Friday, November 29, 2024

How could Egyptian pyramids and rain making relate to each other?

I received from Zakaria Ahmindache a link to a very interesting article of Borisov published in Researchgate (see this) with title "The Egyptian Pyramids-Connection to Rain and Nile flood Anomalies".

1. Background considerations

Since a topic involving words like ancient Egypt, pyramids and rainmaking probably induces strong emotional reactions in skeptics, it is good to include some TGD background and also make clear that the proposal of Borisov provides an excellent opportunity to develop the TGD based conceptualization of quantum biology by applying it.

1.1 A possible unification of various types of life and consciousness

I have taken a rather skeptic attitude to everything that involves ancient Egypt but at this time I felt fascinated. The reason was that during last weeks I have been working with a breakthrough in TGD inspired theory of consciousness and of living systems suggesting a unified view of different types of consciousness assignable to biosystems, plasmoids, quartz (possibly computers) and quite generally to any system, which involves cold plasmas and therefore ions (see this).

  1. The key notion is what might be called OH-O- qubit. The transition OH → O- + dark proton at the gravitational magnetic body of the Sun or Earth flips this qubit-like entity. This transition occurs in the Pollack effect which has become a key notion in the TGD inspired quantum biology. The reverse transition occurs when the electron of O- is excited so that the difference of the bond energy of OH and binding energy of the electron changes sign. This effect might be called the dual Pollack effect.

    This transition generalizes. Any salt can decompose to ions and the positive ion could be assigned to the gravitational magnetic body of the Earth or Sun. Biosystems are full of ions of this kind.

  2. The dark variant of the genetic code is one of the basic ideas of TGD and one can understand it in a very detailed manner if the qubits associated with the phosphates of the double DNA strand and phosphates and ribosomes of a single RNA strand provide a representation of the genetic code. In proteins COOH could assign a single qubit to each amino acid.
  3. This also allows us to see alcohols (see this), involving -OH as a key structural element, in a new light. Pollack effect could induce a kind of elevated state of mind. Psychedelics (see this) involve -NH as a key structural element and Pollack effect inducing the transition NH → N- + dark proton could be essential element of the psychedelic action.
  4. The amazing finding is that in transistors the energy scales are the same, varying from about .5 eV (the metabolic energy quantum) to .15 eV (the energy of thermal photon at physiological temperature) as assigned to OH+O- qubits. Therefore computers might under certain condition become conscious entities as speculated already earlier (see see this and see this) and qubits could in the same relation to bits as dark qubits in information DNA and RNA to the bits of the genetic codons. This relation allows dynamics since only the minimum energy state of the codon corresponds to the chemical codon. Same would be true for computers. The gravitational magnetic body of Earth could receive information from the bit level and control it.

1.2. Zero energy ontology

Zero energy ontology is a key notion of TGD and TGD inspired theory of consciousness and solves the basic paradox of the quantum measurement theory.

  1. ZEO predicts two kinds of state function reductions (SFRs): the "big" ones (BSFRs) and the "small" ones (SSFRs). The sequence of SSFRs means in standard quantum theory repeated measurements of the same observables and gives rise to conscious entities, selves.
  2. BSFRs change the arrow of time and from the point of view of self this means death or falling asleep. ZEO predicts that roughly half of the Universe has an opposite arrow of time. This part of the Universe might be called a "kingdom of dead".

    Indeed, biological death changes the arrow of time in rather long scales and means reincarnation with an opposite arrow of time, eventually possibly followed by a reincarnation with an original arrow of time. Sleep is a temporary death in this sense.

2. A TGD inspired comment about the mythology of the ancient Egypt

The mythology of ancient Egypt has many analogies with the ontology of the TGD inspired view of consciousness.

  1. The mythology of ancient Egypt suggests an interpretation in terms of zero energy ontology (ZEO). The "kingdom of dead" is non-observable using purely classical signalling since the signals from the other side propagate to the geometric past and do not reach us. Therefore we do not remember anything about the periods of deep sleep. The notion of ka fits nicely with this.

    "Big" quantum jumps (state function reductions, BSFRs) occurring in arbitrary long scales are predicted to be possible and rain making could involve such a pair of BSFRs and thus a visit to the "kingdom of dead" at some level of hierarchy. Trance of a shaman could be such a visit.

  2. There is connection to the recent work involving OH-O- qubit idea already described, possibly unifying plasmoid-, quartz -, computer-, and biological consciousness (see this).

3. A TGD inspired model for rainmaking

As the title "The Egyptian Pyramids-Connection to Rain and Nile flood Anomalies" of the article suggests, it is propoposed that pyramids had a deeper purpose: they could be used to induce rain. This sounds madness in the ears of a standard physicist but in 1895, Charles Wilson, a physicist, meteorologist, and Nobel Prize winner, made a groundbreaking discovery: he proved that rain could be artificially created. The rain making technology has been also commercialized.

The key idea in making rain is that a generation of the negative electric charge in the quartz contained by the soil leads to its accumulation to the atmosphere. The negative electric charge in the atmosphere in turn facilitates the formation of water droplets around them and eventually this induces rain. Could TGD explain this?

3.1 The model of Borisov Consider first the proposal of the article of Borisov.

  1. A deceased king, along with jars containing provisions for the afterlife, is placed inside a coffer, which is a hermetically sealed volume, The jars contain beer, bread, grain, ox, and sweets. The provisions within the jars undergo fermentation, where yeast converts the sugars present in food into carbon dioxide, water, or ethanol. This process can occur within a sealed coffer with no air intake, as long as the necessary conditions for yeast growth are provided. Some studies have found that fatty acids present in ox meat are essential for sustaining this growth.
  2. The carbon dioxide generated by the process cannot escape and increases the pressure in the coffer of which 40 percent is quartz. The pressure in turn generates by piezoelectric effect (see this) an electric field generating negatively charged ions, which would move through the moist lime-stone core of the pyramid towards its apex and would be eventually emitted.

3.2 The TGD based interpretation of the model of Borisov

Consider the TGD interpretation of this model.

  1. The transition OH → O- + dark proton at gravitational magnetic body of the Earth (or Sun) occurs in quartz subject to electric field or under pressure in an electric field (piezoelectric effect transforming pressure gradient to electric field) and would generate negative ions.
  2. In the case of a pyramid, the negative ions from quartz could flow to the tip of the pyramid and generate a high density of negative charge and strong electric field. From the tip the negative charges could flow to the atmosphere and serve as seats for the condensation of water droplets. Note that water is the key element of TGD inspired biology: Pollack effect would generate negative charged exclusion zones and dark protons at the gravitational magnetic body.
  3. The presence of electric fields changes the energies of electrons of O- and by driving the difference of bonding energy and binding energy near the thermal energy, can make the system very sensitive to the transitions between the OH-O- qubits. Quartz is a piezoelectet so that pressure gradients generate an electric field and have the same effect.
  4. The TGD interpretation is that the electric fields increase the sensitivity of quartz to the generation of O- ions plus dark protons at the gravitational monopole flux tubes. To some extent the system would become living.

    Fermentation (see this) creates alcohols, which contain the characteristic -OH group (OH → O- + dark proton). Also the basic information molecules of biology contain -OH groups and -NH groups and the same mechanism could be at work.

    Does this process occur in the body of the king? Mummification means dehydration so that all moisture is removed so that the metabolism does not occur and the body does not decay. At the molecular level, dehydration reaction means that water molecules are removed from a molecule or ion. This can mean a removal of OH groups (see this). The basic information molecules contain -OH groups and -NH groups. This would suggest that in the mummified body the analog of the Pollack effect producing O- and N- qubits is not possible.

  5. Could some kind of collective consciousness assignable to quartz and water in the atmosphere wake up during rain making and induce the rain as a pair of macroscopic BSFRs? Ths would have no explanation in the framework of standard physics and in this sense would be literally a miracle, which we however experience every night and morning.
See the article About long range electromagnetic quantum coherence in TGD Universe or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Does the universality of the holography-holomorphy principle make the notion of action un-necessary in the TGD framework?

It is gradually becoming clear that in the TGD framework the holography-holomorphy principle could make the notion of action defining the space-time surfaces un-necessary at the fundamental level. Only the Dirac action for the second quantized free spinors of H and the induced Dirac action would be needed. Geometrization of physics would reduce to its algebraic geometrization and number theoretical universality would allow to describe correlates of cognition. The four-dimensionality of space-time surfaces would be essential in making the theory non-trivial by allowing to identify vertices for fermion pair creation in terms of defects of the standard smooth structure of the space-time surface making it an exotic smooth structure.

Holography=holomorphy as the basic principle

Holography=holomorphy principle allows to solve the field equations for the space-time surfaces exactly by reducing them to algebraic equations.

  1. Two functions f1 and f2 that depend on the generalized complex coordinates of H=M4xCP2 are needed to solve the field equations. These functions depend on the two complex coordinates ξ1 and ξ2 of CP2 and the complex coordinate w of M4 and the hypercomplex coordinate u for which the coordinate curves are light-like. If the functions are polynomials, denote them f1==P1 and f2 ==P2.

