Quantum classical correspondence has been perhaps the most useful guiding principle in the construction of quantum TGD. What is says that not only quantum numbers but also quantum jump sequences should have space-time correlates: about this the failure of strict determinism of Kähler action gives good hopes. Even the quantum superposition - at least for certain situations - might have space-time correlates.
- Measurement interaction term in the modified Dirac action at the upper end of CD indeed defines a coupling to the classical dynamics kenociteallb/Dirac in a very delicate manner. This kind of measurement interaction is indeed basic element of quantum TGD. Also the color and charges and angular momentum associated with the Hamiltonians at point of braids could couple to the dynamics via the boundary conditions.
- The braid strand with a given Hamiltonian could obey Hamiltonian equations of motion: this would give rise to a skeleton of space-time defined by braid strands possibly continued to string world sheets and would provided different realization of quantum classical correspondence. Symplectic tringulation suggests by the symplectic QFT proposed to describe physics in zero modes would add to the skeleton edges connecting string ends continued to 2-D sheets in the interior of space-time.
- Quantum TGD can be regarded as a square root of thermodynamics in well-defined sense. Could it be possible to couple the Hermitian square root of density matrix appearing in M-matric and characterizing zero energy state thermally to the geometry of space-time sheets by coupling it to the classical dynamical via boundary conditions depending on its eigenvalues? The necessity to choose single eigenvalue spoils the attempt and one obtains only a representation for single measurement outcome. It seems that one can achieve only a representation of the ensemble at space-time level consisting of space-time sheets representing various outcomes of measurement. This ensemble would be realized as ensemble of sub-CDs for a given CD.
- One can pose even more ambigious question: could quantum superposition of WCW spinor fields have a space-time correlate in the sense that all space-time surfaces in the superposition would carry information about the superposition itself? Obviously this would mean self-referentiality via quantum-classical feedback.
The following discussion concentrates on possible space-time correlates for the quantum superposition of WCW spinor fields and for the arrow of time.
- It seems difficult to imagine space-time correlate for the quantum superposition of final states with varying quantum numbers since these states correspond to quantum superpositions of different space-time surfaces. How could one code information about quantum superposition of space-time surfaces to the space-time surfaces appearing in the superposition? This kind of self-referentiality seems to be necessary if one requires that various quantum numbers characterizing the superposition (say momentum) couple via boundary conditions to the space-time dynamics.
- The failure of non-determinism of quantum dynamics is behind dissipation and strict determinism fails for Kähler action. This gives hopes that the dynamics induces also arrow of time. Energy non-conservation is of course excluded and one should be able to identify a measure of entropy and the analog of second law of thermodynamics telling what happens at for preferred extremals when the situation becomes non-deterministic. The vertices of generalized Feynman graphs are natural places were non-determinism emerges as are also sub-CDs.
Naive physical intuition would suggest that dissipation means generation of entropy: the vertices would favor decay of particles rather than their spontaneous assembly. The analog of blackhole entropy assignable to partonic 2-surfaces might allow to characterize this quantatively. The symplectic area of partonic 2-surface could be a symplectic invariant of this kind.
- Could the mysterious branching of partonic 2-surfaces -obviously analogous to even more mysterious branching of quantum state in many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics- assigned to the multivalued character of the correspondence between canonical momentum densities and time derivatives of H coordinates allow to understand how the arrow of time is represented at space-time level? Recall that this brancing is what implies the effective hierarchy of Planck constants as integer multiples of its minimal value absolutely crucial for the application of TGD in biology and consciousness and to the understanding of dark matter as large hbar phases
- This branching would effectively replace CD with its singular covering with number of branches dependin on space-time region. The relative homology with respect to the upper boundary of CD (so that the branches of the trees would effectively meet there) could define the analog of Floer homology with various paths defined by the orbits of partonic 2-surfaces along lines of generalize Feynman diagram defining the first homology group. Typically tree like structures would be involved with the ends of the tree at the upper boundary of CD effectively identified.
- This branching could serve as a representation for the branching of quantum state to a superposition of eigenstates of measured quantum observables. If this is the case, the various branches to which partonic 2-surface decays at partonic 2-surface would more or less relate to quantum superposition of final states in particle reaction. The number of branches would be finite by finite measurement resolution. For a given choice of the arrow of
geometric time the partonic surface would not fuse back at the upper end of CD.
- Rather paradoxically, the space-time correlate for the dissipation would reduce the dissipation by increasing the effective value of hbar: the interpretation would be however in terms of dark matter identified in terms of large hbar phase. In the same manner dissipation would be accompanied by evolution since the increase of hbar naturally implies formation of macroscopically quantum coherent states. The space-time representation of dissipation would compensate the increase of entropy at the ensemble level.
- The geometric representation of quantum superposition might take place only in the intersection of real and p-adic worlds and have interpretation in terms of cognitive representations. In the intersection one can also have a generalization of second law kenociteallb/nmpc in which the generation of genuine negentropy in some space-time regions via the build up of cognitive representation compensated by the generation of entropy at other space-time regions. The entropy generating behavior of living matter conforms with this modification of the second law. The negentropy measure in question relies on the replacement of logarithms of probabilities with logarithms of their p-adic norms and works for rational probabilities and also their algebraic variants for finite-dimensional algebraic extensions of rationals.
- Each state in the superposition of WCW quantum states would contain this representation as its space-time correlate realizing self-referentiality at quantum level in the intersection of real and p-adic worlds. Also the state function reduced members of ensemble could contain this cognitive representation at space-time level. Essentially quantum memory making possible self-referential linguistic representation of quantum state in terms of space-time geometry and topology would be in question. The formulas written by mathematicians would define similar map from quantum level to the space-time level making possible to "see" one's thoughts.
- This branching would effectively replace CD with its singular covering with number of branches dependin on space-time region. The relative homology with respect to the upper boundary of CD (so that the branches of the trees would effectively meet there) could define the analog of Floer homology with various paths defined by the orbits of partonic 2-surfaces along lines of generalize Feynman diagram defining the first homology group. Typically tree like structures would be involved with the ends of the tree at the upper boundary of CD effectively identified.
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