Thursday, November 07, 2024

Early Universe was empty and featureless: really?

I encountered a popular article (see this) with the title "Einstein Was Right After All: Webb Telescope Observes Emptiness in the Extremely Early Universe". The article states that the early universe approached featureless space predicted by the standard cosmology, also predicting that various structures emerged later. To me, the findings of the James Webb telescope suggest something very different. JWT has found highly evolved galaxies and giant blackholes, which should not exist in the very early universe.

On the other hand, in a certain sense the claim conforms with the TGD view predicting that the very early Universe was dominated by string-like objects, 4-surfaces looking like extremely thin strings. I call them cosmic strings. This is of course something very different from the predicton of GRT. Thee matter density due to cosmic behaved like 1/a2, where a denotes the cosmic time defined by the Lorentz invariant light-cone proper time. This means that the mass of the comoving volume went to zero like a. In this sense the Universe became empty.

The energy of the cosmic string can be identified as dark energy, somewhat surprisingly also identifiable as galactic dark matter located at the cosmic strings, there would be no halo. The decay of tangles of cosmic strings to ordinary matter as analog of the vacuum energy of inflaton fields would generate the ordinary galactic matter and the energy density of cosmic strings creates the gravitational force explaining the flat velocity spectrum of distant stars.

See the article About the recent TGD based view concerning cosmology and astrophysics or the chapter with the same title.

For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.

For the lists of articles (most of them published in journals founded by Huping Hu) and books about TGD see this.

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