Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Revised p-adic calculations of hadron masses

The progress in the understanding Kähler coupling strength led to considerable increase in the understanding of hadronic masses. I list those points which are of special importance elements for the revised model.

1. Higgs contribution to fermion masses is negligible

There are good reasons to believe that Higgs expectation for the fermionic space-time sheets is vanishing although fermions couple to Higgs. Thus p-adic thermodynamics would explain fermion masses completely. This together with the fact that the prediction of the model for the top quark mass is consistent with the most recent limits on it, fixes the CP2 mass scale with a high accuracy to the maximal one obtained if second order contribution to electron's p-adic mass squared vanishes. This is very strong constraint on the model.

2. The p-adic length scale of quark is dynamical

The assumption about the presence of scaled up variants of light quarks in light hadrons is not new. It leads to a surprisingly successful model for pseudo scalar meson masses using only quark masses and the assumption mass squared is additive for quarks with same p-adic length scale and mass for quarks labelled by different primes p. This conforms with the idea that pseudo scalar mesons are Goldstone bosons in the sense that color Coulombic and magnetic contributions to the mass cancel each other. Also the mass differences between hadrons containing different numbers of strange and heavy quarks can be understood if s, b and c quarks appear as several scaled up versions.

This hypothesis yields surprisingly good fit for meson masses but for some mesons the predicted mass is slightly too high. The reduction of CP2 mass scale to cure the situation is not possible since top quark mass would become too low. In case of diagonal mesons for which quarks correspond to same p-adic prime, quark contribution to mass squared can be reduced by ordinary color interactions and in the case of non-diagonal mesons one can require that quark contribution is not larger than meson mass.

3. Super-canonical bosons at hadronic space-time sheet can explain the constant contribution to baryonic masses

Quarks explain only a small fraction of the baryon mass and that there is an additional contribution which in a good approximation does not depend on baryon. This contribution should correspond to the non-perturbative aspects of QCD.

A possible identification of this contribution is in terms of super-canonical gluons predicted by TGD. Baryonic space-time sheet with k=107 would contain a many-particle state of super-canonical gluons with net conformal weight of 16 units. This leads to a model of baryons masses in which masses are predicted with an accuracy better than 1 per cent. Super-canonical gluons also provide a possible solution to the spin puzzle of proton. One ends up also to a prediction αsK=1/4 at hadronic space-time sheet.

Hadronic string model provides a phenomenological description of non-perturbative aspects of QCD and a connection with the hadronic string model indeed emerges. Hadronic string tension is predicted correctly from the additivity of mass squared for J= bound states of super-canonical quanta. If the topological mixing for super-canonical bosons is equal to that for U type quarks then a 3-particle state formed by super-canonical quanta from the first generation and 1 quantum from the second generation would define baryonic ground state with 16 units of conformal weight.

In the case of mesons pion could contain super-canonical boson of first generation preventing the large negative contribution of the color magnetic spin-spin interaction to make pion a tachyon. For heavier bosons super-canonical boson need not to be assumed. The preferred role of pion would relate to the fact that its mass scale is below QCD Λ.

4. Description of color magnetic spin-spin splitting in terms of conformal weight

Conformal weight replaces energy as the basic variable but group theoretical structure of color magnetic contribution to the conformal weight associated with hadronic space-time sheet ($k=107$) is same as in case of energy. The predictions for the masses of mesons are not so good than for baryons, and one might criticize the application of the format of perturbative QCD in an essentially non-perturbative situation.

The comparison of the super-canonical conformal weights associated with spin 0 and spin 1 states and spin 1/2 and spin 3/2 states shows that the different masses of these states could be understood in terms of the super-canonical particle contents of the state correlating with the total quark spin. The resulting model allows excellent predictions also for the meson masses and implies that only pion and kaon can be regarded as Goldstone boson like states. The model based on spin-spin splittings is consistent with the model.

To sum up, the model provides an excellent understanding of baryon and meson masses. This success is highly non-trivial since the fit involves only the integers characterizing the p-adic length scales of quarks and the integers characterizing color magnetic spin-spin splitting plus p-adic thermodynamics and topological mixing for super-canonical gluons. The next challenge would be to predict the correlation of hadron spin with super-canonical particle content in the case of long-lived hadrons.

For the revised p-adic mass calculations hadron masses see the revised chapter p-Adic mass calculations: hadron masses.

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