Let us take a closer look on this argument and compare TGD superstring models and seriously ask which of these theories is simple.
In superstring models one has strings as basic dynamical objects. They live in target space M10, which in some mysterious manner (something "non-perturbative" it is) spontaneously compactifies to M4 × C, C is Calabi-Yau space. The number of them is something like 10500 or probably infinite: depends on the counting criterion. And this estimate leaves their metric open. This leads to landscape and multiverse catastrophe: theory cannot predict anything. As a matter fact M4× C:s must be allowed to deform still in Kaluza-Klein paradigm in which space-time has Calabi-Yau as small additional dimensions. An alternative manner to obtain space-time is as 3-brane. One obtains also higher-D objects. Again by some "non-perturbative" mechanisms. One does not even know what space-time is! Situation looks to me a totally hopeless mess. Reader can conclude whether to regard this as simple and elegant.
I will consider TGD at three levels. At the level of "world of classical worlds" (WCW), at space-time level, and at the level of imbedding space. I hope that I can convince the reader about the simplicity of the approach. The simplicity is actually shocking and certainly an embarrassing experience for the unhappy super string theorists meandering around in the landscape and multiverse. Behind this simplicity are however principles: something, which colleagues usually regard as unpractical philosophizing: "shut-up-and-calculate!"!
1. WCW level: a generalization of Einstein's geometrization program to entire quantum physics
I hope that the reader would read the following arguments keeping in mind the question "Is this really hopelessly complicated?".
- Einstein's geometrization program for gravitation has been extremely successful but has failed for other classical fields, which do not have natural geometrization in the case of abstract four-manifolds with metric. One should understand standard model quantum numbers and also family replication for fermions.
However, if space-time can be regarded surface in H=M4× CP2 also the classical fields find a natural geometrization as induced fields obtained basically by projecting. Also spinor structure can be induced and one avoids the problems due the fact that generic space-time as abstract 4-manifold does not allow spinor structure. The dynamics of space-time surfaces incredibly simple: only 4 field-like variables corresponding to four imbedding space coordinates and induced that of classical geometric fields. Nowadays one would speak of emergence. The complexity emerges from the topology of space-time surfaces giving rise to many-sheeted space-time.
- Even this view about geometrization is generalized in TGD. Einstein's geometrization program is applied to the entire quantum physics in terms of the geometry of WCW consisting of 3-D surfaces of H. More precisely, in zero energy ontology (ZEO) it consists of pairs of 3-surfaces at opposite boundaries of causal diamond (CD) connected by a preferred extremals of a variational principle to be discussed.
Quantum states of the Universe would correspond to the modes of formally classical WCW spinor field satisfying the analog of Dirac equation. No quantization. Just the construction of WCW geometry and spinor structure. The only genuinely quantal element of quantum theory would be state function reduction and in ZEO its description leads to a quantum theory of consciousness.
1.1. WCW geometry
Consider first the generalization of Einsteins program of at the level of WCW geometry.
- Since complex conjugation must be geometrized, WCW must allow a geometric representation of imaginary unit as an antisymmetric tensor, which is essentially square root of the negative of the metric tensor and thus allow Kähler structure coded by Kähler function. One must have 4-D general coordinate invariance (GCI) but basic objects are 3-D surfaces. Therefore the definition of Kähler function must assign to 3-surface a unique 4-surface.
Kähler function should have physical meaning and the natural assumption is that it is Kähler action plus possibly also volume term (twistor lift implies it). Space-time surface would be a preferred extremal of this action. The interpretation is also as an analog of Bohr orbit so that Bohr orbitology would correspond exact rather than only approximate part of quantum theory in TGD framework. One could speak also of quantum classical correspondence.
- The action principle involves coupling parameters analogous to thermodynamical parameters. Their value spectrum is fixed by the conditions that TGD is quantum critical. For instance Kähler couplings strength is analogous to critical temperature. Different values correspond to different phases. Coupling constant evolution correspond to phase transitions between these phases and loops vanish as in free field theory for N=4 SYM.
- The infinite-dimensionality of WCW is a crucial element of simplicity. Already in the case of loop spaces the geometry is essentially unique: loop space is analogous to a symmetric space points of the loop space being geometrically equivalent. For loop spaces Riemann connection exists only of the metric has maximal isometries defined by Kac-Moody algebra.
