In any case, something interesting has emerged quite recently. Resonaances tells that the recent analysis of X-ray spectrum of galactic clusters claims the presence of monochromatic 3.5 keV photon line. The proposed interpretation is as a decay product of sterile 7 keV neutrino transforming first to a left-handed neutrino and then decaying to photon and neutrino via a loop involving W boson and electron. This is of course only one of the many interpretations. Even the existence of line is highly questionable.
One of the poorly understood aspects of TGD is right-handed neutrino, which is obviously the TGD counterpart of the inert neutrino.
- The old idea is that covariantly constant right handed neutrino could generate N=2 super-symmetry in TGD Universe. In fact, all modes of induced spinor field would generate super-conformal symmetries but electroweak interactions would break these symmetries for the modes carrying non-vanishing electroweak quantum numbers: they vanish for νR. This picture is now well-established at the level of WCW geometry (see this): super-conformal generators are labelled angular momentum and color representations plus two conformal weights: the conformal weight assignable to the light-like radial coordinate of light-cone boundary and the conformal weight assignable to string coordinate. It seems that these conformal weights are independent. The third integer labelling the states would label genuinely Yangian generators: it would tell the poly-locality of the generator with locus defined by partonic 2-surface: generators acting on single partonic 2-surface, 2 partonic 2-surfaces, ...
- It would seem that even the SUSY generated by νR must be badly broken unless one is able to invent dramatically different interpretation of SUSY. The scale of SUSY breaking and thus the value of the mass of right-handed neutrino remains open also in TGD. In lack of better one could of course argue that the mass scale must be CP2 mass scale because right-handed neutrino mixes considerably with the left-handed neutrino (and thus becomes massive) only in this scale. But why this argument does not apply also to left handed neutrino which must also mix with the right-handed one!
- One can of course criticize the proposed notion of SUSY: wonder whether fermion + extremely weakly interacting νR at same wormhole throat (or interior of 3-surface) can behave as single coherent entity as far spin is considered (see this)?
- The condition that the modes of induced spinor field have a well-defined electromagnetic charge eigenvalue (see this) requires that they are localized at 2-D string world sheets or partonic 2-surfaces: without this condition classical W boson fields would mix the em charged and neutral modes with each other. Right-handed neutrino is an exception since it has no electroweak couplings. Unless right-handed neutrino is covariantly constant, the modified gamma matrices can however mix the right-handed neutrino with the left handed one and this can induce transformation to charged mode. This does not happen if each modified gamma matrix can be written as a linear combination of either M4 or CP2 gamma matrices and modified Dirac equation is satisfied separately by M4 and CP2 parts of the modified Dirac equation.
- Is the localization of the modes other than covariantly constant neutrino to string world sheets a consequence of dynamics or should one assume this as a separate condition? If one wants similar localization in space-time regions of Euclidian signature - for which CP2 type vacuum extremal is a good representative - one must assume it as a separate condition. In number theoretic formulation string world sheets/partonic 2-surfaces would be commutative/co-commutative sub-manifolds of space-time surfaces which in turn would be associative or co-associative sub-manifolds of imbedding space possessing (hyper-)octonionic tangent space structure. For this option also
right-handed neutrino would be localized to string world sheets. Right-handed neutrino would be covariantly constant only in 2-D sense.
One can consider the possibility that νR is de-localized to the entire 4-D space-time sheet. This would certainly modify the interpretation of SUSY since the number of degrees of freedom would be reduced for νR.
- Non-covariantly constant right-handed neutrinos could mix with left-handed neutrinos but not with charged leptons if the localization to string world sheets is assumed for modes carrying non-vanishing electroweak quantum numbers. This would make possible the decay of right-handed to neutrino plus photon, and one cannot exclude the possibility that νR has mass 7 keV.
Could this imply that particles and their spartners differ by this mass only? Could it be possible that practically unbroken SUSY could be there and we would not have observed it? Could one imagine that sfermions have annihilated leaving only states consisting of fundamental fermions? But shouldn't the total rate for the annihilation of photons to hadrons be two times the observed one? This option does not sound plausible.
What if one assumes that given sparticle is charactrized by the same p-adic prime as corresponding particle but is dark in the sense that it corresponds to non-standard value of Planck constant. In this case sfermions would not appear in the same vertex with fermions and one could escape the most obvious contradictions with experimental facts. This leads to the notion of shadron: shadrons would be (see this) obtained by replacing quarks with dark squarks with nearly identical masses. I have asked whether so called X and Y bosons having no natural place in standard model of hadron could be this kind of creatures.
- Nuclear string model (see this) predicts that nuclei are string like objects formed from nucleons connected by color magnetic flux tubes having quark and antiquark at their ends. These flux tubes are long and define the "magnetic body" of nucleus. Quark and antiquark have opposite em charges for ordinary nuclei. When they have different charges one obtains exotic state: this predicts entire spectrum of exotic nuclei for which statistic is different from what proton and neutron numbers deduced from em charge and atomic weight would suggest. Exotic nuclei and large values of Planck constant could make also possible cold fusion
(see this).
