Friday, June 03, 2011

New Data from ATLAS

Lubos commented last ATLAS release about dijet production. There is something which one might interpret as the presence of resonances above 3.3 TeV [see Fig. 2) of the article]. "With a modest does of optimism" Lubos manages to see this as a conformation of a stringy prediction. According to always-so-optimistic Lubos 150 GeV bump interpreted as Z' boson suffering leptophoby was the first success of string model;-). Lubos of course does not forget to tell that crackpots certainly get excited of this;-). Maybe he is right.

In a very optimistic mood I could believe that a new hadron physics is being discovered (150 GeV boson could be identified as charged pion and 325 GeV bumps could allow interpretation as kaons). With this almost killer dose of optimism the natural question is whether this extremely slight indication about new physics might have interpretation as a scaled up J/Psi and various other charmonium states above it giving rise to what is not single very wide bump to a family of several resonances in the range 3-4 TeV by scaling the 3-4 GeV range for charmonium resonances. For instance, J/Psi decay width is very small, about .1 MeV, which is about .3×10-4 of the mass of J/Psi. In the recent case direct scaling would give decay of about 300 MeV for the counterpart of J/Psi if the decay is also now slow for kinematic reasons. For other charmonium resonances the widths are measurement in per cents meaning in the recent case width of order of magnitude 30 GeV: this estimate looks more reasonable as the first estimate.

One can also now perform naive scalings. J/Psi has mass of about 3 GeV. If the scaling of ordinary pion mass from .14 GeV indeed gives something like 145 GeV then one can be very naive and apply the same scaling factor of about 1030 to get the scaled up J/Psi with mass of order 3.1 TeV. The better way to understand the situation is to assume that color-magnetic spin spin splitting is small also for M89 charmonium states and apply naive scaling to the mass of Ψ/J to get a lower bound for the mass of its M89 counterpart. This would give mass of 1.55 TeV which is by a factor 1/2 too small. p-Adic mass calculations lead to the conclusion that c quark is characterized by p≈ 2k, k=104. Naive scaling would give k=104-18= 86 and 1.55 TeV mass for Ψ/J. Nothing however exludes k=84 and the lower bound 3.1 TGD for the mass of Ψ/J. Since color magnetic spin-spin splitting is smaller for M89 pion, same is expected to be true also for charmonium states so that the mass might well be around 3.3 TeV.

To sum up, I hope that no-one really thinks that I am taking this seriously. As a theoretical physicist working in conctact with the observed reality I just cannot avoid the temptation to these silly games games with numbers. There are also many lighter scalar mesons such as η, η' and corresponding vector mesons such as ρ and ω, K* and also these should eventually introduce themselves to the blog audience.

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