Two-gamma anomaly persists but bloggers still want to forget it. Additional anomaly manifesting itself as different estimates for Higgs mass from the observation of decays to gamma pairs and Z pairs has emerged. It is very difficult to believe that there could be two Higgses with very nearly the same mass. The neglect of the existence of some wide resonance (in TGD Universe M89 pion decaying to gamma pairs) producing two-gamma background could lead two-gamma excess and also to problems in mass determination. Phil Gibbs mentions also the digamma excess which ranges up to 200 GeV. Sooner or later one must perhaps take it seriously.
Higgs has been a stone in the toe of TGD. The problem has been the lack of classical space-time correlate for it. No wonder that in the case of Higgs I have developed a large number of alternative scenarios with and without Higgs like particle.
At this moment it seems clear that Higgs like particle exists although it is far from clear whether it has standard model couplings. If TGD has QFT limit and if one believes that Higgs mechanism is the only manner to model the particle massivation in QFT context, then Higgs mechanism would provide a mimicry of p-adic massivation but not its fundamental description. p-Adic thermodynamics is required for a microscopic description. Higgs vacuum expectation could have space-time counterpart at microscopic level and correspond to CP2 part for the trace of the second fundamental form assignable to string world sheet (if string world sheet is minimal surface in space-time as one might expect, it is not minimal surface in imbedding space (meaning vanishing Higgs expectation) except under very special conditions).
The too high decay rate of Higgs like state to gamma pairs is still reported and the mass of Higgs seems to depend slightly on whether it is determined from the production of gamma pairs or Z pairs. This suggests that also something else than Higgs is there. TGD candidate for this something else would be the pion of M89 hadron physics to be discussed below. By a naive scaling estimate for its width as Γ∼ αs M one would obtain width of order 20 GeV.
The identification as the 135 GeV particle for which Fermi telescope finds evidence as M89 pion is rather suggestive. This suggests that the anomalously high rate for the production of gamma pairs could be due to the decays of M89 pion providing an additional background. Due to this background also the determination of the mass of the Higgs like state could lead to different results for gamma pairs and Z pairs in ATLAS.
The rate for the production of gamma pairs is somewhat too high up to cm energy of gamma pair of order 200 GeV. May be this effect could be understood in terms of satellites of M89 pion with mass difference of order 20 GeV. These satellites would be scaled up variants of satellites of ordinary pion(and also other hadrons) for which evidence has been found recently and explained in TGD framework in terms of infared Regge trajectories. Of course, not a single particle physicist in CERN takes this kind of idea seriously since ordinary low energy hadron physics is regarded as a closed chapter of particle physics in higher energy circles.
Both Fermi satellite and LHC have provided interesting data concerming the existence of M89 hadron physics. The standard interpretation for the unexpected correlations for charged particle pairs meaning that they tend move either in parallel or antiparallel manner in heavy ion collisions detected already by RHIC for seven years ago and - even more surprisingly - in proton proton collisions detected by LHC for about two years ago are in terms of color spin glass. In quark gluon plasma one does not expect the correlations. Color spin glass has got support from AdS/CFT correspondence but the model is not fully consistent with the experimental data.
TGD suggests an interpretation in terms of decays of string like objects possible in low energy M89 hadron physics but not in high energy QCD. The 135 GeV particle suggested by Fermi data could be pion of M89 physics rather than dark matter particle.
We must however wait patiently until statistics possibly shows that these effects are real. Until this possibly happens colleagues continue to believe on standard model and direct their efforts to the elimination of new variants of SUSY.
There is a new Theory of Something, that is promoted, and has got some space in magazines. It says that dark matter is behind Planck's constant :)
see also
ReplyDeleteThese invisible particles could get captured by a planet's gravity and unleash energy that could warm that world, according to physicist Dan Hooper and astrophysicist Jason Steffen at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
propose that rocky "super-Earths" in regions with high densities of slow-moving dark matter could be warmed enough to keep liquid water on their surfaces, even in the absence of additional energy from starlight or other sources.
Slowly things change.
ReplyDeleteFollowing the Big Bang, the universe consisted only of nonmagnetic elements and particles. Now, a new mechanism has been discovered for the magnetisation of the universe even before the emergence of the first stars. Before the formation of the first stars, the luminous matter consisted only of a fully ionised gas of protons, electrons, helium nuclei and lithium nuclei which were produced during the Big Bang.
"All higher metals, for example, magnetic iron could, according to today's conception, only be formed in the inside of stars",
The result: the magnetic fields fluctuate depending on their position in the plasma, however, regardless of time - unlike, for example, electromagnetic waves such as light waves, which fluctuate over time. Everywhere in the luminous gas of the early universe there was a magnetic field with a strength of 10-20 Tesla, i.e. 10 sextillionth of a Tesla. By comparison, the earth's magnetic field has a strength of 30 millionths of a Tesla. In MRI scanners, field strengths of three Tesla are now usual. The magnetic field in the plasma of the early universe was thus very weak, but it covered almost 100 percent of the plasma volume.
Stellar winds or supernova explosions of the first massive stars generated shock waves that compressed the magnetic random fields in certain areas. In this way, the fields were strengthened and aligned on a wide-scale. Ultimately, the magnetic force was so strong that it in turn influenced the shock waves.
Is this giving the quantization?