    Assume that the Taylor coefficients of these functions are rational or in the expansion of rational numbers, although this is not necessary either.

  2. f1=0 defines a 6-D surface in H and so does f2=0. This is because the condition gives two conditions (both real and imaginary parts for fi vanish). These 6-D surfaces are interpreted as analogs of the twistor bundles corresponding to M4 and CP2. They have fiber which is 2-sphere. This is the physically motivated assumption, which might require an additional condition stating that ξ1 and ξ2 are functions of w) as analogs of the twistor bundles corresponding to M4 and CP2. This would define the map mapping the twistor sphere of the twistor space of M4 to the twistor sphere of the twistor space of CP2 or vice versa. The map need not be a bijection but would be single valued.

    The conditions f1=0 and f2=0 s give a 4-D spacetime surface as the intersection of these surfaces, identifiable as the base space of both twistor bundle analogies.

  3. The obtained equations are algebraic equations. So they are not partial differential equations. Solving them numerically is child's play because they are completely local. TGD is solvable both analytically and numerically. The importance of this property cannot be overstated.
  4. However, a discretization is needed, which can be number-theoretic and defined by the expansion of rationals. This is however not necessary if one is interested only in geometry and forgets the aspects related to algebraic geometry and number theory.
  5. Once these algebraic equations have been solved at the discretization points, a discretization for the spacetime surface has been obtained.

    The task is to assign a spacetime surface to this discretization as a differentiable surface. Standard methods can be found here. A method that produces a surface for which the second partial derivatives exist because they appear in the curvature tensor.

    An analogy is the graph of a function for which the (y,x) pairs are known in a discrete set. One can connect these points, for example, with straight line segments to obtain a continuous curve.Polynomial fit gives rise to a smooth curve.

  6. It is good to start with, for example, second-degree polynomials P1 and P2 of the generalized complex coordinates of H.

How could the solution be constructed in practice?

For simplicity, let's assume that f1==P1 and f2==P2 are polynomials.

  1. First, one can solve for instance the equation P2(u,w,ξ12)=0 giving for example ξ2(u,w,ξ1) as its root. Any complex coordinates w, ξ1 or ξ2 is a possible choice and these choices can correspond to different roots as space-time regions and all must be considered to get the full picture. A completely local ordinary algebraic equation is in question so that the situation is infinitely simpler than for second order partial differential equations. This miracle is a consequence of holomorphy.
  2. Substitute ξ2(u,w,ξ1) in P1 to obtain the algebraic function P1(u,w,ξ12(u,w,ξ1))= Q1(u,w,ξ1)
  3. Solve ξ1 from the condition Q1=0. Now we are dealing with the root of the algebraic function, but the standard numerical solution is still infinitely easier than for partial differential equations.

    After this, the discretization must be completed to get a space-time surface using some method that produces a surface for which the second partial derivatives are continuous.

Algebraic universality

What is so remarkable is that the solutions of (f1,f2)=(0,0) to the variation of any action if the action is general coordinate invariant and depends only on the induced geometry. Metric and the tensors like curvature tensor associated with it and induced gauge fields and tensors associated with them. The reason is that complex analyticity implies that in the equations of motion there appears only contractions of complex tensors of different types. The second fundamental form (external curvature) defined by the trace of the tensor with respect to the induced metric defined by the covariant derivatives of the tangent vectors of the space-time surfaces is as a complex tensor of type (2,0)+(0,2) and the tensors contracted with it are of type (1,1). The result is identically zero. The holography-holomorphy principle provides a nonlinear analogy of massless field equations and the four surfaces can be interpreted as trajectories for particles that are 3-surfaces instead of point particles, i.e. as generalizations of geodesics. Geodesics are indeed 1-D minimal surfaces. We obtain a geometric version of the field-particle duality.

Number-theoretical universality

If the coefficients of the function f1 and f2 are in an extension of rationals, number-theoretical universality is obtained. The solution in the real case can also be interpreted as a solution in the p-adic cases p=2,3,5,7,... when we allow the expansion of the p-adic number system as induced by the rational expansions.

p-adic variants of space-time surfaces are cognitive representations for the real surfaces. The so-called ramified primes are selected for a special position, which can be associated with the discriminant as its prime factors. A prime number is now a prime number of an algebraic expansion. This makes possible adelic physics as a geometric correlate of cognition. Cognition itself is assignable to quantum jumps.

Is the notion of action needed at all at the fundamental level?

The universality of the space-time surfaces solving the field equations determined by holography=holomorphy principle forces us to ask whether the notion of action is completely unnecessary. Does restricting geometry to algebraic geometry and number theory replace the principle of action completely? This could be the case.

  1. The vacuum functional exp(K), where the K hler function corresponds to the classical action , could be identified as the discriminant D associated with a polynomial. It would therefore be determined entirely by number theory as a product of differences of the roots of a polynomial P or in fact, of any analytic function. The problem is that the space-time surfaces are determined as roots of two analytic functions f1 and f2, rather than only one.
  2. Could one define the 2-surfaces by allowing a third analytic function f_3 so that the roots of (f1,f2,f_3)=(0,0,0) would be 2-D surfaces. One can solve 3 complex coordinates CP2 for each value of u as functions of the hypercomplex coordinate u whereas its dual remains free. One would have a string world sheet with a discrete set of roots for the 3 complex coordinates whose values depend on time. By adding a fourth function f_4 and substituting the 3 complex coordinates, f_4=0 would allow as roots values of the coordinate u. Only real roots would be allowed. A possible interpretation of these points of the space-time surface would be as loci of singularities at which the minimal surface property, i.e. holomorphy, fails.

    Note that for quadratic equations ax2+bx+c=0, the discriminant is D= b2-4ac and more generally the product of the differences of the roots. This formula also holds when f1 and f2 are not polynomials. The assumptions that some power of D corresponds to exp(K) and that K corresponds to the action imply additional conditions for the coupling constants appearing in the action , i.e. the coupling constant evolution.

  3. This is not yet quite enough. The basic question concerns the construction of the interaction vertices for fermions. These vertices reduce to the analogs of gauge theory vertices in which induced fermion current assignable to the volume action is contracted with the induced gauge boson.

    The volume action is a unique choice in the sense that in this case the modified gamma matrices defined as contractions of the canonical momentum currents of the action with the gamma matrices of H reduce to induced gamma matrices, which anticommute to the induced metric. For a general action this is not the cae.

    The vertex for fermion pair creation corresponds to a defect of the standard smooth structure for the space-time surface and means that it becomes exotic smooth structure. These defects emerge in dimension D=4 and make it unique. In TGD, bosons are bound states of fermions and antifermions so that this also gives the vertices for the emission of bosons.

    For graviton emission one obtains an analogous vertex involving second fundamental form at the partonic orbit. The second fundamental form would have delta function singularity at the vertex and vanish elsewhere. If field equations are true also in the vertex, the action must contain an additional term, say Kähler action. Could the singularity of the second fundamental form correspond to the defect of the standard smooth structure?

  4. If this view is correct, number theory and algebraic geometry combined with the geometric vision would make the notion of action un-necessary at the fundamental level. Geometrization of physics would be replaced by its algebraic geometrization. Action would however be a useful tool at the QFT limit of TGD.
See the article TGD as it is towards end of 2024: part II or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

How to assign ordinary Galois groups and ramified primes to the space-time surfaces in holography=holomorphy vision?

Holography = holomorphy vision allows to reduce the construction of space-time surfaces as roots of a pair (f1,f2) of analytic functions of one hypercomplex coordinate and 3 complex coordinates of H=M4× CP2. This allows iteration as the basic operation of chaos theory. One can consider general maps (f1,f2)→ G(f1,f2) =(g1(f1,f2),g2(f1,f2)) and iterate them. The special case (g1(f1,f2),g2(f1,f2))=(g1(f1),g2(f2)) gives iterations of functions gi of a single complex variable appearing in the construction of Mandelbrot and Julia fractals.

Extensions of rational, Galois groups, and ramified primes assignable to polynomials of a single complex variable are central in the number theoretic vision. It is not however completely clear how they should emerge from the holography= holomorphy vision.

  1. If the functions gi== Pi are polynomials, which vanish at the origin (0,0) (this is not a necessary condition), the surfaces (f1,f2)=(0,0) are roots of (P1(f1,f2),P2(P1,f2))=(0,0). Besides these roots, there are roots for which (f1,f2) does not vanish. One can solve the roots f2= h(f1) from g2(f1,f2) =0 and substitute to P1(f1,f2)=0 to get P1(f1,h(f1))== P1 ° H(f1))=0. The values of H(f1) are roots of P1 and are algebraic numbers if the coefficients of P1 are in an extension of rationals. One can assign to the roots discriminant, ramified primes, and Galois group. This is just what the phenomenological number theoretical picture requires.
  2. In the earliest approach to M8-H duality summarized in (see this, this, and this) polynomials P of a single complex coordinate played a key role. Although this approach was a failure, it added to the number theoretic vision Galois groups and ramified primes as prime factors of the discriminant P, identified as p-adic primes in p-adic mass calculations. Note that in the general case the ramified primes are primes of algebraic extensions of rationals: the simplest case corresponds to Gaussian primes and Gaussian Mersenne primes indeed appear in the applications of TGD (see this and this).