The generalization to 3-D case is compelling. In TGD Kac-Moody algebra is replaced by super-symplectic algebra, which is much larger but has same basic structure (conformal weights of two kinds) and a fractal hierarchy of isomorphic sub-algebas with conformal weights coming as multiples of those for the entire algebra is crucial. Physics is unique because of its mathematical existence. WCW decompose to a union of sectors, which are infinite-D variants of symmetric spaces labelled by zero modes whose differentials do not appear in the line element of WCW.
1.2. WCW spinor structure
One must construct also spinor structure for WCW.
- The modes of WCW spinor fields would correspond to the solutions of WCW Dirac equation and would define the quantum states of the Universe. WCW spinors (assignable to given 3-surface) would correspond to fermionic Fock states created by fermionic creation operators. In ZEO 3-surfaces are pairs of 3-surfaces assignable to the opposite boundaries of WCW connected by preferred extremal.
The fermionic states are superpositions of pairs of fermion states with opposite net quantum numbers at the opposite ends of space-time surface at boundaries of CD. The entanglement coefficients define the analogs of S-matrix elements. The analog of Dirac equation is analog for super-Virasoro conditions in string models but assignable to the infinite-D supersymplectic algebra of WCW defining its isometries.
- The construction of the geometry of WCW requires that the anticommuting gamma matrices of WCW are expressible in terms of fermionic oscillator operators assignable to the induced spinor fields at space-time surface. Fermionic anti-commutativity at space-time level is not assumed but is forced by the anticommutativity of gamma matrices to metric. Fermi statistics is geometrized.
- The gamma matrices of WCW in the coordinates assignable to isometry generators can be regarded as generators of superconformal symmetries. They correspond to classical charges assignable to the preferred extremals and to fermionic generators. The fermionic isometry generators are fermionic bilinears and super-generators are obtained from them by replacing the second second quantized spinor field with its mode. Quantum classical correspondence between fermionic dynamics and classical dynamics (SH) requires that the eigenvalues of the fermionic Cartan charges are equal to corresponding bosonic Noether charges.
- The outcome is that quantum TGD reduces to a theory of formally classical spinor fields at the level of WCW and by infinite symmetries the construction of quantum states reduces to the construction of representations of super-symplectic algebra which generalizes to Yangian algebra as twistorial picture suggests. In ZEO everything would reduce to group theory, even the construction of scattering amplitudes! In ZEO the construction of zero energy states and thus scattering amplitudes would reduce to that for the representations of Yangian variant of super-symplectic algebra. Personally I find it hard to imagine anything simpler!
- One can go to the extreme and wonder whether the scattering amplitudes as entanglement coefficients for Yangian states are just constant scalars for given values of zero modes as group invariant for isometries. This would leave only integration over zero modes and if number theoretical universality is assumed this integral reduces to sum over points with algebraic coordinates in the preferred coordinates made possible by the symmetric space property.
At space-time level one must consider dynamics of space-time surface and spinorial dynamics.
2.1 Dynamics of space-time surfaces
Consider first simplicity at space-time level.
- Space-time is identified as 4-D surface in certain imbedding space required to have symmetries of special relativity - Poincare invariance. This resolves the energy problem and many other problems of GRT.
This allows also to see TGD as generalization of string models obtained by replacing strings with 3-surfaces and 2-D string world sheets with 4-D space-time surfaces. Small space-time surfaces are particles, large space-time surfaces the background space-time in which these particles "live". There are only 4 dynamical field like variables for 8-D M4× CP2 since GCI eliminates 4 imbedding space coordinates (they can be taken as space-tme coordinates). This should be compared with the myriads of classical fields for 10-D Einstein's theory coupled to matter fields (do not forget landscape and multiverse!)
- Classical fields are induced at the level of single space-time sheet from their geometric counterparts in imbedding space. A more fashionable way to say the same is that they emerge. Classical gravitational field correspond to the induced metric, electroweak gauge potentials to induced spinor connection of CP2 and color gauge potentials to projections of Killing vector fields for CP2.
