The process from an idea to a precise mathematical theory took 41 years and forced a generalization of entire physics so that it is number theoretically universal and describes also the correlates of cognition. Consciousness theory becomes part of TGD based physics. Quantum physics is generalized considerably: hierarchy of Planck constants is one implication. Second deep implication is zero energy ontology (ZEO) allowing solve the basic paradox of quantum measurement theory.
In TGD framework M8-H duality allows to geometrize the notion of super-twistor in the sense that at the level of M8 different components of super-field correspond to components of super-octonion each of which corresponds to a space-time surfaces satisfying minimal surface equations with string world sheets as singularities - this is geometric counterpart for masslessness.
New view about SUSY
The progress in understanding of M8-H duality throws also light to the problem whether SUSY is realized in TGD and what SUSY breaking cold mean. It is now rather clear that sparticles are predicted and SUSY remains exact but that p-adic thermodynamics causes thermal massivation: unlike Higgs mechanism, this massivation mechanism is universal and has nothing to do with dynamics. This is due to the fact that zero energy states are superpositions of states with different masses. The selection of p-adic prime characterizing the sparticle causes the mass splitting between members of super-multiplets although the mass formula is same for all of them. Super-octonion components of polynomials have different orders so that also the extension of rational assignable to them is different and therefore also the ramified primes so that p-adic prime as one them can be different for the members of SUSY multiplet and mass splitting is obtained.
The question how to realize super-field formalism at the level of H=M4× CP2 led to a dramatic progress in the identification of elementary particles and SUSY dynamics. The most surprising outcome was the possibility to interpret leptons and corresponding neutrinos as local 3-quark composites with quantum numbers of anti-proton and anti-neutron. Leptons belong to the same super-multiplet as quarks and are antiparticles of neutron and proton as far quantum numbers are consided. One implication is the understanding of matter-antimatter asymmetry. Also bosons can be interpreted as local composites of quark and anti-quark.
Hadrons and perhaps also hadronic gluons would still correspond to the analog of monopole phase in QFTs. Homology charge could appear as a space-time correlate for color at space-time level and explain color confinement. Also color octet variants of weak bosons, Higgs, and Higgs like particle and the predicted new pseudo-scalar are predicted. They could explain the successes of conserved vector current hypothesis (CVC) and partially conserved axial current hypothesis (PCAC).
One ends up with an improved understanding of quantum criticality and the relation between its descriptions at M8 level and H-level. Polynomials describing a hierarchy of dark matters describe also a hierarchy of criticalities and one can identify inclusion hierarchies as sub-hierarchies formed by functional composition of polynomials: the criticality is criticality for the polynomials interpreted as p-adic polynomials in O(p)=0 approximation meaning the presence of multiple roots in this approximation.
Connection of SUSY and second quantization
The linear combinations monomials of theta parameters appearing in super-fields are replaced in case of hermitian H super coordinates consisting of combinations of monomials with vanishing quark number. For super-spinors of H the monomials carry odd quark number. Monomials of theta parameters are replaced by local monomials of quark oscillator operators labelled besides spin and weak isospin also by points of cognitive representation with imbedding space coordinates in an extension of rationals defining the adele. Discretization allows anti-commutators which are Kronecker deltas rather than delta functions. If continuum limit makes sense, normal ordering must be assumed to avoid delta functions at zero coming from the contractions.
The monomials (not only the coefficients appearing in them) are solved from generalized classical field equations and are linearly related to the monomials at boundary of CD playing the role of quantum fields and classical field equations determine the analogs of propagators.
The Wick contractions of quark-antiquark monomials appearing in the expansion of super-coordinate of H could define the analog of radiative corrections in discrete approach. M8-H duality and number theoretic vision require that the number of non-vanishing Wick contractions is finite. The number of contractions is bounded by the finite number of points in cognitive representation and increases with the degree of the octonionic polynomial and gives rise to a discrete coupling constant evolution parameterized by the extensions of rationals. The polynomial composition hierarchies correspond to inclusion hierarchies for isomorphic sub-algebras of super-symplectic algebra having interpretation in terms of inclusions of hyper-finite factors of type II1.
Quark oscillator operators in cognitive representation correspond to quark field q. Only terms with quark number 1 appear in q and leptons emerge in Kähler action as local 3-quark composites. Internal consistency requires that q must be the super-spinor field satisfying super Dirac equation. This leads to a self-referential condition qs=q identifying q and its super-counterpart qs. The condition has interpretation in terms of a fixed point of iteration and expression of quantum criticality. The coefficients of various terms in q analogous to coupling constants can be fixed from this condition so that one obtains discrete number theoretical coupling constant evolution. The basic equations are quantum criticality condition q=qs, Dα,sΓαs=0 coming from Kähler action, and the super-Dirac equation Dsq=0.
