Combined with TGD based vision about living matter, the model however inspires a model for how conscious information is generated and how the second law of thermodynamics must be modified in TGD framework. The basic formulas of thermodynamics remain as such since the modification means only the replacement S→ S-N, where S is thermodynamical entropy and N the negentropy associated with negentropic entanglement. This allows to circumvent the basic objections against the application of Beauregard's model to living systems. One can also understand why living matter is so effective entropy producer as compared to inanimate matter and also the characteristic decomposition of living systems to highly negentropic and entropic parts as a consequence of generalized second law.
I do not bother to type further and give instead a link to the article Generalization of thermodynamics allowing negentropic entanglement and a model for conscious information processing at my homepage and also to the chapter Negentropy Maximization Principle of "TGD as Generalized Number Theory".
So, the exact translation of S-N into Finnish is:
Wonderfull to notice how inexact language of Mathematics is when compared to Finnish language when describing most fundamental natural phenomena-principles. Seriously! :)
I thought that I could remember and retype this language flower but found better to just cut and paste to generate feelings of awe in potential students of finnish language. Admire: