Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why not publish a book about TGD?

I was asked why I do not publish a book about TGD. Some people also ask why I have not considered the idea of applying TGD to some real problem in physics. I glue below the reply which should explain why not.

Some people have also informed me that Einstein said that any big idea must be so simple that even a child can understand. Why I do not publish a picture book for children about TGD explaining the big idea using a couple of pictures? My answer could be the following: Einstein made only a single big blunder in his life. It was not the proposal of the cosmological constant but the above statement: fools around the world really take it literally. I appreciate people writing for children but I am a different kind of writer.

So: why don't I publish a book for adult readers or even colleagues about TGD? I actually have 24 online books almost ready for printing. Basic theory and lots of applications covering all branches of physics and also biology and neuroscience, which the people making these questions have not noticed since just seeing a link to my homepage - no time for more than this - does not give any idea about what TGD really is. These books can be published posthumously as collected works when the time is ripe for this. The reasons are many-fold.

There are overlapping topics and colleagues would not lose the opportunity to blame me for self-plagiarism as happened with the previous book about TGD. There was some ridiculous counting of words mechanism used to reveal my criminal character. For two years I spent a lot of useful working time with totally irrelevant activities having very little to do with the contents of the book. The compensation is so small that bank costs would make me the net payer. No one reads books nowadays and no-one even considers buying a book by non-name.

I do not have too many years left and I want to use them to develop TGD. This is for purely selfish reasons: it marvellous to live in full swing still at this age and do history of science.

I have also given up the hopes of explaining TGD understandably: 42 years distance to colleagues is so long that I feel myself being on a mountain top covered by clouds. They refuse even to believe that there is some-one there. 24 books as a climbing guide telling also about all wrong tracks is too much for anyone, and it is not inspiring to passively follow the instructions. It is much more motivational for them to rediscover TGD by themselves.

I have hoped that I could help them in this process and perhaps shorten 42 years to a decade. I have explained again and again what the deep problems are and what would be the TGD solution to them hoping that it would be more motivational to use their own brain to solve the key problems. They are not interested even in this option. They prefer to follow the wrong paths shown by names and repeat the mistakes already made. Or alternatively, to build totally non-sensible one-line theory based on mere pictures. So: let them discover all by themselves. Trial and error is the most effective manner to learn.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

Articles and other material related to TGD.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you Matti. Trial and error is the best way