Could the exponent of super-Kähler function as vacuum functional define S-matrix as its matrix elements
Consider first the key ideas - some of them new - formulated as questions.
- Could one see SUSY in TGD sense as a counterpart for the quantization in the sense of QFT so that oscillator operators replace theta parameters and would become fermionic oscillator operators labelled by spin and electroweak spin - as proposed originally - and by selected points of 3-surface of light-cone boundary with imbedding space coordinates in extension of rationals? One would have analog of fermion field in lattice identified as a number theoretic cognitive representation for given extension of rationals. The new thing would be allowance of local composites of oscillator operators having interpretation in terms of analogs for the components of super-field.
SUSY in TGD sense would be realized by allowing local composites of oscillator operators containing 4+4 quark oscillator operators at most. At continuum limit normal ordering would produce delta functions at origin unless one assumes normal ordering from beginning. For cognitive representations one would have only Kronecker deltas and one can consider the possibility that normal ordering is not present. The vanishing of normal ordering terms above some number of them suggested to be the dimension for the extension of rationals would give rise to a discrete coupling constant evolution due to the contractions of fermionic oscillator operators.
- What is dynamical in the superpositions of oscillator operator monomials? Are the coefficients dynamical? Or are the oscillator operators themselves dynamical - this would mean a QFT type reduction to single particle level? The latter option seems to be correct. Oscillator operators are labelled by points of cognitive representation and in continuum case define an analog of quantum spinor field, call it q. This suggests that this field satisfies the super counter part of modified Dirac equation and must involve also super part formed from the monomials of q and qbar. This however requires the replacement of q with qs in super-Dirac operator and super-coordinates hs and one ends up with an iteration q→ qs→ ...
The only solution to the paradoxical situation is that one has self-referential equation q=qs having interpretation in terms of quantum criticality fixing the coefficients of terms in q=qs and in H super-coordinate hs interpreted as coupling constants so that a discrete coupling constant evolution as function of extension of rationals follows. Also super-Dirac equation Dsqs=0 and field equations Ds,αΓα,s=0 for Kähler action guaranteeing hermiticity are satisfied.
- Could one interpret the time reversal operation taking creation- and annihilation operators to each other as time reflection permuting the points at the opposite boundaries of CD? The positive resp. negative energy parts of zero energy states would be created by creation resp. annihilation operators from respective vacuums assigned to the opposite boundaries of CD.
- Could one regard preferred extremal regarded as 4-surface in super imbedding space parameterized by the hermitian imbedding coordinates plus the coefficients of the monomials of quarks and antiquarks with vanishing quark number, whose time evolution follows from dimensionally reduced 6-D super-Kähler action? Could one assume similar interpretation for super spinors consisting of monomials with odd quark number and appearing in super-Dirac action?
- In WKB approximation the exponent of action defines wave function. In QFTs path integral is defined by an exponent of action and scattering operator can be formally defined as action exponential. Could the matrix elements for the exponent of the super counterpart of Kähler function plus super Dirac action between states at opposite boundaries of CD between positive and negative energy parts of zero energy states define S-matrix? Could the positive and negative energy parts of zero energy states be identified as many particles states formed from the monomials associated with imbedding space super-coordinates and super-spinors?
- Could the construction of S-matrix elements as matrix elements of super-action exponential reduce to classical theory? Super-field monomials in the interior of CD would be linear superpositions of super-field monomials at boundary of CD. Note that oscillator operator monomials rather than their coefficients would be the basic entities and the dynamics would reduce to that for oscillator operators as in QFTs. The analogs of propagators would relate the monomials to those at boundary ly to the monomials at the boundary of CD, and would be determined by classical field equations so that in this sense everything would be classical. Note however that the fixed point condition q=qs and super counterpart of modified Dirac equation are non-linear.
Vertices would be defined by monomials appearing in super-coordinate and super-spinor field appearing in terms of those at boundary of CD. If two vertices at interior points x and y of CD are connected there is line leading from x to a point z at boundary of CD and back to y and one would have sum over points z in cognitive representation. This applies also to self energy corrections with x=y. At the possibly existing continuum limit integral would smoothen the delta function singularities and in presence of normal ordering at continuum would eliminate them.
In the expressions for the elements of S-matrix annihilation operators appearing in the monomials would be connected to the passive boundary P of CD and creation operators to the active boundary. If no partonic 2-surfaces appear as topological vertices in the interior of CD, this would give trivial S-matrix!
M8-H duality however predicts the existence of brane like entities as universal 6-D surfaces as solutions of equations determining space-time surfaces. Their M4 projection is t=rn hyperplane, where rn corresponds to a root of a real polynomial with algebraic coefficients giving rise to octonion polynomial, and is mapped to similar surface in H. 4-D space-time surfaces representing incoming and outgoing lines would meet along their ends at these partonic 2-surfaces.
