Sunday, November 08, 2009

The latest discovery of Fermi telescope: electro-pions from lightnings?

Lubos Motl wrote a posting about the most recent discovery of Fermi space telescope.

It was discovered already years ago that lightnings are accompanied by gamma rays. For instance, the strong electric fields created by a positively charged region of cloud could accelerate electron from both downwards and upwards to this region. The problem is that atmosphere is not empty and dissipation would restrict the energies to be much lower than gamma ray energies which are in MeV range. Note that the temperatures in lightning are about 3× 104 K and correspond to electron energy of 2.6 eV which is by a factor 105 smaller than electron mass and gamma ray energy scale!

Situation changes if dissipation is absent so that electrons are accelerated without any energy losses. The alert reader of earlier postings can guess what I am going to say next;-)! Electrons reside in large hbar quantum phase at magnetic flux tubes so that dissipative losses are small and electrons can reach relativistic energies. This is the explanation that I provided years ago for the gamma rays associated with lightnings.

Fermi however observed also something completely new. There is also a peaking of gamma rays around energy .511 MeV. This requires a different mechanism. One such mechanism is a decay of some exotic particle to two gamma rays produced in a collision of electrons. This brings in exotic particles that I call lepto-hadrons. They represent one of the basic predictions of quantum TGD distinguishing it from standard model and its standard extensions (also string models). Basically color excited states of leptons are in question forming color bound states about which simplest examples are leptopions, in particular electro-pion whose mass is just twice the electron mass so that its decays wold produce gamma rays with energy .511 MeV. Leptohadron hypothesis is discussed extensively here, and the article predicting the particles was published already in 1990 (after this publishing became in practice impossible due to the censorship by string hegemony and blackmailing activities of finnish colleagues).

Amusingly, just year ago there was an intense debate going on about the evidence discovered by CDF for a new particle (see this and the subsequent posts). This particle could be identified as one of the exotic particles predicted by leptohadron hypothess. The interpretation was that CDF had found evidence for colored excitation of τ lepton and associated leptopion like particles. There was an intense debate and - quite predictably - the anomaly was forgotten after the explanation based on Nima Arkani Hamed's theory failed (Lubos already predicted Nobel prize for Nima!) and the only quantitative and working explanation had turned out to be the one based on TGD. This also led to oppressive actions in Finland: Helsinki University did not allow anymore to keep my homepage in University computer anymore and refused also to redirect visitors to the new address. Situation had got really dangerous and local powerholders had simply no other choice than the tactic of burned bridges applied to web links.

After this short sidetrack to the sociology of science (charming-isn't it?!) let us return to the leptopion associated with electron - electropion. It has mass slightly above 2me and decays to a pair of gamma rays with energy .511 MeV. The first evidence for leptopions was found surprisingly early- already in seventies in heavy ion collisions- just above the Coulomb wall. I constructed a model for these events around 1990. By general anomaly considerations it became clear that electropions are created when heavy nuclei collide near Coulomb wall. What is essential is the presence of mutually non-orthogonal electric and magnetic fields during the collision. The production amplitude is essentially the Fourier transform of the "instanton density" E·B. There are many other anomalies supporting this model- in particular, orthopositronium decay anomaly. There is also evidence for muo-pions and CDF provided it for tau-pions. All these anomalies have been forgotten- presumably for the simple reason that they do not fit to standard model and its standard extensions, which have become the prevailing ideology.

But experiment strikes back mercilessly! Now it seems that Fermi finds leptopions in lightning strikes! This must be a horrible nightmare for a theoretician firmly decided what can exist and what not! If these disgusting electro-pions are there, collisions of highly energetic particles lasting for time of about hbar/MeV are expected. The natural candidates for the colliding charged particles are electrons. The center of mass system -the system in which total momentum of colliding electron pair vanishes- should be in good approximation at rest with respect to Fermi space telescope. Otherwise the energy of gamma rays would be higher or lower than .511 MeV. The only possibility that I can imagine is that the second electron comes from below and second from above the positively charged region of the thunder cloud. Both arrive as dark electrons with a large value of hbar and are accelerated to relativistic energies since dissipation is very small. They could collide as dark electrons (the more probable option as will be found below) or suffer a phase transition transforming them to ordinary electrons before the collision. Electropion coherent state is created in the strong E·B created for a a period of time of order hbar0/MeV. This state annihilates rapidly to pairs of gamma rays which are ordinary or transform to ordinary ones depending on whether electrons where dark or not.

What the phase transition of dark electrons to ordinary electrons means, needs some explaining. The generalized imbedding space is obtained by glueing almost copies of 8-D imbedding space M4×CP2 along their common back to get a book like structure. Particles at different pages of the book are dark with respect to each other in the sense that they have no local interactions. This is enough to explain what is actually known about dark matter. Particles at different pages can however interact via classical fields and photon exchange (for instance). The phase transition of electron from dark to visible form preceding the collision of dark electrons would simply mean the leakage from large hbar page to the "visible" page with ordinary value of Planck constant.

Alert reader might be ready to ask the obvious question. Why not to test the hypothesis in laboratory? It should not be too difficult to allow two electrons to collide with a relativistic energy and find whether gamma pairs with energy .511 MeV are produced in rest system. Maybe gamma ray pairs have been missed for some reason? If not (the probable option), then colored electrons and leptopions are always dark. This would explain why the colored leptons do not contribute to the decay widths of weak gauge bosons which pose very strong constraints for the existence of light exotic particles.

For more details about leptohadron hypothesis see the chapter Recent Status of Leptohadron Hypothesis of "p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis And Dark Matter Hierarchy".

1 comment:

donkerheid said...

You're fantastic. :)