Friday, June 25, 2010

Exponent of Kähler function of "world of classical worlds" as Dirac determinant

One of the many challenges of quantum TGD is to precisely define and calculate Dirac determinant hoped to give rise to the exponent of Kähler action associated with the preferred extremal identified as Kähler function defining the Kähler geometry of the "world of the classical worlds" (WCW). The reduction to almost topological QFT gives this kind of expression in terms of Chern-Simons action and one might hope of obtaining even more concrete expression from the Chern-Simons Dirac determinant and proving that these representations are identical.

The weak form of electric-magnetic duality (EWMD) turned out to make possible also the calculation of the Dirac determinant. Let us however first list some of the implications of this marvellous symmetry.

  1. EWMD led to the reduction to almost topological QFT defined by Chern-Simons action provided the Coulomb interaction term in Chern-Simons action vanishes in some gauge. The condition for this led to a beautiful general solution ansatz to field equations reducing field equations to the condition that isometry currents, Kähler current, and possibly also the instanton current are proportional to single Beltrami current with the property that the flow parameter for its lines extends to a global coordinate. The resulting field equations involve two scalar functions for each isometry current. The first one is common to all currents in the most restrictive ansatz and satisfies d'Alembert equation in the induced metric. The gradients of these scalar functions are orthogonal and have interpretation in terms of local polarization direction and momentum direction. Clearly, both the gauge theory interpretation and hydrodynamics interpretation with conservation laws holding separately for flow lines make sense.

  2. Also the modified Dirac equation in the interior reduces to ordinary differential equation along flow lines and in suitable gauge induced spinor field modes are constants along the flow lines of Kähler current. The generalized eigenvalue equation at wormhole throats and 3-D ends of the space-time surface at light-like boundaries of the causal diamond (CD) can be also solved exactly if one assumes that the extremals of Chern-Simons action are in question: this is indeed required by the effective 2-dimensionality of 3-surfaces.

    The surprise was that continuity of the interior spinor field at ends gives boundary conditions which can be solved only for a discrete subset of flow lines with same length in the effective metric defined by the modified Dirac operator. Therefore one must restrict the modes to discrete to the strands of (number theoretical) braids with strands identified as flow lines of Kähler magnetic field. Therefore the notion of number theoretical braids comes out from the theory automatically and each generalized eigen value of the modified Dirac operator possibly together with its harmonics correspond to one particular number theoretic braid.

  3. If the number of the generalized eigenvalues is infinite as the naive expectation is (allowing all harmonics of the basic pseudo-mass) then Dirac determinant diverges if calculated as the product of the eigenvalues and one must calculate it by using some kind of regularization procedure. Zeta function regularization is the natural manner to do this and reduces to Riemann zeta function. One however ends up with concrete vision how the regularization could be avoided and a connection with infinite primes. In fact, the manifestly finite option and the option involving zeta function regularization give Kähler functions differing only by a scaling factor which is very transcdental number log(2π)/2 = .9184 (the negative of the derivative of Riemann zeta at origin). Only the manifestly finite option which does not allow harmonics of the basic pseudo-momentum satisfies number theoretical constraints coming from p-adicization.

    An explicit expression for the Dirac determinant in terms of geometric data of the orbit of the partonic 2-surface emerges and is rational function of WCW coordinates defined by p1/2multiples of the minimal length Lmin of the braid strand in the effective metric defined by the modified gamma matrices.

  4. The challenge is to understand which p1/2 multiples of the minimum length Lmin can define allowed pseudo-mass scales giving rise to their own braids. Arithmetic quantum field theory defined by infinite primes has been already earlier proposed to characterize both quantum number spectrum and space-time surfaces and rather detailed proposals have emerged. The lines (that is light-like 3-surfaces) of the generalized Feynman graphs are geometrically characterized by infinite primes decomposing to hyper-octonionic finite primes in turn having canonical representatives as hyper-complex primes defining basic integer valued pseudo-momenta in M2.

