My attitude to Higgs has developed from original denial to almost acceptance and back to denial. This denial has nothing to do with bets: anyone can bet that Higgs exists or does not exist. Without genuine justifications this kind of statements contain just single bit of information or disinformation.
Denying Higgs
My original attitude was a denial based on following arguments natural in sub-manifold gravity.
- TGD does not allow Higgs as a scalar in 8-D sense: this state would be leptoquark: Minkowski scalars are always H-vectors and have generalized polarization.
- If Higgs is there it should behave like a SO(4) vector in CP2 tangent space with different directions analogous to polarizations. One can have 3+1 decomposition for tangent vectors of CP2 under electro-weak SU(2) but the problem is that there is no manner to build covariants or invariants in this manner. CP2 does not allow covariantly constant vector fields. The contractions of color isometry generators with the trace of second fundamental form would be general coordinate invariants but would give a color octet rather than complex electro-weak doublet (triplet plus singlet would results only if one identifies U(2) ⊂ SU(3) as electroweak gauge group).
The contractions of CP2vierbein vectors with the trace of the second fundamental form would give a candidate for Higgs and its contraction with CP2 gamma matrices appears in the Dirac equation for induced spinor fields and makes it inconsistent unless the trace of the second fundamental form and thus Higgs vanishes (minimal surface property). For non-minimal surfaces this identification would make Higgs contribution to mass square tachyonic. Thus this identification is not promising.
- Higgs is not needed to give mass for fermions since p-adic thermodynamics takes care of this. There are however some problems in the understanding of gauge boson masses. Some additional sources of mass seem to be necessary: p-adic thermodynamics in its basic form would give extremely small second order contribution to the gauge boson masses since the inverse integer valued p-adic temperature cannot be larger than T=1/2. For fermions one has T=1.
For these reasons I believed for a long time that TGD does not predict Higgs. I could have promoted this as a dramatic prediction of sub-manifold gravitation.
Could Higgs exist after all?
The last five years in blogs have been endless n-sigma talk related to rumors about Higgs and also now this kind of rumors are around. As a genuine skeptic I became skeptic also about my basic belief and asked whether Higgs might exist also in TGD Universe. I had also to understand the additional contribution to the mass of gauge bosons and how gauge bosons get their additional polarization state. Maybe Higgs might be necessary to achieve this. The identification of the basic objects as wormhole throats and contacts carrying quantum numbers was a decisive step of progress. The irony was that the progress began with the idea that Higgs could correspond to wormhole contact! Only later came the realization that this makes sense also for gauge bosons.
- Free fermions are in this picture wormhole throat pairs and topological condensation makes them massive. The throats formed in the topological condensation of fermions have vanishing magnetic charge. One has throat pair at both sheets but only the members of the second pair are connected by a Kähler magnetic flux tube.
- Bosonic emergence means that bosons consist of bound states of massless on mass shel fermion and anti-fermion associated with wormhole throats of wormhole contacts connecting space-time sheets. Also virtual particles consist of massless on mass-shell states in ZEO. Also bosons consist of two wormhole contacts since the total monopole charge must vanish. The throat pairs at both sheets are connected by Kähler magnetic flux tubes carrying monopole magnetic flux. Neutrino pair at the second wormhole throat neutralizes weak isospin for both bosons and fermions.
- Kähler magnetic flux tubes contribute to the mass of the particle stringy contribution. For elementary fermions the contribution from wormhole throat pair carrying fermion quantum numbers dominates the mass. In the case of hadrons the reconnection process for color magnetic flux tubes is responsible for non-perturbative aspects of hadron physics and making possible to understand what happens in the formation of jets and in hadronization. The physics in question involves new physics: contrary to the general belief jet QCD does not follow from QCD as QFT. Color magnetic flux tubes make themselves visible via what has become known as quark-gluon plasma. This terminology is misleading and based on wrong expectations: the attribute "strongly interacting" does not help much. In TGD Universe the ideal quark-gluon plasma in TGD is like a big hadron containing very many quarks and gluons rather than gas of partons as it would be in QCD proper.
