In the TGD framework, motor action could be seen as a time reversal of sensory perception. Motor action could involve a pair of BSFRs inducing a quantum tunnelling from a configuration of muscles to a new configuration so that same basic mechanism but with a reversed arrow of geomeric time could be involved. Intention for the motor action should relate to the process of building a sensory perception as a sequence of SSFRs in a reversed time direction.
- At the classical level, sensory perception is not 3-dimensional, but a 4-dimensional space-time surface, an almost deterministic classical time evolution representing association A1→B1. In the case of hearing this is obvious but for vision the time scale is so short that the percept looks like time= constant snapshot. Actually the geometric time duration assignable to the visual percept or order .1 seconds.
The association A→B, one might perhaps speak of cognitive representation, is realized at the magnetic body (MB) of the brain as a representation of A1→B1. A → B is generated in a stepwise learning process. The goal is to construct a standardized mental image consisting of familiar objects consisting of standard features.
The difference between A → B and A1→B1, rather than only the difference between B and B1, is minimized. The sequence of SSFRs keeps A fixed. A pair of BSFRs changes also A: this makes possible a trial and error process in which one starts from scratch, so to say.
- Sensory organ serves as a kind of screen, both for the sensory input arriving from the external world and for the virtual sensory input from MB. The sensory input is analyzed by the brain to features in various scales and the features are sent to the magnetic body. At the MB, the features in various scales are compared to standard features and those minimizing the difference is selected.
- The selected features determine the virtual sensory as a slight amplification of the contribution of the selected features. The step sensory organ → brain → MB →... is repeated until the total sensory input at the sensory organ does not change anymore. The original percept A1→B1 is affected in the process and eventually the original A1→B1 is replaced with A →B at the level of the sensory organ. In this respect the process differs from associative learning.
If the signals from the brain to MB and back are realized as dark photons (, which can decay to ordinary photons identifiable as biophotons), the process is so fast that the process can converge in a reasonable time.
- The outcome is not realistic but essentially an artwork (see this). It must be so since A1→B1 is very noisy so that both A1→B1 and A → B, can be only guesses for what really happened. For instance, people who are physiologically blind and get back their vision, can see only diffuse light since they have not learned this process in childhood. This suggests that temporary time reversals as analogs of the time reversed diffusion play changing A play an essential role. Note BSFRs could mean a position measurement in the space of Bohr orbits selecting a single Bohr orbit and is analogous to time reversed diffusion.
See the article A hybrid of classical and quantum computer and quantum model for associative learning or the chapter Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life?.
For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.
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