A further objection relates to symmetries. It has become already clear that discrete subgroups of Lie-groups of symmetries cannot be realized p-adically without introducing algebraic extensions of p-adics making it possible to represent the p-adic counterparts of real group elements. Therefore symmetry breaking is unavoidable in p-adic context: one can speak only about realization of discrete sub-groups for the direct generalizations of real symmetry groups. The interpretation for the symmetry breaking is in terms of discretization serving as a correlate for finite measurement resolution reflecting itself also at the level of symmetries.
This observation has led to TGD inspired proposal for the realization of the p-adic counterparts symmetric spaces resembling the construction of P1(K) in many respects but also differing from it.
- For TGD option one considers a discrete subgroup G0 of the isometry group G making sense both in real context and for extension of p-adic numbers. One combines G0 with a p-adic counterpart of Lie group Gp obtained by exponentiating the Lie algebra by using p-adic parameters ti in the exponentiation exp(tiTi).
- One obtains actually an inclusion hierarchy of p-adic Lie groups. The levels of the hierarchy are labelled by the maximum p-adic norms |ti|p= p-ni, ni ≥ 1 and in the special case ni=n - strongly suggested by group invariance - one can write Gp,1 ⊃ Gp,2 ⊃ ...Gp,n .... Gp,i defines the p-adic counterpart of the continuous group which gets the smaller the larger the value of n is. The discrete group cannot be obtained as a p-adic exponential (although it can be obtained as real exponential), and one can say that group decomposes to a union of disconnected parts corresponding to the products of discrete group elements with Gp,n.
This decomposition to totally uncorrelated disjoint parts is of course worrying from the point of view of algebraic continuation. The construction of p-adic manifolds by using canonical identification to define coordinate charts as real ones allows a correspondence between p-adic and real groups and also allows to glue together the images of the disjoint regions at real side: this induces gluing at p-adic side. The procedure will be discussed later in more detail.
- There is a little technicality is needed. The usual Lie-algebra exponential in the matrix representation contains an imaginary unit. For p mod 4 =3 this imaginary unit can be introduced as a unit in the algebraic extension. For p mod 4 =1 it can be realized as an algebraic number. It however seems that imaginary unit or its p-adic analog should belong to an algebraic extension of p-adic numbers. The group parameters for algebraic extension of p-adic numbers belong to the algebraic extension. If the algebraic extension contains non-trivial roots of unity Um,n= exp(i2 π m/n), the differences Um,n-U*m,n are proportional to imaginary unit as real numbers and one can replace imaginary unit in the exponential with Um,n-U*m,n. In real context this means only a rescaling of the Lie algebra generator and Planck constant by a factor (2sin(2 π m/n))-1. A natural imaginary unit is defined in terms of U1,pn.
- This construction is expected to generalize to the case of coset spaces and give rise to a coset space G/H identified as the union of discrete coset spaces associated with the elements of the coset G0/H0 making sense also in the real context. These are obtained by multiplying the element of G0/H0 by the p-adic factor space Gp,n/Hp,n.
The Lie algebra of the rotation group spanned by the generators Lx,Ly,Lz provides a good example of the situation and leads to the question whether the hierarchy of Planck constants kenociteallb/Planck could be understood p-adically.
- Ordinary commutation relations are [Lx,Ly]= i hbar Lz. For the hierarchy of Lie groups it is convenient to extend the algebra by introducing the generators Lin)= pnLi and one obtains [Lxm),Lyn)]= i hbar Lzm+n). This resembles the commutation relations of Kac-Moody algebra structurally.
- For the generators of Lie-algebra generated by Lim) one has [Lxm),Lym)]= ipm hbar Lzm). One can say that Planck constant is scaled from hbar to pm hbar. Could the effective hierarchy of Planck constants assigned to the multi-furcations of space-time sheets correspond in p-adic context to this hierarchy of Lie-algebras?
- The values of the Planck constants would come as powers of primes: the hypothesis has been that they comes as positive integers. The integer n defining the number of sheets for n-furcation would come as powers n=pm. The connection between p-adic length scale hierarchy and hierarchy of Planck constants has been conjectured already earlier but the recent conjecture is the most natural one found hitherto. Of course, the question whether the number sheets of furcation correlates with the power of p characterizing "small" continuous symmetries remains an open question. Note that also n-adic and even q=m/n-adic topology is possible with norms given by powers of integer or rational. Number field is however obtained only for primes. This suggests that if also integer - and perhaps even rational valued scales are allowed for causal diamonds, they correspond to effective n-adic or q-adic topologies and that powers of p are favored.