- In TGD the possibly existing Higgs 4-plet would have same quantum numbers as electro-weak gauge bosons 3+1 as SU(2) multiplets. There would be a nice 1-1 correspondence between Higgses and gauge bosons in CP2 degrees of freedom. Only spin would be different. Sub-manifold gravity would be at work again.
- Higgses could be there but gauge bosons would eat them to get longitudinal polarizations. All Higgs components would become longitudinal polarizations of Higgs boson. Also gauge bosons which are usually regarded a massless would have a small mass. Same applies to graviton and all super-partners. The assumption that all physical particles have at least small mass resolves the infrared singularities and there are excellent hopes about a beautiful realization of twistorial approach in zero energy ontology (ZEO).
The problem is that one must postulate a lot of Higgs like particles and also their super-partners. And all of them would be eaten. Why the trouble of preparing all these Higgses if all of them end up to the plate?
Return to Higgs denialism
Now I am becoming a Higgs denialist again. There is no need for Higgs in TGD and TGD does not allow any natural mechanism transforming Higgs like states to longitudinal components of gauge bosons.
- In ZEO just the condition that boson has spin 1 implies that it is massive and has therefore also the third polarization. The argument is simple: if one wants the composite system of on mass shell massless fermion and antifermion to have helicity 1 one must assume that either the 3-momenta or energies have opposite sign or at least that the directions of 3-momenta are different. There is no need to assume that gauge bosons get the additional polarization state by eating Higgs. This applies to all states with spin.
- The recent advances in the formulation of generalized Feynman diagrams (see this) lead to the identification of the analog of the gauge condition eliminating unphysical polarizations. This condition allows three polarizations in the case of spin 1 states. Analogous conclusion applies in the case of higher spins.
- One can express the condition on polarizations more precisely. One can assign to each causal diamond (CD) a preferred sub-manifold M2 (2-D Minkowski space) of M4 defining preferred time direction and spin quantization axis: the are many choices and these correspond to non-equivalent CDs. This 2-plane defines the analog for the plane in which Feynman graphs live and allows to realize the vision about generalized Feynman graphs as sub-manifold braids. M2 corresponds in the number theoretical vision to hyper-complex numbers regarded as a 2-plane in the space of hyper-octonions.
- The gauge condition p• ε=0 is modified. The modified condition says that the allowed polarization vectors are orthogonal to the projection pM2 of the momentum of boson to M2: pM2• ε=0. Three polarization states are allowed instead of 2. All physical particles with spin are massive.
The conclusion is simple: no Higgs like states are needed! Just as I believed in the beginning. The prodigal son has returned back to his home! For reasons easy to understand, I am waiting eagerly the December 13:th. We know that 13 is the unlucky number but who will be the unlucky one? Higgs or me?
For more about Higgs see the chapter New Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I of "p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Dark Matter Hierarchy". For background see also article Algebraic braids, sub-manifold braid theory, and generalized Feynman diagrams or the new chapter Generalized Feynman Diagrams as Generalized Braids of "Towards M-matrix".
I congratulate you for the evolution of tgd theory continuously :-)
ReplyDeleteIn tgd theory in each quantum jump the old quantum history is replaced with a new one, by act of free will and I learned from tgd that causality is not limited to geometric space time, but cause can act outer of it;
then, one can ask a question that what is causing of the free will select this quantum history for a new history and not others. If there exist a cause, then it compels the free will to select this quantum history and then that is not free will. If there isn’t any cause, this is conflict with causality.
Free will is genuine but there are two causalities.
ReplyDeleteThe first causality is the causality of deterministic field equations (in TGD this causality is broken in the standard form but holds in generalized sense). This is the causality of the laws of classical physics, Schroedinger equation, etc.
The second causality which we assign to free will and realized as a quantum jump -moment of consciousness- replacing entire quantum state as time evolution with a new one. There is no conflict with the determinism of field equations since entire evolution of say Schroedinger equation is replaced with a new one: both past and future.
This also resolves the basic problem of quantum measurement theory which made Bohr and others so desperate as to give up the notion of objective reality altogether.