- What the mass difference between these states is, is not of course obvious. There is however an experimental finding (see Analysis of Gamma Radiation from a Radon Source: Indications of a Solar Influence) that nuclear decay rates oscillate with a period of year and the rates correlate with the distance from Sun. A possible explanation is that the gamma rays from Sun in few keV range excite the exotic nuclear states with different decay rate so that the average decay rate oscillates. Note that nuclear excitation energies in keV range would also make possible interaction of nuclei with atoms and molecules (see this).
- This allows to consider the possibility that the decays of exotic nuclei in galactic clusters generates 3.5 keV photons. The obvious question is why the spectrum would be concentrated at 3.5 keV in this case (second question is whether the energy is really concentrated at 3.5 keV: a lot of theory is involved with the analysis of the experiments). Do the energies of excited states depend on the color bond only so that they would be essentially same for all nuclei? Or does single excitation dominate in the spectrum? Or is this due to the fact that the thermal radiation leaking from the core of stars excites predominantly single state? Could E=3.5 keV correspond to the maximum intensity for thermal radiation in stellar core? If so, the temperature of the exciting radiation would be about T≈ E/3≈ 1.2× 107 K. This in the temperature around which formation of Helium by nuclear fusion has begun: the temperature at solar core is around 1.57× 107 K.
Dear Matti,
ReplyDeleteBoson fields in TGD are emergent. but if they are emergent, why can they be observed in experiment? for example one can observe W+ and W- and Z0 fields in experiment.
Has the field body associated with us the same biological parts like heart and stomach that our physical body has them?!
for example if it has stomach and mouth , this means when we die, we can eat by our hyper mouth and digest by our hyper stomach in our field body!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Hamed,
Why not? Atoms are also emergent and we have no difficulty in observing them! Emergence only means that observed bosons are not fundamental particles (so that gauge boson quantum fields are not primary variables: note however that classical gauge boson fields appear as induced gauge fields) . QFT limit is of course another thing but it is only an effective description, not fundamental.
Gauge bosons would be bound states of massless fundamental fermions and antifermions at throats of wormhole contacts. Actually two wormhole contacts are involved: neutrino antineutrino pair at second contact would neutralize weak isospin so that the range of weak interaction would be finite. Also fermions as elementary particles would have similar stringy structure.
Each body part would have its "personal" magnetic body body so that the structure ("topology") of the magnetic body would directly reflect that of biological body. The correspondence would respect topology but not necessarily scale.
The biorhythms associated with the biological body part (EEG and its variant, evidence for analog of EEG in few kHZ range is observed) define by uncertainty principle the scale of the corresponding magnetic body. Our bodies could
have magnetic copies of size of Earth since 10 Hz EEG frequency corresponds to Earth circumference as wavelength.
Few Hz oscillations seems to be associated even with DNA (DNA transcription occurs in .1 second time scale so that the scale of the magnetic body might not be always in same proportion to that of "biological" body part. This is however an interesting hypothesis to study.
How the scales of biological and magnetic bodies correspond to each other is interesting question. The first hypothesis coming in mind is that if biological body corresponds to p-adic length scale then magnetic body corresponds to that of its CD -that is secondary p-adic length scale: for electron's magnetic body this would give .1 second time scale and Earth size scale. For cell size - micrometer - these scales would be longer by the ratio of p-adic primes: something like 10^{14}! This would suggest that the largest parts of our magnetic body are really large: something like 10^4 ly -size scale of galactic nucleus!! The time scale of biological life - 100 years - would correspond to the size scale of 100 light years for the personal magnetic body. Meditators recalling their earlier lives would have even bigger MBs: spiritual
growth would concretize to the growth of the magnetic body;-).
If the direction of the arrow of time can temporarily change as ZEO predicts (phase conjugate light rays is the standard example) then instantaneous communications over arbitrarily long distances become possible. Finite light velocity would not prevent agnetic body to have control on arbitrarily large biological body. It is not often not realized that
the finite light velocity hinders communications over long distances only if one assumes single arrow of time.
Dear Matti,
ReplyDeleteSo thanks, another question.
“The value of the Kahler coupling strength is such that the vacuum functional exp(K) is analogous to the exponent exp(H/T) defining the partition function of a statistical system at critical temperature.”
At critical temperature, no phase boundaries exist. There are multiple types of critical points, including vapor–liquid critical points and liquid–liquid critical points. What are analogies to these phases in TGD?
ReplyDeleteDear Hamed,
excellent question.
To begin with, the simplest finite-dimensional analogy is potential function which has cusp catastrophe. The tip of the cusp is the critical point. This can be used as a model for thermodynamical criticality.
Criticality is very delicate notion in infinite-D context.
1. Is Kaehler action critical or is Kahler function (Kahler action for preferred extremal)s critical? These criticality's are different since in Kahler action one performs variations keeping 3-surface fixed and in Kahler function one varies 3-surface.
2. For Kahler function criticality would mean that its Hessian has vanishing eigenvalues: this might well imply that some eigenvalues of (1,1) part of Hessian vanish so that WCW metric becomes degenerate. This is not desirable. It could also happen that in some nearby point of WCW metric eigenvalues with opposite signs so that metric is not positive defined and does not define Hilbert space metric.
3. What one means with Kahler function? sqrt(g) factor appearing in Kahler action is the problem. Should one use g or its absolute value |g|. p-Adically absolute minimum does not make sense unless it can be defined purely algebraically by continuing from real sector.
Should one allow sqrt(g) to be imaginary in Minkowskian regions and real in Euclidian regions (lines of generalized Feynman diagrams representing particles)?
