Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Three news

Below comments about three news which I have seen during the last week and which are interesting from TGD point of view.

Subterranean ocean

The first news tells about subterraean "ocean" consisting of mineral ringwoodite with a high concentration of water. The ocean is at the depth of about 600 km which is still considerably small that the depth of the inner core of Earth. The conjecture is that this water is responsible for the formations of the ordinary oceans. The model for expanding Earth that I constructed few years ago led to the prediction that the water below ground in this kind of reservoirs has bursted to the surface of Earth during relatively fast expansion of the Earth radius by a scale factor of 2. This explains the findings that the continents seem to fit nicely together to form a connected continent covering the whole surface of Earth provided the radius of Earth is one half of its present values. A phase transition increasing the value of effective Planck constant by factor 2 at some level of hierarchy of space-time sheets would be in question. These discrete expansions would define the counterpart for continuous cosmological expansion at the level of many-sheeted space-time.

Nasa's quantum space-time ship questioned

The researchers from NASA have reported a new kind of mechanism generating a small momentum without any identifiable counter momentum required by Newton's laws (see this). The system involves RF cavity excited at 935 MHz frequency claimed to cause the thrust on low-thrust torsion pendulum. The thrust is very small: 30-50 micro-Newtons.

The claim of course raises the eyebrows of physicists and strong critique has been represented. Instead of labeling the researchers as crackpots one can ask whether there could be counter momentum but such that we cannot measure it with our recent technology. Here TGD might provide a possible answer. Also the system studied has field body or magnetic body. The small unbalanced momentum would go the dark matter at the magnetic body identifiable as large heff=n× h phase.

I have proposed that the transfer of momentum and energy between system and its magnetic body or magnetic body of some other system could be basic elements of metabolism in living matter. Magnetic body could serve as kind of fuel storage storing energy as cyclotron energy. One can imagine several mechanisms. One example is following. Suppose that there is dark RF radiation with large photon energies at the magnetic body of the RF cavity, which is spontaneously magnetized: the dark RF photons could have been created by this process. Kind of dark Alfwen waves might be in question. Suppose that the flux tubes of RF cavity reconnect with those of the magnetic body of pendulum. The dark photons could be transferred to the pendulum and transform to ordinary photons and provide it with momentum. Since the dark photons at the flux tubes of the magnetic body of RF cavity are not seen experimentally, an apparent violation of momentum conservation is observed. This is what comes first in mind and is probably not the simplest explanation. What is important is the idea of large energy and momentum transfer
between the system and its field body.

The dark RF photons could be absorbed by the magnetic body of pendulum and momentum could be transferred then to the pendulum. induce flow of charged particles from magnetic body to the pendulum where they would become dark and suffer a spontaneous magnetization. This would libererate large energy since the interaction energy of spin with the magnetic field is proportional to heff and therefore large. RF radiation inducing boiling of water could be analogous effect.

Electron mechanism of anesthesia

Luca Turin is the researcher who found strong evidence that odor perception involves infrared light and that quantum effect is in question. Now Turin has represented experimental evidence that electron currents through cell membrane are essential for consciousness by studying the effects of anesthetes (see this). The effectiviness of anesthete correlates directly with its lipid solubility. It seems that general anesthetes can bind to lipids. The study of Turin and colleagues suggests that anesthetes affect the internal electronic structure of proteins and change the electronic currents through the cell membrane.

In TGD framework electronic and also ionic supracurrents are essential for consciousness. They run along as pairs of electrons at parallel flux tubes. S=1 Cooper pairs have large negative spin-spin interaction energy if magnetic fluxes have same direction due to the large value of heff to which this energy is proportional S=0 states of Cooper pairs spins are possible if magnetic fluxes have opposite directions. This mechanism could work also for high temperature super conductivity and it is now known that anti-ferromagnetism suggesting strongly antiparallel flux tubes as current carriers is essential for high temperature superconductivity.

The TGD inspired model for cell membrane assumes that transmembrane proteins act as generalized Josephson junctions. In other words, the Josephson energy contains besides electrostatic energy difference over the membrane also the difference of cyclotron energies at the two sides of the membrane and this contribution dominates over Josephson energy which varies - especially so during nerve pulses- and codes neural activity to the frequency modulations of the generalized Josephson radiation going to the magnetic body and in this manner communicating sensory input to it. If heff is proportional to the mass of charged particle, this energy is independent of particle and the spectrum of cyclotron photons emitted is universal and correspond to that for biophotons being in the visible and UV range and thus optimal for inducing molecular transitions so that they can be applied in biocontrol.

If this model is correct then the action of anesthetes would be simple: they would induce the loss of super-conductivity or cut the protein Josephson junctions through cell membrane. This is consistent with Turin's findings.


Anonymous said...

Matti atacked by "skeptiks":

whats is your opinion of pseudoskepticism?

Matti PItkanen said...

Nice to see that skeptics are finally reacting publicly. Shows that TGD cannot be anymore silenced down. They should not do this if they want to keep TGD under the rug.

In Finland pseudoskeptics form a kind of religious sect. They have organisation called Skepsis and they have published even handbook of skeptic giving standardised arguments which one can use as rhetoric weapons against people daring to think differently.

I have tried to discuss with them in their discussion group. I realized that they have they are bound to their beliefs so firmly that intelligent discussion is impossible. People believing in aether live the beginning of nineteenth century but pseudoskeptics are stuck to the times of French revolution.

Matti PItkanen said...

