Thursday, November 07, 2024

Blackhole that grew quite too fast

Marko Manninen asked for the TGD view concerning the recently found black-hole like object (BH), which seems to gobble the matter from the environment much faster than it should. The findings described in the popular article with title "'Fastest-feeding' black hole of the early universe found. But does it break the laws of physics?" (see this). The article about the discovery is published in Nature.

This BH, cataloged as LID-568, found by the James Webb telescope, identified as dwarf blackhole, existed 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang. It should have gotten its mass of more than 7 million solar masses in 12 million years. The rate for its formation would have been 40 times too high.

General Relativity poses an upper limit for the rate with which a blackhole can consume matter, known as the Eddington limit (see this). The limit describes the balance between the rate of the infalling matter and the rate of the radiation produced by the infall that then pushes back on the accreting matter. At the limit the feedback shuts down the accretion.

Objects thought to be black holes often differ in many respects from the black holes of general relativity. In particular, the giant BHs of the very early universe and BHs associated with quasars and the cores of galaxies do so. Star-born BHs could be ordinary blackholes but the giant BHs might be something different. Also the dwarf backhole found by JWST might be different. The basic mystery is why the giant BHs can be so large in the very early Universe if they are formed in the expected way. Do the BHs always grow by gobbling up matter from the environment? Recently I learned of two astrophysical anomalies. The first anomaly was blackhole which grew 40 times too fast.

TGD leads to a view of BHs different from the GR view. For the older view see this, this and this. For the more recent view see this, this, this and this.

  1. In TGD, BHs are not singularities containing their mass at a single point but correspond to portions of long cosmic strings (extremely thin string-like 3-surfaces), which have formed a tangle and thickened so that they fill the entire volume. The formation of this tangle could involve collision of two long cosmic strings. This could be the case for the spiral galaxies. BH property would mean that they are maximally dense.
  2. The thickening of the cosmic string liberates part of the energy of the cosmic string and BHs would transform in an explosive way into ordinary matter, which is feeded into the environment. The accretion disk would not be associated with the inflowing matter, but would be formed by the outflowing matter as it slows down in the gravitational field and forms a kind of traffic jam. Radiation could however escape, especially if behaves like dark matter in the TGD sense meaning that it has non-standard value Planck constant heff, the hierarchy of which is predicted by the number theoretic view of TGD and plays a key role in the understanding of living matter. The situation would be in many respects similar to the standard picture where the outgoing radiation would be produced by the infalling matter. At the QFT limit of TGD, replacing many-sheeted space-time with a region of Minkowski space made slightly curved, the metric in the exterior region would be in a good approximation Schwartschild metric.
  3. This kind of object would be more like a white hole-like object (WH). Zero-energy ontology indeed predicts objects resembling ordinary blackholes as the time reversals of WHs. Matter would really fall into them. One can make quite precise predictions about the mass spectrum of these objects (see this.
This vision leads to a model for the formation of galaxies and generation of ordinary matter from the dark energy assignable to the cosmic strings, which would dominate in the very early Universe (see this and this).
  1. The collisions of the cosmic strings during the primordial string dominated cosmology are unavoidable for topological reasons and would lead to their thickening and heating inducing the formation of WHs and their explosive decay to ordinary matter. This would generate a radiation dominated phase, perhaps when the temperature approaches the Hagedorn temperature as a maximal temperature for string-like objects. These WHs would be the TGD equivalent for the vacuum energy of inflaton fields of inflation theory to decay to the ordinary matter.
  2. The energy of cosmic strings would have K\"ahler magnetic and volume parts and have interpretation as dark energy. There is now rather convincing evidence for a connection between dark energy and the giant blackholes (see this).
  3. The galactic dark matter would be dark energy of a cosmic string transversal to the galactic plane and containing galaxies along it: this has been known for decades! There would be no dark matter halo nor exotic dark matter particles. This predicts without further assumptions the flat velocity spectrum of the distant stars rotating around galaxies associated with very long cosmic strings and also solves the many problems of the halo models and MOND (see this). The gravitational force transforms from 1/r2 force created by the visible galactic matter to 1/ρ force created by the cosmic string at a critical radius. Under additional assumption this corresponds to a critical acceleration as in MOND (see this).
  4. TGD also predicts dark matter-like macroscopically quantum coherent phases of ordinary matter for which the effective Planck constant heff is large. In particular, the gravitational resp. electric Planck constants associated with long range classical gravitational resp. electric fields can be very large. The generation of these phases at gravitational magnetic bodies, for example in biology, solves the problem of missing baryonic matter, that is why baryonic (and also leptonic) matter gradually disappears during the cosmic evolution. There is evidence for this process also in particle physics (see this).
Let's return to the question whether TGD can explain why the BHs in question grow so fast. They would not do so by gobbling the matter from the environment but receive it from the long cosmic string. The energy of the thickening string filament is converted into matter and generates a WH. This could happen much faster than the growth of a black hole in the usual way. At this moment it is not possible to estimate the rate of this process but it could also explain how the early Universe can contain these giant blackhole-like objects.

See the article The blackhole that grew too fast and why Vega has no planets? or the chapter About the recent TGD based view concerning cosmology and astrophysics.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

1 comment:

  1. BHs seem to be splitted by the Big Singularity of the former Big Crunch Black Hole splitted from a former universe.
