Tuesday, February 14, 2012

No stop but maybe cold fusion

The rumors about the detection of stop particle at LHC have been circulating for some time. Here stop is understood in the sense of standard SUSY predicting R-parity conservation so that sparticles are produced only in pairs and that stop is the lightest squark. Missing energy corresponding to lightest - and thus stable - neutral sparticle is the basic decay signature of stop in this sense.

For those who took these rumors as more than wishful thinking, the ATLAS collaboration produced a dissappointment: the analysis of integrated luminosity 2.05/fb shows no significant excess. The new limits tell that gluino mass must be above 650 GeV stop mass above 450 GeV.

Also in TGD framework both Higgs and SUSY are also in TGD are creators of tension. It would be nice to have a computer program listing the predictions of the theory but the situation is not so simple. Developing and interpreting the theory is a complex process requiring a continual interaction with experiment making educated guesses. Even in the case of Higgs the situation in TGD is still not closed. Higgs is not needed in TGD and no-Higgs option is the most elegant one: but does Nature think in the same manner as I happen to do just now?

SUSY in TGD sense means that sfermion is obtained by adding right handed neutrino to a wormhole throat carrying quantum numbers of fermion. R-parity as well as B and L are conserved and spartners are created in pairs. The simplest option is that the right-handed neutrino corresponds to a covariantly constant spinor in CP2 degrees of freedom. More complex option possibly allowed by super-conformal symmetry is that right-handed neutrinos appear as color octets.

LHC tells us that sfermions and gluinos are heavy very (TeV mass scale) if they obey standard SUSY. The conclusion comes from the missing missing energy. This conclusion might be circumvented in TGD.

  1. Squarks are colored and interact strongly. This allows them to fuse together to form shadrons: say smesons formed from squark pair. This could be the dominating decay channel leading eventually to ordinary hadrons.

  2. For covariantly constant right handed neutrino this however leaves the decays of squarks to quarks and electroweak gauginos proceeding with a rate fixed by electro-weak gauge symmetry. The situation seems to be like that in standard SUSY. Gauginos would decay eventually produce missing energy seen as righthanded neutrinos which mix with left handed components. It might well be that LHC already kills this option unless one assumes short enough p-adic length scales for squarks which is of course possible.

  3. If right-handed neutrino is in color octet partial wave, the situation changes. Shadrons are the only final states by color confinement and quarks and squarks could have even same p-adic mass scale for both ordinary and M89 hadron physics. Fuel for the speculations with this option comes from so called X and Y bosons, which are charmonium like states which should not be there: are they scharmoniums? There are also two other anomalies discussed in previous posting suggesting that mesons have what I call IR Regge trajectories with mass scale of 38 MeV. They are very natural in TGD framework in which hadrons are accompanied by color magnetic flux tubes behaving like string-like objects and thus contributing to to hadron mass a stringy contribution with a small string tension. Is TGD SUSY needed to explain X and Y boson or could also IR Regge trajectories do the same (probably not): this is the first thing to check. Quite often I feel that this endless questioning rather frustrating. Life would be so easy if I could just believe.

Blind believing makes things simple but eventually it leads to painful conflicts with facts. Lubos has been especially strong believer of stop rumours and it is a pity that he is wrong again with so much authority a (big names such as Gell Mann) behind his arguments;-).

This is hard time for Lubos also otherwise;-): Lubos has used all tools of bad rhetorics to attack cold fusion but demonstrations continue to generate support for the effect. The progress of physics understood as a reductionistic (and highly imperialistic;-)) enterprise proceeding to shorter and shorter length scales has perhaps been quite not so successful as we have been taught. There are a lot of bridges of belief on the road of reductionism and this particular bridge - the belief that there is no interaction between atomic and nuclear length scales - might be collapsing under merciless pressures of cold fusion researchers whom Lubos does not want to count as scientists at all. It might be that we do not understand nuclear physics properly, and this mis-understanding - if it continues- can have profound impact on the future of our civilization.

Even worse, there will be a cold fusion colloqium - and believe or not - at CERN! On Thursday, March 22nd. I have written some postings earlier debunking the cold fusion debunkings of Lubos (see for instance this). I admit that I have to make a conscious effort to keep a fully serious face;-). Here is the rant of Lubos inspired by cold fusion colloqium at CERN. Lubos is learning- or at least he should finally learn - that authority means absolutely nothing for Nature.


Mitchell said...

After reading this I had a wacky idea that you might like: dark fusion! Or in general the idea of capturing energy from ambient dark matter, with a system tuned to absorb it. said...

Dark matter understood as a hierarchy of phases with increasing Planck constant is indeed in a key role in TGD inspired model of cold fusion.

One can of course imagine many options. The most plausible option is that the magnetic bodies of quarks and/or nuclei are dark and could have scaled up sizes scaling like hbar.

Weak interactions mediated by space-time sheet with scaled up hbar could have range of order atomic length scale or even longer as indeed suggested to be at some space-time sheets relevant to living matter.

Nuclear string model predicts that nucleons are connected by color magnetic flux tubes having quark and antiquark at ends and the quark pair could be also charged. This predicts a lot of new exotic nuclei whose ground state energies could be rather near to those of ordinary nuclei, perhaps in keV range. Also these could be relevant for cold fusion as the analysis of Rossi's claims suggests.

For details see

Ulla said...