    The selection rules correlating the geometries of the lines of the generalized Feynman graphs corresponds to the conservation of the ∑ nilog(pi) of the number theoretic momenta assignable to sub-braids corresponding to different primes pi assignable to the orbit of parton. This conforms with the vision that infinite primes indeed characterize the geometry of light-like 3-surfaces and therefore also of space-time sheets. Also the proposed connection of infinite primes with hierarchy of Planck constants finds additional support and one ends up with a very concrete interpretation of infinite primes both at the level of space-time geometry and at the level of quantum states.

  5. The generalized eigenvalues of the modified Dirac operator - pseudo momenta- are restricted to M2 plane of M4 (number theoretic interpretation is as commutating hypercomplex plane of hyper-octonions). Pseudo-masses are proportional 1/pi1/2, where pi are the primes appearing in the definition of the p-adic prime. The resemblance with p-adic length scale hypothesis is not an accident and there are good arguments suggesting that the p-adic length scale hypothesis for pseudo-momenta is equivalent with the p-adic length scale hypothesis for real momenta. The interpretation as analogs of Higgs vacuum expectation values makes sense and is consistent with p-adic length scale hypothesis and p-adic mass calculations.

  6. The conjecture for the expression of the Kähler action of CP2 vacuum extremal in terms of primes deduced by heuristic arguments for 15 years ago and leading also to a formula for gravitational coupling constant and Kähler coupling strength is consistent with the formula for the Kähler function in terms of Dirac determinant. Therefore the Dirac determinant formula survives the killer test.

All this progress during last two months meaning reducing a large number of separate ideas to consequences of very few basic hypothesis is essentially due to single basic idea, namely the reduction of quantum TGD to almost topological QFT guaranteed by the Beltrami ansatz for field equations and by the weak form of electric-magnetic duality. Two other great steps of progress were the realization that the hierarchy of Planck constants follows from basic quantum TGD and the realization that generalized Feynman diagrams are manifestly finite since in zero energy ontology virtual particles can be regarded as on mass shell particles with same or opposite signs of on mass shell momenta.

For detailed arguments see the article Weak form of electric-magnetic duality and its implications.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Weak form of electric-magnetic duality and its implications

The notion of electric-magnetic duality was proposed first by Olive and Montonen and is central in N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories. It states that magnetic monopoles and ordinary particles are two different phases of theory and that the description in terms of monopoles can be applied at the limit when the running gauge coupling constant becomes very large and perturbation theory fails to converge. The notion of electric-magnetic self-duality is more natural since for CP2 geometry Kähler form is self-dual and Kähler magnetic monopoles are also Kähler electric monopoles and Kähler coupling strength is by quantum criticality renormalization group invariant rather than running coupling constant. The notion of electric-magnetic (self-)duality emerged already two decades ago in the attempts to formulate the Kähler geometric of world of classical worlds. Quite recently a considerable step of progress took place in the understanding of this notion. What seems to be essential is that one adopts a weaker form of the self-duality applying at partonic 2-surfaces.

Every new idea must be of course taken with a grain of salt but the good sign is that this concept leads to precise predictions. Also a dramatic progress in the understanding of the mathematical structure of quantum TGD has taken place so that this notion has become basic piece of TGD during last two months.

  1. The first implication is a new view about electro-weak massivation reducing it to weak confinement in TGD framework. The second end of the string contains particle having electroweak isospin neutralizing that of elementary fermion and the size scale of the string is electro-weak scale would be in question. Hence the screening of electro-weak force takes place via weak confinement realized in terms of magnetic confinement.

  2. This picture generalizes to the case of color confinement. Also quarks correspond to pairs of magnetic monopoles but the charges need not vanish now. Rather, valence quarks would be connected by flux tubes of length of order hadron size such that magnetic charges sum up to zero. For instance, for baryonic valence quarks these charges could be (2,-1,-1) and could be proportional to color hyper charge.

  3. The highly non-trivial prediction making more precise the earlier stringy vision is that elementary particles are string like objects in electro-weak scale: this should become manifest at LHC energies.

  4. The weak form electric-magnetic duality together with Beltrami flow property of Kähler current leads to the reduction of Kähler action to Chern-Simons action so that TGD reduces to almost topological QFT and Kähler function is explicitly calculable. This has enormous impact concerning practical calculability of the theory.

