Monday, March 28, 2016

Evidence for rho or omega meson of M89 hadron physics

Evidence for M89 hadron physics is accumulating rapidly. I am grateful for Lubos for keeping book about the bumps: this helps enormously. In the latest posting I told about evidence for Z' a la TGD and indications for M89 J/Psi, which is vector meson. Now Lubos tells about excess, which could have interpretation as the lightest M89 vector meson - ρ89 or ω89. Mass is the predicted correctly with 5 per cent accuracy by the familiar p-adic scaling argument: multiply the mass of ordinary meson with 512.

Physics is sometimes simple but this does not mean that is numerology - as simple minded colleague, who prefers ultraheavy numerics instead of imaginative thinking, might argue: deep principles distilled through a work of 38 years are behind this simple rule.

This 375 GeV excess might indeed represent the lightest vector meson of M89 hadron physics. ρ and ω of standard hadron physics have mass 775 MeV and the scaled up mass is about 397 GeV, which is about 5 per cent heavier than the mass of Zgamma excess.

The decay ρ→ Z+γ describable at quark level via quark exchange diagram involving emission of Z and γ. The effective action would be proportional to Tr(ρ*γ*Z), where the product and trace are for antisymmetric field tensors. This kind effective action should describe also the decay to gamma pair. By angular momentum conservation the photons of gamma pairs should be in relative L=1 state. Since Z is relativistic, L=1 is expected to be favored also for Z+γ final state. Professional could immediately tell whether this is correct view.
Similar argument applies to the decay of ω which is isospin singlet. For charged ρ also decays to Wγ and WZ are possible. Note that the next lightest vector meson would be K* with mass 892 MeV. K89 should have mass 457 GeV.

For some reason also Lubos has got interested in powers of two and notices that 375 GeV is 1/2 of the famous 750 GeV. p-Adic length scale hypothesis might allow to understand these factors if octaves or even half octaves of particles are realized.

See the article Indications for the new physics predicted by TGD and chapter New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I of "p-Adic Physics".

For a summary of earlier postings see Links to the latest progress in TGD.


Anonymous said...

Perfectly foldable scalability of "space-time sheets" would require that they behave like A-series paper sheets with their inbuilt powers of two, with ratio of spread 1 to spread 2:

Maybe the spread 8/9 involved here too and the apparent numerological association with "89 hadron physics" is too numerological and poetic to be taken seriously by physicists afraid of the "public opinion", but why not just enjoy the joke, instead of worrying what colleges might think and say... ;) said...

Mersenne prime M_89 =2^89-1 is the origin behind the nomenclareture.

p-Adic primes maximally near to power of 2 should be physically preferred and the known physics support this. Ordinary hadron physics corresponds to M_107 as also tau lepton. Electron corresponds to M_127, atomic nuclei and muon to Gaussian Mersennes M_{G,113}. Weak physics to M_89.

Also Gaussian Mersennes (1+i)^n-1 seem to be fundamental and for instance correspond to fundamental biological length scales. M_{G,79} is also there and could correspond to a second copy of hadron physics and second generation weak bosons. TGD would predict at least 3 new branches of new physics. If I were Witten I would have been nobelist long time ago;-).

Space-time sheet is a convenient mental image. One should not concretize it too much. They have locally 4-D projection to M^4 factor of M^4. That's all! In order to communicate at all one must cheat somewhat.

In particular, they probably have no boundaries but are obtained by gluing along boundaries two different sheets co-inciding at their boundaries. This brings in mind the construction of Connes in which space-time was replaced with a pair of space-times.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, M_89 has the second most dense Collatz tree stopping time/path length of all known Mersenne primes, after M_3, according to table 1 of this paper:

More on 3n+1 problem and recent work on it:

and/or lecture:

Matti Pitkänen said...

It is rather difficult to say anything abot Collatz tree. One can imagine infintie variety of this kind of processes and do numerics with them. I am just physicsts and a human being, and this severely limits my reources;-). I simply do not capacity to seriously study this kind of process with no obvious connection with physics.

It is interesting that for Mersenne integers the length of tree as function of n in M_n obeys a nice formula. I guess that it reflects the fact that Mersenne primes are somehow highly information rich primes. Maybe this relates to the fact that the corresponding negentropy log(M_n) is very nearly integer number of bits. Also the fact that Collatz tree for powers of two supports this view.