If so then Minkowskian regions of space-time give rise to imaginary Kaehler action identifiable as Morse function and coding information about the topology of WCW. The real Kahler action for Euclidian regions would define Kahler function.
4. The physically most important 4-surfaces would correspond to those for which Kahler function is maximum and Morse function is saddle point (stationary phase approximation): change of local topology. What this means you learn by finding standard representation how criticality of height function of torus codes for topology
change of its 1-D cross section. This is standard physical picture combining Euclidian and Minkowskian field theories.
5. Conclusion: criticality means criticality of Kaehler action with respect to the variations leaving 3-surface fixed. I see no obvious reason why criticality could not hold true both in Euclidian and Minkowskian space-time regions.
6. Physical intuition suggests that criticality means loss of complete determinism. In TGD framework this would mean that there is large number of preferred extremals with same Kahler action corresponding to the breaking of
strict determinism for Kahler action strongly suggested by huge vacuum degeneracy of Kahler action analogous to U(1) gauge degeneracy. Several space-time surfaces give rise to same Kahler function and Morse function. This would serve as the classical space-time correlate for quantal non-determinism.
To be continued....
ReplyDeleteMore point related to quantum criticality. I begin to approach to your question gradually;-).
7. Super-conformal invariance is property of 2-D critical systems. Its generalization in TGD framework to its 4-D variant would be natural candidate for gauge symmetries in question and transforming different preferred extremals ot each other.
I have proposed that the sub-algebras of conformal algebra with conformal weights n= km, m fixed and k integer defining a nested hierarchy of sub-algebras define a hierarchy of quantum criticalities giving rise to infinite hierarchy of spontaneous symmetry breakings of conformal symmetry. k=1 would correspond to the standard super-conformal symmetry broken by central extension.
Some of these subalgebras would leave 3-surface invariant but transform preferred extremal by conformal "gauge" transformation. Each critical
manifold would contain smaller dimensional critical sub-manifold with bigger conformal symmetry and the ultimate core would correspond to k=1 super-conformal symmetry.
8. Criticality against quantum phase transitions changing the value of Planck constant is a good candidate for quantum criticality. Space-time regions characterised by different values of Planck constant would be present at criticality. The value of Planck constant h_eff=nh could directly correspond to the conformal weight n=km or possibly the integer k. k=1 with minimum breaking of super-conformal symmetry would correspond to ordinary Planck constant.
9. Criticality would make Universe maximally complex, intelligent, and negentropic since h_eff=n h would correspond to n-fold degeneracy of states due to poly-sheetedness realised as multiple singular covering of space-time surface or effectively of imbedding space. Negentropic entanglement would be between this kind of multi sheeted structures.
For aeons ago I proposed that Kahler function is absolute minimum of Kahler action (with respect to variations of 4-surfaces leaving 3-surface fixed!). One cannot exclude the possibility that in Euclidian regions one has absolute minimum and only in Minkowskian regions criticality so that the lines of generalized Feynman graphs would not be
For absolute minimum option I proposed that the two phases in equilibrium correspond to regions dominated by electric resp. magnetic fields: electric reap. magnetic flux quanta. Electric fields can be assigned only with Minkowskian regions in Euclidian regions one can say that Kahler field is always magnetic. Therefore this interpretation is excluded unless one assumes sqrt(|g|) so that also Minkowskian regions would contribute to Kahler acuntion and vacuum functional would have no phase factor at all. This is contrary to the physical intuition deriving from QFT.
ReplyDeleteHamed, your questions are very clever and entertaining, thank you and Matti for conducting this correspondence in "public" so that we can learn. You people are truly marvels. Matti, I get what you are saying... but I feel I am not at the level to be able to contribute anything new to your amazing work mentioned in the last few posts. I noticed computer people tend to freak about a "lack of 1-to-1 correspondence" when thinking about electricity and maps and atlas and things and such... Hamed, you might enjoy the now discontinued American cartoon Futurama... a hyper-chicken is mentioned in one of the episodes ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks to Crow.
ReplyDeleteDear Matti,
So Thanks for the last answer.
For electron-positron annihilation, i can imagine another possibility according to subjective time evolution in TGD:
I try to explain this possibility in classical TGD:
At an initial subjective time, there is just a spinor field in Dirac equation corresponds to electron. Dirac equation gives geometric time evolution of the electron. All of this geometric evolution corresponds to just one moment of subjective time at initial subjective time.
Now! When subjective time is evolving, we send a classical spinor field of positron. This spinor field of positron interacts with spinor field of electron over space-time And creates electromagnetic radiation. This process on creation of electromagnetic radiation occurs over all of geometric time from geometric past to future past of electron and positron fields, but through subjective time evolution!
But although this process occurs in subjective time evolution but it has geometric time correspondence and it seems that it occurs in geometric time.
Is this possibility misunderstanding?
ReplyDeleteDear Hamed,
thank you for a nice question again.
I try to explain what happens in annihilation using the recent view about ZEO and geometric and subjective time.
1. Annihilation has also geometric space-time correlate although moment of subjective time corresponds to its detection. I think that this was more or less your conclusion.