In TGD Universe objective reality is replaced with objective realities and consciousness makes possible to get conscious information about all of them. TGD Universe is a good place for theoretical physicist to live since theories can be also tested;-) just by hopping around in the space of solutions of field equations.
Perhaps the most far reaching implications of TGD in biology and neuroscience relate directly to the realization that there are two times and two causalities.
This allows to understand what memory is, what intentional action is, provides what I call credit card mechanism of metabolism, allows to understand the strange finds of Libet and others about experienced time, etc...
Thank you dear Matti,
ReplyDeleteYes there is no conflict between free will and the determinism of field equations that is first causality but I think there is conflict with the second causality. Then I point to the second causality and repeat the question: what is causing of the free will select this and not others? If there exist a cause, then it compels the free will to select this and then that is not free will. If there isn’t any cause, this is conflict with causality.
Longitudional dynamics belong with mico-phonons:
appearing in crystal lattice, at full polarization. Important new quanta/evidence for 'tension' or stringiness in particle/field interacion.
In reaction, Derrida invades theory-space:
Time to think hard about dimensions and degrees of freedom.
hamed, choice, I think, involves freedom, identity and value, combining as self-organization (the avant-garde interest since QM) and teleology, which gets functionalized under natural selection, until one admits the immunne functio, and immune selection for symbioisis. The mystery now is that the immune system already chooses/selects in defence of self-organization.
Dear Hamed,
ReplyDeleteI see no reason for assuming that something causes free will. It would not be be free will if it would be caused by something.
To put it poetically: there is divine but there is no god behind it. There is continual re-creation but no creator. There is free will but their is no-one who wills. Only deeds exist, doers are a convenient fiction.
Continual recreation followed by state function reduction cascade proceeding downwards to shorter scales.
With Buddhist background (ego as illusion) it might be easy to understand this vision, which is just the interpretation of the basic structure of quantum theory as I understand it.
To Orwin:
ReplyDeleteI lookd the deconstruction paper. I appreciate Nima's work with twistors but this paper I see as postmodern technical trickery based on loose arguments.
Probably a flood of papers trying to modify Higgs mechanism or get rid of it will fill the arXiv during next months.
I am however skeptic about theories with Higgs for the reasons that I stated in the posting. In sub-manifold gravity there is no need for Higgs (I should have realized this already year or two ago). It is also very difficult to identify the many needed Higgs like particles and to understand what it means that gauge bosons eat Higgses. Zero energy ontology also implies UV and IR finiteness and also unitarity. What else can one hope!
As a matter fact, if one identifies bosons as bound states of and fermion-antifermion bound and accepts sub-manifold gravity, then Higgs as a genuine scalar (in higher-D sense) is impossible irrespective of the details of the theory (choice of the imbedding space).
Theorists have spend several decades on wrong track and thanks to LHC they are forced to the right track again.
Getting rid of Higgs will mean revolution: the ideas about QFT limits of super-strings must be totally revised. Inflation cosmology will be forgottten. At more practical level, the plans for new accelerators whose purpose was to deduce fine details about Higgs and standard SUSY using electron positron collisions must be thrown to paper basket and one must begin to plan scaled up version of LHC.
After half a century time might be ripe for accepting dark matter and p-adic hierarchies and the existence copies of hadron physics in biological length scales. This will mean Golden Age of biology and ultrahigh energy physics will become a dinosaur. Fundamental physics will be studied at table top using energy from electrical network;-). Pity that I will not see this with my own eyes.
Matti, at root what seems to divide us is that I see Mersenne's work through the Huygens power-law wave equation, where the middle term has a parameter in mass-frequency, phenomenally damping, parsed as another viscosity. So these new vibrational states of particles may pack a surprise.
ReplyDeleteTheoretical biology is already warming up for the next wave of neo-scholastic metaphysics. But Dark Ages see rapid technological progress and people eat better.
I'm still looking to fit a set of large lyapunov exponents in seasonal variation patterns, but that's the herbalist in me.
Thank you dear Orwin and dear Matti.
