Tajmar et al have proposed the gravimagnetic effect as an explanation of an anomaly related to the superconductors. The measured value of the mass of the Cooper pair is slightly larger than the sum of masses whereas theory predicts that it should be smaller. The explanation would be that actual Thomson field is larger than it should be because of gravimagnetic contribution to quantization rule used to deduce the value of Thomson field. The required value of gravimagnetic Thomson field is however 28 orders of magnitude larger than General Relativity suggests.
TGD inspired proposal is based on the notion of gravitational Planck constant assignable to the flux tubes connecting to massive objects. It turns out that the TGD estimate for the Thomson field has correct order of magnitude. The identification heff=hgr at particle physics
and atomic length scales emerges naturally.
A vision about the fundamental role of quantum gravitation in living matter emerges. The earlier hypothesis that dark EEG photons decay to biophotons with energies in visible and ultraviolet range receives strong quantitative support. Also a mechanism for how magnetic bodies couple bio-chemistry emerges. The vision conforms with Penrose's intuitions about the role of quantum gravity in biology.
For the details the reader can consult the article Implications of strong gravimagnetism for TGD inspired quantum biology.
Dear Matti,
“Elementary particles correspond to effectively to pairs of self-dual magnetic monopoles (Q_em=Q_m) consisting magnetic flux tubes at parallel world sheets and wormhole contacts connecting them. Simplest possible dyons are in question. Monopole flux with closed flux lines”
What about electric charge of an elementary particle? are there electric flux tubes?
In Q_em=Q_m, em is abbreviation of electromagnetic? If yes, why Q_em=Q_e(electric charge)+Q_m(magnetic charge) is not correct?
In TGD, genus characterizes particle families. In a weak interaction that violates strangeness, s quark is transformed to u or d quark. Hence some weak interactions are a topological transformation decreasing genus of s quark from 1 to 0?
ReplyDeleteAs far as elementary particles are consider all is determined about what happens on partonic 2-surfaces. Here the weak form of self-duality implies that classically Kähler (!!) magnetic
flux equals to magnetic flux.
Here it is important to distinguish between Kähler and em. They are different and this allows to understand how the ends of wormhole throats can carry also vanishing em charge.
One can think of flux tubes in which one has both magnetic and electric field which are helical. Probably they appear as preferred externals too. The simplest objects are cosmic string which are purely magnetic.
Kähler Dirac action contains only coupling to induced gauge potential, no coupling to magnetic
CKM mixing would indeed reduce to topological mixing: this is of course new physics. In standard model and its extensions CKM is described purely