Doug Finkbeiner tells about the discovery microwave haze haze in Cosmic Variance. See also the article Milky Way 'Haze' May Be Dark Matter Signature. There is radio-wave and micro-wave haze in galactic center. There is also nearly monochromatic gamma ray glow in the center. Also so called Fermi bubbles forming a 3-D figure eight have been discovered.
There is no standard physics mechanism explaining these findings. It has been proposed that dark matter annihilation creates electron-positron pairs and electrons. The annihilation of single dark particle or their annihilation in collision could create gamma ray pairs and give rise to nearly monochromatic gamma ray glow in the galactic center. Electrons and positrons created in the annihilations would accelerate in the strong galactic and magnetic fields and create radio and microwave haze as brehmstrahlung. It has also become clear that the haze is associated with the so called Fermi bubbles, which also represent a new discovery.
My own proposal has been that the observed mono-energetic gamma rays - with energy equal to electron's rest energy rather precisely - come from the decays of electro-pions which are bound states of color excited electrons: these would represent dark matter in TGD sense and thus have non-standard value of Planck constant. Electro-pions decay to gamma ray pairs and create a gamma ray glow in the center of galaxy. Electro-pions would have been found also at Earth in heavy ion collisions: the model for them is discussed here.
Also muo-pions and tau-pions are predicted and there is evidence also for them but neglected because their existence is not consistent with the decay widths of weak bosons: the assumption that they correspond to dark matter in the sense that their Planck constant has non-standard value prevents the decay of weak bosons to them. Quite generally, darkness means that they have non-standard value of Planck constant and cannot appear in the same vertex with ordinary elementary particles.
Electro-pions can also decay to pairs of electron and positron. These would accelerate in the galactic magnetic field and in this manner create radio wave and microwave haze, and affect also the microwave background by inverse Compton scattering of microwave photon from electron transforming it to gamma ray.
Fermi bubbles form a kind of 3-D figure eight at galactic center with halves of the eight at the opposite sides of the galactic plane. In TGD Universe could represent magnetic flux sheets (they could decompose to flux tubes) associated with what resembles magnetic dipole field with dipole in the direction of galactic "bar" in the galactic plane. The dark matter would reside inside the flux tube defining dipole (the "bar"). Electrons and positrons resulting in the decays would rotate around the flux lines and travel along the magnetic flux tube and gain energy by accelerating along them. This brings in mind a similar situation in van Allen belt around Earth, where electrons go forth and back between poles along flux lines (flux tubes).
No standard physics mechanism explaining all these findings is known and in TGD Universe the hierarchy of phases with non-standard values of Planck constant and the confinement of magnetic field and electrons and positrons at flux tubes and sheets could represent the needed new physics. The explanation of these findings would provide one additional piece of support for the notion of many-sheeted space-time. It seems that the notion of magnetic flux quanta realized as space-time sheets gains new experimental support almost every week.
More tau leptons than expected
ReplyDeleteSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Evidence for an Excess of B̅ →D(*)τ-ν̅ τ Decays
As reported in Physical Review Letters, the BaBar collaboration at SLAC has analyzed a large data set and found an excess of events containing tau leptons in the decay of bottom mesons that doesn’t agree with the predictions of the standard model of particle physics.
BaBar looked for the decays of bottom mesons (a bound state of a bottom quark and a light quark) into a charm meson, a charged lepton, and a neutrino. Compared to a previous analysis, they were able to increase the efficiency with which they identified signal events by more than a factor of 3. BaBar determined the ratio of those decays that contained tau leptons to those that contained light charged leptons (electrons or muons), obtaining a larger ratio than predicted by the standard model by 3.4 standard deviations.
This deviation could be due to some new particle, such as a charged Higgs boson, which couples more strongly to heavy particles like taus than to electrons or muons (though BaBar shows that one of the most commonly studied models with a charged Higgs boson does not work). Systematic errors or statistical fluctuations could also give rise to the apparent excess of tau leptons. Finally, it could be that the standard model theoretical prediction BaBar compares their data to will change. In a recent paper (Jon A. Bailey et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 071802 (2012)) researchers recalculated one of the theoretical inputs into that prediction, and their results reduce the discrepancy BaBar finds to 3.2 standard deviations. – Robert Garisto
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