I am worried about Sheldon and Leonard, the theoretical physics students in The Big Bang Theory. It is not long time ago when Sheldon lost his faith on super string theory. Lubos told now that even more worrying things have happened now. Sheldon and Leonard got an idea and went to write a paper about space-time as a surface of superfluid.
Space-time as a surface: really crazy! Even worse: sounds very much like TGD! They even have the idea that surface tension could provide the negative "pressure" needed to explain the accelerated expansion. This brings to my mind another stupid idea generated by TGD. String-like magnetic monopole flux tubes and their magnetic tension explain microscopically the negative "pressure" and primordial magnetic fields. Inflationary period is replaced with a phase transition from a gas of cosmic strings to the phase in which one can speak about macroscopic space-time. Theoretical physics would lose all these nice new Higgs like inflaton fields, the intricacies of which have kept colleagues busy for so many years.
Cannot anyone help Sheldon and Leonard? If these fellows continue in this manner, they will soon be the first advocates of TGD! Horrible fate for young students.
When I chose the wrong track, my colleagues reacted immediately to turn me back to the right rail. The solution of the problem was very innovative and final: I was kicked out from Helsinki University, and after than I have been kept outside the University most of these 37 years.
I cannot blame my benevolent colleagues for being irrresponsible: they did their best to help me to adopt the correct scientific behaviors using the well-tested methods that Pavlov applied first to his dogs. It is totally my fault that I am still doing this crackpot science TGD. Yes, I got really scared - just as Pavlov's pets when they got electric shocks - but could not avoid continuing with TGD. Something was wrong with my brain circuitry.
But what to do with Sheldon and Leonard? If they are kicked out from The Big Bang Theory we will lose The Big Bang Theory?
Stringists become desperate?
ReplyDeleteBut Lubos has no theory of his own, which is comfortable. One less in the plethora of ideas.
AND he is completely unable to understand TGD, absolutely unable. He get zero. At least what he has said....
Maybe he is soon creationist?
Nice :)
But also his advisor Tim Banks has surprisingly arrived at the same ideas as in TGD, but of course independently...
ReplyDeleteTo understand and to understand publicly are two quite different things;-). Perhaps TGD is in air as it is said;-).
I received the following encouraging comment as an email. It however dd not appear inn the comment section so that I take the liberty to add it here.
ReplyDelete"I have been a follower of your TGD material for many years. I love its application to consciousness, and magnetic field theory (places other theories dare to tread!). Anyway, if Sheldon and Leonard do adopt TGD, then I will become a fully-fledged fan of the show, however bad it gets. :)
Posted by Mark Jacobs to TGD diary at 11:35 AM"
Lubos also reads this blog :)
ReplyDeleteHi Matti,
ReplyDeleteWhere can I find your magnetic monopole model in TGD?
you wrote:
String-like magnetic monopole flux tubes and their magnetic tension explain microscopically the negative "pressure" and primordial magnetic fields.
Matti, please take a look at this, http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~liam/teaching/neurostat-fall14/uri-eden-point-process-notes.pdf I understand in TGD that non-determinism can come from preferred extremals of Kahler action ?
ReplyDeleteHow does the preferred status come to be? Is this like the (statisticians reward) or some kind of Bayesian prior) ? I'm mixing metaphors here obviously
how does non-determinism at the realm of elementary particle physics relate to the non-determinism in nerve pulse theories / integration of "consciousness"
ReplyDeletethere is of course the chapter about known externals of Kaehler action at
To Anonymous:
ReplyDeleteI like to use the phrase "partial failure of determinism for Kaehler action" rather than "non-determinism of Kaehler action".
A possible interpretation could be as a correlate for quantum non-determinism. Second interpretation would be in terms of quantum criticality implying non-determinism. I do not know whether the interpretations can be consisted.
I certainly do not believe that one could get rid of quantum non-determinism and there is no need for it. The generalisation of quantum-classical correspondence is however natural in ZEO, where basic objects are 4-D surfaces- classical time evolutions serving as space-time correlates for quantal evolutions.
The origin of non-determinism would be following. Kaehler action has a huge vacuum degeneracy. For instance, for space-time surface which are maps from M^4 to at most 2-D Lagrangian manifold of CP_2 having by definition vanishing induced Kahler form (configuration space and momentum space are Lagrangian manifolds in the context of classical mechanics) induced Kahler form of course vanishes and they are analogous to gauge degeneracy of Maxwell action except that the full degeneracy is present only for vacuum externals. For non-vacuum externals it is expected to be lifted at least partially.
For CP_2 type vacuum externals one has also non-determinism which corresponds directly to Virasoro conditions expressing the light-likeness of 1-D M^4 projection of the CP_2 type vacuum extremal. Now induced Kahler form does not vanish.
The ends of vacuum extremal at boundaries of causal diamond are connected by infinite number of vacuum externals. When one considers non-vacuum externals, one expects that the degeneracy is still present.
