Thursday, December 22, 2011

Objection against TGD SUSY

TGD SUSY in its simplest form assumes that covariantly constant right-handed neutrino generates SUSY. The second purely TGD based element is that squarks would correspond to the same p-adic mass scale as partners.

This looks nice but there are objections.

  1. The first objection relates to the tachyonicity needed to get rid of double degeneracy of light mesons consisting of u, d, and s quarks. Mesons and smesons consisting of squark pair mix and for large αs the mixing is large and can indeed make second eigenvalue of the mass squared matrix negative. If so, these states disappears from spectrum. At least to me this looks however somewhat unaesthetic.

    Luckily, the transformation of second pion-like state to tachyon and disappearance from spectrum is not the only possibility. After a painful search I found experimental work claiming the existence of states analogous to ordinary pion with masses 60, 80, 100, 140,.... MeV. Also nucleons have this kind of satellite states. Could it be that one of these states is spion predicted by TGD SUSY for ordinary hadrons? But what about other states? They are not spartners: what are they?

  2. The second objection relates to the missing energy. SUSY signatures involving missing energy have not been observed at LHC. This excludes standard SUSY candidates and could do the same in the case of TGD. In TGD framework the missing energy would be eventually right handed neutrinos resulting from the decays of sfermions to fermion and sneutrino in turn decaying to neutrino and right handed neutrino. The naive argument is that shadronization would be much faster process than the decay of squarks to quarks and spartners of electro-weak gauge bosons and missing energy so that these events would not be observed. Shadrons would in turn decay to hadrons by gluino exchanges. The problem with this argument is that the weak decays of squarks producing right handed neutrinos as missing energy are still there!

    This objection forces to consider the possibility that covariantly constant right handed neutrino which generates SUSY is replaced with a color octet. Color excitations of leptons of leptohadron hypothesis would be sleptons which are color octets so that SUSY for leptons would have been seen already at seventies in the case of electron. The whole picture would be nicely unified. Sleptons and squark states would contain color octet right handed neutrino the same wormhole throats as their em charge resides. In the case of squarks the tensor product 3⊗ 8=3+6bar+15 would give several colored exotics. Triplet squark would be like ordinary quark with respect to color.

    Covariantly constant right-handed neutrino as such would represent pure gauge symmetry, a super-generator annihilating the physical states. Something very similar can occur in the reduction of ordinary SUSY algebra to sub-algebra familiar in string model context. By color confinement missing energy realized as a color octet right handed neutrino could not be produced and one could overcome the basic objections against SUSY by LHC.

What about the claimed anomalous trilepton events at LHC interpreted in terms of SUSY, which however breaks either the conservation of lepton or baryon number. In have proposed TGD based interpretation is in terms of decays of W to sW and sZ which in turn decay and produce the three lepton signature. Suppose that sW and sZ are color octets and that sleptons replace the color octet excitations of leptons responsible for leptohadron physics. One possible decay chain would involve the decays sW+→ sL++νbar and sZ→ L++sL-. Color octet sleptons pair combine to form leptopion which decays to lepton pair. This decay cascade would produce missing energy as neutrino and this seems to be the case for other options too.

This view about TGD SUSY clearly represents a hybrid of the two alternative views about X and Y bosons as composites of either color excitations of quarks or of squarks and is just one possibility. The situation is not completely settled and one must keep mind open.

The reader can find details in the article Do X and Y mesons provide evidence for color excited quarks or squarks? or in the chapter New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I.

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