- In TGD the space-time of GRT is replaced by many-sheeted space-time constructed from basic building bricks, which are preferred extremals of Kähler action + volume term. This action emerges in twistor lift of TGD existing only for H=M4× CP2: TGD is completely unique since only M4 and CP2 allows twistor space with Kähler structure. This also predicts Planck length as radius of twistor sphere associated with M4. Cosmological constant appears as the coefficient of the volume term and obeys p-adic length scale evolution predicting automatically correct order of magnitude in the scale of recent cosmos. Besides this one has CP2 size which is of same order of magnitude as GUT scale, and Kähler coupling strength. By quantum criticality the various parameters are quantized.
Quantum criticality is basic dynamical principle and discretizes coupling constant evolution: only coupling constants corresponding to quantum criticality are realized and discretized coupling constant evolution corresponds to phase transitions between these values of coupling constants. All radiative corrections vanish so that only tree diagram contribute.
- Preferred extremals realize strong form of holography (SH) implied by strong form of GCI (SGCI) emerging naturally in TGD framework. That GCI implies SH meaning an enormous simplification at the conceptual level.
One has two choices for fundamental 3-D objects. They could be light-like boundaries between regions of Minkowskian and Euclidian signatures of the induced metric or they could be pairs of space-time 3-surfaces at the ends of space-time surface at opposite boundaries of causal diamond (CD) (CDs for a scale hierarchy). Both options should be correct so that the intersections of these 3-surfaces consisting of partonic 2-surfaces at which light-like partonic orbits and space-like 3-surfaces intersect should carry the data making possible holography. Also data about normal space of partonic 2-surface is involved.
SH generalizes AdS/CFT correspondence by replacing holography with what is very much like the familiar holography. String world, sheets, which are minimal surfaces carrying fermion fields and partonic 2-surfaces intersecting string world sheets at discrete points determine by SH the entire 4-D dynamics. The boundaries of string world sheets are world lines with fermion number coupling to classical Kähler force. In the interior Kähler force vanishes so that one has "dynamics of avoidance" required also by number theoretic universality satisfied if the coupling constants do not appear in the field equations at all: they are however seen in the boundary values stating vanishing of the classical super-symplectic charges (Noether's theorem) so that one obtains dependence of coupling constants via boundary conditions and coupling constant evolutions makes it manifest also classically. Hence the preferred extremals from which the space-time surfaces are engineered are extremely simple objects.
- In twistor formulation the assumption that the inverse of Kähler coupling strength has zeros of Riemann zeta as the spectrum of its quantum critical values gives excellent prediction for the coupling constant of U(1) coupling constant of electroweak interactions. Complexity means that extremals are extremals of both Kähler action and volume term: minimal surfaces extremals of Kähler action. This would be part of preferred extremal property.
The conditions state that sub-algebra of super-symplectic algebra isomorphic to itself and its commutator with the entire algebra annihilate the physical states (classical Noether charges vanish). The condition could follow from minimal surface extremality or provide additional conditions reducing the degrees of freedom. In any case, 3-surfaces would be almost 2-D objects.
- GRT space-time emerges from many-sheeted space-time as one replaces the sheets of many-sheeted space-time (4-D M4 projection) to single slightly curved region of M4 defining GRT space-time. Since test particle regarded as 3-surface touching the space-time sheets of many-sheeted spacetime, test particle experiences the sum of forces associated with the classical fields at the space-time sheets. Hence the classical fields of GRT space-time are sums of these fields. Disjoint union for space-time sheets maps to the sum of the induced fields. This gives standard model and GRT as long range scale limit of TGD.
The notion of induced spinor field deserves a more detailed discussion. Consider first induced spinor structures.
- Induced spinor field are spinors of M4× CP2 for which modes are characterized by chirality (quark or lepton like) and em charge and weak isospin.
- Induced spinor spinor structure involves the projection of gamma matrices defining induced gamma matrices. This gives rise to superconformal symmetry if the action contains only volume term.
When Kähler action is present, superconformal symmetry requires that the modified gamma matrices are contractions of canonical momentum currents with imbedding space gamma matrices. Modified gammas appear in the modified Dirac equation and action, whose solution at string world sheets trivializes by super-conformal invariance to same procedure as in the case of string models.
