Wednesday, December 04, 2024

How the possible quantum variants of LLMs could be updated?

If one can assign the training data of LLMs to quantum states, there is a hope that the retraining need not start from scratch and could become more flexible and less expensive.

How to assign to classical associations their quantum representations?

In LLM both inputs and outputs are associations represented as text. The quantum dynamics must not affect the content of the input. A classical association is encoded as a bit sequence. Associations can be enumerated and each corresponds to its own bit sequence serving as an address, a symbolic representation, and no longer contains the original information. The Gödel numbering of statements serves as an analogy.

Also the quantum equivalent of the number of the classical association as a qubit sequence is just a name for it. Quantum processing can operate on these qubit sequences and produce longer quantum associations associated with them which in qubit measurements produce longer associations and superpositions of them. The outcome is determined by the measurement of the bits appearing in the numbering of the associations.

Quantum operations followed by the measurement of qubits can only permute classical associations. They can affect the association probabilities and perhaps add new associations in partial retraining. Various quantum superpositions of the quantum associations (the numbers labelling them) are possible and correspond to the quantum counterpart of the concept of "association A→ ..., where A is fixed.

This allows for maximally simple representations at the quantum level. Arbitrarily complex associations A→ ... can be quantum-encoded by listing them. A local bit-qubit correspondence is the simplest one and the same operation could change the value of both bit and qubit. If the electric field does this then this could be the case for transistors as bits if each bit is accompanied by OH-O- qubit. In the ground state the minimum energy state for OH-O- qubit would correspond to the ordinary bit.

Is the quantum entanglement between bits and qubits necessary or even possible? Could one keep the bit level as it is and perform quantum operations for qubit sequences and transform the to bit sequences so that also associations not possible for the classical computer could appear in the output? This option cannot be excluded if the bit sequences represent analogs of Gödel numbers for associations.

Does quantum non-determinism reduce to classical non-determinism for "small" state function reductions (SSFRs)?

In ZEO, the classical non-determinism does not affect the 3-surfaces nor fermionic states at the boundary of the CD. This is consistent with the identification of the non-determinism of SSFRs as classical non-determinism.

The classical Bohr orbits would be non-unique due to the classical non-determinism appearing already for the 2-D minimal surfaces. The very fact that computer programs can be realized, strongly suggests that this non-determinism is present.

There are two types of non determinisms. A non-deterministic time-like crystal (time crystal) and non-deterministic space-like crystal represent these non-determinisms. Each cell of these crystals would be a seat of non-determinism meaning that the surface branches at the locus of the non-determinism and a single branch is selected. This makes it possible to generate a conscious memory in a memory recall.

Reading and writing transform these two kinds of non-determinisms to each other.

  1. Reading space-like crystals representing data bit sequence creates a time-like representation as a sequence of SSFRs if at a given moment the qubits of the geometric past are frozen. A series of SSFRs, conscious stream, "self" is created at the quantum level. Therefore a space-like non-deterministic crystal can be transformed to a time-crystal. In writing the opposite happens. The minimum energy state for the associated quantum states selects a unique configuration.

    Quantum entanglement between separate non-deterministic representations (cognitive representations possibly allowing characterization in terms of a p-adic topology for a ramified prime) is possible. Also entangled between time- and space-like non-deterministic degrees of freedom is possible.

  2. How these reading and writing processes could be realized? A relation to topological quantum computation, in which time-like and space-like braidings by monopole flux tubes play a central role suggests a possible answer to the question (see this). Think of dancers connected by threads to fixed points on the wall. Dance can be interpreted as a time-like braiding and induces space-like braiding as knotting and linking of the threads connecting the dancers. In TGD the threads correspond to monopole flux tubes.
But what does the classical non-determinism mean?

I have mentioned several times classical non-determinism at the level of holography = holomorphy principle identifying space-time surfaces as roots (f1,f2)=(0,0) of analytic functions of H coordinates. At the level of 3-D holographic data branching should occur so that the algebraic equations allow several roots with different tangent spaces.

  1. What is the precise meaning of the analogy between holographic data as 3-surfaces and the frames of soap films? Could all roots (f1,f2)=(0,0) correspond to different alternatives for this non-determinism or are there some restrictions? It seems that the 4-D roots, which can be glued together continuously cannot correspond to the non-determinism. The cusp catastrophe serves as a good example of the situation. The regions of the space-time surface representing different roots cannot be regarded as distinct space-time surfaces.

    Rather, it seems that the non-determinism requires multiplicity of the 4-D tangent space and in this kind of situation one must select one branch.

  2. Could the choice of only one root in the branching situation give rise to non-determinism? Is it possible to implement boundary conditions stating classical and quantal conservation laws at the interfaces of the regions corresponding to different branches?

    Any general coordinate invariant action expressible in terms of the induced geometry is consistent with holography = holomorphy principle (see this and this). Is it permissible to choose the classical action so that boundary conditions can be satisfied when a single root is selected? This would force coupling constant evolution for the parameters of the action if one also assumes that the classical action exponential as an exponent of K\"ahler function corresponds to a power of the discriminant D defined as a product of root differences? The same choice should be made at the fermion level as well: the super symmetry fixing the modified fermionic gamma matrices once the bosonic action is fixed, would guarantee this.

  3. Also, the roots u for a polynomial P(u) of the hypercomplex real coordinate u assignable to the singularities as loci of non-determinism at the string world sheets come to mind. These roots must be real. At criticality a new root could appear. Also branching could occur and relate to the fermion pair creation possible only in 4-D space-time thanks to the existence of exotic smooth structures (see this and this). Could these roots represent the positions of qubits?
What could the updating of the training material by adding an association mean at a fundamental level?

Retraining cannot be only the manipulation of association probabilities but also the addition of new associations. The scope of the concept "associations related to a given input" is expanded and complexity increases.

If these associations are enumerated by bit sequences, it is enough to associate a series of bits with the new association as a classical bit sequence and to this new bit sequence a qubit sequence by bit-qubit correspondence. The superposition of the quantum counterpart of the new association with previous qubit sequences should be possible. Just like in LLM, also the combinations of the basic associations mapped to qubit sequences into longer quantum association chains should be possible.

See the article Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life? or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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