Mini Big Bangs (see this and this) would cause the formation of planets as a surface layer of a star explodes (see this). Also supernovas would be explosions of this kind. Micro Big Bangs at the surface of the Sun could cause solar wind and coronal mass ejections (see this).
In the case of solar wind and related phenomena magnetic fields are involved and must be an essential aspect of the phenomena. The mechanism for the acceleration of trace amounts of heavy ions and atomic nuclei of elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, and iron encountered also in solar plasma is believed to involve magnetic fields but the mechanism is not understood.
The key ideas are as follows.
- The mini and micro Big Bangs could be seen as the TGD counterpart for the cosmic expansion replacing it with a sequence of rapid bursts.
- A phase transition changing the effective Planck constant and relevant p-adic length scale could take place. This phase transition would liberate large cyclotron energy making it possible to overcome the gravitational force.
- The notion of magnetic bubble (see this and this) identified as a layer formed by a network of monopole flux tubes and forming the basic structural element of the magnetic body together with radial U-shaped gravitational monopole flux tubes could be crucial. For instance, this leads to a model for the solar wind based on the reconnection of flux tubes of a surface layer of the Sun formed by magnetic monopole flux tubes.
- A natural guess is that nuclear fusion is involved in the case of the Sun. I have considered several options for what the fusion-like process could be in the TGD Universe. The standard option is ordinary nuclear fusion in the core but is plagued by several conflicts with empirical facts.
- The elegance of the "no hot fusion" option inspires the question whether dark fusion at a surface layer of the Sun could produce the radiation energy of the Sun and the solar wind. The energy scale for the gamma rays from the transition of the dark nuclei is about 10 keV and considerably lower than the MeV scale for the ordinary nuclei.
- This option should be consistent with the ordinary model of nuclear fusion. The first objection is that this seems to realize the stellar evolution so that it occurs at the level of a single star. This view conforms with the fact that nuclei up to nuclear masses of Fe are present in the solar wind. It has been also found that the distribution of stars in various stages of evolution does not seem to depend on the cosmic time.
- Can this view be consistent with the assumption that the evolution of stars is by supernova explosions providing material for the subsequent generation of stars? Zero energy ontology allows us to consider the possibility that the supernova explosions are quantum tunnelling events involving two "big" state function reductions (BSFRs) changing the arrow of time. This view might allow us to understand why the fraction of the heavier nuclei in the surface layer increases in the supernova explosions.
- The transformation of M89 nuclei to ordinary nucleons in p-adic cooling would be responsible for the solar wind and also for the energy production of the Sun. The interior of the Sun could be totally different from what has been believed. This layer would be gravitationally dark and have thickness of order of gravitational Compton length of the Sun which is RE/2.
- This model should reproduce the predictions of the standard model of solar energy production assuming nuclear fusion in the solar core. Suppose that the dark fusion at the surface layer produces the same distribution of nuclei as the ordinary fusion. Suppose that the end product of M89→ M107 transition consists of dark nuclei of M107 hadron physics, which spontaneously transform to the ordinary nuclei. If the composition of the solar wind codes for the outcome of the ordinary fusion, the model could be consistent with the standard model.
- Ordinary nuclear reactions (, which could take place as dark fusion by tunnelling by two BSFRs) are possible between the ordinary nuclei produced in the phase transition and affect the distribution of the nuclei. There are some indications that the "cold fusion" produces the same distribution of nuclei and these indications have been used as a justification for the claims about fraud.
- For the Earth the cyclotron frequency of proton in the endogenous magnetic field, with a nominal value Bend = .2 Gauss assigned with the monopole flux tubes, is 300 Hz, and the corresponding energy is Ec= ℏgr,EeB/mp= 4.6 eV. This energy is higher than the gravitational binding energy of protons of about 1 eV at the surface of Earth (note however that the gravitational binding energy increases below the surface like 1/r). This could make it possible for transition ℏgr,E→ ℏ or a transition 1/β0=n→ n-1 to provide the energy needed for the explosion throwing a surface layer of the Earth giving rise to Moon.
The existence of this kind a layer and reduction of ℏgr, say a transition 1/β0= 2→ 1 could make energetically possible also the expansion of the radius of the Earth by a factor 2.
- What does one obtain in the case of Mars? Could the gravitational binding energy be compensated by the liberation of dark cyclotron energy as the value ℏgr=GMmp/β0 for Mars is reduced to a smaller value. The ratio of the mass of Mars to that of Earth is MMars/ME∼ .1. If the monopole flux tubes carry a magnetic field of strength Bend,E=.2 Gauss the cyclotron energy of the proton is scaled down to .46 eV. The gravitational binding energy for protons at the surface of the Earth is about 1 eV and at the surface of Mars about .1 eV. Also now the liberation of the dark cyclotron energy for protons in a phase transition increasing the value of β0 could make the explosion of the surface layer possible.