- The easy way to solve the problem is to interpret the hierarchy of continuous p-adic Lie groups Gp,n as analogs of gauge groups. But if the wave functions are invariant under Gp,n, what is the situation with respect to Gp,m for m<n? Infinitesimally one obtains that the commutator algebras [Gp,k,Gp,l] ⊂ Gp,k+l must annihilate the functions for k+l ≥ n. Does also Gp,m, m<n annihilate the functions for as a direct calculation demonstrates in the real case. If this is the case also p-adically the hierarchy of groups Gp,n would have no physical implications. This would be disappointing.
- One must however be very cautious here. Lie algebra consists of first order differential operators and in p-adic context the functions annihilated by these operators are pseudo-constants. It could be that the wave functions annihilated by Gp,n are pseudo-constants depending on finite number of pinary digits only so that one can imagine of defining an integral as a sum. In the recent case the digits would naturally correspond to powers pm, m<n. The presence of these
functions could be purely p-adic phenomenon having no real counterpart and emerge when one
leaves the intersections of real and p-adic worlds. This would be just the non-determinism of imagination assigned to p-adic physics in TGD inspired theory of consciousness.
- Exponentiation implies that in matrix representation the elements of Gp,n are of form g= Id+ png1: here Id represents real unit matrix. For compact groups like SU(2) or CP2 the group elements in real context are bounded above by unity so that this kind of sub-groups do not exist as real groups. For non-compact groups like SL(2,C) and T4 this kind of subgroups make sense also in real context.
- Zero energy ontology suggests that discrete but infinite sub-groups Γ of SL(2,C) satisfying certain additional conditions define hyperbolic spaces as factor spaces H3/ Γ (H3 is hyperboloid of M4 lightcone). These spaces have constant sectional curvature and very many 3-manifolds allow a hyperbolic metric with hyperbolic volume defining a topological invariant. The moduli space of CDs contains the groups Γ defining lattices of H3 replacing it in finite measurement resolution. One could imagine hierarchies of wave functions restricted to these subgroups or H3 lattices associated with them. These wave functions would have the same form in both real and p-adic context so that number theoretical universality would make sense and one could perhaps define the inner products in terms of "integrals" reducing to sums.
- The inclusion hierarchy Gp,n ⊃ Gp,n+1 would in the case of SL(2,C) have interpretation in terms of finite measurement resolution for four-momentum. If Gp,n annihilate the physical states or creates zero norm states, this inclusion hierarchy corresponds to increasing IR cutoff (note that short length scale in p-adic sense corresponds to long scale in real sense!). The hierarchy of groups Gp,n makes sense also in the case of translation group T4 and also now the interpretation in terms of increasing IR cutoff makes sense. This picture would provide a group theoretic realization for with the vision that p-adic length scale hierarchies correspond to hierarchies of length scale measurement resolutions in M4 degrees of freedom.
Canonical identification and the definition of p-adic counterparts of Lie groups
For Lie groups for which matrix elements satisfy algebraic equations, algebraic subgroups with rational matrix elements could regarded as belonging to the intersection of real and p-adic worlds, and algebraic continuation by replacing rationals by reals or p-adics defines the real and p-adic counterparts of these algebraic groups. The challenge is to construct the canonical identification map between these groups: this map would identify the common rationals and possible common algebraic points on both sides and could be seen also a projection induced by finite measurement resolution.
A proposal for a construction of the p-adic variants of Lie groups was discussed in previous section. It was found that the p-adic variant of Lie group decomposes to a union of disjoint sets defined by a discrete subgroup G0 multiplied by the p-adic counterpart Gp,n of the continuous Lie group G. The representability of the discrete group requires an algebraic extension of p-adic numbers. The disturbing feature of the construction is that the p-adic cosets are disjoint. Canonical identification Ik,l suggests a natural solution to the problem. The following is a rough sketch leaving a lot of details open.
- Discrete p-adic subgroup G0 corresponds as such to its real counterpart represented by matrices in algebraic extension of rationals. Gp,n can be coordinatized separately by Lie algebra parameters for each element of G0 and canonical identification maps each Gp,n to a subset of real G. These subsets intersect and the chart-to-chart identification maps between Lie algebra coordinates associated with different elements of G0 are defined by these intersections. This correspondence induces the correspondence in p-adic context by the inverse of canonical identification.