Part of this degeneracy must be gauge degeneracy since by strong form of general coordinate invariance implying strong form of holography, only the partonic 2-surfaces and their 4-D tangent space data fix the physics since WCW metric depends only on this data.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this gauge degeneracy?
The conjecture is that conformal symmetries acting as partially broken gauge symmetries realize this vision. TGD allows several kinds of conformal symmetries, and a huge generalisation of string model conformal symmetries (including Kac-Moody), but I will not go to this here.
In any case, classical conformal charges would vanish for sub-algebra for which conformal weights are multiples of some integer n, n=1,2,…. This hierarchy would correspond to the hierarchy of Planck constants h_eff= n*h and to the hierarchy of dark matters.
The proposal is that that there is a finite number n=h_eff/h of conformally equivalence classes of connecting four-surfaces so that the non-determinism with gauge fixing would be finite and would correspond to the hierarchy of Planck constants and hierarchy of conformal symmetry breaking defined by the hierarchy of sub-algebras of various conformal algebras with weights comings as integer multiples of integer n=1,2,,….
This n surface would be analogous to Gribov copies for gauge conditions in non-Abelian gauge theories.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous:
Concerning your question about elementary particle physics-biology connection.
The non-determinism of particle physics and of biology could be essentially the same thing but
for living matter whose behave is dictated by dark matter the value of h_eff/h=n would be large
and make possible macroscopic quantum coherence in spatio-temporal scales, which are
longer by factor n.
The hierarchy of CDs brings additional spatio-temporal scale identified as secondary p-adic scale characterising the minimal size of CD. This size scales like h_eff/h=n and one can think of a superposition of CDs with different values of n and that the average value of n increases during the sequence of quantum jumps since by NMP the conscious entities should become wiser as they get older: maybe this is too optimistic hypothesis in the case of human kind but maybe electrons are different!;-) This increase of means the increase of the average temporal distance from the
tip of fixed boundary of CD and clearly flow of experienced time, ageing. I must confess that the interpretation of experience time flow in terms of increasing h_eff/h charactering CD scaling has not come into my mind earlier.
For electron characterised by M_127=2^127-1 the minimal CD time scale is .1 seconds (it defines fundamental biorhythm of 10 Hz) and macrotemporal. Corresponding size scale is of the order of Earth circumference. This size scale could characterizes quite generally the magnetic body of the elementary particle so that there would be a direct connection between elementary particle physics and macroscopic physics becoming manifest in living matter via alpha rhythm for instance.
ReplyDeleteThere is however an essential difference between elementary particle physics and biology coming from quantum measurement theory. The repeating reduction to same boundary would do nothing for the state in standard ontology. In TGD the state is invariant only at the second boundary at which reduction occurs. This gives rise to the experienced flow of geometric time and the arrow of time. Self exists as long as reductions take place on same boundary of CD.
In particle physics context one expects that the duration of self identified as a sequence of state function reductions at same boundary of CD is much shorter than in living matter. Otherwise one would have too strong breaking of reversibility in elementary particle time scales. Could this "thermodynamical" breaking of T corresponds to the breaking of T as it is observed for elementary particles such as neutral kaon? I think that most colleagues are skeptic about this kind of identification.
The lifetime of elementary particle as conscious entity cannot be longer than the life-time of corresponding self. In the case of electron having infinite lifetime as elementary particle it should be shorter since otherwise the irreversibility would manifest itself as a breaking of time reversal invariance in electron scale. The temporal time scale of CD characterising the dimensions of the magnetic body of particle is the first order of magnitude estimate for the lifetime of elementary particle self. Could this time scale give and idea about the geometric duration of elementary particle self (which would correspond to the growth of the average size of CD during the sequence of reductions).
The mean lifetimes are of long-lived and short lived neutral kaon are 1.2 *10^(-8) seconds and 8.9*10^(-11) seconds: the ratio of the time scales is roughly $2^7$. This does not conform
with the naivest guess that the size of CD gives estimate for the duration of elementary particle self: the estimate would be 10^(-7) seconds from the fact that the mass of K is roughly 10^3 times electron mass. This is not too far from the lifetime of long-lived kaon but is much longer than the life-time of short-lived kaon. Why K_S would be so short-lived? Could the lifetime be dictated by quark level: The longer time scale could be assigned as secondary p-adic time scale with the p-adic prime characterising b quark. Could the short life-time be understood in terms of loops involving heavier quarks with shorter lifetimes as conscious entities?Note that the longer lifetime corresponds roughly to the secondary p-adic time scale assignably to b quark?
Thank you Matti, for your extensive reaction.
ReplyDeleteI have heard of the comments of Wheeler to Feynman, perhaps as a joke,..... about there being only ONE ELECTRON.......thus satisfying many problems.......but supposedly impossible because of excess positrons......could there be transitionary variance ..... how would you see this in regard to TGD ? As a thought experiment it does get interesting..... Thank you for your passionate , exhaustive research .