Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Oceans around quasars and the origin of life

One of the many astonishing recent findings in astrophysics is the discovery 10 trillion oceans of water circling a supermassive black hole of a quasar (see this). Despite being 300 trillion times less dense than Earth's atmosphere, the water vapour is five times hotter and hundreds of times denser than gas found in typical galaxies. The density ρ of the Earth's atmosphere is about 1/800 of that of water.

Consider first the average density of these oceans circling quasars.

  1. The number density n(H2O) of water molecules in condensed matter at room temperature is about n(H20)= .5× 1029 molecules/Angstrom3. Therefore the density of the atmosphere corresponds to natm=.4× 1029 water molecules/Angstrom3. The average number density of H2O molecules in the oceans accompanying quasars is therefore n= 10-15natm/3 ≈ .4× 1013 molecules/Angstrom3. The edge of a cube containing a single water molecule would be L=1/n1/3=.5× 10-4 m. This is the size scale of a neuron. A blob of water at the normal normal density has Planck mass and size about 10-4 m. Could this have some deeper meaning?
  2. Could the water molecules be dark or involve dark protons assignable with gravitational monopole flux tubes? At the surface of the Earth the monopole flux tubes give rise to the "endogenous" magnetic field, explaining the findings of Blackman and others about quantal effects of ELF radiation on vertebrate brains. They would carry a magnetic field of .2 Gauss and would have magnetic length (2ℏ/eB)1/2=5.6 μm serving as an estimate for the radius of the flux tube. The assumption that the local density of water equals the average density could of course be wrong: one could also consider a formation of water blobs.
The average temperature of the evaporated water is about -17 degrees Celsius and not far from the physiological temperature of about 36 degrees Celsius. What could this mean?
  1. The diffuse ionized gas (DIG) constitutes the largest fraction of the total ionized interstellar matter in star-forming galaxies. It is still unclear whether the ionization is driven predominantly by the ionizing radiation of hot massive stars, as in H II regions (in which ions are protons), or whether additional sources of ionization have to be considered.
  2. TGD inspired new physics suggests molecular ionization in which ionization energies are much lower than for atomic ionization. The TGD based model of (see this, this, this, this, and this) of Pollack effect (see this) is central in the TGD based model of life. Pollack effect occurs at physiological temperature range and is induced by photons in IR and visible range, which kick protons to the gravitational magnetic body of the system, where they become dark protons with non-standard value of effective Planck constant. TGD leads to generalizations of Pollack effect (see this). The most recent view of life forms relying on the notion of OH-O- qubit, discussed in (see this), predicts that any cold plasma can have life-like properties.
A more detailed formulation of this proposal is in terms of PAHs (see this). The list of the basic properties of PAHs can be found here. TGD suggests that the so called space scent could be induced by the IR radiation from PAHs (see this).
  1. PAHs (polycyclic aromatic compounds) are assigned with unidentified infrared bands (UIBs) and could induce Pollack effect. The IR radiation could be also induced by the reverse of the Pollack effect.
  2. The properties of PAHs have led to the PAH world hypothesis stating that PAHs are predecessors of the recent basic organic molecules. For instance, the distances of aromatic molecules appearing as basic building bricks are the same as distances of DNA base pairs.
  3. So called Unidentified Infrared Bands (UIBs) of radiation around IR energies E [.11 , .20, .375] eV arriving from the interstellar space are proposed to be produced by PAHs. The UIBs can be mimicked in the laboratory in reactions associated with photosynthesis producing PAHs.
  4. PAHs are detected in interstellar space. James Webb telescope found that PAHs exist in the very early cosmology 1 billion years before they should be possible in the standard cosmology! Furthermore, PAHs exist in regions, where there are no stars and no star formation (see this).
In the TGD inspired quantum biology, the transitions OH→ O- + dark proton at gravitational monopole flux tube, having interpretation as a flip of quantum gravitational qubit, play a fundamental role (see this) and would also involve Pollack effect. The difference of the bonding energy for OH and of binding energy of O- is .33 eV and is slightly above the thermal energy of .15 eV of photon at physiological temperature. Note that the energies of UIBs are just in the range important for the transitions flipping OH→ O- qubits.

Could IR radiation from PAHs at these energies induce these transitions and could the reversals of OH→ O- qubit liberate energy heating the water so that its temperature is 5 times higher than that of the environment? Note that the density of water is hundreds of times higher than the gas in typical galaxies and could make possible thermal equilibrium of water vapour. This leads to ask whether the water around quasars could have life-like properties.

See the article Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life? or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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