpretation is as initial and final states of a particle reaction. S-matrix and density matrix are unified to the notion of M-matrix expressible as a product of square root of density matrix and of unitary S-matrix. Thermodynamics becomes therefore a part of quantum theory. One must distinguish M-matrix from U-matrix defined between zero energy states and analogous to S-matrix and characterizing the unitary process associated with quantum jump. U-matrix is most naturally related to the description of intentional action since in a well-defined sense it has elements between physical systems corresponding to different number fields.
- The notion of measurement resolution represented in terms of inclusions of HFFs is an essential element of the picture. Measurement resolution corresponds to the action of the included sub-algebra creating zero energy states in time scales shorter than the cutoff scale. This algebra effectively replaces complex numbers as coefficient fields and the condition that its action commutes with the M-matrix implies that M-matrix corresponds to Connes tensor product. Together with super-conformal symmetries this fixes possible M-matrices to a very high degree.
- Light-likeness of the basic fundamental objects implies that TGD is almost topological QFT so that the formulation in terms of category theoretical notions is expected to work. M-matrices form in a natural manner a functor from the category of cobordisms to the category of pairs of Hilbert spaces and this gives additional strong constraints on the theory.
3. Some general predictions of quantum TGD
TGD is consistent with the symmetries of the standard model by construction although there are definite deviations from the symmetries of standard model. TGD however predicts also a lot of new physics. Below just some examples of the predictions of TGD.
- Fractal hierarchies meaning the existence of scaled variants of standard model physics is the basic prediction of quantum TGD. p-Adic length scale hypothesis predicts the possibility that elementary particles can have scaled variants with mass scales related by power of square root 2. Dark matter hierarchy predicts the existence of infinite number of scaled variants with same mass spectrum with quantum scales like Compton length scaling like hbar.
- TGD predicts that standard model fermions and gauge bosons differ topologically in a profound manner. Fermions correspond to light-like wormhole throats associated with topologically condensed CP2 type extremals whereas gauge bosons correspond to fermion-antifermion states associated with the throats of wormhole contacts connecting two space-time sheets with opposite time orientation. The implication is that Higgs vacuum expectation value cannot contribute to fermion mass: this conforms with the results of p-adic mass calculations. TGD predicts also so called super-canonical quanta and these give dominating contribution to most hadron masses. These degrees of freedom correspond to those of hadronic string and should not reduce to QCD.
- The most fascinating applications of zero energy ontology are to quantum biology and TGD inspired theory of consciousness. Basic new element are negative energy photons making possible communications to the direction of geometric past. Here also dark matter hierarchy is involved in an essential manner.
- In cosmology the mere imbeddability required for Robertson-Walker cosmology implies that critical and over-critical cosmologies are almost unique and characterized by their finite duration. The cosmological expansion is accelerating for them and there is no need to assume cosmological constant. Macroscopic quantum coherence of dark matter in astrophysical scales is a dramatic prediction and allows also to assign periods of accelerating expansion to quantum phase transition changing the value of gravitational Planck constant. The dark matter parts of astrophysical systems are predicted to be quantum systems.
- The notion of generalized imbedding space suggests that the physics of TGD Universe is universal in the sense that it is possible to engineer a system able to mimic the physics of any consistent gauge theory. Kind of analog of Turing machine would be in question.
For more details see the chapter Overall View about Quantum TGD of "Topological Geometrydynamics: an Overview".
The links to the most complete overview are not working (at least they aren´t when I am writing this).
ReplyDeleteIMHO I think (recognizing that it can be somewhat boring for you) that all the work to present the basics of your theory in the most accurate and clear posible way is very, very important. In particular, realizing that they are not precisely mainstream math in the physicists comunitiy, maybe an introduciion to (the releant part of) p-adic math would be of great help.
There was "/" missing. Links should work now.
ReplyDeleteThe optimal accuracy of representation can be only a distant goal and I am doing my bset. My role is that of right-brainy visionary and details must be left to left-brainers;-).
About p-adic math one can find a lot of material in web. In TGD framework only the basic very simple facts are used. What is mathematically new is the idea about fusing reals and p-adic number fields to a larger structure. This idea is of course totally obvious for a physicist but not for mathematicians so that there does not exist rigorous mathematics about this.
The basic problem is, that when the time lag grows too long (people have wasted about 24 years with string models now whereas I have been working with TGD for almost 28 years now), it becomes very difficult to overcome the communication barrier. We humans are rather lazy and not willing to take risks and it is not very motivating to painfully learn about the highly developed ideas of some other person. But TGD is really the only viable option (it would be perhaps safer to add ";-)" here but I do not have much to loose).
I am very sorry for the lag but it is not my fault. My work has been censored from archives for more than decade to say nothing about complete silencing which still continues in my own country. Systematic censoring of a bottle neck idea has catastrophic consequences in any field of science.
I mention just an additional bird's eye of view about which I tell in the posting following this one. Connes tensor product defines a unique and probably unitary M-matrix for Jones inclusions defining measurement resolution. For more general inclusions for which N subset M defines a reducible representation of N in M, one obtains also non-trivial density matrix. That the dynamics of quantum world would reduce to the basic mathematics of HFFs would be an *incredible* result (so I deserve to be shown to be wrong!).