I think in terms of space-time surfaces inside CD:s. Zero energy states correspond to time evolutions of 3-surfaces (or partonic 2-surfaces) at inside CD. The annihilation of electron and positron corresponds to a process in which two partonic 2-surfaces coming from past end of CD meet along their along their 2-D ends just like for ordinary Feynman diagram but with line thickened to light-like 3-surfaces. After this one has only one 2-D partonic 2-surface whose orbit meets second boundary of CD.
This process occurs at position inside CD, not continuously all the time, which is just idealised description: you take S-matrix element modulus squared and interpret second delta function for momentum conservation in terms of space-time volume going to infinity and then divide to get
decay rate per 3-volume.
2. Moment of subjective time corresponds to the state function reduction occurring at either boundary. Contrary to what I assumed first,
the reduction *can* occur several times at given boundary, let us call it "lower".
In standard quantum measurement theory these repeated reductions would not be observed since state would remain exactly the same in the reduction. Now situation changes since only the - let us call it positive energy part - of the state at the "lower" boundary is unaffected. Negative energy part changes.
The zero energy state state changes since the fíxed "upper" boundary in the original and partially wrong picture is replaced with superposition of "upper" boundaries corresponding to CDs with different sizes. As also space-time sheets inside them.
State function reduction sequence causes dispersion in the moduli space of CDs: the average size of CD increases and the temporal distance between its tips increases: this is just a variant about decay of wave-packet. This is experienced as time flow with definite arrow.
3. The new and bigger CDs contain bigger space-time sheets contain with certain probability the above described annulation vertex. Therefore
annihilations can be observed. In standard quantum measurement theory this would not be the case.
4. An interesting question remains still open. Does sleep-awake cycle consist of periods with opposite arrow of experienced time. During single period the arrow of experienced time would remains the same. Could we live in reverse time direction during sleep? Could sleep-awake cycle be universal and appear in various time scales? Could we have
two "me":s?
The basic notion of 'field' is very intriguing, in its various mathematical, physical, biological, social and ecological interpretations and dimensions. My feel and intuition that the most basic meaning of 'field' has strong '+1 dimension' flavor - which ultimately implies some sort of infinity present at each level of observation; "causality" from whole to parts. Our proprioceptic body sense - which we feel clearly if we are not too trapped in our head and let through our experience filters only most demanding pain signals - is very much field-like (closest metaphor in language of physics and math) but does not feel to be definable in any definite number of dimensions. Yes, a "real scientist" (TM) would not just theoretize body sense of e.g. magnetic field, but start from empirically feeling... ;). The relation of thought-filter (both input and output filter) and body sense is of course complex and hugely variable, but body sense seems not dependent from that filter, but is more basic and fundamental. As for the question about sleep-awake either-orism, the richest and most interesting state is the in-between.
ReplyDeleteThe basic notion of 'field' is very intriguing, in its various mathematical, physical, biological, social and ecological interpretations and dimensions. My feel and intuition that the most basic meaning of 'field' has strong '+1 dimension' flavor - which ultimately implies some sort of infinity present at each level of observation; "causality" from whole to parts. Our proprioceptic body sense - which we feel clearly if we are not too trapped in our head and let through our experience filters only most demanding pain signals - is very much field-like (closest metaphor in language of physics and math) but does not feel to be definable in any definite number of dimensions. Yes, a "real scientist" (TM) would not just theoretize body sense of e.g. magnetic field, but start from empirically feeling... ;). The relation of thought-filter (both input and output filter) and body sense is of course complex and hugely variable, but body sense seems not dependent from that filter, but is more basic and fundamental. As for the question about sleep-awake either-orism, the richest and most interesting state is the in-between.
ReplyDeleteAlso the structure of field of p-adic and real extensions glued by common rational" is very curious notion and form. To my very humble understanding also it should somehow obey the maxim "as above, as below" Both extension (extremals?) meet at the point of infinity, and "which" is infinitely big or small is merely a matter of local viewpoint ("preferred" extremal?). In language more familiar to many, this form is not unlike "metta" heart breathing, movement between whole cosmos and a single point, both contained in each other. The richness and variety of all forms between raises also the question, is there mathematically strict codependent relation between p-adic and real digits of a common rational, depending of some notion of length from the shared common "in-between"?
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous:
Thank you for interesting comments. The notion of field has many meanings. I have been just reading articles by biologists Michael Levin about the notion of morphogenetic field - something which has not been in fashion in biology dominated by genetic determinism.
He does not define the notion explicitly but talks about various strange non-local phenomena in biology as a support for is existence - basically the poorly understood phenomena of morphogenesis and morphostasis. He seems to believe that morphogenetic fields might reduce to electromagnetic fields.
My own proposal is that magnetic and electric flux quanta are its counterparts but that topological field quantisation brings in the new elements vital for biology. For instance, in cell replication also the magnetic body would replicate, in fact this would be the primary process if magnetic body serves as a template. By fractality this would happen also longer and shorter scales. In DNA replication and also when planaria worm is split to two and the two pieces evolve to full organisms.
The topological field quantisation not present in Maxwell's theory would be in crucial role as a representation of geometric identity. There are even strange findings supporting the replication of magnetic body: the perturbation of second piece of split planaria can lead to a planaria with two new heads. Same double-headedness results when one splits the planaria againsbut does not perturb it! If magnetic body with two heads is the template, this is indeed predicted to happen.
