Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cosmology in Crisis

Big bang cosmology is in a middle of deep crisis. Various aspects of the situation were discussed in the first Crisis in Cosmology conference held 23-25 June 2005 in Portugal. One of the most serious arguments against Big Bang cosmology is the evidence that the age distribution of stars in galaxies does not depend on the age of the galaxy: ss if the cosmology were steady state cosmology in a sharp contrast to the voluminous experimental evidence suggesting an expanding cosmology. This is discussed in New Scientist (July 2 2005). The defenders of the standard cosmology have claimed that the measurement inaccuracies are so high that one cannot draw definite conclusions about the situation.

In TGD framework, the independence of the age distribution of stars on the age of the galaxy would add a further item to the long list of paradoxes due to the erratic identification of the notions of geometric time and experienced time. The TGD based explanation of the anomaly generalizes the earlier model for the shrinking of planetary radii for which there is also evidence and the anomalous acceleration of space-crafts observed in NASA.

Rather unexpectedly, the finding lends support for the basic predictions of TGD inspired theory of consciousness including the existence of the infinite hierarchy of conscious entities, and allows to considerably sharpen the earlier view about the relationship between geometric and experienced time.

Consider first the core ideas related to the correspondence between geometric time and experienced time.

  • The experience about flow of time results when the space-time sheet X4o associated with the observer drifts relative to the space-time sheet of the environment X4e quantum jump by quantum jump towards geometric future (this is like driving car in four-dimensional landscape towards geometric future). The quantum jump sequence giving rise to conscious experience is mapped to a set of increasing values of geometric time.
  • Quantum jumps induce dissipation and the the larger the dissipation the shorter the average increment of geometric time in single quantum jump. p-Adic length scale hierarchy defines a hierarchy of average durations for quantum jumps corresponding to temporal and spatial resolutions of conscious experience. Maximal resolution corresponds to CP2 length scale.
  • The hierarchy for the values of Planck constant which corresponds also to a hierarchy of algebraic extensions of p-adic numbers and to increasing phase resolution in turn defines a hierarchy of durations of quantum jump: for large values of hbar the geometric duration of quantum jump becomes infinite and the experience is that of "Eternal Now". For dark matter the durations of quantum jumps are indeed large.
  • By quantum classical correspondence geometric time evolution serves as a correlate for the evolution by quantum jumps. The basic goal of living systems is to get as far to geometric future as possible in order to experience what more advanced universe feels like. This is achieved by minimizing dissipation, increasing the value of p-adic prime (size of the system), or by increasing hbar. Eastern meditative practices could be seen as a systematic experimental approach in this respect.
  • The time mirror mechanism for the realization of intentional action allows to overcome various paradoxes, and leads to a rather detailed view about how intentional action and sensory experience give rise to the experience about a flow of time with sensory experience about single moment of geometric time rather than entire 4-D space-time sheet of conscious entity and with intentional inertness of the geometric past of the space-time sheet guaranteing that the quantum jumps affecting my geometric childhood subjectively now do not suddenly change me from a physicist to a musician. One can say that life cycle is like a statue carved from a rough sketch by proceeding from heels to head.
  • A further paradox relates to the possibility that the rate of time flow (increment of geometric time per quantum jump) is different for conscious entities able to communicate. If this were the case, I could find to my astonishment that my friend has become intentionally inert statue or that he would be in quantum superposition of quite different macroscopic configurations corresponding to alternative intentions which he has not yet realized. This is avoided if the rate of time flow is same and this is the case if the macroscopically quantum coherent dark matter determines the rate of time flow at our level in the hierarchy of conscious entities. The three paradoxical findings in astrophysics and cosmology support the view that this is the case even in astrophysical and cosmological length and time scales.

The core argument in the explanation for the shrinking of the orbital radii of planets and for the independence of the age distribution of stars on the age of galaxy goes as follows.

  • Assume that the Newtonian radii correspond to the radial coordinate r of the Robertson-Walker coordinate system with origin at the Sun. Assume that quantum jumps have physical effects even in astrophysical length scales, and are such that they compensate completely the increase of the distance s of the planet from Sun caused by the cosmic expansion so that s= a∫0r dr/(1+r2)≈ ar stays constant apart from the oscillatory variation caused by the non-circular motion.
  • This situation is achieved if the space-time sheet X4o associated with the observer drifts with respect to the space-time sheet X4p associated with the planetary system, which in turn drifts with the same velocity at the space-time sheet X4g of galaxy. This implies that the change of perceived 3-D environment at X4p due to the drift of X4o at X4p is compensated by the drift of X4p at X4g.
  • In the same manner, the independence of the age distribution of stars on the age of galaxy can be understood if X4o drifts at X4g with the same velocity as X4g sheets drift at the cosmological space-time sheet X4c. The equality of the drift velocities is consistent with the hypothesis that field/magnetic bodies of even galactic size contribute to our conscious experience.
  • Also p-adic fractality implying cosmologies with cosmologies picture suggests that the age distribution of stars does not depend on the age of galaxy.

The assumption that dark matter is in a quantum coherent state in astrophysical and even cosmic length and time scales means that the systems consisting of dark matter do not dissipate much and thus do not drift much with respect to each other.

Since Universe consists mostly of dark (energy and) matter, the shrinking of planetary radii and the constancy of the age distributions of stars in galaxies can be seen as an evidence for the quantum coherence of dark matter and for the assumption that dark matter at our magnetic bodies is what makes us intentional agents. The findings support also the view that universe is conscious even in the length and time scales of galaxies and even enjoy what meditative practices call enlightened states or cosmic consciousness and that these length scales contribute also to our consciousness.

For more details see the chapter Quantum Coherent Dark Matter and Bio-Systems as Macroscopic Quantum Systems of "Genes, Memes, Qualia,..." or the chapter TGD and Astrophysics of "TGD".

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