- One should map the p-adic exponentials of Lie-group elements of Gp,n to their real counterparts by some form of canonical identification.
- Consider first the basic form I=I0, ∞ of canonical identification mapping all p-adics to their real counterparts and maps only the p-adic integers 0 ≤ k<p to themselves.
The gluing maps between groups Gp,n associated with elements gm and gn of G0 would be defined by the condition gm I(exp(itaTa)= gn I(exp(ivaTa). Here ta and va are Lie-algebra coordinates for the groups at gm and gn. The delicacies related to the identification of p-adic analog of imaginary unit have been discussed in the previous section. It is important that Lie-algebra coordinates belong to the algebraic extension of p-adic numbers containing also the roots of unity needed to represent gn. This condition allows to solve va in terms of ta and va= va(tb) defines the chart map relating the two coordinate patches on the real side. The inverse of the canonical identification in turn defines the p-adic variant of the chart map in p-adic context. For I this map is not p-adically analytic as one might have guessed.
- The use of Ik,n instead of I gives hopes about analytic chart-to chart maps on both sides. One must however restrict Ik,n to a subset of rational points (or generalized points in algebraic extension with generalized rational defined as ratio of generalized integers in the extension). Canonical identification respects group multiplication only if the integers defining the rationals m/n appearing in the matrix elements of group representation are below the cutoff pk. The points satisfying this condition do not in general form a rational subgroup. The real images of rational points however generate a rational sub-group of the full Lie-group having a manifold completion to the real Lie-group.
One can define the real chart-to chart maps between the real images of Gp,k at different points of G0 using Ik,l(exp(ivaTa)= gn-1gm × Ik,l(exp(itaTa). When real charts intersect, this correspondence should allow solutions va,tb belonging to the algebraic extension and satisfying the cutoff condition. If the rational point at the other side does not correspond to a rational point it might be possible to perform pinary cutoff at the other side.
Real chart-to-chart maps induce via common rational points discrete p-adic chart-to-chart maps between Gp,k. This discrete correspondence should allow extension to a unique chart-to-chart map the p-adic side. The idea about algebraic continuation suggests that an analytic form for real chart-to-chart maps using rational functions makes sense also in the p-adic context.
- Consider first the basic form I=I0, ∞ of canonical identification mapping all p-adics to their real counterparts and maps only the p-adic integers 0 ≤ k<p to themselves.
- p-Adic Lie-groups Gp,k for an inclusion hierarchy with size characterized by p-k. For large values of k the canonical image of Gp,k for given point of G0 can therefore intersect its copies only for a small number of neighboring points in G0, whose size correlates with the size of the algebraic extension. If the algebraic extension has small dimension or if k becomes large for a given algebraic extension, the number of intersection points can vanish. Therefore it seems that in the situations, where chart-to-chart maps are possible, the power pk and the dimension of algebraic extension must correlate. Very roughly, the order of magnitude for the minimum distance between elements of G0 cannot be larger than p-k+1. The interesting outcome is that the dimension of algebraic extension would correlate with the pinary cutoff analogous to the IR cutoff defining measurement resolution for four-momenta.
For details and background see the article the article What p-adic icosahedron could mean? And what about p-adic manifold? at my homepage.
ReplyDeleteI am making some progress too from the more finite perspective although I see many things in the continuous topology that I now understand as they seem to relate to the inner workings of your vision and how it relates to our body of knowledge.
Reading this I have a vague intuition to ask you - what would the interior of a black hole be like if it had an overall p-adic design? I did not consider this one, but number theory is important. My grids show clearly ideas like the angle measure of hyperspheres involves factorials also... Is there where the Mersenne prime idea comes in?
But what of a horned sphere of the surface of a n-sphere that fractally embeds them as shells so as to represent in a plane or space something that would take forever to reach around them like a rubber band from the first one?
L. Edgar Otto the PeSla
ReplyDeleteTo Pesla:
The interpretation for p-adic counterpart of blackhole in TGD inspired theory of consciousness is as a building brick for a cognitive representation for blackhole. Whether it is realized is of course not at all obvious.
Zero energy ontology however allows this. In ZEO conservation laws allow p-adic zero energy states to transform to real ones and vice versa. Thought bubble about little sub-Universe transforming to real little sub-Universe.