You speak about body sense. One of the basic challenges is to understand how the cells of
organism know their position so that they can express themselves genetically in proper manner.
There is evidence that body contains kind of 3-D coordinate grids carrying the positional information.
3-D magnetic flux tube grids are a good candidate here: I ended up with the notion from the model for the claimed experimental support for microtubules as macroscopic quantum systems at room temperature. This fractal grid with biomolecules, cells, etc at nodes would give rise also to body sense.
Grid would also form generalisation of topological quantum computer: ordinary braiding in 3-space would be replaced by 2-braiding of string world sheets in 4-D space-time. Basic biology would provide TGD based notion of string as string in 4-D space-time than in 10-D or 11-D one. It would be nice to be able to communicate with string hegemony about this and many other things. Pity that it is impossible.
Not only morphogenetic fields for cells, the same question about fields and basic (self)sentience arises already with particles in double slit experiment etc. Idea of reducing morphogenetic fields to electomagnetic fields alone probably arises because gravitational fields is the odd one still standing out of the domain of physicalist program. IMHO, when using the notion or metaphor of field for most basic sentience, the sense of being, without the "aboutness" of so called external senses, there is as little reason to leave gravitational fields out of the picture as leaving love out of religions.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous:
The notion of field has many meanings. I purposefully restricted myself to morphogenetic fields since they are in my interests just now.
1. You mention gravitational fields. In TGD framework, given space-time sheet carries also classical gravitational, weak, and color fields since these fields are induced from the geometry of CP_2 and are not independent. It depends on quantum state, which of these fields become manifest in the internal line of scattering amplitude (via propagator of particle).
Classical fields are different from corresponding quantum fields. In TGD framework quantum fields are not present but combined to spinor field in the "word of classical worlds" (WCW). This spinor field describes not only single particle states but also many particle states - actually all quantum states of the Universe.
This *classical(!)* spinor field (classical at level of WCW) replaces Schrödinger amplitude and describes all states of the Universe as analogs of solutions of Schrödinger equation.
The step from atom to Universe is of course huge but the resulting conceptual simplicity is amazing: all QFT notions - second quantisation, fermion statistics, etc… - reduce to the natural mathematics of classical spinor fields in WCW.
2. I would not use "field" as metaphor for the sense of being. Repeated state function reductions are for this purpose;-).
State function reductions in standard QM can occur repeatedly in same state: they do not cause any change of the state. One of the latest "further details" in TGD picture is that in ZEO he analog of this is possible (of course) . The state function reductions can occur many times at given boundary of CD and leave it fixed as well as (say) positive energy state associated with it. The negative energy part of state however *changes* since one has superposition of CDs with different sizes with fixed low ever boundary. This is new as compared to standard measurement theory.
This implies "dispersion" in the moduli space of CDs: the average temporal distance between tips of CD increases just like distance of diffusing particle from the original position. We experience this as time flow with definite arrow of time and also as sense of being, sentience.
This arrow can also change: future challenge is to understand why the direction is so stable and what makes it possible for this arrow to change for some parts of quantum state: memory as communications with geometric past would involve this change of arrow of time temporarily.
To sum up, this repeated state function reduction at same boundary of CD would give rise to the sense of being, sentience, in TGD Universe.
Fair enough. It's YOUR universe the way you feel it ;) But I can't even begin to imagine how "repeated state function reductions" feel "at boundary". Especially if sense of being is supposed to feel also like "definite arrow of time".
ReplyDeleteHow this sense of being feels, I can so far best, however clumsily, try to linguistically express through metaphor of field.
Oh now I remember. There was time(sic) of various twistings around of some basic feel, when giving much thought and attention to how Aymara embody future and past: past is in front of eyes and future behind the back. Feeling was that all light was, and future comes like wind gently blowing through your back, sweeping the past. Then I tried also turning head down, feet up in time, orthogonal to past and present, and it felt soon after like metamorphosis of some kind, too much symbolics involved and not worth remembering. But when I hugged an old tree, and after few steps it hugged me back in loving kindness, it felt like field, purely in now. So, my memories of gymnastics in times have been quite clumsy, others move with more grace and in more directions and dimensions, I have no idea about. But as this sense of being feels now, I still have much difficulty describing as something else than field. Lots of various little pains asking for attention in this field, like good old friends, but at most basic level a sense of peace and calm.
ReplyDeleteI cannot claim that I can predicts *contents* of consciousness, feelings, mathematically. This is impossible. I can only suggest reasonable quantum physical correlates for consciousness and contents of consciousness using as constraints the known and partially new quantum physics and logic and general facts which we believe to be known about conscious experience.
State function reduction gives correlate for the non- determinism of sensation of free will assignable to conscious experience. NMP predicts that negentropic entanglement serving as correlate for potentially conscious information increases, so that one has also evolution (of intelligence). I can understand correlates of qualia from first principles. Also correlate for the flow of time is there. I can understand what reflective levels of consciousness could correspond. This is of course only best model I can imagine at this moment.
Field in my ontology is zombie although it also provides correlates for contents of consciousness.
For instance, negentropic entanglement is property of the WCW spinor field.
ReplyDeletePathomechanisms in rheumatoid arthritis — time for a string theory?
or field theory?