- What about the Sun? Somewhat surprisingly, the magnetic field at the surface of the Sun is the same order of magnitude as the magnetic field of Earth. One can estimate the value of solar gravitational Planck constant ℏgr= GMSmp/β0 in the case of protons with mass m=mp and corresponding dark cyclotron energy. The Nottale's model for the planetary orbits as Bohr orbits implies β0∼ 2-11 for the Sun and suggests β0∼ 1 for the Earth. The ratio of the solar mass to the mass of the Earth is MS/ME∼ 3× 105.
For the Sun with β0= 2-11, Ec is scaled up by the factor (MS/ME/β0 to Ec=2.76 GeV, almost 3 proton masses, which looks nonsensical! In the radical model for solar energy production involving M89 hadrons this scale would be natural. A possible interpretation is as nuclear binding energy for M89 nuclei: one has 512× 5 MeV= 2.56 GeV.
For 1/β0=1, the solar cyclotron energy would be Ec= 1.38 MeV, which corresponds to the energy scale of weak nuclear interactions. They would make possible weak transitions transforming neutrons to protons and vice versa even if the final state would consist of dark nucleon sequence. The nuclear binding energy per nucleon for light nuclei is around 7 MeV and looks somewhat too large: note however that 1/β0=n>1 is possible for the horizontal monopole flux tubes and is consistent with quantum criticality.
Could one think that the p-adic cooling of M89 nuclei to ordinary nuclei begins with their decay to M89 nucleons such that the gravitational cyclotron energy for M89 nucleons (, which does not dependence on the mass) at the monopole flux tubes with magnetic field strength of about B_{end}=.2 Gauss provides the energy needed to split the M89 nuclear bonds so that the outcome is free M89 nuclei unstable against the p-adic cooling to M107 nuclei?
- Quantum criticality suggests several values for ℏgr corresponding to different values of β0. Suppose that horizontal flux tubes at the solar surface have β0∼ 1 whereas the gravitational U-shaped flux tubes with β0∼ 2-11 are radial.
For β0≥ 1 horizontal flux tubes with cyclotron energy about 1.38 MeV, ordinary nuclear reactions and even fusion might take place near the surface of the Sun. Could dark cyclotron photons from monopole flux tubes with 1≤ 1/β0 ≤ 7 transforming to ordinary gamma radiation ignite the ordinary nuclear fusion in the surface layer and in this way explain why the standard model works so well?
- The second, more radical, option is that the dark nuclei as products of dark fusion and having a binding energy scale of 2.6 GeV, possibly produced as the outcome of the M89→ M107 transition, produce first ordinary nucleons as the dark cyclotron photons with energy about 2.6 GeV split the M89 nuclear bonds. These nucleons could form dark nucleons with nuclear binding energy about 10 keV, which in turn transform to ordinary nucleons as in dark fusion. Note that also the ordinary nuclear fusion could be reduced to dark fusion involving tunnelling by two BSFRs. If so, the attempts to realize nuclear fusion in nuclear reactors would be based on wrong assumptions about the underlying physics.
- The density of the Sun at the photosphere is ∼ 10-4 kg/m3 whereas the average density of the Sun is 1.41× 103 kg/m3 (the average density of Earth is 5.51× 103 kg/m3). The density is extremely low so that surface fusion at photosphere cannot explain the energy production of the Sun. The surface fusion layer should exist at some depth where the density is not far from the average density of the Sun. One candidate is a layer above the surface of the solar core. As found its thickness should be of the order of Earth radius.
- The solar core, usually believed to be the seat of hot fusion, has radius about .2× RS and its mass is roughly .8 percent of the mass of the Sun. This brings in mind the strange finding that .5 percent of the mass needed to explain the fusion energy power produced in the solar core seems to be missing. Could this missing mass be associated with a layer near the surface layer of the Sun and could it be responsible for the solar wind?
The radius of Earth is 1/109 times the radius of the Sun and the gravitational Compton length Lgr,S of the Sun equals to Lgr,S=RE/2 and is therefore .5 percent of RS! What could these coincidences mean? If the Sun has a layer of thickness Δ R with the average density of the Sun, one has Δ M/M = 3 (ρS/ρE)Δ R/R ∼ .75 Δ R/R. For Δ R=RE one obtains Δ M/M ∼ .75 per cent, not far from .5 per cent. Could the Sun have a gravitationally dark layer of thickness about RE with density .75 ρS. This is indeed assume in the proposed model (see this).
For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.
For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.
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