ReplyDeleteTo Matti:
If there isn’t something causes free will then this is chance that free will selects which. And in the case us, our will would not be in our control, we could not be responsible for random actions.
it is a big problem for me! ;-)
This is completely off topic (or is it?) but this document just popped up ... FOIA Documents obtained by John Greenwald on March 22, 2011 from the Obama Office of Science and Technology that have references to UFOs and implants in them. as a side not, a blast of heat came off my right hand as I was "navigating" to post this here on the blog
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your poetic rendition. Allow me to continue it.
"Without thinking My One Idea could not
become many one ideas for My stage setting.
"Without motion My cosmic play could not
be played, nor could its actors be.
"Without change my undivided One Idea
could not unfold.
"Without time My drama of My creating
universe could have no sequences.
"Without motion, time, change and
sequences the unfolding of My Mind imaginings
could have no measured space for its
stage settings, no screen for its light projections.
"Therefore see them as I imagine them; but
know that they are but unfolding patterns of
My knowing through My thinking.
"Know thou, therefore, that ,time is naught,
nor are there moving things which change; nor
is there life, nor death, nor cold, nor heat, nor
good, nor bad in My universe of Me."
Dear Hamed,
ReplyDeleteI give up the assumption that there is some "we"or "I" behind. "I" is just the moment of consciousness, the quantum jump, nothing more!
At the level of physical theory one can similarly give up the idea that there is some reality or realities which theory describes. Quantum states as mathematical objects *are*a the objective realities, they are all that is needed, there is no need to assume anything behind them. There is no stone that would cause you pain in your toe. Quantum jumps between these objects give rise to the world of experience giving only partial knowledge them.
I do not assume the dynamics of quantum jumps to be random. It is governed by Negentropy Maximization Principle. I restrict to standard quantum measurement theory it implies state function reduction. Many one us would argue that in this case outcome of state function reduction is random: but random only **at the level of ensemble**. This gives second law of thermodynamics.
If I add to my Universe cognition described p-adically, number theoretic entanglement entropy defined in the "intersection of real and p-adic worlds" becomes possible and has *negative* values: entanglement can carry information. Living matter would be in this intersection of cognition and matter.
In this case NMP governed state function reduction can generate negentropic entanglement rather than just destroying it.
I have a temptation to assign to this entanglement experience of understanding since it can be interpreted as an abstraction, rule representing as quantum superposition various instances of the rule. Negentropic entanglement is rather social phenomenon building larger stable structures from smaller ones. Maybe it could serve as a quantum correlate for attention and even experience of love.
Dear Hamed:
ReplyDeleteYou could argue that giving up "I" means giving up ethics. No moral agents, no ethics. I argue that this is not the case.
The universal "good goal" of the universe is to re-create itself in such a manner that negentropy increases- at least at locally. NMP would define the Universal ethics giving rise to evolution implying that the Universe becomes more and more complex as it learns more and more about itself. Evil and violence would be anything that tends to prevent this evolution as endless re-creation. Therefore rigid moral rules can be source of evil. I have compared this view to Krishnamurti's teachings.
But is it really possible that Universe becomes more and more negentropic. I do not know. Just by looking around one can argue that life creates chaos around itself. As if every bit of negentropy must be accompanied by at least equal amount of entropy somewhere else. I have formulated this pessimistic intuition- I might be wrong- as a generalization of second law.
Ordinary second law says that vanishing entropy (and also information) is the best that a given subsystem one can achieve. The generalization brings in trash bins and dump pits. Universe decomposes to islands of negentropy in the sea of entropy such that second law as a whole remains true. Good is necessary accompanied by Evil just like positive charge by negative charge in vacuum polarization.
There is however a merciful loophole in this pessimistic view: generalized second law holds true only for the state function reduction cascade associated with single quantum jump. The next quantum jump would be the moment of mercy re-creating everything in given scale!
Dear Matti,
ReplyDeleteI’m very thankful for your insightful comments. I learned from them a lot.
Have a day with a lot of good ideas ;-)
I am a bit perplexed.
ReplyDeleteI have preached for you that the "I" is very important, because it is the subject, the self. "I" and "Ego" are two completely different things.