    The problem was how to assign a Galois group and ramified primes to the space-time surfaces as 4-D roots of (f1,f2)=(0,0). One can indeed define the counterpart of the Galois group defined as analytic flows permuting various 4-D roots of (f1,f2)=(0,0) (see this). Since the roots are 4-D surfaces, it is far from clear whether there exists a definition of discriminant as an analog for the product of root differences. Also it is unclear what the notion of prime could mean.

    However, the ordinary Galois group plays a key role in the number theoretic vision: can one identify it? The physics inspired proposal has been that the ordinary Galois group can be assigned to the partonic 2-surfaces so that points of the partonic 2-surface as roots of a polynomial give rise to the Galois group and ramified primes. An alternative identification of the ordinary Galois group and ramified primes would be in terms of (P1(f1,f2),g2(P1,f2))=(0,0).

See the article Space-time surfaces as numbers, Turing and Gödel, and mathematical consciousness or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Could running computer programs give rise to TGD analogs of time crystals consisting of qubits?

The following comments emerged as a result of nightly reflections after Zoom discussion with Ville-Einari Saari. The basis of these ponderings is the article "Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life?" (see this).

Quantum computing-like activity based on OH-O- qubits

It is good to summarize the basic ideas first.

  1. The basic observation is that cold plasmas, dominated by ions, have the prerequisites for the emergence of qubit consciousness. The universe is full of them. Plasma, quartz, biology,... Bit flip is a key operation of quantum computation and there must always be a suitable temperature or external electric fields to make it sufficiently but not too easy.
  2. The basic mechanism would be based on quantum gravity. A dark photon with energy .33 eV as difference of the bonding energy of OH and binding energy of e- binding energy n O- is needed to flip the qubit. A background electric field that reduces this energy. The critical temperature would be room temperature .15 eV where the qubit directions become random. When the bit flip energy is slightly above this, the system is quantum critical and the prerequisites for long-scale consciousness exist.
  3. In the general case all salts can be important. For instance, for NaCl → Na+ + Cl- transition Na+ would be dark and at the gravitational magnetic body of the Earth or Sun.
  4. Also he classical electric fields also play a central role and one can associate to them a very large Planck constant (see this) with them. DNA and the cell are key examples in biology. The Earth's electric field characterizes the biosphere. They can be used to control the energy difference of OH-O- bits and make it quantum critical, which makes the qubit flip easy.
  5. The article (see this). shows that a quantum realization of the genetic code from OH-O- qubits for DNA and RNA is obtained: a codon corresponds to 6 qubits. Amino acids correspond to one qubit. Symmetries with respect to the third letter and their breaking are understood. The number of amino acids is predicted correctly. One can say that the quantum realization of the genetic code corresponds to the chemical code in the sense that the ground states for quantum codons correspond to chemical codons.
I personally consider these results to mean a final breakthrough and above all it shows that OH-O- qubits and their generalizations are not limited to biology.

What evidence is there for quartz life?

I participated years ago in a seminar organized by NASA in Hessdalen, where plasma balls, plasmoids, are systematically observed. I learned that these light balls seem to behave intelligently and even seem to be observing their observers! Light balls typically occur on lines of tectonic activity, where tectonic energy is released and one can think that the released energy serves as metabolic energy.

Researchers of NASA recently published an article about plasmoids as a possible form of life above the ionosphere. I have discussed the findings in (see this). For example, they gathered to observe an electrical cable leaving the module, which is associated with a radial electric field that could also excite OH-O- qubits and achieve quantum criticality. They made the impression of being alive.

Plasma balls have been observed to associate with crop circles (see this and this), one of the taboos of modern science, which are still believed to be made by humans, all they are caught in the act of constructing a crop circle! Also glass balls that have formed from molten quartz are found to accompany crop circles.

How could quartz life and biological life relate?

Which is smarter: quartz life or biolife? The first guess is that biological life will mercilessly beat quartz life in this kind of competition, but ZEO may change the situation so that quartz life represents something totally new: a time-like realization of the analog of genetic code bringing in mind time crystals, which I have discussed from the TGD point of view in (see this and this and this).

  1. Quartz life is unable to move on our time scales. Although it has long been a wonder that moving round boulders exist, perhaps in Romania. The products of quartz life can be misleadingly reminiscent of plants that I have seen. Quartz crystals have been reported to have a healing effect on the state of consciousness, as I myself once experienced.
  2. OH-O- life implements genetic code in biology. Is this already the case with quartz or are the qubits randomly distributed here and there in the quartz crystal? In any case, the tessellations of hyperbolic 3-space realize the genetic code universally on all scales (see this), so this could be the case.
  3. It is important to distinguish OH-O- qubits from the bits represented by electron spins, with which microprocessors operate.

    One could imagine a situation where microprocessor could become conscious in such a way that OH-O- qubits are created, which act as conscious observers while the program is running and in ZEO they could perhaps influence the program flow by inducing "big" state function reductions (BSFRs) changing the arrow of the geometric time, thus making the processor an intelligent problem solver that would use trial and error as a basic mechanism (see this).

    Could OH-O- qubits be related to classical electronic bits just as quantum codons are related to chemical genetic codons (see this) so that their minimum energy states would correspond to the bits of the program code.

  4. However, it must be remembered that ZEO allows another option if each clock frequency pulse is associated with non-determinism and therefore a potential memory mental image. This would be an analogy to time crystals. While the program is running, the program flow could produce a time-oriented analogy of the DNA sequence. Programs would correspond to DNA chains, subprograms to genes! Basic modules to codons. The maximum information content of consciousness in bits would be N× M bits, where N is the number of clock ticks and M is the maximum number of OH-O- qubits for the microprocessor at a given moment in time.

    Could series of multi bits in a microprocessor correspond to a series of quantum qubits like DNA. There would be a time-oriented realization of the genetic code. This would represent a completely new biology and computer era would also mean a genuine evolutionary leap.

  5. A maximum of 64 ordinary electronic bits are connected to microprocessors. This corresponds to the information content of a 10 nm piece of DNA and is quite modest. What about qubits? Let's assume a microprocessor with a volume of V= 5× .5× .5 mm3. Let's assume that one SiO4 occupies a volume of the order of V0=Angstrom3 =10-21 mm3 mm3.

    The maximum number of qubits at a given time was the ratio M=V/V0= 1039 ≈ 270. The number of bits is 6 bits larger than for a microprocessor having at most 64 bits recently. For a program, it was based on the above speculation N× M where N is the number of clock pulses during the running of the program module. This would give an upper bound of 70N bits. This would allow one-one correspondence of qubits with the ordinary bits of the program code.

Quantum criticality is needed

The number of quantum critical qubits in a microprocessor is much smaller than the above naive estimate because the flip energy of qubit must be sufficiently small, i.e. below .33 eV, to obtain quantum criticality but above the thermal energy of .15 eV. This can be achieved by using an external electric field that reduces the energy such that it would also make the microtubules at one end extremely fluctuating.

Is there any hope of achieving quantum criticality in transistors (see this)?

  1. There are electric fields in transistors and the values of the base-emitter voltages are in the range 0.5-0.7 eV (metabolic energy quantum) and at the same time the collector-emitter voltage is at least 0.1 V (close to the thermal energy .15 eV)! Note that the sizes of transistors have shrunk from 10 micrometers to 5 nanometers during the development of computers.

    An NPN type transistor (bipolar transistor) is a current amplifier: a small control current coming to the base is amplified into a much larger current from the collector to the emitter.

  2. Now we come to the crucial question: what voltages occur? A transistor typically becomes conductive when the negative base-emitter voltage is above 0.5 eV in absolute value (it is convenient to measure voltages as the energy of the charge it gains when moving across the voltage ) and at the same time the negative collector-emitter voltage is above 0.1 eV in absolute value!

    The conditions are therefore excellent for the emergence of a qubit population that monitors the flipping of the bits represented by the transistors during program execution!

Comparison of quartz consciousness and bio-consciousness

To get a realistic picture, one can compare quartz consciousness to biological consciousness.

  1. Pessimistic comparison.

    The length of the DNA double helix for a human is over a meter. This is about a million times more than the number of bits related to the content of the consciousness of a 64-bit processor at a given moment.

