Tuesday, January 14, 2025

What could happen in the transition between hadronic phase and quark gluon plasma?

Quanta Magazine (see this) told about the work of Rithya Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, who studies the phase transition between quark-gluon phase and hadron phase, which is poorly understood in QCD. Even hadrons are poorly understood. The reason for this is believed to be that perturbative QCD does not exist mathematically at low energies (and long distances) since the running QCD coupling strength diverges.

Neither hadrons nor the transition between quark gluon phase and hadron phase are well-understood. The transition from hadron phase to quark-gluon phase interpreted in QCD as color deconfinement is assumed to occur but the empirical findings are in conflict with the theoretical expectations. In TGD the interpretation for the observed transition is very different from that inspired by QCD (see this and this).

  1. In TGD hadrons correspond to geometric objects, space-time surfaces, and one way to end up with TGD is to generalize hadronic string models by replacing hadronic strings with string-like 3-surfaces. These string-like 3-surfaces are present in the TGD Universe in all scales and I call them monopole flux tubes and they appear as "body" parts of field bodies for the geometrization of classical fields in TGD.
  2. The TGD counterpart of the deconfinement transition need not be deconfinement as in QCD. What is clear is that this transition should involve quantum criticality and therefore long range fluctuations and quantum coherence.
What could this mean? Number theoretic vision of TGD comes to the rescue here.
  1. TGD predicts a hierarchy of effective Planck constants labelling phases of ordinary matter. The larger the value of heff, the longer the quantum coherence length, which in TGD has identification as the geometric size scale of the space-time surface, say hadronic string-like object, assignable to the particle.
  2. Does the transition involve quantum criticality so that a superposition of space-time surfaces with varying values of heff≥ h is present. The size scale of hadron proportional to heff would quantum fluctuate.
  3. The number theoretic view of TGD also predicts a hierarchy of p-adic length scales. p-Adic mass calculations strongly suggest that p-adic primes near certain powers of 2 are favored. A kind of period doubling would be involved. In particular, Mersenne primes and their Gaussian counterparts are favored. p-Adic prime p is identified as ramified prime for an extension E of rationals heff= nh_0 to the dimension of E. p and heff correlate. p-Adic prime p characterizes p-adic length scale proportional to p1/2. Mass scale is inversely proportional to 1/p1/2.
  4. In particular, the existence of p-adic hierarchies of strong interaction physics and electroweak physics are highly suggestive. Mersenne primes M(n)= 2n-1 and their Gaussian counterpars M(G,n)= (1+i)n-1 would label especially interesting candidates for the scaled up variants of these physics.

    Ordinary hadron physics would correspond to M107. The next hadron physics corresponding to M89 would have a baryon mass scale 512 times higher than that of ordinary hadronic physics. This is the mass scale studied at LHC and there are several indications for bumps having interpretation as M89 mesons having masses scaled by factor 512. People tried to identify these bumps in terms of SUSY but these attempts failed so that bumps were forgotten.

So, what might happen in the TGD counterpart of the deconfinement transition?
  1. Could the color deconfinement be replaced by a transition from M107 hadron physics to M89 hadron physics in which hadrons for the ordinary value heff=h have size 1/512 smaller than the size of the ordinary hadrons. At quantum criticality however the size would be that of ordinary hadrons. This is possible if one has heff=512h. At high enough energies heff =h holds true and M89 hadrons are really small.
  2. Various exotic cosmic ray events (fireballs, Gemini, Centauro, etc...) could correspond to these events (see this and this). In the TGD inspired model of the Sun, M89 hadrons forming a surface layer of the Sun would play a fundamental role. They would produce solar wind and solar energy as they decay to ordinary M107 hadrons (see this).

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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