Friday, March 10, 2023

Summary of the TGD based view of mitosis and meiosis

I wrote roughly a year ago of the TGD view of mitosis and meiosis and proposed a solution to the the mystery of the allele dominance (a gene from either mother and father chromosome tends to dominate in the transcription of the DNA) based on the notion of dark DNA controlling ordinary DNA. Also dark mitosis and meiosis would occur. I noticed that a short section summarizing various considerations would be helpful for the reader.

The above considerations boil down to the following overall view of mitosis and meiosis in the TGD framework.

Consider first ordinary mitosis and meiosis.

  1. In the ordinary mitosis two copies of chromosomes are formed. After this cell divides. The same could happen for the dark chromosomes. But this would leave allele dominance a mystery.
  2. Ordinary meiosis involves replication of chromosomes of soma cells with chromosomes of father and mother. This is followed by recombination of the chromosomes followed by cell division so that two germ cells are obtained. After that both daughter cells with recombinant genomes split to germ cells giving four germ cells.
The TGD view of meiosis would be different. Dark meiosis and ordinary meiosis need not occur simultaneously and dark meiosis could occur before the ordinary one in some earlier mitosis.
  1. Dark DNA can suffer at some cell replication dark meiosis involving recombination of dark DNAs for both chromosomes. The resulting dark DNA strands go to separate cells. The dark parts of the DNA would be analogous to that of gametes which would be different for the two daughter cells.

    Since dark DNA controls ordinary DNA, the dark gamete would by resonance mechanism select which allele dominates. One would have two kinds of cells with different allele dominances. One could say that the cells have different sex. This is a testable prediction.

  2. If this replication occurs after some replication after the first replication, the dark gametes formed in the dark meiosis of different cells are different, and one can obtain a large number of different dark gametes. This number is not so large as for the ordinary meiosis since dark gametes do not change in the cell replications.
  3. The dark gametes, which have formed by dark meiosis already in an earlier cell replication preceding meiosis, would determine the outcome of the recombination of ordinary DNA in the ordinary meiosis following dark meiosis after some cell replications. After this the dark gametes pair with ordinary DNA and give rise to an ordinary gamete.
See the article Mysteries related to gene expression and meiosis or the chapter ZEO, Adelic Physics, and Genes.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

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