The idea that any physical system could be accompanied by cognitive representations about itself, somewhat similar to self model built by our brain, of course irritates most standard physicist as the idea about quantum biology for only decade or two ago. Now quantum biology is virogorously developing branch of science.
Times are however changing rapidly and even finnish physicists might someday forced to take quantum biology and even p-adic physics seriously;-).
New Mersenne prime found:
It would be kinda fun if Mersenne primes were a finite set, e.g. just 49 of them and one more to find. 7*7 is special not least because of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven-dimensional_cross_product
ReplyDeleteBut I've been thinking more about implicit learning, conscious thought and (sub and/or superconscious awareness:
If we define consciousness as quantum jump with content of mental imagery, what would be the content of conscious experience of electron making quantum jump inside hydrogen atom? In this definition it's noteworthy that consciousness is always moving energetic state and in that sense ouroboros, content of what "was" instead of experience of what *is*.
If we use "awareness" for the subconscious whole-body experience that enables e.g. implicit learning, there is no requirement of aboutness or quantum jump changing the system that conscious experience is about. But (subconscious/meditative) awareness could be at the level of zero-energy states and negentropic quantum entanglement, without changing the system by act of conscious measurement and quantum jump.
This view could, if not anything else, IMHO help to clarify the terminology.
ReplyDeleteTo Santeri:
May the discovery of primes with Mersennes first mimics number theoretical evolution. Could the simple formula and testability for primeness somehow relate to the question why they are physically favored?
During the first years of TGD inspired theory of consciousness I though a lot about possibility of pure awareness without any mental images (subselves). CD without sub-CDs, space-time sheet without topologically condensed space-time sheets.
Or maybe the core of consciousness as distinguished from pure awareness is cognition represented by p-adic space-time sheets providing cognitive maps about real space-time sheets representing sensory experience.
Thinking builds representations of reality and identifies them with reality. This leads to discrepancy and this discrepancy creates suffering as Krishnamurti would say and would perhaps continue: To put end to the suffering one must get rid of intentions and thoughts.
Your view of conscience as quantum jumps is much more than representation theory based on naive philosophical/scientific realism of some metaphysical substance. *Moment* of consciousness appears as energetic movement and creative force, instead of mere representation. Each moment of consciousness creates a new universe to be conscious of, and has thus entropy written in it. "Below" thermodynamic absolute zero is infinite or absolute hot and temperature system as whole can be quite accurately described by the symbol of ouroboros, snake eating its own tail.
ReplyDeleteBut if I understand correctly, negentropy is more fundamental than entropic no-cloning theorem, as ZEO of negative and positive energy has negentropic codependent relation, dependent arising?
So subsystem being holographically informed/negentropically entangled with the whole system, which could explain also subconscious implicit learning, would be the "natural" state of not recreating the universe with quantum jumps of conscience, but "pure" awareness just "staying tuned"?
In this sense, conscious recreation of world would not need to cause suffering, if it arises of acceptance that recreation happens as happens, and cause of suffering would arise just from non-acceptance and escapism as motive of creative jumps to something else.
ReplyDeleteTo Santeri:
I would expect that no-cloning theorem holds true in TGD also. Negentropy as I define is an outcome of expanding physics so that it becomes number theoretically universal. It is just an information measure for the information associated with entanglement. Shannon entropy is measure for the information lost about state of either of the entangled systems.
One can imagine several identifications for pure awareness. Here is one more.
Zeno effect is assigned in standard measurement theory to a situation when one has measured the observables and repeats the measurement. The state remains unchanged. It has been argued that continual measurement keeps the state unchanged: when you watch the tea pot it refuse to boil.
Generalizing: repeated measurement of a state with NE entanglement would create the conscious awareness about the "rule" represented by NE.
One might even argue that NE explains why repeated measurement keeps the state state. NMP states tat negentropy is generated in quantum jump but if the state is already that of maximum NE (mathematically mirror imagine of maximally entropic thermodynamical equilibrium) MNP implies that negentropic state is rather stable. This kind of state of consciousness is analogous to "eternal now" and could represent pure awareness. Subsystems (mental images) might be a problem since they need not be simultaneously in similar state: perhaps it is better to murder all mental images;-).
TGD is full of 'mental images'... y cannot be serious.
last year there was something similar found, but around Earth, if I remember right.