  5. The requirement that WCW Kähler metric is non-trivial in M4 degrees of freedom forces to replace CP2 Kähler form with the sum of CP2 and S2 Kähler forms. The latter defines a magnetic monopole field of a monopole residing at the time-like line connecting the tips of CD. The non-vacuum extremals remain extremals and the vacuum extremals representable as graphs M4→ CP2 are replaced with vacuum extremals for which the induced Kähler forms of CP2 sum up to zero. The most general extremals of this kind have 3-D CP2 projection which is a good news from the point of view of TGD based description of the classical gravitation.

  6. One ends up also to a general solution ansatz for field equations from the condition that the theory reduces to almost topological QFT. The solution ansatz is inspired by the idea that all isometry currents are proportional to Kähler current which is integrable in the sense that the flow parameter associated with its flow lines defines a global coordinate (Beltrami flow). The proposed solution ansatz would describe a hydrodynamical flow with the property that isometry charges are conserved along flow lines. A general ansatz satisfying the integrability conditions is found. The solution ansatz applies also to the extremals of Chern-Simons action and to the conserved currents associated with the modified Dirac equation defined as contractions of the modified gamma matrices between the solutions of the modified Dirac equation. The strongest form of the solution ansatz states that various classical and quantum currents flow along flow lines of the Beltrami flow defined by Kähler current (Kähler magnetic field associated with Chern-Simons action). Intuitively this picture is attractive. A more general ansatz would allow several Beltrami flows meaning multi-hydrodynamics. The integrability conditions boil down to two scalar functions: the first one satisfies massless d'Alembert equation in the induced metric and the the gradients of the scalar functions are orthogonal. The interpretation in terms of momentum and polarization directions is natural.

For details see the article Weak form of electric-magnetic duality and its implications.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Abstracts to a series of articles about TGD

I have been writing a series of articles about two basic approaches to quantum TGD: TGD as an infinite-dimensional geometry for the "World of Classical Worlds" and TGD as a generalized number theory. The writing process is always painstaking but always it also induces a growth in the understanding of the intricate web of ideas defining TGD. At this time the progress was especially dramatic and TGD is now a mature mathematical and physical theory. Also a couple of surprises were in store. I added the the articles to my homepage and below are the abstracts. There are links to the articles also at my homepage.
  1. Physics as Infinite-dimensional Geometry and Generalized Number Theory: Basic Visions

    There are two basic approaches to the construction of quantum TGD. The first approach relies on the vision of quantum physics as infinite-dimensional Kähler geometry for the "world of classical worlds" identified as the space of 3-surfaces in in certain 8-dimensional space. Essentially a generalization of the Einstein's geometrization of physics program is in question. The second vision is the identification of physics as a generalized number theory. This program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields (in particular, identifying associativity condition as the basic dynamical principle), and infinite primes whose construction is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory. In this article brief summaries of physics as infinite-dimensional geometry and generalized number theory are given to be followed by more detailed articles.

  2. Identification of the Configuration Space Kähler Function

    There are two basic approaches to quantum TGD. The first approach, which is discussed in this article, is a generalization of Einstein's geometrization program of physics to an infinite-dimensional context. Second approach is based on the identification of physics as a generalized number theory. The first approach relies on the vision of quantum physics as infinite-dimensional Kähler geometry for the "world of classical worlds" (WCW) identified as the space of 3-surfaces in in certain 8-dimensional space. There are three separate approaches to the challenge of constructing WCW Kähler geometry and spinor structure. The first approach relies on direct guess of Kähler function. Second approach relies on the construction of Kähler form and metric utilizing the huge symmetries of the geometry needed to guarantee the mathematical existence of Riemann connection. The third approach relies on the construction of spinor structure based on the hypothesis that complexified WCW gamma matrices are representable as linear combinations of fermionic oscillator operator for second quantized free spinor fields at space-time surface and on the geometrization of super-conformal symmetries in terms of WCW spinor structure.