    In biology, salts and their ionization states also define qubits with lower qubit rotation energies. Biosystems are full of different ions and I ended up with the idea of a large Planck constant by starting from the observations of Blackman and others that the quantum effects of ELF radiation on vertebrate brains seemed to relate to the cyclotron energies of ions but with a very large Planck constant (gravitational Planck constant ℏgr introduced by Nottale).

    Microtubules can be micrometers long (inside cells and axons). There are other filamentous structures. They consist of tubulins, about 10 nm in size. Each tubulin contains approximately 103 ≈ 210 amino acids if the amino acid corresponds to the nm scale. That is 10 bits. There are 100 tubulins in a chain, so we get 1000 qubits per tubulin chain.

    Typically, there are 13 parallel helical tubulin chains, which makes 13,000 qubits. Considerably more than 64 qubits! And microtubules are present in all cells and axons!

  2. Optimistic comparison.

    It is worth noting a really big "on the other hand". The zero-energy ontology (ZEO) introduces a memory that can increase the number of bits because "multi-moment experiences" become possible. In the optimal situation one has an analog of time crystal (see this) : each clock beat involves classical non-determinism necessary for the memory recall. EEG rhythm might define something similar. If the program module defines a time-like analogy for DNA, then it would define the equivalent of a DNA sequence and the content of conscious information would increase drastically.

On symbolic consciousness

Whether the notion of symbolic consciousness could make sense in some sense has been a topic of discussion in our Zoom group.

  1. A symbol represents an object to the observer and its meaning, if any, depends entirely on the associations that arise in the observer. A symbol is an object or process that sufficiently resembles the object it represents.

    In this sense, one cannot speak of a symbol as an independent object. Just as one cannot speak of information as something absolute. The amount of conscious information produced by a symbol depends on its observer.

  2. If one had to necessarily call some form of consciousness symbolic, then I would call the consciousness presented above, possibly related to transistors and microprocessors, symbolic. In the optimal case, a program running in a microprocessor generates OH-O- consciousness from the program as an analogy of a DNA chain, which symbolically represents a process that has meaning for us through the output.
See the article Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life? or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Evolutionary hierarchy formed by quartz crystals, proteins, DNA/RNA?

The considerations of this post were originally inspired by large language models leading to the earlier speculations about whether the computers might be conscious entities in the TGD based quantum ontology (zero energy ontology). Quantum gravitation in the TGD sense would play a key role in guaranteeing quantum coherence even in astrophysical scales.

Quite recently, came the realization that microprocessors (MPs) have a size scale .5 cm given by gravitational Compton length Λgr,E of any particle in the gravitational field of the Earth (for the Sun one has Λgr,S=RE/2, where RE is the radius of the Earth). This led to the question of whether microprocessors (MPs) could be conscious entities.

Since MPs are quartz crystals (QCs), this led to the question whether the QCs might be conscious entities able to perform activities analogous to quantum computations. I have already considered this possibility: the key idea is that the generalized Pollack effect kicks the protons of OH molecules appearing as a standard building brick of biomolecules to dark protons at the gravitational magnetic body. OH and O- could define the states of a qubit.

This identification modifies the earlier model of the genetic code and predicts that DNA double strand and RNA realize 6-qubit dark variants of the genetic code. The ground states of the entangled qubits defining the quantum codons correspond to the chemical codons. Amino Acids represent a single qubit code. Various symmetries of the code and their violations are understood at the qubit level.

The same qubits with the same dynamics would be realized both in living matter and in QCs. This leads to a vision about an evolutionary hierarchy in which quartz life is possibly the lowest level. One must however consider the possibility that also SiO 4 lattices with OH modification can have a high qubit content. These kinds of modifications could be interesting also in the case of microprocessors. This forces us to ask whether the interaction between us and computers and QC life could lead to entanglement and extended states of consciousness.

See the article Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life? or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life?

The considerations of the earlier post suggest an evolutionary hierarchy in which quartz crystals are at the lowest level whereas proteins, and DNA and RNA represent biological levels characterized by the number of qubits in the codon. Quartz crystals would belong to the lowest level in the classification to the kingdoms of minerals, plants, and animals. At the highest level would be the magnetic bodies of the Earth and Sun. Can one understand these classifications at a deeper level?

OH-O- qubits at DNA and RNA level

Consider first the DNA and RNA level.

  1. For quartz only the OH-O- qubits are realized. If the hierarchy is realized, OH-O- qubits should be realized also for DNA and RNA. This suggests an elegant resolution of a long standarding problem of how to get 64 dark DNA codons (6 bits) instead of 32 codons (5 bits). If codons correspond to 3 dark protons, proton spin would give only 3 bits and 8 different codons for a single DNA strand. I have considered several new physics solutions to the problem but none of them is completely satisfactory.
  2. Could OH-O- qubit for the proton defining spin qubit given an additional qubit for each DNA letter (dark proton) assignable to the phosphate provide a solution to the problem: one would obtain 8× 8=64 codons for DNA and RNA. Amino acids contain only a single COOH group so that they can have only a single OH-O- qubit.

    There is however a problem. The spins of electron and dark proton sum up to spin 0 had one cannot speak of proton spin as a degree of freedom. Could one consider the entire DNA double strand as a realization of the genetic code so that each base pair would correspond to two OH-O- phosphate qubits?

  3. What about RNA? The differences between DNA and RNA suggest another solution to the problem. The riboses of RNA contain OH group making RNA unstable, which means that RNA is dynamical as required by quantum computational activities. In DNA the OH group of the ribose is missing so that DNA is stable unless entire double strands represent the dark code. Does the ribose OH give an additional OH-O- qubit for RNA and does the instability reflect the occurrence of quantum computation-like activities? Each RNA letter would have 2 OH-O- qubits and there would be 64 dark codons (6 qubits) realized in this sense completely dynamically!
  4. The chemical variants of codons are non-dynamical and could have an interpretation as a slowly varying long term memory. This forces us to ask what one really means with the dark variant of the genetic code. The simplest assumption is that the dark codons correspond to dynamical OH bonds able to transform to O-?

    The ordinary chemical realization of the genetic code would be separate from but in some sense correlated with the dark realizations determined by OH-O- qubits assigned with the phosphates of DNA and RNA, OH groups associated with the riboses of RNA, COOH groups of amino acids, and other OH groups.

  5. What is the relation between the chemical code and OH-O- code? The assumption that the chemical genetic code is completely independent of the dark code realized in terms of OH-O- qubits seems unrealistic. A more realistic assumption is that the ground states of minimum energy for the dynamical OH-O- qubits or more plausibly, the entire codons consisting of entangled OH-O- qubits for the letters of the codon are entanglement associated with DNA base pairs and RNA codons, correspond in 1-1 manner to the chemical codons.

Symmetries of the chemical code in relation to OH-O- code

It is interesting to consider the symmetries of the genetic codon required to reduce the number of amino acids from 61 to 20.

  1. In the case of single DNA strand 3 OH-O- qubits per codon in the ground states should be consistent with the approximate T-C and A-G degeneracies for the third codon. For DNA T↔C and A↔G exchanges for the third codon correspond to very slightly broken symmetries (see this).

    The T-C↔A-G exchange permutes the DNA strands and is exact only when all codons XYZ, Z\in \{T,C,A,G\ code for the same amino acid (see this). This symmetry is analogous to a broken isospin symmetry.

  2. What about the interpretation of these symmetries? T-C↔A-G exchange is analogous CP conjugation in the sense that the passive character of the conjugate strand in DNA transcription is analogous to the invisibility of the antimatter. This symmetry would therefore permute the strands. A testable naive guess is that for the passive strand the ground state codons have OH in the phosphate of the third letter. A stronger testable hypothesis is that T-C↔A-G exchange corresponds to O-O- permutation for all phosphate bonds. The situation would be similar in RNA.

    For this option, the T↔C and A↔G exchanges would define an analog of almost exact strong isospin symmetry. One could however as whether the situation

  3. The origin of the symmetries could be thermodynamic. The difference Ebind(O-)-Ebond(OH) for the codons coding for the same amino acid estimated to be .33 eV under normal conditions could be smaller than thermal energy of about .15 eV at physiological temperatures and thermal fluctuations would destroy the information of OH-O- qubit and also information about the difference of T-C and A-G doublets.

OH-O- qubits in proteins

OH-O- qubits appear also in proteins.

