Saturday, October 01, 2011

Cosmic evolution as transformation of dark energy to matter

The anomalous behavior of the equinox precession and the recent surprising findings about heliosphere by NASA can be combined with the TGD inspired model for stars. The mdoel relies on the heuristic idea that stars (as also galazies) are like pearls in a necklace defined by long magnetic flux tubes carrying dark matter and strong magnetic field responsible for dark energy and possibly accompanied by the analog of solar wind. Heliosphere would be like a bubble in the flow defined by magnetic field inside the flux tube inducing its local thickening. A possible interpretation is as a bubble of ordinary and dark matter in the flux tube containing dark energy: this would provide a beautiful overall view about the emergence of stars and their heliospheres as a phase transition transforming dark energy to dark and visible matter. Among other things the magnetic walls surrounding the solar system would shield the solar system from cosmic rays. The bubble option is favored by the fact that Newtonian theory works so well inside planetary system. The model suggests bound state precessing solutions without nutation as the first approximation expected to be stable against dissipation. A small nutation around the equilibrium solution could explain the slow variation of the precession rate and can be treated as a small oscillatory perturbation around non-nutating ground state. The variation could be also caused by external perturbations. What is amusing from the mathematical point of view is that the model is analytically solvable and that the solution involves elliptic functions just as the Newtonian two-body problem does.

The model suggests a universal fractal mechanism leading to the formation of astrophysical and even biological structures as a formation of bubbles of ordinary or dark matter inside magnetic flux tubes carrying dark energy identified as magnetic energy of the flux tubes. In primordial cosmology these flux tubes would have been cosmic strings with enormous mass density, which is however below the black hole limit for straight strings. Strongly entangled strings could form black holes if general relativistic criteria hold true in TGD.

One must be very critical concerning the model since in TGD framework the accelerated cosmic expansion has several alternative descriptions, which should be mutually consistent. It seems that these descriptions corresponds to the descriptions of one and same thing in different length scales.

  1. The critical and over-critical cosmologies representable as four-surfaces in M4× CP2 are unique apart from their duration (see this). The critical cosmology corresponds to flat 3-space and would effectively replace inflationary cosmology in TGD framework and criticality would serve as a space-time correlate for quantum criticality in cosmological scales natural if hierarchy of Planck constants is allowed. The expansion is accelerating for the critical cosmology and is caused by a negative "pressure" basically due to the constraint force induced by the imbeddability condition, which is actually responsible for most of the explanatory power of TGD (say geometrization of standard model gauge fields and quantum numbers).

  2. A more microscopic manner to understand the accelerated expansion would be in terms of cosmic strings. Cosmic strings (see this) expand during cosmic evolution to flux tubes and serve as the basic building bricks of TGD Universe. The magnetic tension along them generates a negative "pressure", which could explain the accelerated expansion. Dark energy would be magnetic energy.

    The proposed boiling of the flux tubes with bubbles representing galaxies, stars, ..., cells, etc.. would serve as a universal mechanism generating ordinary and dark matter. The model should be consistent with the Bohr orbitology for the planetary systems (see this) in which the flux tubes mediating gravitational interaction between star and planet have a gigantic Planck constant. This is the case if the magnetic flux tubes quite generally correspond to gigantic values of Planck constant of form hbargr=GM1M2/v0, v0/c<1, where M1 and M2 are the masses of the objects connected by the flux tube.

  3. Even more microscopic description of the accelerated expansion would be in terms of elementary particles. In TGD framework space-time decomposes into regions having both Minkowskian and Euclidian signatures of the induced metric (see this). The Euclidian regions are something totally new as compared to the more conventional theories and have interpretation as space-time regions representing lines of generalized Feynman diagrams.

    The simplest GRT limit of TGD relies of Einstein-Maxwell action with a non-vanishing cosmological constant in the Euclidian regions of space-time (see this): this allows both Reissner-Nordström metric and CP2 as special solutions of field equations. The cosmological constant is gigantic but associated only with the Euclidian regions representing particles having typical size of order CP2 radius. The cosmological constant explaining the accelerated expansion at GRT limit could correspond to the space-time average of the cosmological constant and therefore would be of a correct sign and order of magnitude (very small) since most of the space-time volume is Minkowskian.

    This picture can be consistent with the idea that magnetic flux tubes which have Minkowskian signature of the induced metric are responsible for the efffective cosmological constant if the magnetic energy inside the magnetic flux tubes transforms to elementary particles in a phase transition generating dark and ordinary matter from dark energy and therefore gives rise to various visible astrophysical objects.

For details and background see the article Do we really understand the solar system? and the chapter TGD and Astrophysics of "Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-time".


DAN PREDA said...

Do you hear about romanian unified theory?
Helical geometrodynamics is ...the name of it!
See thefundamentaluniverse project, it is FREE!
Much more than 250 pages in theory...and first experimends confirming it!
PHISYCISTS, for all world, ...cant understand...HOW...IT WORK! said...

Thank you. I have not heard. Could you give the link? said...

Mayan calendar inspires some people and makes many astrophysicists very very angry. If you want to raise the blood pressure of astrophysics, just mention the magic year 2012 when Earth, Sun, and galactic center are aligned along single line and something weird things start to happen.

About this alignment I learned yesterday evening from some web page as I was searching for data about the notion of galactic alignment serving as a direct indication that galaxies might be like pearls in a necklace or bubbles inside very long magnetic flux tubes and therefore strongly correlated!

Now I must raise the blood pressure of serious astronomers whom I deeply respect. Apologies for Serious Astronomers.

When Earth, Moon, and Sun are at the same line, weird things happen to the penduli as economy Nobelist Allais demonstrated in heroic experiments during which he had to remain awake for weeks to write down the recordings about the position of pendulum! TGD explanation is in terms of large hbar gravitons which cause large interference effects when Earth, Moon, and Sun are collinearly aligned (see this).

But exactly the same alignment occurs for Earth, Sun, and galactic center in magic year 2012! Could something very weird things indeed happen? Maybe not only penduli but the whole society would behave in very crazy manner. Just by looking what has happened in world economy and theoretical physics during last decades makes anyone in this right mind convinced that world has gone mad. If we believe Mayan calendar we have only to wait only year or so to see how mad the world can become since then Earth, Sun, and galactic center are exactly collinear and the effects maximal. After this we might hope that things will get gradually better or that even something totally new emerges.

This posting was basically inspired about the precession of equinoxes. This phenomenon was well-known to Mayan astronomers and Mayan calendar relies on it. The situation in which Earth, Sun, and galactic center are at the same line was of very special importance in Mayan calendar and the entire world view behind it. This also explains why the calendar ends at 2012 .

The model for the precession of equinoxes that I am discussing assumes the precession of entire solar system rather than only Earth and it leads to the vision about how galaxies and stars have emerged via a formation of bubbles of ordinary matter inside flux tubes of magnetic energy identifiable as dark energy. Amusing that this idea pops up in the head of some crackpot just when we are approaching year 2012;-)!

Dear Respected Astronomers, this is not a conspiracy against good science. I swear that before yesterday evening I didn't have a slightest idea about the role of equinox precession or collinearity of Earth, Sun, and galactic center in Mayan calendar: year 2012 has been for me just something as irritating as it is to every astronomer worth of his monthly salary.

Maybe something great will happen next year! Yes, this is actually true! I remember just now that politicians have promised that during 2012 I will get 120 euros -taxes =about 80 euros more to my monthly income from Kela and social office. This makes a considerable fraction of the minimum outcome thought to be necessary for basic metabolic needs!