Friday, May 21, 2010

Strong CP breaking observed in BBbar system?

Both Lubos Motl, Tommaso Dorigo, and Jester comment the strong breaking of CP symmetry in B-Bbar system claimed by D0 collaboration. The claimed symmetry breaking is about 50 times larger than the breaking predicted by the standard model, and manifests itself as an asymmetry in the production of μ+μ+ and μ-μ- pairs in the decays producing B0Bbar0 pairs. The asymmetry is due to the oscillations between almost mass degenerate states B0 and Bbar0. It is the mass difference which is much larger than predicted one.

In TGD framework one can imagine a very general CP breaking mechanism due to the presence of imaginary exponent of the instanton density associated with Kähler action. A second very geometric mechanism is suggested by zero energy ontology. The basic notion is causal diamond (CD) defined as the intersection of future and past directed lightcones of Minkowski space (times CP2 to be precise). The moduli space for CDs within given CD defining a preferred rest system consists of translations of the lower tip of sub-CD, which are continuous plus discrete moduli space for the relative position of the upper tip of the sub-CD relative to lower tip. This dicretization has turned out to be necessary for the p-adicization program and it could resolve also some cosmological mysteries as I have explained in earlier postings.

One could argue that the asymmetry between CDs could induce CP breaking. One could also argue that the overall cm degrees of freedom are associated with entire CD rather than lower tip so that no CP breaking should results. I am not sure. It might be that the rest system of larger CD is the natural one and indeed induces a spontaneous CP breaking within it.

Loops involving a decay to W bosons by top quark exchange are responsible for the CP breaking in standard model and the obvious guess is that there are new heavy fermions which contribute to the loops inducing 50 times larger CP breaking as expected. In TGD framework it is easy to imagine this kind of new fermions. One possibility is p-adically scaled up variant of top: I told about this in earlier posting. The new M89 hadronic physics would provide new fermions which could also contribute to the CP breaking. In principle everything is calculable since only weak interactions are involved unless the M89 hadrons couple to M61 weak bosons rather than the ordinary M89 ones. In this case they would have virtually no weak interactions. This possibility cannot be excluded.

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