The discovery of a new spinless particle at LHC has dominated the discussions in physics blogs during last weeks. Quite many bloggers identify without hesitation the new particle as the long sought for Higgs although some aspects of data do not encourage the interpretation as standard model Higgs or possibly its SUSY variant. Maybe the reason is that it is rather imagine any other interpretation. In this article the TGD based interpretation as a pion-like state of scaled up variant of hadron physics is discussed explaining also why Higgs is not needed and why it cannot even perform the tasks posed for it in TGD framework.
Essentially single assumption, the separate conservation of quark and lepton numbers realized in terms of 8-D chiral invariance, excludes Higgs like states as also standard N=1 SUSY. This identification could explain the failure to find the decays to τ pairs and also the excess of two-gamma decays. The decays gauge boson pairs would be caused by the coupling of pion-like state to instanton density for electro-weak gauge fields. Also a connection with the dark matter researches reporting signal at 130 GeV and possibly also at 110 GeV suggests itself: maybe also these signals also correspond to pion-like states.
The detailed arguments can be found in the article Is it really Higgs? at my homepage.
Hi Matti,
ReplyDeleteIn your pdf "is it really the Higgs"you mentioned "electo-Hadron"and "" LeptoHadron" physics
What is it and what is the difference?
Good question.
ReplyDeleteI have used electronhadron as specialitzation of leptohadron: lepton--> electron. The motivation for talking about electromuo-tau-hadron physics has come from anomalies with possible explanation in terms of pionlike states consisting of colored excitations of lepton and antilepton: for both e,,mu, and tau.
e and tau correspond to Mersenne primes M_127 and M_107 and muon to Gaussian Mersenne M_{G,113}. Ordinary hadron physics corresponds to M_107. Note that in this case the space-time sheets of all hadrons would correspond to the same M_107. For leptons one would have different situation. Ordinary hadron physics would have suggested same Mersenne M_127 for all leptohadrons. M_127 is by the way largest Mersenne which does not correspond to completely super-astronomical p-adic length scale.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading over TGD material the past few days.. specifically on renormalization group flow and coupling constant evolution. I dare say it makes sense.. the notion of causation can be frustrating though.. knowing how the robots are calculating...where does will come in? Are there any testable predictions of TGD in normal everyday situation with modern humans using modern PCs ? Anyway, an interesting article regarding synthetic biology
Interesting to know they have come that far in developement of DNA as computational tool.
So does that mean that mu and tau are composite and e is not?
ReplyDeleteTo Leo Vyuk::
ReplyDeleteSorry if I somehow created that impression.
Physically lepton/quark families are exact copies apart from their mass and this is big challenge for GUTs. In TGD this problem disappears: e and corresponding nu corresponds to spherical topology, mu and corresponding nu to torus toplogy, and so on. This topology is for partonic 2-surface.
I meant that there exists evidence for pionlike states decaying to e+e-, mu+m-, and tau+tau- respectively with masses very nearly equal to 2*m_e,2*m_mu,2*m_tau. Bound states of form L_+L_- cannot be in question but bound states of color octet excitations could be. This because leptons and quark can move also in other color partial waves than the lowest ones: color is not spin-like but angular momentum like quantum number. No other alternative remains if one believes that B and L are separately conserved and explains this by chiral symmetry in higher-D space-time.
Thank you very much Matti.
ReplyDelete"... we have achieved profound insight into the origin of mass for standard matter, and we may be set to crown, with the discovery of the Higgs particle, a compelling account of the origin of mass for W and Z bosons. Those origins are distinct, though there is an attractive conceptual connection between their mechanisms, and between both mechanisms and superconductivity. That's the good news. The bad news is that nothing in these ideas explains the origin of the mass of the Higgs particle itself, nor do they greatly elucidate the observed complicated structure of quark and lepton masses and mixings, nor the associated physical phenomena of CP violation, neutrino oscillations, ... . The ugly news is that the origin of most of the mass in the universe, that in dark matter and dark energy, remains deeply mysterious." extract from the conclusion of the presentation Origins of Mass by Frank Wilczek.
ReplyDelete...the plasma is nearly superconducting, and the magnetic field becomes tightly linked to the plasma, able to provide the strong force needed to hold in the hot fusion core. The overall plasma and magnetic field structure becomes akin to that of an onion, where magnetic field lines describe surfaces like the layers in the onion. While heat can be transported readily within the layers, conduction between layers is far more limited, making the core much hotter than the edge.