    In this article the proposal for Kähler function based on the requirement of 4-dimensional General Coordinate Invariance implying that its definition must assign to a given 3-surface a unique space-time surface. Quantum classical correspondence requires that this surface is a preferred extremal of some some general coordinate invariant action, and so called Kähler action is a unique candidate in this respect. The preferred extremal has interpretation as an analog of Bohr orbit so that classical physics becomes and exact part of WCW geometry and therefore also quantum physics.

    The basic challenge is the explicit identification of WCW Kähler function K. Two assumptions lead to the identification of K as a sum of Chern-Simons type terms associated with the ends of causal diamond and with the light-like wormhole throats at which the signature of the induced metric changes. The first assumption is the weak form of electric magnetic duality. Second assumption is that the Kähler current for preferred extremals satisfies the condition jK∧ djK=0 implying that the flow parameter of the flow lines of jK defines a global space-time coordinate. This would mean that the vision about reduction to almost topological QFT would be realized.

    Second challenge is the understanding of the space-time correlates of quantum criticality. Electric-magnetic duality helps considerably here. The realization that the hierarchy of Planck constant realized in terms of coverings of the imbedding space follows from basic quantum TGD leads to a further understanding. The extreme non-linearity of canonical momentum densities as functions of time derivatives of the imbedding space coordinates implies that the correspondence between these two variables is not 1-1 so that it is natural to introduce coverings of CD× CP2. This leads also to a precise geometric characterization of the criticality of the preferred extremals.

  3. Construction of Configuration Space Geometry from Symmetry Principles

    There are three separate approaches to the challenge of constructing WCW Kähler geometry and spinor structure. The first one relies on a direct guess of Kähler function. Second approach relies on the construction of Kähler form and metric utilizing the huge symmetries of the geometry needed to guarantee the mathematical existence of Riemann connection. The third approach relies on the construction of spinor structure assuming that complexified WCW gamma matrices are representable as linear combinations of fermionic oscillator operator for the second quantized free spinor fields at space-time surface and on the geometrization of super-conformal symmetries in terms of spinor structure.

    In this article the construction of Kähler form and metric based on symmetries is discussed. The basic vision is that WCW can be regarded as the space of generalized Feynman diagrams with lines thickned to light-like 3-surfaces and vertices identified as partonic 2-surfaces. In zero energy ontology the strong form of General Coordinate Invariance (GCI) implies effective 2-dimensionality and the basic objects are pairs partonic 2-surfaces X2 at opposite light-like boundaries of causal diamonds (CDs).

    The hypothesis is that WCW can be regarded as a union of infinite-dimensional symmetric spaces G/H labeled by zero modes having an interpretation as classical, non-quantum fluctuating variables. A crucial role is played by the metric 2-dimensionality of the light-cone boundary Δ M4+ and of light-like 3-surfaces implying a generalization of conformal invariance. The group G acting as isometries of WCW is tentatively identified as the symplectic group of Δ M4+× CP2 localized with respect to X2. H is identified as Kac-Moody type group associated with isometries of H=M4× CP2 acting on light-like 3-surfaces and thus on X2.

    An explicit construction for the Hamiltonians of WCW isometry algebra as so called flux Hamiltonians is proposed and also the elements of Kähler form can be constructed in terms of these. Explicit expressions for WCW flux Hamiltonians as functionals of complex coordinates of the Cartesisian product of the infinite-dimensional symmetric spaces having as points the partonic 2-surfaces defining the ends of the the light 3-surface (line of generalized Feynman diagram) are proposed.

  4. Construction of Configuration Space Spinor Structure

    There are three separate approaches to the challenge of constructing WCW Kähler geometry and spinor structure. The first approach relies on a direct guess of Kähler function. Second approach relies on the construction of Kähler form and metric utilizing the huge symmetries of the geometry needed to guarantee the mathematical existence of Riemann connection. The third approach discussed in this article relies on the construction of spinor structure based on the hypothesis that complexified WCW gamma matrices are representable as linear combinations of fermionic oscillator operator for the second quantized free spinor fields at space-time surface and on the geometrization of super-conformal symmetries in terms of spinor structure. This implies a geometrization of fermionic statistics.