- Induced spinor fields correspond to two chiralities carrying quark number and lepton number. Quark chirality does not carry color as spin-like quantum number but it corresponds to a color partial wave in CP2 degrees of freedom: color is analogous to angular momentum. This reduces to spinor harmonics of CP2 describing the ground states of the representations of super-symplectic algebra.
The harmonics do not satisfy correct correlation between color and electroweak quantum numbers although the triality t=0 for leptonic waves and t=1 for quark waves. There are two manners to solve the problem.
- Super-symplectic generators applied to the ground state to get vanishing ground states weight instead of the tachyonic one carry color and would give for the physical states correct correlation: leptons/quarks correspond to the same triality zero(one partial wave irrespective of charge state. This option is assumed in p-adic mass calculations.
- Since in TGD elementary particles correspond to pairs of wormhole contacts with weak isospin vanishing for the entire pair, one must have pair of left and right-handed neutrinos at the second wormhole throat. It is possible that the anomalous color quantum numbers for the entire state vanish and one obtains the experimental correlation between color and weak quantum numbers. This option is less plausible since the cancellation of anomalous color is not local as assume in p-adic mass calculations.
- Super-symplectic generators applied to the ground state to get vanishing ground states weight instead of the tachyonic one carry color and would give for the physical states correct correlation: leptons/quarks correspond to the same triality zero(one partial wave irrespective of charge state. This option is assumed in p-adic mass calculations.
The understanding of the details of the fermionic and actually also geometric dynamics has taken a long time. Super-conformal symmetry assigning to the geometric action of an object with given dimension an analog of Dirac action allows however to fix the dynamics uniquely and there is indeed dimensional hierarchy resembling brane hierarchy.
- The basic observation was following. The condition that the spinor modes have well-defined em charge implies that they are localized to 2-D string world sheets with vanishing W boson gauge fields which would mix different charge states. At string boundaries classical induced W boson gauge potentials guarantee this. Super-conformal symmetry requires that this 2-surface gives rise to 2-D action which is area term plus topological term defined by the flux of Kähler form.
- The most plausible assumption is that induced spinor fields have also interior component but that the contribution from these 2-surfaces gives additional delta function like contribution: this would be analogous to the situation for branes. Fermionic action would be accompanied by an area term by supersymmetry fixing modified Dirac action completely once the bosonic actions for geometric object is known. This is nothing but super-conformal symmetry.
One would actually have the analog of brane-hierarchy consisting of surfaces with dimension D= 4,3,2,1 carrying induced spinor fields which can be regarded as independent dynamical variables and characterized by geometric action which is D-dimensional analog of the action for Kähler charged point particle. This fermionic hierarchy would accompany the hierarchy of geometric objects with these dimensions and the modified Dirac action would be uniquely determined by the corresponding geometric action principle (Kähler charged point like particle, string world sheet with area term plus Kähler flux, light-like 3-surface with Chern-Simons term, 4-D space-time surface with Kähler action).
- This hierarchy of dynamics is consistent with SH only if the dynamics for higher dimensional objects is induced from that for lower dimensional objects - string world sheets or maybe even their boundaries orbits of point like fermions. Number theoretic vision suggests that this induction relies algebraic continuation for preferred extremals. Note that quaternion analyticity means that quaternion analytic function is determined by its values at 1-D curves.
- Quantum-classical correspondences (QCI) requires that the classical Noether charges are equal to the eigenvalues of the fermionic charges for surfaces of dimension D=0,1,2,3 at the ends of the CDs. These charges would not be separately conserved. Charges could flow between objects of dimension D+1 and D - from interior to boundary and vice versa. Four-momenta and also other charges would be complex as in twistor approach: could complex values relate somehow to the finite life-time of the state?
If quantum theory is square root of thermodynamics as ZEO suggests, the idea that particle state would carry information also about its life-time or the time scale of CD to which is associated could make sense. For complex values of αK there would be also flow of canonical and super-canonical momentum currents between Euclidian and Minkowskian regions crucial for understand gravitational interaction as momentum exchange at imbedding space level.
- What could be the physical interpretation of the bosonic and fermionic charges associated with objects of given dimension? Condensed matter physicists assign routinely physical states to objects of various dimensions: is this assignment much more than a practical approximation or could condensed matter physics already be probing many-sheeted physics?