ReplyDeleteTo Ulla:
The title of the article looks weird. It is only a metaphor. The gist is that biochemistry based approach - to take just one example - to pathomechanisms in rheumatoid arthritis - leads to inflation of complexity: biochemical pathways after biochemical pathways. There is no hope about real understanding if one continues in this manner.
There must be some simpler approach- kind of unified theory of biology. Or Newton's mechanisms for solar system instead of epicycles.
In the next posting I discuss magnetic body and propose it as this kind of mechanism. Magnetic body would code for both structure and function: it would be
a) a template for formation of biological body telling how its shape develops during morphogenesis and is preserved during morphostasis.
b) a geometrical representation of biological programs (learned behaviour patterns/ functions/skills…) as topological quantum computer (TQC) programs.
The key assumption is that in DNA and cell replication magnetic body replications. "Y" describes this: the point in one particular line of Y is magnetic body. Feynman diagram for photon to fermion pair decay with photon replaced with magnetic body is the simplest replication process in Nature.
The killer test is provided by what has been learned by teasing simple creatures: planarias. When you split planaria, the stumps develop new head and tail. This is understood if magnetic body of planaria replicates and replicas serve as templates for new biological bodies.
When you split planaria to two and perturb headless stump suitably it develops two heads: the magnetic body part representing head replicates before this. Magnetic body should therefore have two heads and this should be revoted by splitting the planaria again. It has! When this poor fellow is split again, the second pieces develops two heads instead of one!
Also functions represented as TQC programs coded by magnetic body should replicate in splitting. When you split the planaria, the fellow with a new head indeed remembers the behaviours that it had below splitting!
This shows that brains are not the seat of memories - now interpreted as various conditioned behaviours. It is magnetic body as a representation of topological quantum computer program which represents various biological and neuronal functions.
Maybe we someday medicine tries to heal the magnetic body instead of biological body.
Maybe also learning becomes easy: just take a copy of the magnetic body of some scholar and move it to a new head;-). No need for academic brainwashing taking for years: just a simple magneto-surgical operation;-).
This is confusing. If fields are zombies, what and how are magnetic bodies, ie field-bodies, which was Hamed's question that started this discussion? How do CD's and their boundaries relate to magnetic bodies? And is this confusion merely linguistic, aren't surfaces and branes and surface-boundaries also kinds of fields?
ReplyDeletePS: Healing at the level of 4D magnetic bodies or fields makes much sense, as one possible scientific correlate of shamanistic healing. Which of course is nothing new and much older than science.
Another problem is that the magnetic body concept assume fields without particles, as the fields are primarily arising.
ReplyDeleteThe two notions of point-like particles or 'pointless' fields should maybe be blended, so both constrain each other, then the criticality emerge? Energy grows when particles are compressed and vice versa. This also means that 'energy' is the chief regulator, whatever energy is. Especially in biology we are blinded by the many observables forming 'cycles' of observables, and we forget about energy.
Talk to physicians about 'energy' and most see red.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous:
Fields, magnetic bodies, field bodies all are zombies. One can assign conscious experience to magnetic body only in that it defines part of contents of conscious experience in quantum jump:
essentially the non-deterministic change in quantum jump is assignable to the space-time regions defined by part of magnetic body. We do this erratic identification of us wall the time: there are a lot of experiments demonstrating that we can be cheated to identify some object of external world as our body part. Even my identification of myself as my biological body is illusion: only the contents of my sensory experience are about this particular region of space-time (4-D in ZEO). Consciousness is in i change. Consciousness is not a property of physical reality. It is between two physical realities.
Of course, it is very practical use of language to say that I am writing this or that magnetic body is intentional agent although it is not strictly true. Language reflects our wrong views about consciousness and it is practically impossible to talk about anything if one wants to be precise.
To get rid from confusion while reading my texts, one should at least temporarily;-) adopt the tripartistic ontology in which consciousness is in change, in the recreation replacing quantum universe with a new one. This allows to understand free will and the creative aspects of consciousness and avoid the problems emerging when one tries to understand consciousness in monistic and dualistic frameworks. I believe in this ontology partially because it naturally follows from TGD but most importantly because it is free of internal contradictions. It also resolves the basic contradiction of quantum measurement theory: the conflict between deterministic time evolution of Schroedinger equation and non-determinism of state function reduction. This has been put
under the rug for more than half century. I feel coshame for my colleagues;-).
I am between the camps! Idealists would only consciousness and give up physics altogether , materialists would allow only single Schroedinger evolution but are forced to accept that the cursed state function reductions really happen and are necessary for interpretation: therefore they conclude that quantum theory is crazy and only a calculational tool - nothing could be sillier. Skeptics even say that after few decades no one will speak about consciousness when materialist world view has won finally. Oops, a correction to what I said: this is even sillier;-). I accept both spirit (quantum jumps) and matter (quantum states) but in the sense of zero energy ontology.
ReplyDeleteTo Ulla:
Magnetic body is part of the theory which emerged as unified theory of elementary particle interactions. In QFT one gives up the notion of classical field at the level of formalism but in even simplest experiments if forced to assume it. The habit is to say that this is only an approximation. In TGD classical fields and classical physics are exact part of the quantum physics.
The notion of magnetic body relies on geometrization and topologization of the notion of classical field. It has same local aspects but global aspects are different: in Maxwellian theory one cannot talk about field body since one cannot assign to physical system field identity.
