Saturday, January 26, 2013

Strange pulsar

The following abstract summarizes the discovery of a pulsar showing behavior which challenges all pulsar emission theories.

Pulsars emit from low-frequency radio waves up to high-energy gamma-rays, generated anywhere from the stellar surface out to the edge of the magnetosphere. Detecting correlated mode changes across the electromagnetic spectrum is therefore key to understanding the physical relationship among the emission sites. Through simultaneous observations, we detected synchronous switching in the radio and x-ray emission properties of PSR B0943+10. When the pulsar is in a sustained radio-"bright" mode, the x-rays show only an un-pulsed, non-thermal component. Conversely, when the pulsar is in a radio-"quiet" mode, the x-ray luminosity more than doubles and a 100 per cent pulsed thermal component is observed along with the non-thermal component. This indicates rapid, global changes to the conditions in the magnetosphere, which challenge all proposed pulsar emission theories.

The first explanation that comes in mind in TGD framework relies on the notion of magnetic body as a representation for the magnetic field for an object considered. This is topologically quantized and consists of flux tubes and sheets having onion-like structure. In TGD inspired quantum biology magnetic body carrying dark matter as phases with large effective value of Planck constant is the key concept and its size even in the case of human body can be astrophysical. The magnetic body describing the magnetosphere of the pulsar could behave like a single coherent unit even in quantum sense. If it contains dark matter, the outcome could be a coherent non-thermal emission of X rays.

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