The popular article could have been formulated without any reference to time travel: the finding could be spectacular even without mentioning the time travel. There are three basic discrete symmetries: C,P, T and their combinations. CPT is belived to be unbroken but C,P, CP and T are known to be broken in particle physics. In hadron and nuclear physics scales the breaking of parity symmetry P should be very small since weak bosons break it and define so short scaled interaction: this breaking has been observed.
The possible big news is following: pear-shaped state of heavy nucleus suggests that the breaking of P in nuclear physics is (much?) stronger than expected. With parity breaking one would expect ellipsoid with vanishing octupole moment but with non-vanishing quadrupole moment. This suggests parity breaking in unexpectedly long length scale. This is not possible in standard model where parity breaking is larger only in weak scale which is roughly 1/1000 of nuclear scale and fourth power of this factor reduces the weak parity breaking effects in nuclear scale.
Does this finding force to forget the plans for the next summer's time travel? If parity breaking is large, one expects from the conservation of CPT also large compensating breaking of CT breaking. This might relate to the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the observed Universe and I cannot relate it to time travel since the very idea of time travel in its standard form does not make much much sense to me.
In TGD framework one can imagine two explanations involving large parity breaking in unexpectedly long scales. In fact, in living matter chiral selection represents mysteriously large parity breaking effect and the proposed mechanisms could be behind it.
- In in terms of p-adically scaled down variants of weak bosons having much smaller masses and thus longer Compton length - of the order of nuclear size scale - than the ordinary weak bosons have. After this phase transition weak interaction in nuclear scale would not be weak anymore.
- In terms of dark state of nucleus involving magnetic flux tubes with large hbar carrying ordinary weak bosons but with scaled up Compton length (proportional to heff/h=n) of order nuclear size. Also this phase transition would make weak interactions in nuclear scale much stronger.
See the chapter Nuclear string hypothesis of "Hyper-finite factors, p-adic length scale hypothesis, and dark matter hierarchy".
For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.
The pear shape of the radium 224 and barium 144, showed that nuclei could have more mass at one end than the other.
ReplyDeleteIMHO the pear shape should be related to earlier experiemnts made by Simon Shnoll .
He found the radioactive decay products have a directional preference related to massive objects around us like the sun and moon.
Quote: "The 27 day sidereal moon related period of similar histograms found by S.Shnoll, seem to
show a split in 2 or 3 subgroups of similar histograms. (fig. 13)
These subgroups are supposed to be a support for a DOUBLE truncated tetrahedron 3D polarisation of the vacuum lattice as reference frame with CUBIC and HEXAGONAL lattice
Michelson-Morley didn’t find the ether, BUT Simon Shnoll did!"
I would suggest that related to Shnoll effects, and the conclusion that each ( heavy) atom could show its relation to a complex ( galaxy solar moon related) reference frame.
ReplyDeleteIf it is possible to measure in real time the variability of the central pear axes of the atom during the experiment, then we may know the truth about the a Michelson Morley idea. and the vacuum reference frame around the earth.
ReplyDeleteI have written about Shnoll effect few years ago but do not remember much about it anymore. I am not anymore sure about p-adic physics based texplanation that I considered earlier. It might be that magnetic bodies of astrophysical objects could be involved and affect the situation even at the level of nuclear physics: new nuclear physics in binding energy scale of say keV. The statement about directional prefernce of radioactive decay products is new to me. Channelling to magnetic flux tubes of course comes into mind.
“There were differences in the full-moon and new-moon phases in regards to the winnings. The average win ratio was higher, 52% for the full moon vs. 48% during the new-moon phases. In addition, more money was lost during the new-moon sessions – average total loss was $20.15 – than during the full-moon sessions – average total loss was $7.75."
That's related to the HeartMath Institute's Pre-stimulus response experiments; basically, what they appear to have found was that a person's intuition, i.e. interpretation of pre-stimulus information, is more accurate during the full-moon. It's all related . . .
ReplyDeleteInteresting and certainly in conflict with physicalists prejudices. I have developed the ideas about magnetic body (MB) gradually to or rather detailed form.
The flux tubes of galactic MB carry magnetic field which varies but has order of magnitude around nTesla: there can be local variations by orders of magnitude. They are good carriers for the dark matter of also personal MBs. If one assumes h_eff= h_gr =GMm/v_0and puts in Earth mass and velociy v_0 scaling like spinning velocity of astrophysical object and scales solar data then cyclotron times of dark photons are in the range varying from few minutes to 12 hours for the scaled variant of EEG. Time scales of human consciousness.
Ordinary EEG should correspond to "endogenous" EEG with magnetic field strength about .2 Gauss (2/5 of Earth's B) identified by Blackman (effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain): again there is variation of B by some orders of magnitude. If one demands h_eff= h_gr and requires that EEG frequencies correspond also now to biophoton energies (visible and UV photon energies) the big mass M_D must be something llike .5*10^(-4) Earth masses.
What is this massive object? There is independent evidence for anomalous phenomena such a Pioneer anomaly finding explanation if this mass is distributed at radius of Moon's orbit. If so Moon could influence on our consciousness! The model for the generation of planets indeed assumes dark mass distributions at the radii of planets which gradually condense to planets.
If this picture is correct it would be surprising if Moon had effects on human consciousness. Spottiswoode in reports tha precognition in that precognition tends to occur near midday galactic time which is not quite the same as solar day.
Could flux tubes of personal MB at those of galactic MB? I think that Moon has very weak magnetic field: maybe the magnitude was of the order of galactic magnetic field?