Ego as an illusion for an I is ok, but don't mix them. Ego is coming from others, as from our parents. It is learned, assimilated, shelter, attitudes, moral and religiousity etc. To have the Bible, Choran etc as guiding rules is a bit risky sometimes because of this. Also Krishnamurti, in your case especially Krishnamurti :)
Self is necessary to build the complexity, so it is an outcome of the negentropy? To have a strong SELF is necessary. Then you need no shelter/Ego from surroundings.
To preserve the Self as a trace or memory is then also necessary. This makes reincarnation possible? Also regeneration? Old genetic patterns is then also saved in genetic memory. Often differentiation means a selection, just as with consciousness and evolution.
Life is a moment of negentropy, or the negentropy, in the Sea of entropy. When the negentropy cannot be saved, life diminish (life is reaction, perception, consciousness) time goes slower, then entropy increases.
Living matter would then have an extremely sensitive equilibrium between negentropy, seen as decoherence, and entropy seen as coherence.
But if Life is entropy, low energy and coherence, then the negentropy is noise, decoherence, making the dance, playing the strings, and entropy is the phase beyond the curtain. This would make the Universe Divine? Something like the hadronic plasma phase = One, the monopole?
Living matter would then be simply extremely noisy matter? This would suit its mission as entropy-cathing agents?
generalized second law holds true only for the state function reduction cascade (negentropy) associated with single quantum jump (CD-diamond). The next quantum jump (regenerated) would be the moment of mercy re-creating everything in given scale!
I found what I'm looking for: a natural variation principle covering organic constitution. Its pseudo-Kahlker, a Poisson manifold with Jacobi identity and Lie algebras from crystallography, on a trail blazed by Leibniz.
ReplyDeleteMatti is more radical, heading straight into non-commutative QM. That breaks the symmetry of order, as in thermodynamics and again language. Also opens on anyons, the fuzzy range between fermions with identity and bosons. So why admit state reduction? The incident wave merges in through anyon range, continually, given Alberty's ion flux. This is the real dipole moment.
There is a very deep problem here, with ensamble-waves and entity-waves. When an entity in one ensamble merges into another, the ensambles must be reconstituted. To highlight the element of abstraction here is profound - Einstein had an intuition for it, but did not solve the problem - cognition requires a principle of abstraction which no philosopher has supplied.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, braids in general extend to braided anyons.
Stephen, you've hit what's called EM pollution. Chinese Feng Shui types sell a gold aerial ground for the switchbox. I found it helped to fit exterior lights that instansiate the boundary-conditions.
ReplyDeleteThe Church of Big Bang is merging two data-sets in sample-space (Gibbs cannonical ensemble), but the ground-potential at Tevatron is likely more acid than at CERN, so we hit a gauge-warp.
This is geat evidence for what's up with the Higgs whatsit!
Ulla, this is odd. I find the dimensionless numbers cover just five components of 'gut feel' known in the Yellow Emperor's Cannon of Internal Medicine; the heart; heart-gut integration; experience in a relativistic frame of its own; and Matti's dangerous window on the sublime. But the six organs are, one by one, detachable from the ensemble of the body by transplant, and carry with them components of what we call character! In this light Matti is correct, just as the law places moral responsibility with mental intent.
ReplyDeleteThen there's the fine structure constant for the atom, and what is called spirit or the medium, as in art and Hermetica/Alchemy. Not the aether as in Victorian spiritualism!
Orwin, yes, EM pollution, it's like there is some treasure at the bottom of very long and dirty well where people are either purposely or unpurposely reconfiguring the path or trying to block..on at least one occassion at Tevatron and the LHC both tripped *at the same time* with an "electrical perturbation" when my car passed under a tollway radio frequency tag scanner. This was in Texas.. the trigger? Has to be DHS. My worries... I don't feel that they know what they are doing or have my interest in mind when "commanding the troops" and as such could be wiped out by some weird mis-step... maybe the Adjustment Bureau isn't so far off...when judgemental violent minded people think they understand a technology but have no idea of the implications its dangerous to say the least...
ReplyDeleteNow I must say to you two, Orwin and Stephen ????
