Friday, July 31, 2015

5 TeV bump at CMS?

Lubos Motl tells about indications for a bump in dijet spectrum at CMS. The decay to dijets suggests interpretation as a meson like states consisting of exotic quarks. I already told about evidence for a bump at 2 TeV, whose decay signatures suggests interpretation as similar exotic meson state.

I talked in the earlier posting about the possible interpretation of 2 TeV bump as pions of MG,79 hadron physics with masses obtained by scaling with a factor 214. Both charged and neutral pion are predicted and the splitting of the bump to two with splitting of order 2.5 GeV serves as signature. A possible problem is that the naive scaling of the mass of ordinary pion gives mass 2.2 TeV, which is 10 per cent too high. If the mass is scaled up from the mass of MG,89, which could have made itself visible through gamma pairs coming from galactic center one would obtain 4.4 TeV.

What about the interpretation of 5.15 TeV bump? It is easy to scale up the masses of ordinary mesons by multiplying them by factor 512 for M89 and by 214 for MG,79. This gives a rough estimate but one can try it first in order to get at least order of magnitude estimates. The list of mesons can be found here.

Consider first MG,79 hadron physics. m(K(79)) = 8 TeV is considerably higher than 5 TeV so that the interpretation in terms of MG,79 hadron physics is not favored.

Consider next the interpretation as a meson of M89> hadron physics.

  1. m(π(89))= 67 GeV by naive scaling. There are indications for a meson like state with mass of about 135 GeV coming from gamma rays arriving from galactic center. p-Adic length scale hypothesis allows however to consider octaves of the masses and there are even slight indications for their occurrence. One can of course play with the possibility that a pionlike state with mass with about 67 GeV could have escaped detection? ρ(89) would have mass m(ρ(770, 89) = 385 GeV by naive scaling and if additioanal scaling by two is indeed present one would
    obtain 770 GeV.

  2. Kaon mass would scale up to m(K(89))= 250 GeV. The search with "bump at 250 GeV" in Google produces search items in which 250 GeV bump indeed appears. It might well be that I have also commented this. The counterpart of spin 1 kaon K*(891)would have mass about 445 GeV.

  3. The counterpart of D meson with mass 2 GeV would have mass around 1.00 TeV. Strange D meson would have mass 1.05 TeV. The counterpart of J/Psi would have mass around 1.5 TeV. This is considerably lower than 2 GeV.

  4. There are ccbar resonances Ψ and X around 4 GeV: for instance, Ψ(4160) would scale up to 2.08 TeV and could serve as a candidate for 2 TeV bump. It would be however more natural to have ground state meson and J/Psi candidate has only 1.5 TeV mass. Maybe the interpretation as M(G,79) pion is more appropriate.

  5. B meson with mass 5.3 GeV would scale up to 2.65 TeV. Charmed B meson would have mass 3.14 TeV.

  6. The naive scaling of the mass about 9.5 GeV bbar (Upsilon) meson would give 4.75 GeV - ten percet smaller than 5.15 GeV. If one scales up t quark mass for M89 one obtains 3.6 TeV. If constituent quark mass squared is additive as p-adic mass calculations suggest, one obtains for ttbar meson mass 5.1 TeV! Note that ordinary top quark does not form hadrons since the life time against weak decays is shorter than timescale of strong interactions. For M89 physics the situation might be different.
The ultracautious conclusion is that if the bumps are real (they need not be), the 2 GeV bump provides support for M(G,79) hadron physics and 5 GeV bump support for M89 hadron physics.

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