In TGD framework quantum fields are replaced with WCW spinor field, which is classical and obeys linear dynamics -analog of Dirac equation. WCW spinor field provide geometrization and generalisation of quantum states in the sense of quantum field theory. Fermionic Fock states replaces various spin states of ordinary spinor. Bosons emerge as fermion-antifermion states. Spinor field in space-time is replaced with spinor field in the space of all possible 3-surfaces (WCW).
This is extremely abstract but conceptually incredibly simple since the WCW spinor field is *classical*- analog of single particle Schrodinger amplitude with particle replaced with entire Universe.
State function reduction - consciousness(!)- remains the only genuinely quantal aspect of theory. Everything else including quantum superposition, entanglement, notion of quantum numbers,…. is reduced to classical physics for WCW spinor fields.
Hard line (pyrrhonian and cartesian) skepticism can offer the only solid base for any deductive processes, including those of empirical and phenomenological scientific exploration. So what cannot be doubted, instead of cartesian "cogito" I prefer more solid expression "experiencing happens". Deductive contradictions or lack of them follow from basic assumptions, including the chosen rules of logic. Why discard body sense not limited to skin bag (as well as sense of skin bag) right away as "erratic" and "illusion"? You say "consciousness is in change", which is fine and makes sense, because consciousness (thoughts about thoughts) has the quality of aboutness and representation. But sentience at the level of body sense, sense of being, does not require aboutness, qualia, conscious thoughts, any of that. Being is not an intellectual construct which theory "allows", sense of being where experiencing happens is what cannot be honestly doubted. This body is the sense of its being, it's boundaries cannot be dictated by TGD or any thoery or thought construct, because the body sense is not dependent from thought.
ReplyDeleteI agree with more general form for cogito ergo sum. The region about which conscious experience is defines the experiencer as illusion so that also here we seem to agree.
As a theorists I am interested on what physical theory can say about consciousness. Existing dogmas do not even allow it so that the first step is to modify the existing conceptual framework.
TGD counterparts of state function reductions which in standard QM would not affect the state at all but do so in TGD: they define also the flow of time but could in some situation define in excellent approximation experience of total timelessness. There would very small change of zero energy state, very small utilisation of metabolic energy: the is known to correlate with the sensation about rate of flow of time).
These are my bet for the experience of being. One can imagine self without subselves- mental images - as correlate for being with attributes- too.
One must be however extremely cautious: the attempt to explain something which is extreme idealisation - such as being without any attributes or aboutness - might lead to wrong track.
One must be also ready to reconsider basic assumptions. Take negentropic entanglement as example.
* Is it potentially conscious information becoming conscious via non-interacting quantum measurement (idealisation for which a representative of state suffers state function reduction)?
* Or is it something which possibly defines the sensation of being even without assuming state function reduction? This kind of options take some years to play with before the most feasible answer comes out.
Yup, what is the relation of subconscious sentience (and sense of being) becoming conscious mental images, with negentropy, entropy and state function reduction?
ReplyDeleteState function reduction, quantum jumps between observable 4D-universes, means conscious mental images as discontinuities of continuum, if I understand correctly? Yet at least social conscious memory seem to be able to remember a 4D-universe before or other than current 4D universe. But cannot say how that could be tested... ;)
Consciousness of mental images aka "thinking" is often and by many compared to a filter, but naturally it would not only be "input" filter but also creative output filter for intentional actions and observations. Consensus reality would thus spread and self-create negentropically, and there could be wave like patterns and various scales of how consciously observable consensus realities get created.
However, the subjective out-put filter of world creation based on conditioned and adopted world view can be turned of into pure observer position ('theoretical' in Greek) and in that purely witnessing uncontrolled state the proprioseptic body-sense is most directly observable. And in this state also 4D healing can happen, as entropic projecting of world view let's go of control and body sense or sense of being harmonizes with "larger inclusive self" (often interpred as deity of some sort), presumable in TGD context according to negentropy maximization principle. This process can feel like having duration but also happening instantly. It is also worth noticing that in social 4D healing sessions, e.g. with ayhuasca, shamans and icaros, the pains getting healed are not necessarily "own" or "others", at some "asubjective" or "indefinite person" levels there are just pains and healing.
To conclude, my experience of shamanistic "4D-healing" is that first the subjective consciousness filter lets go of control, just observes and trusts, then a higher benevolent intelligence "enters" field-like the subjective report of body sense and "takes over", first doing diagnosis and then various levels and aspect of healing. And the subjective narrative of that experience centers around the body sense (of pains, localized attention, aboutness) and sense of being as the source and state of blissfull holistic and undivided well-being. So for me this experience suggests in TGD terminology, that there are state function reductions going on, but the source and ground of well being is sentient state without state function reduction. And I also firmly believe that 4D-healing and the experiences and states are not depended from DMT etc., but can come from "self" also without "external" guides. So, instead of intellectually "playing with options", more direct route of actually experiencing is also available. :)
PS: So it would seem that it's not either-or, but both and: the "theoretical" state of purely observing and trusting without controlling in any way would respond to "potentially conscious information becoming conscious via non-interacting quantum measurement", and the Source of healing and state of well-being or maximal negentopic harmonisation would respond to (non-local or all-local) sense of being without state function reduction (localization).