- Could the addition of fermions to a given state defined in terms of fermionic charges at the fermion lines defined by the boundaries of string worlds sheets at light-like orbits of partonic 2-surfaces be interpreted as supersymmetry? The smallness of cosmological constant implies that the contribution to the four-momentum from interior should be rather small so that an interpretation in terms of broken SUSY might make sense. There would be mass m≈ .03 eV per volume with size defined by the Compton scale hbar/m.
This interpretation might allow to understand the failure to find SUSY at LHC. Sparticles could be obtained by adding interior right-handed neutrinos and antineutrinos to the particle state. They could be also associated with the magnetic body of the particle. Since they do not have color and weak interactions, SUSY is not badly broken. If the mass difference between particle and sparticle is of order m=.03 eV characterizing ρvac, particle and sparticle could not be distinguished in higher energy physics at LHC since it probes much shorter scales and sees only the particle. I have already earlier proposed a variant of this mechanism but without SUSY breaking.
To discover SUSY one should do very low energy physics in the energy range m≈ .03 eV having same order of magnitude as thermal energy kT= 2.6× 10-2 eV at room temperature 25 oC. One should be able to demonstrate experimentally the existence of sparticle with mass differing by about m≈ .03 eV from the mass of the particle. An interesting question is whether the sfermions associated with standard fermions could give rise to Bose-Einstein condensates whose existence in the length scale of large neutron is strongly suggested by TGD view about living matter.
In GRT the description of gravitation involve only space-time and gravitational force is eliminated. In TGD also imbedding space level is involved with the description.
- The incoming and outgoing states of particle reaction are labelled by the quantum numbers associated with the isometries of the imbedding space and by the contributions of super-symplectic generators and isometry generators to the quantum numbers. This follows from the fact that the ground states of super-symplectic representations correspond to the modes of imbedding space spinors fields. These quantum numbers appear in the S-matrix of QFT limit too. In particular, color quantum numbers as angular momentum like quantum numbers at fundamental level are transformed to spin-like quantum numbers at QFT limit.
- In GRT the applications rely on Post-Newtonian approximation (PNA). This means that the notion of gravitational force is brought to the theory although it has been eliminated from the basic GRT. This is not simple. One could argue that there is genuine physics behind this PNA and TGD suggests what this physics is.
At the level of space-time surfaces particles move along geodesic lines and in TGD minimal surface equation states the generalization of the geodesic line property for 3-D particles. At the imbedding space level gravitational interaction involves exchanges of four-momentum and in principle of color quantum numbers too. Indeed, there is an exchange of classical charges through the light-like 3-surfaces defining the boundaries of Euclidian regions defining Euclidian regions as "lines" of generalized scattering diagrams. This however requires that Kähler coupling strength is allowed to be complex (say correspond to zero of Riemann Zeta). Hence in TGD also Newtonian view would be correct and needed.
For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.
what if the resolution of the Riemann hypothesis one way or the other has something to do with compactifying string theory? above the region nunerically verified .. mayve around a Skewes number. i dunno
ReplyDeleteI have considered TGD inspired physical argument for why the couplex zeros should be at critical line.
ReplyDeletea) First argument.
* If the real part is 1/2 the plane waves defined by functions exp((1/2+iy)r )at light cone boundary with scale invariant integration measure for radial light-cone coordinate r in range (0,infty) form a basis equvalent with plane wave basis. 1/2+iy is i the role of conformal weight for radial scalings.
* If the rel part of root is different from 1/2, the function does not belong to this basis. Hence RH.
Second argument.
*If the generators of super-symplectic algebra have zeros of zeta as conformal weights then all algebra elements have conformal weights with real part which is half integer, which is nice.
* Conformal confinement requires that total imaginary part vanishes for physical states and would give real confornal weigths as integers, just as for Virasoro algebra: this corresponds to the analog of analyticity (z^n) . The presence of roots with Re[s] outside critical line would break this rule. Hence RH.
i see.. very nice to have physical arguments behind it too. i was starting to worry i might find a counterexample. now, ive done some asymptotic analysis and Maple has told me an asymptotic expansion for the derivative of h(t) which is O(1/(t*t))
ReplyDeleteurl with link to pdf on github at http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2043176/how-to-show-this-particular-function-involving-the-lambert-w-function-is-unimoda