ReplyDeleteAnd I like it :)
Orwin, I "get" the yellow emperor of internal medicine.. one morning I was on the back porch and I was reading a book "Joy, The Happiness that comes from within" and meditating... I looked over to the left, at the coffee grains I was storing for composting.. a "yellow field" started shifting around and floating out of the coffee.. I thought to myself.. yeah.. I understand the universe is a hologram and that spent coffee was separated and now floating thru my being... but that is one weird-assed manifestation. Then, I notice I can see yellow energy in my own veins.. then a vortex formed in my right leg.. like a vortex into a lake... but pseudo-3-dimensional and then the "throat" of this wormhole expanded towards the sky and then a microscopic black hole floated out of the sky.... "hovered" for a few seconds at the "saddle point" of whatever topological condensation was forming.. the current flowing around me and thru the house was *enourmous* ... microwave hearing/vision senses combined and I felt like an extremely high-tension conduit was moving in/around me.. the microscopic black hole then went over the saddle point and "swirled down" apparently into my blood stream? Needless to say some might call this a "hallucination" but it was a mixture.. a representation of a process that had some actual reality to it...I was quite weirded out by it to say the least and.. my being felt magnetic after that, so I get into my car and travel to work where I was working for yahoo as a regular ole java programmer at the time (this was 2 years ago) and as I am driving.. the magnetic currents surrounding my car were so strong I almost couldn't fathom it... then, as if on queue.. a UFO.. floating about the "heart hospital" on "George Bush Turnpike" it looked like a contact-lens-case turned on its side.. figure-eight like.. slowly hovering up and down.. dull gray surface, dark blue glow on top. It *commanded* my attention in the sense that I felt a *direct* "magneto-optical connection" to it and could actually feel the rods/cones in my eyes responding to the field it put out.. to "minimize the pain" I felt I had to look directly at it.. even looking slightly away from it generated sensations of pain. It was clearly visible 50 yards away for at least 10 seconds.. I thought it might be a baloon but it wasnt attached to anything... when I did a u-turn 2 minutes later it was gone... it was hovering about 40 yards above the parking lot of the hospital. For several weeks after this, I "spotted" many strange "utility" vehicles electrical, telecom, AND local law enforcement following me around like some kind of dumbass convoy of sorts. So... *what the hell was that*... government tech... why were they killing my eyeballs with magnets? Was it not government tech and they wanted to know why it was "talking" to me and were snooping for more information? At one point a state highway patrol vehicle drove along beside me and matched my speed *precisely* and the woman driving looked like she was doing the most advanced and scary thing in the universe and the passenger directing her was motioning to her as if to hide the fact that they were trying to match my speed... why all the skullduggery?
ReplyDeleteSo the buzz in the Higgs rumour mill is about suppression factors - that's vibrational energy masked by the highNRG beam...there's no way current design is in control of what's in there: 'hifi' speakers waste 90% energy as heat... George Lukas had the Star Wars finale remixed in 6.1 surround, matching Lamb wave dimensions, and that's what the masses get to live by... when the sea-sick state of WiFi doesn't cut them off...
ReplyDeleteGeorge Lucas can also go into my "handy file 13". I reject all he puts out. He is responsible for propagating the meme of war all the way out into space and brainwashing countless generations. We need space-peace. Kill. The. War. Meme.
ReplyDeleteThe big New Physics is cosmic rays in cloud generation rendering the academic hot air industry redundant...throw in some urban smog or dust and you get low altitude plasmo-gunk....its a phase boundary of condensation with plenty of loose topology or alchemical variance...of course the nervous system reacats to selecting redundancy... meanwhile the coffee grounds are apparently packed with humic acids and percolate soil ions taking the 5th dimension could launch a Whole Earth Catalogue revival on that....
ReplyDeleteStephen!!! That's Hippocratic or diagnostic dream-state theory resolved as organic renormalization!!! And routine dream-stuff as microcosmic atmosphere! Awareness can do so much for 'consciousness'...
ReplyDeleteI like to keep anaerobic bacteria in sludge beats aquaria any day.. to mingle the earth-tone with my dreams and ward off cancer in Old Dutch 'sloot' semantics...on that trail I met a pretentious green guru type and heard an embattled urban diviner bought frogs from his sloot...
