Tuesday, December 18, 2007

DNA as a topological quantum computer: VII

In previous postings I, II, III, IV, V, VI I have discussed how DNA topological quantum computation could be realized.

If Josephson current through cell membrane ceases during tqc, tqc manifests itself as the presence of only EEG rhythm characterized by an appropriate cyclotron frequency (see posting VI). Synchronous neuron firing and various rhythms dominating during sleep and meditation might therefore relate to tqc. The original idea that a phase shift of EEG is induced by the voltage initiating tqc - although wrong - was however useful in that it inspired the question whether the initiation of tqc could have something to do with what is known as a place coding by phase shifts performed by hippocampal pyramidal cells (see this and this). Playing with this idea provides important insights about the construction of quantum memories and demonstrates the amazing explanatory power of the paradigm once again.

The model also makes explicit important conceptual differences between tqc a la TGD and in the ordinary sense of word: in particular those related to different view about the relation between subjective and geometric time.

(see posting VI) could have something to do with what is known as a place coding by phase shifts performed by hippocampal pyramidal cells (see this and this). The answer turns out to be negative but playing with this idea provides important insights about the construction of quantum memories and demonstrates the amazing explanatory power of the paradigm once again.

The model also makes explicit important conceptual differences between tqc a la TGD and in the ordinary sense of word: in particular those related to different view about the relation between subjective and geometric time.

  1. In TGD tqc corresponds to the unitary process U taking place following by a state function reduction and preparation. It replaces configuration space ("world of classical worlds") spinor field with a new one. Configuration space spinor field represent generalization of time evolution of Schrödinger equation so that a quantum jump occurs between entire time evolutions. Ordinary tqc corresponds to Hamiltonian time development starting at time t=0 and halting at t=T to a state function reduction.

  2. In TGD the expression of the result of tqc is essentially 4-D pattern of gene expression (spiking pattern in the recent case). In usual tqc it would be 3-D pattern emerging as the computation halts at time t. Each moment of consciousness can be seen as a process in which a kind of 4-D statue is carved by starting from a rough sketch and proceeding to shorter details and building fractally scaled down variants of the basic pattern. Our life cycle would be a particular example of this process and would be repeated again and again but of course not as an exact copy of the previous one.

1. Empirical findings

The place coding by phase shifts was discovered by O'Reefe and Recce. Y. Yamaguchi describes the vision in which memory formation by so called theta phase coding is essential for the emergence of intelligence. It is known that hippocampal pyramidal cells have "place property" being activated at specific "place field" position defined by an environment consisting of recognizable objects serving as landmarks. The temporal change of the percept is accompanied by a sequence of place unit activities. The theta cells exhibit change in firing phase distributions relative to the theta rhythm and the relative phase with respect to theta phase gradually increases as the rat traverses the place field. In a cell population the temporal sequence is transformed into a phase shift sequence of firing spikes of individual cells within each theta cycle.

Thus a temporal sequence of percepts is transformed into a phase shift sequence of individual spikes of neurons within each theta cycle along linear array of neurons effectively representing time axis. Essentially a time compressed representation of the original events is created bringing in mind temporal hologram. Each event (object or activity in perceptive field) is represented by a firing of one particular neuron at time τn measured from the beginning of the theta cycle. τn is obtained by scaling down the real time value tn of the event. Note that there is some upper bound for the total duration of memory if scaling factor is constant.

This scaling down - story telling - seems to be a fundamental aspect of memory. Our memories can even abstract the entire life history to a handful of important events represented as a story lasting only few seconds. This scaling down is thought to be important not only for the representation of the contextual information but also for the memory storage in the hippocampus. Yamaguchi and collaborators have also found that the gradual phase shift occurs at half theta cycle whereas firings at the the other half cycle show no correlation. One should also find an interpretation for this.

2. TGD based interpretation of findings

How this picture relates to TGD based 4-D view about memory in which primary memories are stored in the brain of the geometric past?

  1. The simplest option is the initiation of tqc like process in the beginning of each theta cycle of period T and having geometric duration T/2. The transition T→ T/2 conforms nicely with the fundamental hierarchy of time scales comings as powers defining the hierarchy of measurement resolutions and associated with inclusions of HFFs. In this picture the increasing phase shift cannot correspond to the phase shift associated with the initiation of tqc. That firing is random at second half of cycle could simply mean that no tqc is performed and that the second half is used to code the actual events of "geometric now".

  2. In accordance with the vision about the hierarchy of Planck constants defining a hierarchy of time scales of long term memories and of planned action, the scaled down variants of memories would be obtained by down-wards scaling of Planck constant for the dark space-time sheet representing the original memory. In principle a scaling by any factor 1/n (actually by any rational) is possible and would imply the scaling down of the geometric time span of tqc and of light-like braids. One would have tqcs inside tqcs and braids within braids (flux quanta within flux quanta). The coding of the memories to braidings would be an automatic process as almost so also the formation of their zoomed down variants.

  3. A mapping of the time evolution defining memory to a linear array of neurons would take place. This can be understood if the scaled down variant (scaled down value of hbar) of the space-time sheet representing original memory is parallel to the linear neuron array and contains at scaled down time value tn a stimulus forcing nth neuron to fire. The 4-D character of the expression of the outcome of tqc allows to achieve this automatically without complex program structure.

To sum up, it seems that the scaling of Planck constant of time like braids provides a further fundamental mechanism not present in standard tqc allowing to build fractally scaled down variants of not only memories but tqc:s in general. The ability to simulate in shorter time scale is a certainly very important prerequisite of intelligent and planned behavior. This ability has also a space-like counterpart: it will be found that the scaling of Planck constant associated with space-like braids connecting bio-molecules might play a fundamental role in DNA replication, control of transcription by proteins, and translation of mRNA to proteins. A further suggestive conclusion is that the period T associated with a given EEG rhythm defines a sequence of tqc:s having geometric span T/2 each: the rest of the period would be used to perceive the environment of the geometric now. The fractal hierarchy of EEGs would mean that there are tqcs within tqcs in a very wide range of time scales.

For details see the new chapter DNA as Topological Quantum Computer of "Genes and Memes".

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