Friday, March 13, 2009

New bounds on Higgs mass

CDF and D0 team have managed to pose further limit on the range for Higgs masses: see the postings of Tommas Dorigo and Lubos Motl.

With 90 per cent confidence level the Higgs is excluded in the range 157-181 GeV, which limits Higgs boson mass either to the narrow interval 181-185 GeV or to the interval 114-157 GeV. The earlier data taking all data except that from LEP II and Tevatron favor mass around 80 GeV. If also LEPT II and Tevatron data are inclued the favored mass range 115-135 GeV.

I have already earlier described TGD prediction for Higgs mass from p-adic thermodynamics. The free parameter in TGD calculation is p-adic mass scale coming as half octaves. One must consider the possibility that Higgs might appear with several mass scales and the inconsistency of mass determinations indeed encourages to do this. In this case the TGD predictions for the masses would be 89 GeV and 129 GeV. Lubos articulates in his posting that "a very weak excess of confidence may favor a Higgs near 130 GeV", which happens to be the TGD prediction. We - with me strongly included - are living interesting times!

Just after media had taught us that finding Higgs was for what LHC was born, we learn that it might be actually Tevatron, which wins the race for discovering the Higgs since LHC is tailor made to find Higgs with higher mass scale. There is however no reason to think that LHC was built in vain. Entire M89 hadron physics with overall hadronic mass scale by a factor 512 higher than for standard hadron physics is patiently waiting for its discoverers. Let us hope that it will be discovered. Let us however add that this is not easy since the experimenters -at least officially- have no idea about its existence. Professional scientists refuse to listen - officially at least- the "predictions" of some pathetic academically teased crackpot theorist without slightest academic credentials;-).

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