Partonic 2-surfaces at these hyper-surfaces would contain ordinary vertices as points in cognitive representation. Given vertex would have at most 4+4 incoming and outgoing lines assignable to the monomial defining the vertex. This picture resembles strongly the picture suggested by twistor Grassmannian approach. In particular the number of vertices is finite and their seems to be no superposition over different diagrams. In this proposal, the lines connecting vertices would correspond to 1-D singularities of the space-time surfaces as minimal surfaces in H. Also stringy singularities can be considered but also these should be discretized.
By fixing the set of monomials possibly defining orthonormal state basis at both boundaries one would obtain given S-matrix element. S-matrix elements would be matrix elements of the super-action exponential between states formed by monomials of quark oscillator operators. Also entanglement between the monomials defining initial and finals states can be allowed. Note that this in principle allows also initial and final states not expressible using monomials but that monomials are natural building bricks as analogs of field operators in QFTs.
- The monomials associated with imbedding space coordinates are imbedding space vectors constructible from Dirac currents (left- or right-handed) with oscillator operators replacing the induced spinor field and its conjugate. The proposed rules for constructing S-matrix would give also scattering amplitudes with odd quark number at boundaries of CD. Could the super counterpart of the bosonic action (super Kähler function) be all that is needed to construct the S-matrix?
In fact, classically Dirac action vanishes on mass shell: if this is true also for super-Dirac action then the addition of Dirac action would not be needed. The super-Taylor expansion of super- Kähler action gives rise to the analogs of perturbation theoretic interaction terms so that one has perturbation theory without perturbation theory as Wheeler might state it. The detailed study of the structure of the monomials appearing in the super-Kähler action shows that they have interpretation as currents assignable to gauge bosons and scalar and pseudo-scalar Higgs.
Super Dirac action is however needed. Super-Dirac equation for q and Dα,sΓαs=0 allow to reduce ordinary divergences ∂αjα of fermionic currents appearing in super-Kähler action to commutators [Aα,sjα]. Therefore no information about q at nearby points is needed and one avoids lattice discretization: cognitive representation is enough.
- Topological vertices represent discontinuities of the space-time surface bringing strongly in mind the non-determinism of quantum measurement, and one can ask whether the 3-branes and associated partonic 2-surfaces. Could the state function reductions analogous to weak measurements correspond to these discontinuities? Ordinary state function reductions would change the arrow of time and the roles of active and passive boundaries of CD. In TGD inspired theory of consciousness these time values would correspond to "very special moments" in the life of self.
But can one calculate anything?
The path from precise formulation to concere calculations is long since TGD is much more ambitious approach than the usual models based on action and Feynman rules. One can ask whether the information needed to make calculations is in principle available in number theoretic approach based on cognitive representations.
- The condition that super-Dirac equation is satisfied would remove the need to have a lattice and cognitive representation would be enough. If the condition ∂αq=0 holds true, the situation simplifies even more but this condition is not essential. The condition that the points of the cognitive representation assignable to quark oscillator operators correspond to singularities of space-time surface at which several space-time sheets intersect, would make the identification of these points of cognitive representation easier. Note that the notion of singular point makes sense also at the continuum limit giving cognitive representation even in this case in terms of possibly transcendental roots of octonion analytic functions.
If the singular points correspond to solution to 4 polynomial conditions on octonionic polynomials besides the 4 conditions giving rise to the space-time surfaces. The intersections for two branches representing two roots of polynomial equation for space-time surface indeed involve 4 additional polynomial conditions so that the points would have coordinates in an extension of rationals, which is however larger than for the roots t=rn. One could of course consider an additional condition requiring that the points belong to the extension defined by rn but this seems un-necessary.
The octonionic coordinates used at M8-side are unique apart from a translation of real coordinate and value of the radial light-like coordinate t=rn corresponds to a root of the polynomial defining the octonionic polynomial as its algebraic continuation. At this plane the space-time surfaces corresponding to polynomials defining external particles as space-time surfaces would intersect at partonic 2-surfaces containing the shared singular points defined as intersections.
- The identification of cognitive representations goes beyond the recent knowhow in algebraic geometry. I have considered this problem in light of some recent number theoretic ideas. If the preferred extremals are images of octonionic polynomial surfaces and M8-H duality the situation improves, and one might hope of having explicit representation of the images surfaces in H-side as minimal surfaces defined by polynomials.
For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.
Forget the calculations and focus on experiment an Cosmological new LIGO, double BH mergers.
ReplyDeleteEmpirical side is important and has been central in development of TGD. But when one has understood the basic principles of the theory, one must develop calculational machinery that anyone can use. Otherwise theory is useless.
ReplyDeleteConcerning TGD view about blackholes - or what their TGD counterparts could be - see .