For some reason, I had some difficulty and reluctance reading your answer from zeno effect onwards. Which reminds me that in Finnish 'mieli' (mind) connotates with 'mieluisa' and 'miellyttää' with meanings 'pleasing' and 'pleasure' and at least avoidance suffering, which "pleased mindfullness" does not necessitate suffering caused by attachment, but can be for example purely theoretical position or state of mind.
ReplyDeleteBut there is also something deeply unsatisfactory in purely theoretical position of non-attached observation, as we can't deny our participation in creation either, when consciously observing. And theoretical position can easily lead to trap of objectification and externalizing so well known in contemporary physics and it's nature relation.
Empathy, "internalized" feel of the state of the other, as in feeling the pain of other sentient being, I would like to believe is the unmarked "default" state, and out-group barriers and defense mechanisms against empathy would be secondary creations of self-blinding. Which also serve evolutionary purposes in their ways.
So 'mieli' finds pleasure in mental images, not excluding horror movies, and instead of murdering them all, we can turn the TV off to have a rest and trust that the show continues when it continues, when the "mental image" of another sentient being is in need of our presence, empathy and compassion. Consensus reality is the reality of being real for each other. Fractality and holography rather allow us to trust that continuous measurement keeps on going and keeping and creating when "I" am not measuring and creating and keeping.
You can say that "empathy" and "compassion" are just information measures, and that may be theoretically true. But as purely theoretical positions such can be also states of uninformed self-blinding, in comparison to embodied knowledge of implicit learning and participation.
PS: Dear Matti, I have no doubt that any sentient being present in these discussions is not wishing you health and long life to keep on doing your theoretical work as long as allowed and possible, but the contrary. Daring to speak with voice of many, we really do love you. Admiration, which is also true, is secondary, but it does give your work attention and motivates much of these discussions. Your theoretical work and health and long life to keep on doing it by self-compassion are not in conflict, but mutually supportive.
ReplyDeleteWe love you, dude <3
ReplyDeleteThank you for you kind words. They saved my morning!
To Ulla:
ReplyDeleteI remember that I wrote something about the observations at the border of solar system few years ago. If I remember correctly the idea was that flux tubes connect also solar system to some other solar system and particles flow along the flux tubes.
http://tgdtheory.com/public_html/articles/precession.pdf .
ReplyDeleteStill to Santeri:
For few years ago we talked a lot about negentropic entanglement and compared it to entropic entanglement and also bound state entanglement. Negentropic entanglement could perhaps be seen as correlate for compassion.
I am not saying that we could/should become happy by killing the wrong mental images, or even all of them. The outcome is just one particular kind of consciousness - and probably also suffering because this kind of murdering of mental images is violence.
Krishnamurti has been an important thinker for me. His basic teaching is simple: do not try to force any constraints to your conscious experience: do not follow any kind of dogma, allow also "dirty" mental images and just observe them. What would be suffering is not anymore suffering when you just study it with interest.
Krishnamurti's thinking inspires a good definition of violence as any attempt to restrict consciousness, to allow only certain kind of mental images. Sad to say but the creation of desired mental images and suppression of undesired ones has become one of the main activities of our society.
I respect both Krishnamurties - Jiddu and UG - as most excellent teachers of killing Buddha on the road. Our song is "I did it my way". But no way my way happens totally alone.
ReplyDeleteWith a shot in darkness, it is much more likely that multiple interpretations are more correct than trying to reduce all interpretations to single cause - any ToE.
As there is much practical value of walking your talk - and keeping your talk walkable, while leading to new horizons, and we listen and share and talk and walk together, each our mixed and impure walk, hmmm... I don't have complaints about dialogue and getting my walk mixed with TGD, and it's potential to widen horizons of experience. This is really nice theory to "feel out" even in most limited mathematical and symbolic comprehension of the occult of physics discipline. So I can recommend courage to try it out, on any level of comprhension, as a theory that opens up new ways to experience instead of trying to close and suffocate primary experiantal reality.
And what I really liked was so many different "objective" ;) definitions of "pure awareness". While waiting for that to happen, maybe My Way is none of those, and not in existential conflict in any way with any of those.
I have not had time to follow the discussion so well lately, but if you ever doubt yourself... I join Santeri, and tell you something you don't want to hear :)
ReplyDeleteHold on to life, still many, many years. Dude :)
There are some interesting papers.