To Anonymous asking

"Matti, do you have any thoughts on the theory of stochastic optima control theory as it relates to the preferred extremals of Kahler action? Lagrangians, Hamiltonians".

Not a slightest one! Sorry! Kähler action geometric variational principle. The mathematics of minimal surfaces would be the natural counterpart: volume replaced with Kähler action.

All my understanding about it relies on playing with Kähler action using physical intuition given by geometry and Maxwell action: whose gauge invariance is replaced with symplectic invariance giving rise to the analog of it but only for vacuum externals, whose number is gigantic and leads to 4-D spin glass degeneracy and to the hierarchy of effective Planck constants, and breakdown of strict determinism possibly serving as space-time correlate for quantum non-determinism and probably relating to p-adic non-determinism too.

The attempt to apply some existing method emerged from totally different looking variational principle would very probably fail - at least in my case.

There are however strong hydrodynamical analogies and I have talked about them. In hydrodynamical system one have integrable flow meaning that one can provide flow lines with global coordinate, one could call it time. Intuitively this is not possible for random motion of particles assigned to gas phase. Brownian motion is just single particle motion. The mathematical
expression for this is the existence of integrable
factor: vector field is scalar times gradient of scalar and this scalar defines the coordinate along
flow lines. A generalisation of so called Beltrami flow to D=4 would be in question.

The proposal for preferred externals with Minkowskian signature of induced metric leads to
integrable flow of this kind. Light-like vector field
representing flow lines and polarisation vector field orthogonal to it. The scalars involved satisfy
massless d'Alembert equation so that also connection with massless classical fields is there.

This is what I can remember without going to look what I have written about it.

Matti PItkanen said...

To Anonymous asking

"Matti, do you have any thoughts on the theory of stochastic optima control theory as it relates to the preferred extremals of Kahler action? Lagrangians, Hamiltonians".

Not a slightest one! Sorry! Kähler action geometric variational principle. The mathematics of minimal surfaces would be the natural counterpart: volume replaced with Kähler action.

All my understanding about it relies on playing with Kähler action using physical intuition given by geometry and Maxwell action: whose gauge invariance is replaced with symplectic invariance giving rise to the analog of it but only for vacuum externals, whose number is gigantic and leads to 4-D spin glass degeneracy and to the hierarchy of effective Planck constants, and breakdown of strict determinism possibly serving as space-time correlate for quantum non-determinism and probably relating to p-adic non-determinism too.

The attempt to apply some existing method emerged from totally different looking variational principle would very probably fail - at least in my case.

There are however strong hydrodynamical analogies and I have talked about them. In hydrodynamical system one have integrable flow meaning that one can provide flow lines with global coordinate, one could call it time. Intuitively this is not possible for random motion of particles assigned to gas phase. Brownian motion is just single particle motion. The mathematical
expression for this is the existence of integrable
factor: vector field is scalar times gradient of scalar and this scalar defines the coordinate along
flow lines. A generalisation of so called Beltrami flow to D=4 would be in question.

The proposal for preferred externals with Minkowskian signature of induced metric leads to
integrable flow of this kind. Light-like vector field
representing flow lines and polarisation vector field orthogonal to it. The scalars involved satisfy
massless d'Alembert equation so that also connection with massless classical fields is there.

This is what I can remember without going to look what I have written about it.

Matti PItkanen said...

To Anonymous:

I looked for what viscosity solution means. The meaning is much more general than "viscosity" would suggest.

This kind of generalisation of the notion of
solution is indeed needed in TGD since space-time surfaces are manifolds only locally. For instance, space-time analogs of 3-vertices for Feynman diagrams are allowed. The 3-surface defining 4-D "line" of Feynman graph in imbedding space can branch: for instance, annihilation of photon to fermion pair could be the physical process.

This is also the geometric counterparts of replication in biology and I have proposed that the replication of parts of magnetic body induces biological replication: see .

There are some intriguing experimental findings about what happens to certain worms when they are split, supporting this picture. For instance, the
magnetic body for split worm would allow the
new worms developed front the pieces to have memories of the old worm!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry for that previous comment, typing on touchscreens is so frustrating!


question: I meant to ask, what do you think of Tate motives as they relate to p-adics and TGD?

--Stephen (aka Crow)

Ulla said...

Can this in some ways be linked to phantom waves as Gariaev saw it?

Matti PItkanen said...


I chopped of the accidental message by you.

Tate motives are only a word for me: I have impression that I encountered them while thinking about definition of p-adic manifold. I hope I could have time to learn them. Their understanding might quite well help help in the formulation of the notion of p-adic manifold.

In any case, I have adopted the strategy that it is best start directly from problem and trusts one's own ability to judge what might be a solution. Takes usually decades but often some recipes from literature do not work since they are developed in different context.

In the recent situation it is p-adics and real together which are needed. Not only p-adics. This distinguishes TGD from most of the work done by mathematicians and also by colleagues.

Matti PItkanen said...

To Ulla:

Looks very interesting. Fascinating that quantum entanglement is now so well-understood that it is possible to create new technologies.

*In this case one has two entangled visible-infrared photon pairs created by laser beam in two non-linear crystals. The destruction of entanglement between these photons is the signature telling that IR photon must have travelled through target and makes it possible to detect target profile.

*The object whose profile is to be photographed, is replaced between the crystals. The IR photons from second crystal - entangled with their red partners - and in the region behind target go through the target and combine with the infrared
photon from other crystal. This induces change in the state of entangled red photon since entanglement is reduced.

*This means formation of profile since de-entanglement occurs only the visible-IR photon pairs from crystal region behind target.