ReplyDeleteJust a modest request from the blogger: try to keep in the topic!;-).
ReplyDeleteNow Matti, you have found your masters :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so weird, that I must laugh.
Oh right, I remember, I wrote a sticky note some time ago and it said "CCC=Calm, Confident, Charismatic" and I guess that involves staying "on topic" sorry Matti :) Organic Renormalization!!! Genius! It can be used like a mantra!
ReplyDeleteI am a good-hearted man and find it extremely difficult to delete comments - even if they are totally incomprehensible for any inhabitant of this planet. Difficult situation.
In any case: my humble request is that participants would try to remember the topic and try to speak the language comprehensible to humans. I am working like mad to communicate TGD and this blog is my communication channel. I would not like this blog to look like a schizophrenic ward of a mental hospital where people are associating completely freely about everything except the topic.
Hi Matti,
ReplyDeleteHiggs and me- well, I must be careful then in posting here (anyway the comments would make very interesting reading on a blog of there own). I was surprised how having independently scoffed at Duff I find myself in the mainstream.
Higgs or no Higgs (well in theory and in experiment scientists should adapt...) Unified theory or no unified theory?
Anyway, I post here to say that my post today dec.10, on the Keatope and such concepts I think we share from some view as to what particles are (and even the standard guys have to use such numbers) that your calculations were not a mistake 139 if it does turn out after all to be at or around 124. QCD is a different animal when it comes to a deeper form of relativity where in combinatorial and quantum ideas we see Lorentz invariance carries over to the greater complexity- even with some dark matter ideas.
By the way, Owen et al, you can indeed find organic models referenced on my post- but in the end only the first writer of a new theory has the right to speak in poetic metaphors that the masses struggle to mimic and make sense of. Pitkanen is terse but original in this sense and on the frontier. But how can we get anywhere if we cannot speak in the common popular tongue- well, once we show we can do it then perhaps go abstract- I mean anyone can throw paint on a canvass but few save true artists can pencil a good still life first.
Here we found sanity while a few are running around not quite knowing what to say or do as they have lost the connections to their own inner language as the world changes and they drift by the same.
If we write for other theorists, Matti, well what language would that be? Hopefully the passing of ideas on the net as in the UK projects recently of open access will give the true recognition you need- and show that you are still growing and were ahead of the times.
Few have time to read when in academia, thus most theories tend to be done when we were young.
Troost Boets!
The PeSla
Hi Matti,
ReplyDeleteHiggs and me- well, I must be careful then in posting here (anyway the comments would make very interesting reading on a blog of there own). I was surprised how having independently scoffed at Duff I find myself in the mainstream.
Higgs or no Higgs (well in theory and in experiment scientists should adapt...) Unified theory or no unified theory?
Anyway, I post here to say that my post today dec.10, on the Keatope and such concepts I think we share from some view as to what particles are (and even the standard guys have to use such numbers) that your calculations were not a mistake 139 if it does turn out after all to be at or around 124. QCD is a different animal when it comes to a deeper form of relativity where in combinatorial and quantum ideas we see Lorentz invariance carries over to the greater complexity- even with some dark matter ideas.
By the way, Owen et al, you can indeed find organic models referenced on my post- but in the end only the first writer of a new theory has the right to speak in poetic metaphors that the masses struggle to mimic and make sense of. Pitkanen is terse but original in this sense and on the frontier. But how can we get anywhere if we cannot speak in the common popular tongue- well, once we show we can do it then perhaps go abstract- I mean anyone can throw paint on a canvass but few save true artists can pencil a good still life first.
Here we found sanity while a few are running around not quite knowing what to say or do as they have lost the connections to their own inner language as the world changes and they drift by the same.
If we write for other theorists, Matti, well what language would that be? Hopefully the passing of ideas on the net as in the UK projects recently of open access will give the true recognition you need- and show that you are still growing and were ahead of the times.
Few have time to read when in academia, thus most theories tend to be done when we were young.
Troost Boets!
The PeSla
Mathematics is universal language like music. With some effort even I can get the gist of what Witten says. This is impressive proof for what I claim. On my side this requires that I have in my spine basic mathematical and physical concepts and am teased by same problems.