Frank Znidarsic and wondered what others think about its focus. His work in Bose-Einstein condensates, advancement of the super-conductive work of Eugene Podkletnov. The first is especially interesting. He links gravitational anomalies and ZEO? Also his derivation of Plancks constant and alpha is interesting, especially in the light it gives on some questions.
See the sceptics http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=196571
Quantization of Energy
The Duality of Matter and Waves
The Control of the Natural Forces
The Elastic Limit of Space and the Quantum Condition
So 1.094 megahertz-meters is the speed of the quantum transition.
Suffering is intimately related to time and time, it appears, is intimately related to entropy/negentropy. Suffering enters the world due to transience and transcience is an expression of entropy. The key is to terminate the one who suffers - this is the death of the profane, entropic ego. Once this death occurs the Divine, negentropic ego is born. This is the whole idea behind the Cosmic Dancer, the twice-born, the one who dwells comfortably in both realms, the Bodhisattva. The state of Pure Awareness, as such, can be a most detrimental distraction . . . It takes time within time in order to kill time but once dead time becomes duration and although suffering continues, the one who suffers is no more . . . People suffer because they don't properly understand eternity and this understanding, paradoxically, takes time . . .
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm not at all knowledgeable about your theory but proper understanding does come with drastic changes in the physical body. The Golden Embryo of Origin resides in the prostate gland and the process leading to death and re-birth transfers this Golden Embryo to the pineal gland. I believe this is why Sara Lazar and her Harvard crew have witnessed cortical thickening in monks who have meditated for over 10,000 hours and even in novice meditators. The cortical thickening occurs in the area surrounding the pineal gland. I am fairly certain all sentient life forms have a Golden Embryo of Origin in spite of reports to the contrary . . . In other words, animals other than human can become enlightened. Some animals are more enlightened than most humans in that they are still intimately connected to the web of life . . .
ReplyDeleteOne is afraid of what one does not understand. Understanding of what happens to conscious experience in death might help to get rid from fears. To understand death one must understand life.
In western science based belief system death is however just turning off lights and life something that somehow "emerges" from dead matter.
I live in a same household with a cat and I can tell that its is very spiritual being;-). I wonder whether it is in a state of deep meditation when it is purring. Someone should look at its EEG and compare it to that of meditators. Certainly it is full of compassion towards all living things except mouses and the little birds irritating it;-).
Yes, ignorance, which is to say, entropy, is at the root of all "evil" in the profane world. And the only way to overcome ignorance is to subdue the "Threashold Guardians." The very first guardian is Duty, which is very easily subdued. The second, in terms of difficulty, is Fear of Death, which is also rather easily subdued. The last one, Desire for Life, is the one which causes so much trouble . . . Fear of Death is the one related to the understanding you mention above; Desire for Life is the one which maintains the profane ego.
ReplyDeleteI've been walking The Left Hand Path of VamaMarga for the last thirteen years. I was married to a girl but it was a loveless marriage. I left the marriage which was my way of subduing Duty. Three months after leaving my wife I met my Spiritual Mother/Virgin Mother, Crista Bandini. I met her at a horse show and she immediately disappeared from my life - in a most curious way. This was on February 27, 2000. I experienced a most magical time which lasted for 9 months, one trimester. At the end of this trimester the Universal Consciousness presented me with a choice: accept the boon offered (union with the Virgin Mother) and leave the journey; continue with the journey. Most of the heroes of VamaMarga choose to accept the boon offered; Joseph Campbell is an example of one such – his wife Jean was his Virgin Mother, The Hero with 1,000 Faces his boon. I chose to continue the journey.
There immediately followed two more 9 month periods or trimesters filled with magic. This period came to an end on my biological birthday, May 26, 2002. This is called the Nadir of the Mythological Round. Immediately following the Nadir was the commencement of the Supreme Ordeal. The Supreme Ordeal is still ongoing although Desire for Life was overcome a good while ago. The point of the whole ordeal is to follow Love to its Ultimate Source; I refer to it as The Eternal Fountain of Boundless Love. Where within your TGD theory does The Eternal Fountain of Boundless Love fit? It is the Source of all things . . . the set which includes itself.
With regards,
Wes Hansen
Good question. Ethernal Fountain of Boundless Love? Sounds magic.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Free Will and Karma? Is Free Will entrpy? I was punished for my Will.
The Ego as time and Self as timeless is interesting. Maybe you can tell more about your thinking? Consciousness as timeless? It must mean that it dwelves in the ZEO?