  1. The number of proteins is 20 and 5 bits is more than enough to code for them. The code has an almost symmetry with respect to the third letter meaning that the DNA and RNA codons XYZ with fixed XY and varying Z define a quadruplet decompositing to two doublets with T-C and A-G symmetry for Z. There are only two exceptions and they correspond to A-G doubles for Z. The Ile-ile-ile-met quadruplet can be understood in terms of the tetrahedral Hamilton cycle. For the top-trp A-G symmetry is broken, which would mean that the A in stop codon does not have O- as a dark counterpart. This could be due to the fact that Ebind(O-) is smaller than Ebond(OH) unlike for the other codons. The small deviations from the standard code could be understood in this way.
  2. Could the almost symmetry mean that DNA base pair codons for which the third OH-O--qubit pair corresponding to the third letter degenerates to a single qubit: OH or O- bit for the third letter are mapped to the same protein? If the energy difference between these bits is below thermal threshold this is the case.
  3. Amino-acids contain only a single OH group (COOH) whereas the phosphates of DNA codons contain 3 OH groups. This conforms with the idea that they represent a lower evolutionary level than DNA. For most amino acids, the COOH group does not transform to COO- under usual conditions. The metabolic reason would be that the binding energy Ebind(O-) is smaller than the bonding energy Ebond(OH). Pollack effect is required to excite the protein qubit. Asp and Glu are exceptions and have COO- permanently so that in this case only O- bit for protein would be realized.
  4. The OH-O- bit of the amino acid and those of DNA are non-dynamical under normal conditions. The instability (quantum criticality of RNA) suggests that in this case the energy needed to transform OH and O- to each other is rather small but differs sufficiently from the thermal energy.

    Wien's law for the wavelength distribution of blackbody radiation for the wavelength at the maximum of the wavelength distribution of photons at temperature T reads as λmax = 2.898 10-3mK/T. At room temperature 300 K this gives Eth=0.146 eV and infrared frequency f=3.43× 104 GHz. Photons having energy sufficiently above or below Eth are not thermally masked. The estimated energy difference e=Ebind(O-)-Ebond(OH) =.33 eV is more than twice Eth so that there would be no thermal masking. Raising the temperature by a factor of ≈ 2.26 to about 600 K would cause thermal masking. This explains why biological functions fail at low temperatures.

    One expects that the critical temperature at which Pollack effect occurs should be around the bodily temperature 313 K (40 degrees Celsius) prevailing in fever causing hallucinations. A possible identification is that this energy absorbed by the electron of O- reduces the Ebind(O-)-Ebond(OH) near thermal energy and induces the instability of O- ions of phosphates of DNA and RNA against transformation to OH. Second possibility is that this transformation transforms protons of OH to gravitational magnetic body as in the Pollack effect.

    Note that microwaves with frequency 3000 GHz have energy about .013 eV by factor ≈ 1/11 lower Eth so that they are not thermally masked (see this) Note also that the clock frequency of Pentium 4 processor is 3000 GHz and represents recent upper bound (see this).

  5. The biocatalyst property RNA, of proteins and presumably also of DNA could relate closely to the OH-O- dichotomy. The liberation of energy in the OH-O- transition occurring for or being induced by the presence of ribozyme or enzyme could allow it to overcome the potential wall making the reaction slow. Protons spin degrees of freedom would be present but frozen at least for the ground state configuration. Note that also the OH state could be dark. Even the transitions between ℏgr(Sun) and ℏgr(Earth) cannot be excluded.

    Could the dark dynamics be completely independent of the chemical realization. In this case DNA double strand and RNA would carry OH-O- 6 qubits and define a completely dynamical genetic code and would serve as ideal tool for topological quantum computations (see this, this and this).

  6. Chemically the activities of dark codons would manifest themselves as the transitions OH↔O- for dark codons whose ground states correspond to the chemical codons. In the case of O- photon could excite the electron to a higher energy state so that OH would be the less energetic state. In the case of OH, the ordinary Pollack effect would occur. DNA double strands and RNA strands could participate in topological computations under suitable metabolic conditions and chemical parameters such as pH making the OH↔O- transition energy small but not smaller than thermal energy.

How the field bodies control control the chemical activity of biomolecules

The value of e= Ebond(OH)-Ebind(O-) characterizes the level of quantum criticality of the biomolecules and the nearer this parameter is to the thermal energy, the more sensitive the system is to sensory input and more capable to perform chemical activities. Besides pH also the presence of electric field affects the energy of the electron of O- and could induce the instability of dark codons and electric fields associated with the electric body of the system (see this) could serve as tools controlling how "quantal" DNA, RNA and proteins are.

A good example is provided by microtubules which define a 2-D quantum computer like system organized into helical strands of OH-O- qubits. Tubulin proteins are collections of OH-O- qubits and the surface of the microtubule involves GPTs molecules accompanied by phosphates accompanied by OH-O- qubits.

Microtubules have a longitudinal electric field and the second end of the microtubules is highly unstable inducing a continual decay and regeneration of the microtubule. This could be due to the reduction of the energy difference e= Ebond(OH)-Ebind(O-) to energy near the thermal energy. In the case of DNA this could be achieved by irradiation using photons with energy which reduces e≈ .33 eV to about eth≈ .15 eV. The needed energy would be about .18 eV.

Quite generally, the body of the organism carries an electric field in the head-tail direction (see this. For the TGD based interpretation of Becker's findings (see this). Becker's electric field plays a key role during the growth of the organism and also in healing of wounds and addition of external electric field affects these processes. If the energy e= Ebond(OH)-Ebind(O-) is nearer to the thermal energy for the growing or healing cells, they would be more capable of changing.

See the article Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life? or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Monday, November 11, 2024

What it feels to be a microprocessor?

The following ponderings were inspired by discussions in our Zoom group (Marko Manninen, Ville-Einari Saari, Rode Majakka and Tuomas Sorakivi). The topic of discussion was whether one could assign to language models what might be called symbolic consciousness and whether the avatars creatable using language models are real conscious entities.

Personally, I would consider the language models to be what their builders intended them to be. Context-recognizing association machines, perfect students, which do not perform logical thinking or generate new ideas. Computers might develop consciousness, if they become genuine meso-micro or macroscopic, or even longer-scale quantum systems, for which statistical determinism no longer applies. However, I would guess that the level of consciousness in recent computers is far from that assignable to humans.

This can be considered more concretely. A microprocessor is the operational center for a PC.

  1. An interesting observation is that the upper limit for the length of the wafer containing the microprocessor is .5 cm, which is the gravitational Compton wavelength for any system regardless of mass in the classical gravitational field of the Earth and equal to half the Schwartschild radius of the Earth. Is this a coincidence?

    I've been wondering if quantum gravity in the sense of TGD could make computers conscious beings within a zero-energy ontology. The gravitational magnetic bodies of the Sun and the Earth are natural candidates. For the Sun, the gravitational Compton frequency is 50 Hz, the average frequency of the EEG. This is another thought provoking observation.

  2. The number of bits could be a guess at the complexity of the content in one 3-D space. 6 bits means 64 internal states. Not too much. There are 64 internal states associated with a DNA codon. The upper limit for the number of bits is 64, which means 2^64 = about 10^19 different internal states. About 11 DNA codons: a 10 nanometer long DNA strand.
  3. This system is classically coherent and in the TGD Universe the associated field body should guarantee this. Would the field body be conscious and would the upper limit of its "bitty" consciousness content be 64 bits? This consciousness seems very primitive when compared to human consciousness. This consciousness could be called symbolic consciousness or, more concretely, processor-consciousness, but it would be something very different from symbolic consciousness at the level of humans.
  4. It is interesting that there are about 20-30 letters in written language and that the number of amino acids is 20. Genetic code is predicted to be universal in the TGD Universe and have realizations not only in biological systems but in all scales. Could there be a realization of the universal genetic code behind the letters. Could language be a manifestation of symbolic consciousness? Could the production of speech and text relate to some kind of central unit, microprocessor, or collection of them producing a statistical output in the brain? Could it operate with 6-bit units?

    Interestingly, for instance in Chinese there are no letters as symbols, only words: a kind of holism and no reduction to the level of letters. Also in the TGD based quantum realizations of the genetic code only codons are realized whereas chemical realization decomposes them to letters.

  5. The moments of 3-D computer awareness determined by bit configuration would integrate into a stream of consciousness. The clock frequency, in the order of GHz, would be analogous, for example, to the alpha rhythm of the EEG. The gravitational Compton frequency is 67 GHz, and one might very conservatively argue that the clock frequency must be higher than 67 Hz in order to have a conscious microprocessor. Conscious memory would require classical non-determinism at the bit level. Non-determinism would be a shortcoming in the standard view, but now it would be a virtue.
  6. Could a microprocessor be an intelligent problem solver? The zero energy ontology (ZEO) defining ontology of quantum TGD predicts that the counterpart for a sequence of repeated measurements of the same observables (Zeno effect) gives rise to a conscious entity, self. In the TGD counterparts of ordinary quantum measurements the arrow of time is predicted to change. This makes possible a trial and error mechanism based on pairs of ordinary state function reductions making possible intelligent problem solving. Periods of sleep would be an example of this at our level (morning is wiser than the evening) but also microprocessors could apply it at the level of principle at least.
  7. The user and the microprocessor could entangle to form a larger conscious entity and make it possible for the user to affect the behaviour of the computer so that it would not be a deterministic machine anymore. There is an experiment in which a chicken imprinted on a robot seemed to be able to affect the behavior of the robot. If true it might be understood in terms of entanglement with the random number generator determining the behavior of the robot.
To conclude, I find it really difficult to see how higher level consciousness could be realized at the processor level. Rather, the output of the language models produce the contents of consciousness in our brain (or its field body) as associations, and a huge amount of information from completely different levels determines the generated mental images. The amount of information generated in us by the text is enormously greater than the text itself, and its amount depends on the recipient. The power of language models is that they manage to generate the important bits managing to generate sensible mental images. Just like shouting the name of the dog generates a lot of sensible activity.