    The basic philosophy is that at fundamental level the construction of WCW geometry reduces to the second quantization of the induced spinor fields using Dirac action. This assumption is parallel with the bosonic emergence stating that all gauge bosons are pairs of fermion and antifermion at opposite throats of wormhole contact. Vacuum function is identified as Dirac determinant and the conjecture is that it reduces to the exponent of Kähler function. In order to achieve internal consistency induced gamma matrices appearing in Dirac operator must be replaced by the modified gamma matrices defined uniquely by Kähler action and one must also assume that extremals of Kähler action are in question so that the classical space-time dynamics reduces to a consistency condition. This implies also super-symmetries and the fermionic oscillator algebra at partonic 2-surfaces has intepretation asN=∞ generalization of space-time super-symmetry algebra different however from standard SUSY algebra in that Majorana spinors are not needed. This algebra serves as a building brick of various super-conformal algebras involved.

    The requirement that there exist deformations giving rise to conserved Noether charges requires that the preferred extremals are critical in the sense that the second variation of the Kähler action vanishes for these deformations. Thus Bohr orbit property could correspond to criticality or at least involve it.

    Quantum classical correspondence demands that quantum numbers are coded to the properties of the preferred extremals given by the Dirac determinant and this requires a linear coupling to the conserved quantum charges in Cartan algebra. Effective 2-dimensionality allows a measurement interaction term only in 3-D Chern-Simons Dirac action assignable to the wormhole throats and the ends of the space-time surfaces at the boundaries of CD. This allows also to have physical propagators reducing to Dirac propagator not possible without the measurement interaction term. An essential point is that the measurement interaction corresponds formally to a gauge transformation for the induced Kähler gauge potential. If one accepts the weak form of electric-magnetic duality Kähler function reduces to a generalized Chern-Simons term and the effect of measurement interaction term to Kähler function reduces effectively to the same gauge transformation.

    The basic vision is that WCW gamma matrices are expressible as super-symplectic charges at the boundaries of CD. The basic building brick of WCW is the product of infinite-D symmetric spaces assignable to the ends of the propagator line of the generalized Feynman diagram. WCW Kähler metric has in this case "kinetic" parts associated with the ends and "interaction" part between the ends. General expressions for the super-counterparts of WCW flux Hamiltoniansand for the matrix elements of WCW metric in terms of their anticommutators are proposed on basis of this picture.

  5. Physics as Generalized Number Theory: p-Adic Physics and Number Theoretic Universality

    Physics as a generalized number theory program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields (in particular, identifying associativity condition as the basic dynamical principle), and infinite primes whose construction is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory. In this article p-adic physics and the technical problems relates to the fusion of p-adic physics and real physics to a larger structure are discussed.

    The basic technical problems relate to the notion of definite integral both at space-time level, imbedding space level and the level of WCW (the "world of classical worlds"). The expressibility of WCW as a union of symmetric spacesleads to a proposal that harmonic analysis of symmetric spaces can be used to define various integrals as sums over Fourier components. This leads to the proposal the p-adic variant of symmetric space is obtained by a algebraic continuation through a common intersection of these spaces, which basically reduces to an algebraic variant of coset space involving algebraic extension of rationals by roots of unity. This brings in the notion of angle measurement resolution coming as Δ φ= 2π/pn for given p-adic prime p. Also a proposal how one can complete the discrete version of symmetric space to a continuous p-adic versions emerges and means that each point is effectively replaced with the p-adic variant of the symmetric space identifiable as a p-adic counterpart of the real discretization volume so that a fractal p-adic variant of symmetric space results.

    If the Kähler geometry of WCW is expressible in terms of rational or algebraic functions, it can in principle be continued the p-adic context. One can however consider the possibility that that the integrals over partonic 2-surfaces defining flux Hamiltonians exist p-adically as Riemann sums. This requires that the geometries of the partonic 2-surfaces effectively reduce to finite sub-manifold geometries in the discretized version of Δ M4+× CP2. If Kähler action is required to exist p-adically same kind of condition applies to the space-time surfaces themselves. These strong conditions might make sense in the intersection of the real and p-adic worlds assumed to characterized living matter.

