Friday, May 06, 2005

Dark matter and grey matter

This posting is a continuation to the previous one relating to the interaction of visible and dark matter so that I do not bother to repeat the definitions. A simple order of magnitude model for condensed dark matter derived by scaling from an elementary model of condensed matter together with the finding that the basic neuronal modules in cortex have 1 mm size, roughly the predicted size of dark matter super-atoms, suggests that dark matter and grey matter might have a lot in common.

1. Simple model for dark condensed matter and dark molecules

The BE condensates containing N_{cr} dark atoms define what might be called dark super-atoms. One cannot avoid asking whether these super-atoms could form molecular structures with a typical distance between super-atoms given by dark Bohr radius a_d=about .2*X^2 mm, and whether also the dark counterpart of the condensed matter could exist. Even super-dark counterparts of bio-molecules can be imagined. One can also wonder whether the 1 mm sized basic structural units of cortex might be visible matter quantum controlled by a dark condensed matter. This prelude motivates the following simple scaling arguments allowing to deduce the basic characteristics of the spectrum of dark super molecules.
  • The scale for the vibrational energy spectrum of dark super-molecules would be given by hbar_s*sqrt{k/N_{cr}m} with elastic constant behaving as k propto 1/a_d^2 so that dark vibrational energy spectrum would relate by a factor (hbar/hbar_s)/N_{cr}=about 2^{-11}/N_{cr} to the ordinary spectrum of vibrational energies. The scale of the rotational energy energy spectrum would be hbar^2_s/(a_d^2*N_{cr}) being by a factor N_{cr} smaller than for ordinary molecules. Since the ratio of scales for rotational and vibrational energies is about 10^{-3} for ordinary molecules, these scales would be essentially same for dark molecules and about 10^{-4}/N_{cr} eV corresponding to frequencies f < 1 GHz for ordinary light.
  • Also the dark counterparts of condensed matter phases can be imagined. The lattice constant would be of order a_d and the widths of electronic energy bands would be below the maxima of electronic kinetic energies hbar^2_s*pi^2/(2*m_e*a^2_d)=about 10^{-4} eV. A more precise estimate in the case of solids is obtained from the scaling of the Fermi energy determined by the density of electrons which is at most 2N_{cr} electrons per atomic volume at a given energy level. In free electron approximation the Fermi energy of electron determining the width of the band is given by E_F(dark)=about (hbar/hbar_s)^2*N_{cr}^{2/3}*E_F, E_F= (3*pi^2/2^{1/2})^{2/3}*(hbar^2/a^2*m_e) , and differs from the rough estimate by N_{cr}^{2/3} factor.
A fascinating question is whether the IR spectrum of say water could reveal the presence of dark condensed matter. The IR spectrum of water exhibits some structure in the wavelength region containing the wavelengths lambda(1--> infty)=46.5*X^2 microm and lambda (1-->2)=62.0*X^2 microm. There are two peaks at wavelengths whose ratio is somewhat smaller than lambda(1-->2)/lambda(1-->infty)=3/4. The value of v_0 estimated from the lower peak is v_0 =about 5.8*10^{-4} for X=1 and suspiciously large as compared to the nominal value 4.8*10^{-4}. Since X depends on atom no sharp peaks are expected. Furthermore, if dark super-atoms form a condensed matter phase in the proposed sense, dark atom energy levels are widened to energy bands with the maximal width of the band being E_{max}=about N_{cr}^{2/3}*10^{-4} eV in free electron approximation so that one has Delta lambda/lambda about .1*N_{cr}^{2/3}. It deserves to be noticed that ordinary radiation in the wavelength range .3 mm-30 cm is strongly absorbed by water molecules whereas the frequencies below and above this range are either too slow or fast for a considerable absorption to occur. Therefore the ordinary photons generated in the transitions of dark atoms and molecules would have a maximal effect on bio-molecules. The size of the basic multi-neuron modules in the cortex is about 1 mm so that the idea that grey matter might be controlled by a dark variant of condensed matter with an atomic volume about 1 mm^3 is irresistible. Vibrational, rotational, and electronic transitions would generate dark photon BE condensates mediating coupling of the dark condensed matter with ordinary matter at IR, microwave and radio frequencies. One can also play with the thought that linear dark super molecules could realize genetic code at the level of cognition: these super molecules would code for "cognitive proteins" identifiable as linear strongly coupled structures formed by the structural modules of the cortex and serving as neural correlates for sequences of associations.

2. A connection with bio-photons

The biologically active radiation at UV energies was first discovered by Russian researcher Gurwitsch using a very elegant experimental arrangement. Gurwitsch christened this radiation mitogenetic radiation since it was especially intense during the division of cell. A direct proof for the biological activity of mitogenetic radiation consisted of a simple experiment in which either quartz or glass plate was put between two samples. The first sample contained already growing onion roots whereas the second sample contained roots which did not yet grow. In the case of quartz plate no stimulation of growth occurred unlike for glass plate. Since quartz is not transparent to UV light wheras the ordinary glass is, the conclusion was that the stimulation of growth is due to UV light. The phenomenon was condemned by skeptics as a pseudo science and only the modern detection technologies demonstrated its existence (Popp), and mitogenetic radiation became also known as bio-photons (there is also a TGD based model for bio-photons). Bio-photons form a relatively featureless continuum at visible wavelengths continuing also to UV energies, and are believed to be generated by DNA or at least to couple with DNA. The emission of bio-photons is most intense from biologically active organisms and the irradiation by UV light induces an emission of mitogenetic radiation by a some kind of amplification mechanism. It has been suggested that bio-photons represent some kind of leakage of a coherent light emitted by living matter. Dark radiation with wavelengths coming as sub-harmonics of the dark atomic distance a_d =about 1 mm is predicted. This radiation would correspond to visible and UV wave lengths for the ordinary photons: bio-photons have energies in this energy range. According to Russian researcher V. M. Injushin, mitochondrios emit red light at wavelengths 620 nm and 680 nm corresponding to energies 2 eV and 1.82 eV. According to the same source, the nucleus of cell sends UV light at wavelengths 190, 280 and 330 nm corresponding to the energies 6.5, 4.4 and 3.8 eV. The interpretation as a kind of leakage of coherent light would conform with the identification in terms of BE condensates of dark photons with hbar_s/hbar=about 2^{11} emitted at wavelengths varying in the range .3-1.25 mm and decaying to photons with energies visible and UV range. For instance, 1.82 eV radiation corresponds to a dark photon wave length of 1.4 mm for v_0(eff)= 2^{-11}. A bio-control of ordinary bio-matter at sub-cellular level performed by dark matter from the millimeter length scale could be in question. This proposal conforms with the fact that 1 mm defines the scale of the blobs of neurons serving as structural units in cortex. The analysis of Kirlian photographs has shown that the pattern of visible light emitted by various body parts, for instance ear, code information about other body parts. These bio-holograms for which I have proposed a TGD based general model, could be realized as dark photon laser beams. In phantom DNA effect a chamber containing DNA is irradiated with a visible laser light and the DNA generates as a response coherent visible radiation at same wavelength. Strangely enough, the chamber continues to emit weak laser light even after the removal of DNA. This effect could be due to the decay of a dark photon BE condensate remaining in the chamber. Also the findings of Peter Gariaev about the effects of visible laser light on DNA, in particular the stimulated emission of radio waves in kHz-MHz frequency range might also relate to dark photons somehow. For more details see the chapter Quantum Coherent Dark Matter and Bio-Systems as Macroscopic Quantum Systems of "Genes, Memes, Qualia,...". Matti Pitkanen

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