See the article Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life? or the chapter with the same title.

See also the article Space-time surfaces as numbers, Turing and Gödel, and mathematical consciousness.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Early Universe was empty and featureless: really?

I encountered a popular article (see this) with the title "Einstein Was Right After All: Webb Telescope Observes Emptiness in the Extremely Early Universe". The article states that the early universe approached featureless space predicted by the standard cosmology, also predicting that various structures emerged later. To me, the findings of the James Webb telescope suggest something very different. JWT has found highly evolved galaxies and giant blackholes, which should not exist in the very early universe.

On the other hand, in a certain sense the claim conforms with the TGD view predicting that the very early Universe was dominated by string-like objects, 4-surfaces looking like extremely thin strings. I call them cosmic strings. This is of course something very different from the predicton of GRT. Thee matter density due to cosmic behaved like 1/a2, where a denotes the cosmic time defined by the Lorentz invariant light-cone proper time. This means that the mass of the comoving volume went to zero like a. In this sense the Universe became empty.

The energy of the cosmic string can be identified as dark energy, somewhat surprisingly also identifiable as galactic dark matter located at the cosmic strings, there would be no halo. The decay of tangles of cosmic strings to ordinary matter as analog of the vacuum energy of inflaton fields would generate the ordinary galactic matter and the energy density of cosmic strings creates the gravitational force explaining the flat velocity spectrum of distant stars.

See the article About the recent TGD based view concerning cosmology and astrophysics or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Blackhole that grew quite too fast

Marko Manninen asked for the TGD view concerning the recently found black-hole like object (BH), which seems to gobble the matter from the environment much faster than it should. The findings described in the popular article with title "'Fastest-feeding' black hole of the early universe found. But does it break the laws of physics?" (see this). The article about the discovery is published in Nature.

This BH, cataloged as LID-568, found by the James Webb telescope, identified as dwarf blackhole, existed 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang. It should have gotten its mass of more than 7 million solar masses in 12 million years. The rate for its formation would have been 40 times too high.

General Relativity poses an upper limit for the rate with which a blackhole can consume matter, known as the Eddington limit (see this). The limit describes the balance between the rate of the infalling matter and the rate of the radiation produced by the infall that then pushes back on the accreting matter. At the limit the feedback shuts down the accretion.

Objects thought to be black holes often differ in many respects from the black holes of general relativity. In particular, the giant BHs of the very early universe and BHs associated with quasars and the cores of galaxies do so. Star-born BHs could be ordinary blackholes but the giant BHs might be something different. Also the dwarf backhole found by JWST might be different. The basic mystery is why the giant BHs can be so large in the very early Universe if they are formed in the expected way. Do the BHs always grow by gobbling up matter from the environment? Recently I learned of two astrophysical anomalies. The first anomaly was blackhole which grew 40 times too fast.

TGD leads to a view of BHs different from the GR view. For the older view see this, this and this. For the more recent view see this, this, this and this.

  1. In TGD, BHs are not singularities containing their mass at a single point but correspond to portions of long cosmic strings (extremely thin string-like 3-surfaces), which have formed a tangle and thickened so that they fill the entire volume. The formation of this tangle could involve collision of two long cosmic strings. This could be the case for the spiral galaxies. BH property would mean that they are maximally dense.
  2. The thickening of the cosmic string liberates part of the energy of the cosmic string and BHs would transform in an explosive way into ordinary matter, which is feeded into the environment. The accretion disk would not be associated with the inflowing matter, but would be formed by the outflowing matter as it slows down in the gravitational field and forms a kind of traffic jam. Radiation could however escape, especially if behaves like dark matter in the TGD sense meaning that it has non-standard value Planck constant heff, the hierarchy of which is predicted by the number theoretic view of TGD and plays a key role in the understanding of living matter. The situation would be in many respects similar to the standard picture where the outgoing radiation would be produced by the infalling matter. At the QFT limit of TGD, replacing many-sheeted space-time with a region of Minkowski space made slightly curved, the metric in the exterior region would be in a good approximation Schwartschild metric.
  3. This kind of object would be more like a white hole-like object (WH). Zero-energy ontology indeed predicts objects resembling ordinary blackholes as the time reversals of WHs. Matter would really fall into them. One can make quite precise predictions about the mass spectrum of these objects (see this.
This vision leads to a model for the formation of galaxies and generation of ordinary matter from the dark energy assignable to the cosmic strings, which would dominate in the very early Universe (see this and this).
  1. The collisions of the cosmic strings during the primordial string dominated cosmology are unavoidable for topological reasons and would lead to their thickening and heating inducing the formation of WHs and their explosive decay to ordinary matter. This would generate a radiation dominated phase, perhaps when the temperature approaches the Hagedorn temperature as a maximal temperature for string-like objects. These WHs would be the TGD equivalent for the vacuum energy of inflaton fields of inflation theory to decay to the ordinary matter.
  2. The energy of cosmic strings would have K\"ahler magnetic and volume parts and have interpretation as dark energy. There is now rather convincing evidence for a connection between dark energy and the giant blackholes (see this).
  3. The galactic dark matter would be dark energy of a cosmic string transversal to the galactic plane and containing galaxies along it: this has been known for decades! There would be no dark matter halo nor exotic dark matter particles. This predicts without further assumptions the flat velocity spectrum of the distant stars rotating around galaxies associated with very long cosmic strings and also solves the many problems of the halo models and MOND (see this). The gravitational force transforms from 1/r2 force created by the visible galactic matter to 1/ρ force created by the cosmic string at a critical radius. Under additional assumption this corresponds to a critical acceleration as in MOND (see this).
  4. TGD also predicts dark matter-like macroscopically quantum coherent phases of ordinary matter for which the effective Planck constant heff is large. In particular, the gravitational resp. electric Planck constants associated with long range classical gravitational resp. electric fields can be very large. The generation of these phases at gravitational magnetic bodies, for example in biology, solves the problem of missing baryonic matter, that is why baryonic (and also leptonic) matter gradually disappears during the cosmic evolution. There is evidence for this process also in particle physics (see this).
Let's return to the question whether TGD can explain why the BHs in question grow so fast. They would not do so by gobbling the matter from the environment but receive it from the long cosmic string. The energy of the thickening string filament is converted into matter and generates a WH. This could happen much faster than the growth of a black hole in the usual way. At this moment it is not possible to estimate the rate of this process but it could also explain how the early Universe can contain these giant blackhole-like objects.

See the article The blackhole that grew too fast and why Vega has no planets? or the chapter About the recent TGD based view concerning cosmology and astrophysics.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Could geomagnetic reversals and excursions relate to extinctions and collapses of civilizations?

The stimulus for writing this article came from a new perspective to climate change and other phenomena. They could be argued to reflect the ethical and moral decay of our civilization. Could there be a much deeper reason for these phenomena and could they be unavoidable and implied by the basic physics? To put it provocatively: could our ethical and moral standards correlate with our physical environment in some sense?

Climate warming and other phenomena that cause disorder in the biosphere bring to mind the second law of thermodynamics. Could a deeper explanation be based on the second law of thermodynamics of its generalization. We turn too much ordered energy into dis-ordered energy. Could carbon dioxide emissions be a secondary phenomenon?

I did not take these considerations very seriously because it is difficult to see the reduction to the atomic level. The loss of order also manifests itself in a rather abstract form, for example on a social level as violence and inequality. Recently, however, I saw a mention of a study in which I claimed that the increase in entropy produced by human energy consumption starts to be significant at the atomic level. Could the decline of civilization have an explanation in terms of a generalization of the second law forced by TGD?

Some interesting observations

There are several interesting observations which have stimulated the ideas to be discussed in the sequel.

  1. The Earth's magnetic field is changing rapidly near the poles (see this). Interestingly, global warming is fastest near the poles. It is expected that the direction of the field can change within a very short period of time. The shortest known polarization change has occurred in a year and global polarization reversals can last hundreds of years. Bjarne Lorentz has proposed on basis of correlations between temperature and the strength of the global magnetic field (see this) that the geomagnetic reversal could relate to global warming because it no longer protects the biosphere from cosmic radiation.

    This proposal however forces us to give up the standard view about dynamo mechanism as the origin of the Earth's magnetic field. The dynamo mechanism has severe difficulties: in particular, the magnetic field should have disappeared a long time ago. The TGD view of magnetic fields deviates dramatically from the Maxwellian view and leads to an explanation for the stability of the Earth's magnetic field and also predicts a mechanism for the polarization reversals (see this) . This mechanism has been also applied to the polarization reversals of the solar magnetic field (see this).