  6. Physics as Generalized Number Theory: Classical Number Fields

    Physics as a generalized number theory program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields discussed in this article, and infinite primes whose construction is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory.

    In this article the connection between standard model symmetries and classical number fields is discussed. The basic vision is that the geometry of the infinite-dimensional WCW ("world of classical worlds") is unique from its mere existence. This leads to its identification as union of symmetric spaces whose Kähler geometries are fixed by generalized conformal symmetries. This fixes space-time dimension and the decomposition M4× S and the idea is that the symmetries of the Kähler manifold S make it somehow unique. The motivating observations are that the dimensions of classical number fields are the dimensions of partonic 2-surfaces, space-time surfaces, and imbedding space and M8 can be identified as hyper-octonions- a sub-space of complexified octonions obtained by adding a commuting imaginary unit. This stimulates some questions.

    Could one understand S=CP2 number theoretically in the sense that M8 and H=M4× CP2 be in some deep sense equivalent ("number theoretical compactification" or M8-H duality)? Could associativity define the fundamental dynamical principle so that space-time surfaces could be regarded as associative or co-associative (defined properly) sub-manifolds of M8 or equivalently of H.

    One can indeed define the associativite (co-associative) 4-surfaces using octonionic representation of gamma matrices of 8-D spaces as surfaces for which the modified gamma matrices span an associate (co-associative) sub-space at each point of space-time surface. Also M8-H duality holds true if one assumes that this associative sub-space at each point contains preferred plane of M8 identifiable as a preferred commutative or co-commutative plane (this condition generalizes to an integral distribution of commutative planes in M8). These planes are parametrized by CP2 and this leads to M8-H duality.

    WCW itself can be identified as the space of 4-D local sub-algebras of the local Clifford algebra of M8 or H which are associative or co-associative. An open conjecture is that this characterization of the space-time surfaces is equivalent with the preferred extremal property of Kähler action with preferred extremal identified as a critical extremal allowing infinite-dimensional algebra of vanishing second variations.

  7. Physics as Generalized Number Theory: Infinite Primes

    Physics as a generalized number theory program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields, and infinite primes discussed in this article.

    The construction of infinite primes is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory by taking the many particle states of previous level elementary particles at the new level. Besides free many particle states also the analogs of bound states appear. In the representation in terms of polynomials the free states correspond to products of first order polynomials with rational zeros. Bound states correspond to nth order polynomials with non-rational but algebraic zeros.

    The construction can be generalized to classical number fields and their complexifications obtained by adding a commuting imaginary unit. Special class corresponds to hyper-octonionic primes for which the imaginary part of ordinary octonion is multiplied by the commuting imaginary unit so that one obtains a sub-space M8 with Minkowski signature of metric. Also in this case the basic construction reduces to that for rational or complex rational primes and more complex primes are obtained by acting using elements of the octonionic automorphism group which preserve the complex octonionic integer property.

    Can one map infinite primes/integers/rationals to quantum states? Do they have space-time surfaces as correlates? Quantum classical correspondence realized in terms of modified Dirac operator implies that if infinite rationals can be mapped to quantum states then the mapping of quantum states to space-time surfaces automatically gives the map to space-time surfaces. The question is therefore whether the mapping to quantum states defined by WCW spinor fields is possible. A natural hypothesis is that number theoretic fermions can be mapped to real fermions and number theoretic bosons to WCW ("world of classical worlds") Hamiltonians. The crucial observation is that one can construct infinite hierarchy of hyper-octonionic units by forming ratios of infinite integers such that their ratio equals to one in real sense: the integers have interpretation as positive and negative energy parts of zero energy states. One can construct also sums of these units with complex coefficients using commuting imaginary unit and these sums can be normalized to unity and have interpretation as states in Hilbert space. These units can be assumed to possess well defined standard model quantum numbers. It is possible to map the quantum number combinations of WCW spinor fields to these states. Hence the points of M8 can be said to have infinitely complex number theoretic anatomy so that quantum states of the universe can be mapped to this anatomy. One could talk about algebraic holography or number theoretic Brahman=Atman identity.

