Saturday, October 04, 2014

Standard SUSY or M89 hadron physics?

MSSM (Minimal supersymmetry extension of standard model) predicts 4 CP even Higgs like states and 1 CP odd meson like state. Lubos Motl has sent several postings related to this bump which he wants to see as a candidate for CP even Higgs. There is indeed evidence for a meson like state at mass around 135 GeV from several sources.

For 15 months ago Lubos told about 2.7 sigma excess from CMS suggesting the existence of a meson like state at 136.6 GEV - the mass of Higgs is 125 GeV. One year ago Lubos told about evidence for dilepton decays (e+e- and μ+ μ- as final states) for a state in the mass interval 130-140 GeV.

Lubos wants to interpret the possibly existing meson-like state as Higgs like state predicted by SUSY: this would require state to be CP even. I checked that CMS collaboration says nothing about whether the possible state is CP even or odd. For CP=+1 the meson is an analog of Higgs particle and MSSM or its suitable generalization might explain it. For CP=-1 meson is pionlike state and standard extensions of standard model are in difficulties.

In the most recent posting Lubos tells about a proposed interpretation of the 135 bump as SUSY Higgs boson. MSSM does not however work and one must extend the model. Typically these models require low stop quark mass - contrary to naive intuitions stop would be the lightest squark). If the mass of stop is not near to that of top the lower bound from ATLAS and CMS is around 700 GeV but there is little ray of hope for SUSY builders: mass range near top quark mass. Also this little hope is however steadily diminishing. Jester told this morning about new ATLAS lower limit for stop quark mass: it is around 190 GeV (to be compared with 170 GeV for top). I would not be surprised if heavy stop would destroy also this model.

In TGD framework the identification as pion of M89 hadron physics with mass scale 512 times higher than that of ordinary hadron physics indeed makes sense. I have talked a lot about M89 hadron physics. As a matter fact, my first wrong identification of bump at 125 GeV which turned out to be the Higgs was as M89 pion. Now it has become clear that TGD certainly predicts Higgs like state, that all candidates for Higgs vacuum expectation have been short-lived and that there is no need for them. The massivation of elementary takes place by p-adic thermodynamics which is something totally new since it definitely leaves quantum field theory framework, where only the mimicry of massivation is possible, not its real understanding. In cosmology QFT description fails for the period before what mainstream wants to call inflation and the counterpart of inflationary period itself. In biology, where the many-sheetedness of space-time and new view about classical fields are in key role, QFT fails too.

There is obviously a serious conflict of interests! Lubos wants the possibly existent 135 state to be SUSY Higgs (CP even) and I want it to be M89 pion (CP odd). If the particle really exists then this tiny CP bit could become the stone thrown by the tiny David and killing the Big Goliath!

There are also two-year old observations of Fermi telescope (see this) suggesting the presence of a monochromatic gamma ray line at 135 GeV. One explanation would be the decay of 270 GeV pion-like state to two gammas. Why the mass should be twice the mass of M89 pion? p-Adic length scales hypothesis allows mass scales coming as half octaves and thus mass octaves of pion-like states and I have proposed for years ago that this phenomenon in the case of what I call tau-pions which I used to explain CDF anomaly forgotten long time ago (TGD allows also leptons to have coloured excitations and thus to form what one can call leptohadrons). Another possibility that one can imagine that two 135 GeV pion-like states very nearly at rest annihilate to two gamma rays.

One should mention also that the measurement of the W+W- cross-section has been consistently ∼ 20 per cent higher than the theoretical prediction across both ATLAS and CMS for both 7 and 8 TeV runs. SUSY inspired explanation would be in terms of light stop. In this model W pair results from stop pair. The decay chain begins with the decay stop → χ+/-b to chargino and b quark followed by the decay χ+/-→ χ0W+/-
of chargino to neutralino and W boson in turn decaying to lepton or quark pair.

The best fit gives m(stop)=212 GeV, which is dangerously near to the lower bound 190 GeV. Maybe it is safer to not stop that ambulance although the title of the preprint recommends this! The mass difference stop-χ+/- would be 7 GeV and neutralino mass would be 150 GeV so that chargino decay to neutralino plus W cannot produced on mass shell particles. If chargino with mass of 205 GeV and neutralino with mass 150 GeV are on mass shell at rest then W boson would get 55 GeV energy and would be virtual and can of course decay to lepton pair or quark pair.

Could the presence of M89 pion at energy 135 GeV help to understand the discrepancy of WW production? Could the decays u89 → bW of M89 u quark and antiquark inside M89 pion explain the enhanced W pair production? Professional might be able to answer the question immediately. π89 decays to a pair of virtual u89 quarks with mass one half of that for π89 that is 67.5 GeV not far from the 55 GeV above. Hence t→ Wb decays produce virtual W boson with energy not far from that in supersymmetric model (the mass of W boson is 80 GeV and b quark mass is around 4 GeV). Maybe the model cannot be killed without more detailed calculations.

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