Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Evidence for astrophysical phase transitions of ordinary matter to dark matter?

I received a link to an interesting article about the problem of unseen neutron stars. According to current astrophysical and cosmological models, several hundred pulsars should be orbiting the supermassive blackhole believed to reside at the heart of the Milky Way. The searches for these pulsars by looking for radio waves has found none. This is known as missing pulsar problem.

Researchers suggest that dark matter could destroy these neutron stars by transforming the to black holes. In a region of high particle density an enormous amount of dark matter particles could accumulate in a pulsar, causing it to grow massive enough to collapse and form black hole.

A TGD variant of this explanation would be that ordinary matter in neutron stars suffers a phase transition to dark matter, which in TGD framework corresponds to a phase of ordinary matter with non-standard value of Planck constant heff= n×h and becomes invisible. As a matter of fact, blackholes in TGD Universe would most naturally consist of dark matter. Also the interior of blackhole would be different: at the space-time sheet defining the should-be blackhole the metric would have Euclidian signature: an enormous wormhole contact with size scaled up by heff/h to a size above Schwartschild radius would be in question carrying matter at its boundary. Also astrophysical objects consisting of ordinary matter would have formed around dark matter seeds. For instance, planetary orbits could have contained torus-like accumulations of dark matter and might still do so.

One can couple this assumption with the proposal of Nottale introducing gravitational Planck constant hgr= GMm/v0, where v0 corresponds rotational velocity scale in a system of masses M and m. The gravitational Compton length does Lgr=hgr/m= GM/v0 does not depend on particle mass at all, which makes the situation ideal for macroscopic quantum coherence. Note that the radius is larger than the Schwartschild radius rs= 2GM for v0/c<1/2. Upper bound might be actually light velocity: at this time of day I am too tired to to check the numerical factor, sorry!;-)

One of the basic predictions relates to gravitational radiation: low frequency dark gravitons would have energies scaled up by a factor heff/h= n from their values for ordinary gravitons. The detection of dark graviton would require a phase transition of the dark graviton into a high energy ordinary graviton or a bunch of ordinary gravitons. Without this decay dark gravitons are not observed at all. All these options could mean that LIGO will not observe gravitons at all since ordinary and dark gravitons behave very differently!

If m is some elementary particle mass, the values Planck constant are of the same order of magnitude as needed in TGD inspired model of living matter. The proportionalty of heff/h to m implies that cyclotron energies of charged particles do not depend on the particle mass at all and the spectrum of energies is universal. This would mean in living matter that the energy scale is in the range of visible and UV energies for photons guaranteeing that the effects on organic molecules are maximal. Bio-photons would result in a phase transition transforming them to ordinary photons with ordinary value of Planck constant.

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