ReplyDeleteThis requires also from Witten something. He always explains the overall view and separates technicalities from the core ideas. What is the idea and what he aims at.
I do not expect that Witten or me is readable without a good background and background craeted by thinking same common problems for decades. The attempt to imitate Witten by putting together words in random order produces something about which it is impossible to say whether it is a parody by an actor or a product of crackpot.
With some exceptions new really important ideas come at young age. I do not believe that the age as such matters much. At young age people are not jet in the golden jail of professional success or stuck into some dead idea which they cannot give up because it has become part of their ego. Professional success is certainly the best censor that one can imagine. To create something new one must be a rebel. Conformists do not create anything new. Rebel as an emotional reaction - something passive- is not what I mean since it is about ego. One must be able to get rid of one's old ego again and again: re-create it. Difficult;-).
ReplyDeleteI am a good-hearted man and find it extremely difficult to delete comments - even if they are totally incomprehensible for any inhabitant of this planet. Difficult situation.
I know very well you are good-hearted, and I am sorry for my encouragement. I already said they could continue by mail if they wanted to talk to me. I thought this would be too much (at least I understood nothing).
FEARFUL SYMMETRY (from Songs Of Experiments)
ReplyDelete-- James Ph. Kotsybar
Beyond notice, out of sight
in dimensions curled up tight,
shall only weakened gravity
suggest your supersymmetry?
Do you match, sine qua non,
boson to a fermion?
Will you ever edify
how the forces unify?
In what quanta, small or large
will we find your mass and charge?
In what membranes do you roam?
Which dimensions call you home?
In magnetic chambers narrow,
will you tell us of time’s arrow?
Have you broken, in the past?
How long do your components last?
Quarks from gluons will divide
when we make hadrons collide:
Will this show us where you hide
or leave us still unsatisfied?
Beyond notice, out of site
in dimensions curled up tight,
will only highest energy
reveal your supersymmetry?
ReplyDelete-- James Ph. Kotsybar
Below subatomic,
the particles slip
through Heisenberg’s uncertainty nets.
They cannot even be called articles;
they’re just mathematical epithets.
Though we may say they have up or down spins
(we may even find them charming or strange),
like angels that dance on the heads of pins,
it takes metaphysics to find their range.
They have no shape we can define,
except as bleary fields of energy.
Until we measure them,
there’s no place where they’re kept;
their locus is totally vibratile.
They pluck at space
like an instrument string, at this scale.
Quark! The hadron angels sing!
Thanks Poetye. Poems can express things quite accurately in their own way.
ReplyDeleteThe mathematician's view about particle is something very different from that of experimentalist. I must confess that these identifications are consistent remains to me a mystery.
Particles as geodesic lines - something rather concrete- have been replaced long time ago with complex valued functions in space-time and these in turn with complex valued functions in the space of field configurations. iIn TGD framework one has spinor fields in the world of classical worlds. These are quite heavy abstractions of the particle of direct sensory perception.
What I like is the number theoretic view about reality since it provides mathematical analog for the notion of elementarity as a generalization of primeness. But even the notion of prime is abstracted in mathematics.
ReplyDeleteIn algebra one has notion of ideal: any element of algebra defines ideal as the subspace of elements divisible by it. Mathematician replaces the notion of prime with that of prime ideal: prime ideal consists of all algebra elements divisible with the analog of prime. Prime ideal instead of prime is the useful notion.
There is a direct analogy of this abstract algebraic thinking with physics. We always perceive only that the world contains some particles. We do not observe a universe containing only these particles. We observe element of an ideal: one of the quantum worlds containing given articles.
For instance, at LHC we observe that the initial state contains two protons plus something else that we are not interested. There is infinite number of states containing two protons in final state. The ideal defined by the two proton state.
Elementary particles as generators of prime ideals consisting of all quantum states containing the particle. Could this be useful manner to see it? Actually this view is applied in QCD. One speaks about quark distribution functions for proton and fragmentation functions for partons to hadrons. One speaks about probability that parton A looks like parton B. For a mathematician this is nothing but thinking in terms of ideals.