Sunday, October 26, 2008

Category Theory and Quantum TGD: Summary

A brief summary of the recent ideas about the application of category theory to quantum TGD is in order.
  1. The so called 2-plectic structure generalizing the ordinary symplectic structure by replacing symplectic 2-form with 3-form and Hamiltonians with Hamiltonian 1-forms has a natural place in TGD since the dynamics of the light-like 3-surfaces is characterized by Chern-Simons type action.

  2. The notion of planar operad was developed for the classification of hyper-finite factors of type II1 and its mild generalization allows to understand the combinatorics of the generalized Feynman diagrams obtained by gluing 3-D light-like surfaces representing the lines of Feynman diagrams along their 2-D ends representing the vertices.

  3. The fusion rules for the symplectic variant of conformal field theory, whose existence is strongly suggested by quantum TGD, allow rather precise description using the basic notions of category theory and one can identify a series of finite-dimensional nilpotent algebras as discretized versions of field algebras defined by the fusion rules. These primitive fusion algebras can be used to construct more complex algebras by replacing any algebra element by a primitive fusion algebra. Trees with arbitrary numbers of branches in any node characterize the resulting collection of fusion algebras forming an operad. One can say that an exact solution of symplectic scalar field theory is obtained.

  4. Conformal fields and symplectic scalar field can be combined to form symplecto-formal fields. The combination of symplectic operad and Feynman graph operad leads to a construction of Feynman diagrams in terms of n-point functions of conformal field theory. M-matrix elements with a finite measurement resolution are expressed in terms of a hierarchy of symplecto-conformal n-point functions such that the improvement of measurement resolution corresponds to an algebra homomorphism mapping conformal fields in given resolution to composite conformal fields in improved resolution. This expresses the idea that composites behave as independent conformal fields.

See the new chapter Category Theory and TGD. See also the article Category Theory and Quantum TGD.

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