Thursday, December 27, 2007

Winds of change

Times are changing. Some time ago we learned in Peter Woit's blog that particle physics funding has been dropped dramatically in US. Iraq is one explanation. A much more plausible explanation is that it does not make sense to build gigantic accelerators if there is no theory able to make testable predictions. The gigantic data stream is completely useless unless we have theories making clear predictions.

For a decade ago anyone talking seriously about quantum biology was regarded as a mad man and in certain circles near to me this is the situation still ("No nonsense" as these fellows express their deep convictions about what is possible and what is not). Also the idea that number theory might have something to do with physics is sheer madness for these besserwissers of science. However, from the recent blog posting of Peter Woit we learn that an institute known as DARPA is starting to fund a research closely related to two basic branches of TGD which I have been developing for more than decade.

The first program "Geometric Langlands and Quantum Physics" is the application of Geometric Langlands program to Fundamental Physics: there is a book about "TGD as a Generalized Number Theory" program at my homepage containing also a chapter about number theoretical Langlands program which might be unified with the geometric one using the notion of infinite prime.

Second program is titled "Biological Quantum Field Theory". I have 8 books about TGD inspired theory of consciousness and of quantum biology at my homepage. DNA as a topological quantum computer is one particular application that I have been intensely developing during the last month. The irony is that it is military which seems to realize first what is important rather than so called "serious" scientists.

1 comment:

Kea said...

The military are always amongst the first to appreciate new ideas in physics, because they have a fine appreciation for history and new physics always leads to greater military capabilities. Wanting a better world isn't about ignoring such possibilities, but about understanding how to manage them.