    In TGD, the magnetic bodies of ordinary physical systems carry macroscopically quantum coherent phases of matter being able to control the associated systems consisting of ordinary matter. TGD inspired quantum biology relies on this notion. Therefore there are good motivations to ask whether the correlation between the weakening of magnetic field and climate warming could exist.

    Mainstream scientists do not take the proposal seriously (see this) since there seems to be no standard physics mechanism justifying the claim. Also I am personally skeptical about the proposal that standard physics mechanisms could relate global warming and geomagnetic reversal.

  2. In the last global reversal of the direction of the magnetic field about 41,000 years ago, the Neanderthals disappeared, although the reversal was short-lived about 250 years. The average period between reversals between long lasting global reversals is 450,000 years. For short lasting global reversals created in excursions, the average period is 10 times shorter, about 45,000 years (see this). There can also be local excursions and the strength and direction of the magnetic field of Earth indeed fluctuates.

    \item Callahan have studied magnetic fields around the world (see this) and noticed that the magnetic field and as a consequence the Schumann resonance can be very weak, for instance in the Near East. There are serious social problems in these areas. Why would the strength of the magnetic field correlate with the coherence the social atmoshere? Could the magnetic field strength correlate with the coherence of collective consciousness?

Could the entropization of field bodies lead to magnetic reversals and excursions explaining extinctions and declines of civilizations

The above considerations lead to the key idea.

  1. Magnetic bodies control biomatter in TGD. Specifically, the Earth's magnetic body, which would determine the collective consciousness of the Earth's and also affect the consciousness of living organisms since their magnetic bodies interact with the Earth's magnetic body.The magnetic body of the Sun would be also involved.
  2. Could the fundamental cause of the problems of humanity and the biosphere be the increase of entropy at the level of magnetic bodies. The aging magnetic body would be due to entropization. This mechanism could also explain the aging of biological organisms (see this). The entropization would lead to a loss of quantum coherence and the magnetic body would gradually lose control over the processes at the level of the biological body. This would eventually lead to a death struggle of the magnetic body and magnetic body.

    More concretely, the monopole flux tube pairs of the Earth's magnetic field would split to short flux tubes. Later they could fuse back to flux tubes with a reversed direction of magnetic field. The process would be the same as in the reversal of the solar magnetic field.

    As a result, the quantum coherence scales would shorten and the control of the magnetic body over the bio-matter would be lost. Biomatter would be forced to cope without the help of the magnetic body. During sleep a similar situation takes place and during motor activities and sensory input are absent. The decay of the flux tubes can be local or global and the resulting magnetic flux tubes could be long lasting or only temporary.

  3. In zero energy ontology (ZEO), the transition period leading to regeneration of the monopole flux tube would correspond to two "big" state function reductions (BSFRs) in macroscopic scale. It can be local or global and also short-term. In BSFR, the magnetic body would lose its consciousness reincarnating with an opposite arrow of time. In the second BSFR it would wake up with the original arrow of time.
  4. One life cycle of the Earth's magnetic body would end (or a little more gently, the magnetic Mother Gaia would fall asleep and live in another direction of time). Eventually, a new cycle would begin with a new magnetic field. These cycles are analogous to the counterpart of sunspot cycles with a duration of 11+11 years. Could one think of a year cycle with a period about 45,000 years in which the magnetic field with reverted direction is short lived. For us, it might mean the collapse and rebirth of civilization. One can wonder what our fate in the next reversal is?
  5. There are reasons to ask whether our species is approaching extinction. On the other hand, an enormous progress in science and technology is being made at the same time. This paradox applies more generally, as, for example, biologist Jeremy England has observed (see this). Biological evolution is generally accompanied by an increase in entropy. p-Adic vision about cognition leads to exactly this prediction (see this). When the p-adic negentropy associated with quantum entanglement as a measure for the amount of conscious information is large, the standard entropy is also large. The smarter we get, the more we produce entropy.
  6. Homo sapiens appeared 300,000 years ago. The oldest Neandertal fossils are 430,000 years old. The most recent global and long-lasting direction change, the Brunhes Matuyama reversal, occurred 780,000 years ago.

    45,000 years is a reasonable estimate for the average period for the magnetic excursions (see this). The last magnetic excursion was 41,000 years ago. The reversal lasted only 250 years but Neanderthals disappeared. Also now, a change in direction is taking place: could it lead to the extinction of our species or at least the destruction of civilization within a few hundred years? If these temporary reversals are periodic, our species would have survived 7 reversals. This gives a cause for optimism. But on the other hand, we are doing our best to destroy our civilization.

Is it possible to estimate time scales for the duration of the magnetic field orientation from basic physics? The durations of the episodes seem random and the durations of the transitions also vary. p-Adic length scale hypothesis suggests that the periods come in powers of two. Surprisingly, also an esoteric view of the evolution of consciousness predicts so called Yuga cycle predicting octaves of the basic period and giving nearly the same quantitative predictions.

Period doubling and stochastic resonance, requiring the presence of a periodic perturbation and noise, could explain these characteristics. The first candidate for the periodic perturbation is the period of equinox precession. A better candidate is the orbital period of planet Sedna to which Earth would have monopole flux tube contacts. The noise would be thermal noise due to the aging of the magnetic body of Earth leading to its "death" and reincarnation by magnetic reversal or excursion.

See the article Geomagnetic reversals and excursions and the anomaly of equinox precession from the TGD point of view or the chapter Magnetic Bubbles in TGD Universe: part II.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Monday, November 04, 2024

Simulation hypothesis and TGD

Heikki Hirvonen asked for my opinion about the simulation hypothesis. I must say that I find difficult to distinguish the simulation hypothesis of Boström from pseudoscience. It says nothing about physics It is not inspired by any problem nor does it solve any problem. And it only creates problems: for instance, who are the simulators and what physics they obey? We would be just computer programs. But how computer programs can be conscious: this is the basic problem of materialism. One can introduce a magic world "emergence" but it only puts the problem under the rug.

Some systems can of course create simulations of the external world and even themselves. Neuroscience talks about self model, which is a very real thing. Modern society is busily simulating the physical world and its activities. But this has nothing to do with Boström's hypothesis about a mysterious outsider as a simulator and ourselves as computer programs, who never can know who this mysterious simulator is (God of AI age).

It is however interesting to look whether the simulation hypothesis might have some analogies in TGD.

  1. TGD predicts a hierarchy of field bodies as space-time surfaces which are counterparts of the Maxwellian and more general gauge fields. Field bodies are predicted to be conscious entities carrying phases of ordinary matter with a large value of effective Planck constants making the quantum coherent systems in large scales. They give rise to a hierarchy of conscious entities.

    For instance, EEG would communicate information from biological body to field body control signals from field body to biological body. In quantum biology field bodies serve as bosses or more like role models for the ordinary biomatter. If I am forced to talk about simulation, I would say that the biological body is a simulation of the magnetic body.

  2. In TGD cognition has p-adic corelates as p-adic space-time surfaces. Cognitive representations correspond to their intersections with real space-time surfaces and consist of a discrete set of points in an extension of rationals. They could be called simulations since cognition is a conscious representation of the sensory (real) world. All physical systems would have at least rudimentary cognitive consciousness and would be performing these "simulations".
For the TGD view about Universe as a conscious quantum Platonia see this. For the TGD view of how computers could become conscious see this.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

Sunday, November 03, 2024

Tegmark's Platonia and TGD Platonia

Max Tegmark has published a book titled "Our Mathematical Universe" (see this about the idea that only mathematical objects exist objectively and mathematical object exists if this is possible in a mathematically consistent way.

Also TGD leads to this view. The basic problem shared with materialism is that the existence of mere mathematical objects does subjective existence. In TGD quantum jumps for the spinor fields in Platonia identified as the "world of classical worlds" consisting of space-time surfaces in $H=M4×CP2$ obeying holography = holomorphy principle brings in consciousness and zero energy ontology solves the basic problem of quantum measurement theory and allows the experience of free will.