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous 9:42:
ReplyDeleteYes…. I proposed as a possible alternative that negentropic entanglement gives rise to feeling of existence without state function reductions. I do not believe this option but it must be considered as alternative.
To Anonymous 9:29:
ReplyDeleteYup, what is the relation of subconscious sentience (and sense of being) becoming conscious mental images, with negentropy, entropy and state function reduction?
MP: Hierarchy of selves/CDs means that the situation is same at all levels. Sub-conscious means most naturally our sub-sub-...selves. Sub-selves mean mental images.
State function reduction, quantum jumps between observable 4D-universes, means conscious mental images as discontinuities of continuum, if I understand correctly? Yet at least social conscious memory seem to be able to remember a 4D-universe before or other than current 4D universe. But cannot say how that could be tested... ;)
MP: The hypothesis about subjective time as sequence of state function reductions could be counter argued by saying that there would be gaps in consciousness: it is however not possible to be conscious of not being conscious! So: what to conclude.
Brain etc are 4-dimensional in zero energy ontology and provides new interpretation for memories. Also our geometric past changes in quantum jumps. Libet's experiments about neural activities before conscious decision can be interpreted in this framework naturally. Otherwise the conclusion is that there is no free will. I think that Libet's findings have been replicated in minute scale now. Indirect support would be provided by a working model for long term memories.
Consciousness of mental images aka "thinking" is often and by many compared to a filter, but naturally it would not only be "input" filter but also creative output filter for intentional actions and observations. Consensus reality would thus spread and self-create negentropically, and there could be wave like patterns and various scales of how consciously observable consensus realities get created.
MP: Exactly.
To be continued….
A: However, the subjective out-put filter of world creation based on conditioned and adopted world view can be turned of into pure observer
position ('theoretical' in Greek) and in that purely witnessing uncontrolled state the proprioseptic body-sense is most directly observable. And in this state also 4D healing can happen, as entropic
projecting of world view let's go of control and body sense or sense of being harmonizes with "larger inclusive self" (often interpred as deity of
some sort), presumable in TGD context according to negentropy maximization principle. This process can feel like having duration but also happening instantly. It is also worth noticing that in social 4D healing sessions, eg with ayhuasca, shamans and icaros, the pains getting healed are not necessarily "own" or "others", at some "asubjective" or "indefinite person" levels there are just pains and healing.
MP: This conforms with the idea of collective levels of consciousness. What the notion filter
means concretely is an interesting question in itself.
A: To conclude, my experience of shamanistic "4D-healing" is that first the subjective consciousness filter lets go of control, just observes and trusts, then a higher benevolent intelligence "enters" field-like the subjective report of body sense and "takes over", first doing diagnosis and then various levels and aspect of healing. And the subjective narrative of that experience centers around the body sense (of pains, localized attention, aboutness) and sense of being as the source and state of blissfull holistic and undivided well-being.
So for me this experience suggests in TGD terminology, that there are state function reductions going on, but the source and ground of well being is sentient state without state function reduction. And I also firmly believe that 4D-healing and the experiences and states are not depended from DMT etc., but can come from "self" also without "external" guides. So, instead of intellectually "playing with options", more direct route of actually experiencing is also available. :)
MP: Agree with the idea that patient allows entanglement happen so that he or she joins to a larger self which can take care of healing. This is like going to the doctor to whom you trust;-). State function reduction-less existence as pure being is just one possible imaginable option which I do not believe but cannot exclude it firmly.
Dear Matti, very good and humble of you to state your experience filters as beliefs. This is the only shared negentropic common ground we cen build upon together. Meaning, a TOE that also tries to aproach experiencing, is ethically more sound when it opens up the experiental filter to more holistic experiences rather than trying to limit experience theoretically. And in my view, the answer to Einsteins most important cosmological question - is this friendly place? - is empirically and logically a resounding Yes, in Finnish "Niin metsä vastaaa kuin sinne huutaa" or in the Golden or Silver rule of religious universal ethics.
ReplyDeleteSo, empirically, I would be more interested in hearing the answers, beliefs and theoretical opinions of a sentient body more true to it's own TOE than a mere logical conduct of a head carrying device. If your theory predicts a higher self, magnetic bodies up to and beyond the size of universe, etc. how does it feel to open your interpretative filters to those feelings? The ultimate test of your theory is how you experience. And this does not mean solipsism, AFAIK.
ReplyDeleteScience was born as an attempt to find regularities
of experience. Basically it is about conscious
experience. Therefore I believe that any serious
attempt to build TOE must be theory of consciousness at same time. It is a pity that so trivial fact has been forgotten and led to the recent deep crisis in theoretical physics.
TGD defines for me a vision what about what good and evil could have as quantum physical correlates- I however want to speak only about correlates and about them in one particular world vision. I have speaked a lot about negentropy maximization principle, "Akashic records", and how NMP implies evolution as continual recreation of 4-D quantum universe.
I want to understand, not to act as a prophet. I cannot give a recipe leading to happiness! I see myself as a scientist questioning myself continually, not a religious leader taking one particular teaching as the only truth. There have been many religious and ideological leaders proposing a program leading to happiness and as a rule the outcome has been lot of suffering.
Krishnamurti would say that the rule is just that there is no rule. Or putting it in TGD jargon: quantum jump means recreation: if you have a rule supposed to guarantee organized happiness, this freedom is restricted, and suffering results.
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