    One can also ask how infinite primes relate to the p-adicization program and to the hierarchy of Planck constants. The key observation is that infinite primes are in one-one correspondence with rational numbers at the lower level of hierarchy. At the first level of hierarchy the p-adic norm with respect to p-adic prime for this rational gives power p-n so that one has two powers of p - pn+ and pn-- since two infinite primes corresponding to fermionic vacua X+/- 1, where X is the product of all primes at given level of hierarchy, characterize the partonic 2-surface. The proposal inspired by the p-adicization program is that Δ φ= 2π/pn defines angle measurement resolution crucial in the construction of p-adic variants of WCW ("world of classical world") as a union of symmetric coset spaces by starting from discrete variants of the real counterpart of symmetric space having common points with tis p-adic variant. The two measurement resolutions correspond to CD and CP2 degrees of freedom. The hierarchy of Planck constants generalizes imbedding space to a book like structure with pages identified in terms of singular coverings and factor spaces of CD and CP2. There are good arguments suggesting that only coverings characterized by integers n+ and nb are realized. The identifications na=n+ and nb=n- lead to highly non-trivial physical predictions and allow sharpen the view about the hierarchy of Planck constants. Therefore the notion of finite measurement resolution becomes the common denominator for the three threads of the number theoretic vision and give also a connection with the physics as infinite-dimensional geometry program and with the inclusions of hyper-finite factors defined by WCW spinor fields and proposed to characterize finite measurement resolution at quantum level.

  8. Weak form of electric-magnetic duality, electroweak massivation, and color confinement

    The notion of electric magnetic duality emerged already two decades ago in the attempts to formulate the Kähler geometry of the "world of classical worlds". Quite recently a considerable step of progress took place in the understanding of this notion. This concept leads to the identification of the physical particles as string like objects defined by magnetic charged wormhole throats connected by magnetic flux tubes. The second end of the string contains particle having electroweak isospin neutralizing that of elementary fermion and the size scale of the string is electro-weak scale would be in question. Hence the screening of electro-weak force takes place via weak confinement. This picture generalizes to magnetic color confinement. Electric-magnetic duality leads also to a detailed understanding of how TGD reduces to almost topological quantum field theory. A surprising outcome is the necessity to replace CP2 Kähler form in Kähler action with its sum with S2 Kähler form.

  9. How to Define Generalized Feynman Diagrams?

    Generalized Feynman diagrams have become the central notion of quantum TGD and one might even say that space-time surfaces can be identified as generalized Feynman diagrams. The challenge is to assign a precise mathematical content for this notion, show their mathematical existence, and develop a machinery for calculating them. Zero energy ontology has led to a dramatic progress in the understanding of generalized Feynman diagrams at the level of fermionic degrees of freedom. In particular, manifest finiteness in these degrees of freedom follows trivially from the basic identifications as does also unitarity and non-trivial coupling constant evolution.

    There are however several formidable looking challenges left.

    1. One should perform the functional integral over WCW degrees of freedom for fixed values of on mass shell momenta appearing in the internal lines. After this one must perform integral or summation over loop momenta.
    2. One must define the functional integral also in the p-adic context. p-Adic Fourier analysis relying on algebraic continuation raises hopes in this respect. p-Adicity suggests strongly that the loop momenta are discretized and ZEO predicts this kind of discretization naturally.

    In this article a proposal giving excellent hopes for achieving these challenges is discussed.

  10. Could the dynamics of Kähler action predict the hierarchy of Planck constants?

    The original justification for the hierarchy of Planck constants came from the indications that Planck constant could have large values in both astrophysical systems involving dark matter and also in biology. The realization of the hierarchy in terms of the singular coverings and possibly also factor spaces of CD and CP2 emerged from consistency conditions. It however seems that TGD actually predicts this hierarchy of covering spaces. The extreme non-linearity of the field equations defined by Kähler action means that the correspondence between canonical momentum densities and time derivatives of the imbedding space coordinates is 1-to-many. This leads naturally to the introduction of the covering space of CD× CP2, where CD denotes causal diamond defined as intersection of future and past directed light-cones.