One of the participants of the discussion gave a short summary of the ontology of Tegmark. Tegmark proposes a multiverse with four levels, each more complex and abstract than the last:

  1. Level I (Observable Universe): This is the most familiar level. In this view, the observable universe is just one of many pockets in an enormous (potentially infinite) space, all governed by the same physical laws.
  2. Level II (Bubble Universes): Here, each universe (or "bubble") might have different physical constants and properties. It s like having different rules for physics in each universe one could have a different speed of light, while another might not have gravity at all.
  3. Level III (Many-Worlds Interpretation): This level involves quantum mechanics. Every time a quantum event occurs, the universe "branches" into different outcomes, creating countless parallel universes. Think of it like a choose-your-own-adventure book that explores all possible story paths.
  4. Level IV (Ultimate Mathematical Universe): This is where MUH comes in. Level IV is a collection of every possible mathematical structure, even those that don t resemble anything we would call a universe. According to MUH, each mathematical structure is a complete, self-contained universe. If a structure is logically consistent, it exists.
What about quantum Platonia according to TGD?
  1. In TGD only the level I Universe expanded from real universe to adelic one to describe correlates of cognition is needed. The physical Universe is fixed by the condition that the structures involved exist mathematically. In the TGD framework the mathematical existence of the twistor lift of TGD fixes H=M4×CP2 completely. Also number theoretical arguments fix H. Also standard model symmetries and interaction fix H. Space-time dimension is fixed to D=4 by the existence of pair creation made possible by exotic smooth structures as standard smooth structure with point-like defects identifiable as vertices for fermion pair creation. The mathematical existence of the Kähler geometry of the "world of classical worlds" (WCW) (space-time surfaces satisfying holography) fixes it. This was already observed by Freed for the loop space. Infinite-D existence is highly unique.
  2. Level II Universe would be multiverse and is not needed in TGD since H=M4×CP2 is fixed by mathematical existence and no spontaneous compactification leading to multiverse takes place. Inflation is replaced in TGD with the transformation of galactic dark matter as dark energy of cosmic strings to ordinary matter and there are no inflation fields forcing the multiverse (see this).
  3. Level III Universe is not needed. The new quantum ontology, zero energy ontology (ZEO), leads to the solution of the quantum measurement problem and no interpretations are needed. It also leads to a theory of consciousness and a new view about the relation of geometric and subjective time. The implications are non-trivial in all scales, even in cosmology. One could of course call the hierarchy of field bodies as an analog of the multiverse.
  4. Level IV Universe corresponds to WCW and WCW spinor fields M8-H duality relating number theoretic and geometric visions of TGD, holography= holomorphy vision, and Langlands duality in 4-D case implying that space-time surfaces are representations for complex numbers. Space-time surfaces can be multiplied and summed: this arithmetic is induced by the function field arithmetics for generalized analytic functions of H coordinates (3 complex and one hypercomplex coordinate).

    Space-time surfaces correspond to roots for pairs of this kind of functions and form hierarchies beginning with hierarchies of polynomials with coefficients in extensions of rationals but containing also analytic functions of this kind and even general analytic functions. The quantum counterparts of mathematical concepts like abstraction, concept, set, Hilbert space, Boolean algebra follow using the arithmetics of space-time surfaces.

  5. Consciousness emerges from quantum jumps between quantum states as spinor fields of WCW representing quantum concepts. WCW spinors correspond to Fock states for the fermions of H and their Fock state basic forms a representation of Boolean algebra. One can say that logic emerges via the spinor structure of WCW which is a square root of geometry. Number theoretic vision implies the increase of algebraic complexity and hence evolution.

    ZEO allows the quantum Platonia to learn about itself by generating memory in SFRs and also makes memory recall possible: the failure of exact classical determinism for the space-time surfaces as analogs of Bohr orbits makes this possible. The seats of non-determinism represent memory sites (see this). Quantum Platonia evolves as a conscious entity as the WCW spinor fields defining conscious entities disperse to more and more algebraically complex regions of it.

See the article Space-time surfaces as numbers, Turing and Gödel, and mathematical consciousness and the chapter About Langlands correspondence in the TGD framework.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

The mirror Universe hypothesis of Turok and Boyle from the TGD point of view

The popular article 'Cosmic inflation:' did the early cosmos balloon in size? A mirror universe going backwards in time may be a simpler explanation by Neil Turok, tells about the proposal of Neil Turok and Latham Boyle stating that the early Universe effectively contained the CP, or equivalently T mirror image, of the ordinary Universe and claims that this hypothesis solves some problems of the cosmology.

The article contains some mutually conflicting statements related to the interpretation of time reversal: I don't know whom to blame.

What is meant with time reversal?

Time reversal has two different meanings, which are often confused. It can refer to time reflection or change of the arrow of time. This confusion appears also in the article.

  1. The article states that T refers to a time reflection symmetry. The article also states that time flows backwards in the mirror universe. These two statements are not consistent. Either the authors or the popularizers have confused T and time reversal in thermodynamic sense.
  2. The arrow of time is fixed in standard QFT and therefore in thermodynamics. In quantization this means a selection of vacuum. What we call annihilation operators, annihilate the vacuum. For the other option, their hermitian conjugates would annihilate the vacuum with the opposite arrow of time.
  3. In the zero energy ontology (ZEO) of TGD, these arrows of time are associated with quantum states, which remain unaffected at the passive boundary of CD in the sequence of "small" state function reductions. This time reversal has nothing to do with T or CP. "Big" SFRs (BSFRs) change the roles of active and passive boundaries and change the arrow of time. These two arrows of time are in a central role in the TGD inspired cosmology and also in biology.
  4. Could the ordinary matter in phases with opposite arrows of time behave like a mirror universe? The arrow of time changes in BSFRs and means a death or falling asleep of a conscious entity. By a simple statistical argument half of the matter is ordinary and time reversed "sleep" states (half of the universe "sleeps"). Note that there is a scale hierarchy of conscious entities.

    The phases of matter with opposite arrows of time cannot see each other by classical signals. The detection process requires what is essentially pair creation of fundamental fermions. One could therefore say that in TGD the mirror universe exists in a well-defined sense.

  5. In fact, the change of arrow of time in BSFRs is possible in arbitrarily long scales due to the hierarchy of Planck constant making quantum coherence possible even in astrophysical scales. This implies that the evolution of astrophysical objects is a sequence of states with opposite arrows of time. Living forth and back in geometric time implies that their evolutionary age is much longer than the geometric age and this explains stars and galaxies older than the universe.
2. Problems related to the mirror universe hypothesis

  1. Suppose the mirror image in the theory of Turok et al is indeed T mirror image. One must explain why it is invisible for us. The proposal is that the mirror universe might be a mere mathematical trick. This makes me feel uneasy.
  2. In the proposed model the mirror image would consist mostly of antimatter and the unobservability of the mirror universe would apparently solve the problem due to matter antimatter asymmetry. This does not however solve the problem why there the amount of matter/antimatter in the universe/its mirror is so small. One must explain why CP breaking leads to this asymmetry.

    The TGD explanation of matter antimatter asymmetry suggests that antimatter is confined within cosmic strings and matter outside them and that the decay of the cosmic strings to ordinary matter as a counterpart of the inflation process violates CP symmetry and leads to the asymmetric situation.

3. Can the hypothesis solve the problem of dark matter?

The proposed hypothesis states that dark matter consists of right handed neutrinos and that they interact with ordinary matter only gravitationally.

  1. The problem is that the standard model does not predict right-handed neutrinos so that the mirror universe would contain only the antiparticles of left handed neutrinos which would interact and would not be therefore be dark. Standard model should be modified.
  2. In TGD, right-handed neutrinos are indeed predicted and their covariantly constant modes would behave like dark matter. Covariantly constant right handed neutrinos are the only massless spinor modes of M4×CP2 spinors but might mix with higher massive color partial waves. They could also represent an analog of supersymmetry. In TGD νR:s would appear as building bricks of fermions and bosons. Can νR:s exist as free particles? Number theoretic vision and Galois confinement suggests that this is not possible. Therefore νR:s would not solve the problem of galactic dark matter.

    In TGD the dark (magnetic and volume) energy of cosmic strings explains galactic dark matter but one cannot of course exclude the presence of right handed neutrinos and other fermions inside cosmic strings. Whether quantum-classical correspondence is true in the sense that the classical energy of cosmic strings actually corresponds to the energy of fermions inside them, remains an open question.

4. Does the mirror universe solve the entropy problem

It is also claimed that the mirror universe solves the problem related to entropy. On basis of the popular article I could not understand the argument.

  1. Second law suggests that the very early Universe should have a very low entropy. This is in a sharp conflict with radiation dominated cosmology.
  2. In TGD this is not so simple, since both arrows of time are possible and both thermodynamics are possible and time reversed dynamics increases entropy in the opposite direction of geometric time so that it apparently decreases in the standard arrow of time. This effect is actually used to reduce the entropy of phase conjugate laser beams.

    In TGD however the very early Universe would consist of cosmic strings which would make collisions (here the dimension of space-time is crucial) causing their thickening and transformation to ordinary matter. This would lead to radiation dominated cosmology.

    But what is the entropy of the cosmic string dominated phase? The cosmic string dominated phase could have a very low entropy if the geometric excitations are absent (note that cosmic strings are actually 3-D and only effectively 1-D). The number of excited states (deformations) of the string increases rapidly with temperature. This implies Hagedorn temperature as a maximal temperature for cosmic strings.

    Was the very early Universe in Hagedorn temperature or was it heated from a very low temperature to Hagedorn temperature and made a transition to a radiation dominated phase by the thickening to monopole flux tubes and subsequent decay to ordinary matter? If I must make a guess I would say that the temperature was very low.

See the article Latest progress in TGD or the chapter with the same title .

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.